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Comment on Unable to change Administrator password for user by Priyank S.
Tracker Comment Comment on poor error handling when neo-cron.xml is corrupted or truncated by Priyank S.
Comment on poor error handling when neo-cron.xml is corrupted or truncated by Priyank S.
Tracker Comment Comment on CfScript ORM mapping annotation for param/sequence does not work by Priyank S.
Comment on CfScript ORM mapping annotation for param/sequence does not work by Priyank S.
6218357 CF-4205219 LOUIS S. It was a separate machine. The issue was solved. Priyank helped me and this solved it: Register the TypeViewer.dll, located at {cf-install}/cfusion/lib/ at the command prompt using the command below: regsvr32.exe /s /path/to/dll/TypeViewer.dll
, “Using JNDI we can switch to different datasource pool which have non blocking implementation. Ah, so can you clarify more on how you did that? That sounds very interesting.
And I wonder (Priyank or anyone else) if we might also be able to configure NON-jndi dsn’s to be non
Portal Topic Guide to configure JNDI datasource in ColdFusion
Priyank Shrivastava Guide to configure JNDI datasource in ColdFusion Here’s a guide to show you how to configure JNDI datasource in ColdFusion 2018. 1. Get the JDBC Driver The JDBC Driver needs to be placed in ColdFusion2018/cfusion/lib folder. 2. context.xml configuration Add a resource block