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Tracker Issue Bug 86140:-(Watson Migration Closure)[maestrofjp] The function ParseDateTime() incorrect parses Unix Datetime strings
2597611 CF-3043270 Language : Functions Peter Farrell Bug 86140:-(Watson Migration Closure)[maestrofjp] The function ParseDateTime() incorrect parses Unix Datetime strings Problem:
[maestrofjp] The function ParseDateTime() incorrect parses Unix Datetime strings.{ts '2000-12-23 05
2597303 CF-3044008 Language : Functions Peter Farrell Bug 87083:(Watson Migration Closure)[maestrofjp] You should be able to set an implicit datatype to a STRING (like a database or XML file) and run Evaluate() on that string to deserialize that into a CFML data struct Problem:
[maestrofjp] You
2599211 CF-3040473 ORM Support Peter Farrell Bug 80876:Running getMetadata(myBean) does not generate "access" attribute metadata for getters and settters that are generated with cfproperty Problem:
Running getMetadata(myBean) does not generate "access" attribute metadata for getters and settters
2615501 CF-3043269 Language : Functions Peter Farrell Bug 86138:I proposed a new function to the OpenBD folks on their tracker a while back to help in the RegEx area of the language Problem:
I proposed a new function to the OpenBD folks on their tracker a while back to help in the RegEx area
2616135 CF-3041918 Language : Tags Peter Farrell Bug 83894:[pfarrell] Implemented htmlBody() function and tag as implemented by OpenBD already and suggested to Railo Problem:
[pfarrell] Implemented htmlBody() function and tag as implemented by OpenBD already and suggested to Railo
2597976 CF-3041878 Language : Functions Peter Farrell Bug 83808:[pfarrell] Working with HTTP time string dates is a pain in CFML because there is no built in function that converts a HTTP time string into a CFML datetime Problem:
[pfarrell] Working with HTTP time string dates is a pain in CFML
2598651 CF-3041092 Language : Tags Peter Farrell Bug 82362:[Update - This bug was marked as duplicate and closed as duplicate because we were tracking the same issue with another internal bug 82361 Duplicate ID: CF-3035771
[Update - This bug was marked as duplicate and closed
2599925 CF-3039575 Text Search : Solr Peter Farrell Bug 79301:(Watson Migration Closure)cfsearch should have an option to return results from Solr in the native Solr format instead of auto-transforming them into Verity-esque results Problem:
cfsearch should have an option to return results from
2600091 CF-3039398 Language : CF Component Peter Farrell Bug 78990:(Watson Migration Closure)The new CFC-Bean functionality breaks all version of Mach-II when used with the extremely common XML command in Mach-II because no init() available Problem:
The new CFC-Bean functionality breaks all
Tracker Issue Bug 78782:The value provided by cgi
2600204 CF-3039278 General Server Peter Farrell Bug 78782:The value provided by cgi Problem:
The value provided by cgi.path_info gets truncated if a semi-colon exists in the stringFor example this url:/index.cfm/pathInfoGetsTruncatedAfterThe;YouDoNotSeeMe/Shows up as this when outputing cgi
2597302 CF-3044009 Language : Datastructure Peter Farrell Bug 87084:[maestrofjp] I've confirmed there is a bug in ACF9 having to do with StructKeyDelete() and structs shared by reference Problem:
[maestrofjp] I've confirmed there is a bug in ACF9 having to do with StructKeyDelete() and structs