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Add Support for Map/Reduce/Filter/Each Functions for Query Objects
Comment on Add Support for Map/Reduce/Filter/Each Functions for Query Objects by External U.
Comment on Add Support for Map/Reduce/Filter/Each Functions for Query Objects by External U.
Comment on Add Support for Map/Reduce/Filter/Each Functions for Query Objects by External U.
Comment on Add Support for Map/Reduce/Filter/Each Functions for Query Objects by External U.
Comment on Add Support for Map/Reduce/Filter/Each Functions for Query Objects by External U.
Comment on Add Support for Map/Reduce/Filter/Each Functions for Query Objects by External U.
ashudeeps55469743 Member Functions introduced in ColdFusion (2018 release) In the 2018 release of ColdFusion, we have introduced new Built-In Functions(BIF) to manipulate different objects using a single line invocation. Query Functions QueryDeleteRow( Object query, int rowNum ) Query
Comment on Bug 75399:(Watson Migration Closure)The newly introduced query() function doesn't allow us building Query of queries by Nimit S.
the query that would be duplicated. If the rest of the code (creating the dupe) were itself in some other function or method of a CFC, that is where it would be important to have var-scoped the rest. (I know you and Grae know this. I'm writing for other readers.)
Comment on Query data type should support keyExists member function by Awdhesh K.
Grae Desmond Thanks for this, i can see some uses right away.  Couple questions. Does this run faster than query of queries? Some cases required duplicating the query to do the function.  Any concerns on memory usage or is the idea you won't need to do that enough that it matters?   Thanks
6950233 CF-4207624 Documentation Query serialization based on URL Regarding there's a part that states `Note that "struct" is also available to be accessible
3804410 CF-4200408 Carl V. Bug is in the core query-of-query functionality, not just query.cfc.
Michaela Light ColdFusion Query of Queries (Streamline your Processes) Finding detailed information in a large database can sometimes be a daunting task. Fortunately, with ColdFusion, you make your searches and data pull a breeze with Query of Queries! Utilizing this awesome function is sure
Argument is not treated as a struct by Query functions
2608701 CF-4020668 Language Adam Cameron sort() / querySort() for Query objects Duplicate ID: CF-3863003 This is overspill from Pls implement Query.sort(callback) & and querySort(query, callback) functions. These should be inline
Comment on Alternatives to Query of Query by Charlie Arehart
2609246 CF-3864595 Himavanth R. Added ValueArray headless function and also as a member function for query object since ValueArray made more sense than ValueList It takes the query object and columnName string and returns an array. This is more intuitive function signature though
Query data type should support keyExists member function
Comment on Alternatives to Query of Query by aliaspooryorik
Comment on Enable "spreadsheet to query" for functions by External U.
Comment on Enable "spreadsheet to query" for functions by External U.
back as normal queries. I realize CF is supposed to convert the wsdl item which is actually a querybean, but it does not seem to be doing so in this case. Steps to Reproduce: Create a WSDL (remote) function with an empty query. Call that function from either createobject or cfinvoke. Actual Result
Bug 75399:(Watson Migration Closure)The newly introduced query() function doesn't allow us building Query of queries
2596901 CF-3486277 Nimit S. This is now possible with QueryExecute function in ColdFusion 11.
Q - Actual Result: length of column is 0 Expected Result: length of column is 4 Any Workarounds: build the query manually or use Java's removeRows() function to remove rows from the original query. ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID
. Actual Result: Old data returned with old cache. Expected Result: New data returned. Any Workarounds:Run the cacheRemove function on the query id.
Introduce queryGetResult() for the corresponding member function, query.getResult()
Comment on Improve scalar functions in query of query by External U.
Comment on Improve scalar functions in query of query by External U.
Comment on Improve scalar functions in query of query by External U.
SetCell(unsorted,"col2","col2 #a#"); QuerySetCell(unsorted,"col3","#a#"); […] The post Query component bug returns extra column appeared first on ColdFusion. cfquery,Discussion,Language,bug,cfml tag/function,ColdFusion,language,major,major bug,of,queries,query,query of queries
as normal queries. I realize CF is supposed to convert the wsdl item which is actually a querybean, but it does not seem to be doing so in this case. Steps to Reproduce: Create a WSDL (remote) function with an empty query. Call that function from either createobject or cfinvoke. Actual Result: Empty
Comment on Query data type should support keyExists member function by External U.
2843197 CF-4198333 Language : Functions Henry Ho queryNew rowData attribute does not accept coldfusion.runtime.ArgumentCollection Problem Description: queryNew rowData attribute does not accept a struct with java type coldfusion.runtime.ArgumentCollection Steps to Reproduce: function test(arg1
Dave Ferguson Unioning queries using query of query Here is how you can union together two queries using query of query. This function would take two queries and use query of query to combine them into a single query. The code below assumes the columns from the two source queries are identical. You
single row, specifically the first row of data. The query object seems to function correctly otherwise (cfdump correctly shows all data, recordcount variable returns correct count etc). Steps to Reproduce: Create query object on CF10. Serialise to Base64 using toBase64 and objectsave. Copy serialised
Comment on queryExecute - Add Map function by Vamseekrishna N.
2608701 CF-4020668 External U. Hi Adam, Callback feature is now in the following docs: Query
Comment on Enable "spreadsheet to query" for functions by Vamseekrishna N.
Comment on Remove Query.cfc functions as it's broken and won't be fixed by Aaron N.
Comment on Query data type should support keyExists member function by External U.
