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2673653 CF-4119834 Reporting : Report Designer Carsten Pohl Report Builder lost SQL advanced Query after closing file Problem Description: Report lost after save and closing the SQL query in the view. The report works fine but you can't change the query. Steps to Reproduce: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
2613796 CF-3162615 Reporting : Report Designer ext-user Logo and version number has to be updated for Report builder Problem: Logo and version number of Cf10 has to be updated for Report builder. Report builder icon needs to have new logo. After successful installation, when report builder
2602695 CF-3036571 Reporting : Report Designer Mike Greider Bug 73471:(Watson Migration Closure)Please add in the "Final Page Footer" report band within the CF Report Builder Problem: Please add in the "Final Page Footer" report band within the CF Report Builder. JasperReports supports
2597663 CF-3043018 Reporting : Report Designer Antoinette Stanley Bug 85493:(Watson Migration Closure)I'd like to see the ability to display a crosstab query using the report builder Problem: I'd like to see the ability to display a crosstab query using the report builder Method
2597696 CF-3042917 Reporting : Report Designer Ralf Guttmann Bug 85276:(Watson Migration Closure)I am defining a report in CF9 Report Builder Problem: I am defining a report in CF9 Report Builder. When I use Country Settings für Germany, it is not possible to define charts in the report. Report
5420626 CF-4204059 Reporting : Report Designer No € symbol anymore in *.cfr Reports Problem Description: We’ve upgraded from CF-11 to CF-2016 Update 9 (Enterprise Versions). We have hundreds of Report Builder files which where working fine with CF-11. In CF-2016, no € symbols are displayed in our
2598687 CF-3041053 Reporting : Report Designer Andrew Scott Bug 82295:(Watson Migration Closure)When creating a report to be displayed in PDF format, we had used the LSCurrencyFormat to display the amount in that currency Problem: When creating a report to be displayed in PDF format, we had used
2603205 CF-3035882 Reporting : Report Designer Mike Greider Bug 72754:(Watson Migration Closure)Please allow one of the two following options (preferably the first option): Problem: Please allow one of the two following options (preferably the first option): 1) Have the option of Report Footer
"); parameters = {ReportTitle="pcsilva Teste"}; JasperManager = Server.getClass().forName("net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperManager").newInstance(); JasperDesign = JasperManager.loadXmlDesign("#ExpandPath('teste.jrxml')#"); JasperReport = JasperManager.compileReport(JasperDesign); JasperPrint = JasperManager.fillReport(JasperReport
2600216 CF-3039266 Reporting : Report Designer Chris Long Bug 78760:(Watson Migration Closure)When changing a field (such as a query field) border the field that was set to transparent sets it's self back to opaque Problem: When changing a field (such as a query field) border the field
2603204 CF-3035883 Reporting : Report Designer Mike Greider Bug 72755:(Watson Migration Closure)Once you group a few elements together (I used both labels and fields), you can not ungroup them Problem: Once you group a few elements together (I used both labels and fields), you can not ungroup them
of the report was challenging the way it is been designed, so in my mind that is not a valid reason for closing the ticket. Please either re-open and make the change as requested or provide a reason as to why it shouldn't be done.
2609149 CF-3920947 Paul N. The stubs generated by Axis 2 are not threasafe. A bug is already raised on Axis 2 for the same. They have replied it is as per design. As the reporter said, the workaround is to use different stub instances
2597664 CF-3043015 Reporting : Report Designer Antoinette Stanley Bug 85492:(Watson Migration Closure)I am using cf9 report builder to generate a PDF of a pie chart with many slices (i Problem: I am using cf9 report builder to generate a PDF of a pie chart with many slices (i.e. 14) . When I
2672827 CF-4161484 External U. The reported bug is that paths in stack traces are inconsistent. This is a bug, I am not withdrawing it, and if this is really 'as designed'... we're all in trouble.
