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[LOC]: Clicking on Policies tab in the publisher portal redirects to login page.
Comment on [LOC]: Clicking on Policies tab in the publisher portal redirects to login page. by Abhijit D.
Comment on [LOC]: Clicking on Policies tab in the publisher portal redirects to login page. by Arpit G.
3120292 CF-4198745 API Manager : Publisher Portal Setting to specify chunked encoding for request data Problem: Introduce a setting to specify chunked encoding for request data. Default value needs to be false. Method: Result: Expected: Workaround: Note:
3092847 CF-4198672 API Manager : Publisher Portal edit-API.png icon is not visible on non-windows platform Problem: edit-API.png icon is not visible on non-windows platform Method: 1. Install APIM on non-windows platform. 2. Login into Publisher portal 3. Navigate to Policies > Threat Protection
trouble spots even more difficult. We were running into an issue with an API that we published in the Publisher Portal. We were experiencing some odd behavior with the response. The Try It Now feature is a good an […] Blog,api manager,logging,response and request logging,Try it now
ImmanuelNoel Hi, A user with publisher permissions would be allowed to login into the API Manager Portal (localhost:9000/portal), and not the API Manager Administrator (localhost:9000/admin). Can you please confirm if "localhost:9000/portal" is where you are trying to login? The publisher would
2672890 CF-4158293 API Manager : Publisher Portal ext-user Content Type for POST requests with FORM Data needs to be "APPLICATION/X-WWW-FORM-URLENCODED" Problem: When POST request type is used with FORM data, API Manager tryout adds "APPLICATION/X-FORM-URLENCODED" as the default consumes type
2672446 CF-4195820 API Manager : Localization ext-user [LOC]: Strings are not appearing for Policies view during API creation Problem: Strings are not appearing for Policies view during API creation Method: 1. Login to Publisher portal 2. Create a Rest API 3. Go to Policies tab Result: No Strings
won’t be published? appeared first on ColdFusion. Community Portal,Question,ColdFusion,question
Swagger import options and logging for API request and response. It also fixes several bugs in security, publisher portal and server core and workflows related to SOAP proxy, Swagger and SOAP to REST. For further details on the new features, the installation instructions and […] Adobe Cold
David Byers Articles not being approved? I have a couple of articles that have been pending approval for months now.  Can you tell me if/when they will be published? Since January 10 Since November 2 The post
3099037 CF-4198708 API Manager : Publisher Portal APIM throws SoapProxy related exception when we update the existing REST API. Problem: APIM throws SoapProxy related exception when we update the existing REST API. Method: 1. Register a REST API using the Manual API creation process. 2. Open
:25:11.052 [main] INFO - Deploying Publisher and Admin Portal ... 03:25:11.052 [main] INFO - Starting Log service 03:25:11.095 [main] INFO - Starting Metrics service Exception in thread "main" com.adobe.amp.spi.ServiceException: Not able to connect to ElasticSearch server. at com
the security of information you enter into this website, the publisher of this content does not allow it to be displayed in a frame. What you can try: Open this content in a new window ----------- 4) For the "ColdFusion Thunder - It's all new IDE" (and, BTW, that's missing the word "an" after "It