2614213 CF-3125794 Administrator : Admin API Aaron Neff Admin API missing call for CF Admin's "Clear Query Cache Now" option Admin API appears to be missing the "Clear Query Cache Now" function (from Caching page of CF Admin) for clearing Ehcache’d queries. Basically, there's no Admin API function
isNull() Fails When Using Scoped Query Variable
Comment on Provide more fully featured version of Query of Queries (QoQ). Support more functions by External U.
Comment on Provide more fully featured version of Query of Queries (QoQ). Support more functions by External U.
Comment on Provide more fully featured version of Query of Queries (QoQ). Support more functions by External U.
Comment on Provide more fully featured version of Query of Queries (QoQ). Support more functions by Aaron N.
Comment on Provide more fully featured version of Query of Queries (QoQ). Support more functions by Jack D.
Comment on Introduce queryGetResult() for the corresponding member function, query.getResult() by External U.
Comment on Query data type should support keyExists member function by Suchika S.
Comment on Enable "spreadsheet to query" for functions by External U.
Comment on Remove Query.cfc functions as it's broken and won't be fixed by James M.
We should change the member function name from Query.swap() to Query.rowSwap
Comment on Introduce queryGetResult() for the corresponding member function, query.getResult() by External U.
Comment on Improve scalar functions in query of query by External U.
Comment on Improve scalar functions in query of query by External U.
Comment on Improve scalar functions in query of query by External U.
Comment on Improve scalar functions in query of query by External U.
Comment on Query data type should support keyExists member function by Awdhesh K.
Comment on Remove Query.cfc functions as it's broken and won't be fixed by James M.
Comment on Query data type should support keyExists member function by External U.
Comment on Query data type should support keyExists member function by Aaron N.
Replacing QueryConvertForGrid with Window functions and Common Table Expressions
4780558 CF-4203307 Benjamin M. So the QueryExecute function did not cause this issue to occur under the same circumstances. It seems to only be in the query object. Our development team prefers to use the query object over the QueryExecute function, so it is likely we will maintain our own fix
Comment on Provide more fully featured version of Query of Queries (QoQ). Support more functions by External U.
Comment on Provide more fully featured version of Query of Queries (QoQ). Support more functions by Aaron N.
multiline sql script with line breaks). Method: Create any .cfm page and in it create a method to return a query, modify table and column names to match your local test environment against an existing datasource (all via cfscript): public any function tstQuery(required Numeric columnAParam){var _query
using a query name scope within the isNull() function: isNull(queryName.queryColumn) writeoutput(server.coldfusion.productversion & ""); writeoutput(application.applicationname); person = queryNew("id,title","Integer,Varchar", [ {id=1,title="One"}, {id=2,title="Two"}, {id=3,title
2608693 CF-4022420 External U. Oh, and these: Query.every(Function): returns true if all rows in the query fulfills the test. ALl collections should have this method. Query.filter(String): where String is an SQL WHERE clause, and query and clause are passed to the QoQ engine. Maybe call this Query
2602151 CF-3037173 Nimit S. Please use queryExecute function introduced in ColdFusion 11. We have stopped making any enhancements to query.cfc
2672575 CF-4186779 Nimit S. Its a valid bug but there is no active development on these CFCs and we recommend to use QueryExecute function. So closing this issue. Please let us know if you face any issue related to QueryExecute.
Comment on Remove Query.cfc functions as it's broken and won't be fixed by John W.
Provide more fully featured version of Query of Queries (QoQ). Support more functions
Comment on Improve scalar functions in query of query by External U.
Comment on Enable "spreadsheet to query" for functions by External U.
Iterator methods for queries not available as member functions.
Remove Query.cfc functions as it's broken and won't be fixed
2682634 CFB-3800302 Aaron N. I've verified this is fixed in CFB2016 Update 4 (build In the following, "Query" and "Numeric" are correctly colored, the same color as when they're each/both lowercased: ----------- component { public Query function myFunction(Numeric my
Comment on CF9 Query of Queries on CF10 Query object only returns the first row by Himavanth R.
Comment on Please add more built-in closure functions: Array/Struct/List/QueryMap, Array/Struct/List/QueryReduce by External U.
4780558 CF-4203307 Nimit S. Hi Benjamin, Thanks for reporting this issue.  We are not actively maintaining Query.cfc file. I have introduced a QueryExecute function in ColdFusion 11. I would recommend you to try this scenario with QueryExecute function. [
Map, Reduce, and Filter functions in a query object in ColdFusion
Comment on Improve scalar functions in query of query by Rupesh K.
Comment on Improve scalar functions in query of query by External U.
Comment on Improve scalar functions in query of query by External U.
Comment on Improve scalar functions in query of query by External U.
Comment on Please add some additional functionality to query of queries in upcoming versions by Vamseekrishna N.
Comment on Please add some additional functionality to query of queries in upcoming versions by External U.
Comment on Please add some additional functionality to query of queries in upcoming versions by External U.
Comment on Introduce queryGetResult() for the corresponding member function, query.getResult() by External U.
2609792 CF-3769705 Nimit S. QueryExecute() function has been introduced in ColdFusion 11 which addresses this issue.
2673605 CF-4123732 External U. Just noting that the issue does not affect queryEach(): q4 = queryNew("foobar", "", [["foo"],["bar"]]); q5 = queryExecute("SELECT * FROM q4", [], {dbtype="query", cachedWithin=createTimeSpan(0,0,0,30)}); q5.each(function() { writeDump(ARGUMENTS); abort
Comment on Add Functionality Similar to queryExecute for Stored Procedures by Carl V.
SauravGhosh CFFiddle for Flow control tags and a few more functions Picking up from where we left off on updating the docs with CFFiddle links, we have now extended the links to the following tag and function categories: File functions Query functions Decision functions Data output functions Flow
Query cfdump fields not aligned with data V2
Please add some additional functionality to query of queries in upcoming versions