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Tracker Issue CFINDEX and Sandbox security
2611090 CF-3641897 Security Pascal Destailleur CFINDEX and Sandbox security Problem Description: CFINDEX not indexing from a query when Sandbox Security is enabled
Steps to Reproduce: enable sandbox security, create a collection and index with:
Actual Result: no insert in the index
Tracker Issue cfdocument png problem
2608631 CF-4042682 Document Management Pascal Destailleur cfdocument png problem Problem Description:
I have a document containing different barcodes (PNG images). The barcodes included in the document are reused, resulting in incorrect barcodes in the document.
Steps to Reproduce:
The barcodes
Tracker Issue coldfusion does not recognize the user-agent string of IE11 and uses the embed-tag instead of the object-tag for flash-forms
2610253 CF-3714577 Flex/Flash Pascal Destailleur coldfusion does not recognize the user-agent string of IE11 and uses the embed-tag instead of the object-tag for flash-forms Problem Description:coldfusion does not recognize the user-agent string of IE11 and uses the embed-tag instead of the object
Tracker Issue new query in cfscript causes NoSuchFieldException error
2608767 CF-4010005 Language Pascal Destailleur new query in cfscript causes NoSuchFieldException error Duplicate ID: CF-4094726
Related Bugs:
CF-4094726 - Similar to
Problem Description:
qryObj = new query();
qryObj.setSQL('select 1 from dual');