2609632 CF-3818547 External U. AsDesigned and Withdrawn both seem like invalid for closing this. Of course it works as designed, but thats why it is a enhancement request and shouldn't withdrawn be something the reporter does. There should be some reasoning explaining why this doesn't deserve
2597627 CF-3043142 Reporting : Report Designer Gary Oviatt Bug 85935:(Watson Migration Closure)Field is stretched to print the first 4 lines of text input field, but not the remaining 3 lines Problem: Field is stretched to print the first 4 lines of text input field, but not the remaining 3 lines
2603206 CF-3035881 Reporting : Report Designer Mike Greider Bug 72753:(Watson Migration Closure)If you set the page footer band height to a small number (like Problem: If you set the page footer band height to a small number (like .01) and set all elements to grow and expand, the PDF output
Var1 and myvar2, you have yours and she has hers, on this occasion"). So the question arises why you would want to use such a design. Especially as it could be a distraction in a bug report. A closure represents a function. As such it encapsulates behaviour. Behaviour has, by design, local context
2609689 CF-3802931 External U. Really? As designed?? Well perhaps you ought to update the documentation. At the moment the description states "Performs a full date/time comparison of two dates." There is no mention of it interpreting dates and then performing the comparison. On the off
2597794 CF-3042593 Aaron N. Seconding Adam's question: WHY is this by design? Deleting a variable out of a scope should not force future unscoped variables into that scope. How can doing so possibly make any sense?? BTW, I reported this in CF9, so you had plenty of time to fix it to avoid any
importantly, the input parameters (getting name, label, data-type and the design-time default value. This ability would be particularly useful when allowing capable end-users to create their own reports with the Report Builder, but would remove much opportunity for errors when setting up configurations
Charlie Arehart Andy, there is indeed a lot about the PMT that can be hard to setup, as there are so many moving parts--and all the more when the PMT and (its datastore) are on separate machines from the server(s) to be monitored. Yes, of course, that's how it's DESIGNED to work. I'm just saying
2608722 CF-4017604 External U. Must agree that if this is by design, it's a terrible one :-( If I have webservices that changed, there's no way to know which ones are cached, so I can go in and refresh them. I'm facing an issue with it right now, as I need to wait for a client to report errors
InDesign Web Service Stub creation fails with variable sessionID is already defined in method error
. MaryJo reported similar issues with IsValid in CF9 on April 18, 2012 ( and it was closed as "Withdrawn/AsDesigned". This issue had 15 votes and 4 comments from end users. Now MaryJo has once again reported this against a BETA version of CF11
James Moberg We've encountered some unpreventable ColdFusion hard errors (that can't be prevented using try/catch) when using ReReplaceNoCase() in our application framework.  Here are some reported bugs that are similar: https
Comment on Security Code Analyzer reports false positives for upload code, and repeats warnings/errors by CFwatson U.
James Moberg We've encountered some unpreventable ColdFusion hard errors (that can't be prevented using try/catch) when using ReReplaceNoCase() in our application framework.  Here are some reported bugs that are similar:
use the underlying JDBC specification when it comes to read meta data from the used JDBC driver.In my case the resulting CF query object of a SQL query returned the wrong column names. More specifically, the columns in the database define label declarations (used for reporting / output stuff
not run long without it. And it's true that Java 8 and above has replaced the "permspace" with the "metaspace". But they are not EXACTLY equivalent, in purpose or design. First and most important, in Java 8 and above, there IS no longer a "default max" for maxmetaspacesize (like there was for maxpermsize
Toolset (PMT). The result is that your ColdFusion installation will still contain PMT's settings. For example, the Heartbeat settings. This is poor design and goes against general software best-practice. That is because it increases coupling, introducing the possibility of avoidable faults, reduces
an object of type coldfusion.sql.QueryDetails cannot be cast to java.lang.String to an incompatible type. This usually indicates a programming error in Java, although it could also mean you have tried to use a foreign object in a different way than it was designed. coldfusion.sql.QueryDetails cannot be cast
request runs as expected, producing the designed result. Steps to Reproduce: Our ColdFusion instance uses the following code in the onApplicationStart() eventhandler: try { restInitApplication(this.appRoot & "nl/deviant/stdrdr/rest", "srv2", {isDefault=false}); } catch (any e) { //Do