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PDFg service does not start on IBM Power PC
PDFg services break with Update 5
CF2016 PDFG Service landscape orientation Issue
5747785 CF-4204399 Bradley W. Here is the exception that was being reported: 25415 "Error","Thread-11","05/30/19","11:01:46","","Error while registering/unregistering Service manager. Reason is Keys are not loaded properly." 25416 coldfusion.document.webkit.PDFgService
Comment on PDFg service does not start on IBM Power PC by Rupesh K.
Tracker Issue CF2018 Add On Issue
5747785 CF-4204399 Document Management : PDFg Service CF2018 Add On Issue Problem: CF2018 Add On Issue Method: Unable to verify the pdf service with CF (installed on CommandBox) CF installed on CommandBox and Add On Services installed locally on same machine. Result: exceptions in the log
2608277 CF-4141711 Dattanand M. @Peter - By default the monitoring service uses 8500, by enabling "Enable Monitoring Server" option from CF admin monitoring service uses 5500. However, PDFg service also uses the same jetty server to serve temporarily generated HTML files. We are evaluating how we
2608276 CF-4142993 Chinoy G. The issue was that If the PDFG ServiceManager was local than the destiantion file was written by HTML2PDFConverter whcih was not able to write it if the filename contained special characters. Now the destination file is not passed to HTML2PDFConverter but it written
will be installed and an option with "[ ]" will not. Choosing an option will toggle it on or off [X] 1) Solr Service [X] 2) PDFG Service [X] 3) Admin Component for Remote Start/Stop [X] 4) Start ColdFusion on system init 5) Continue with installation Select the sub-components to install (Default: 5): 1
5938454 CF-4204714 Hot Fix Installer jetty/lib directory missing after applying CF2018 update 2 and later When applying update under following 2 conditions, jetty/lib folder is moved to backup folder of update. 1. PDFG service is not included in Jetty: 'PDFgServlet' folder is not in [cf
've verified this issue in both CF2016 and CF2018 and in a nutshell when you install the "Add-on Service for ColdFusion" that matches the installed WAR instance created by CommandBox, ColdFusion can't authenticate with the PDFg service. To be clear, the ports are mapped correctly to the "localhost". I can
2673089 CF-4152217 S P. Looks like the ODBC and PDFg related services are not being started and stopped properly, due to which the entire process of hotfix application is failing where as the other things pertaining to it look fine. Can you make sure that these services are running with the created
Sandip halder Installing Add-on installer for ColdFusion Recently, we saw few queries where, PDFg service manager was not starting, post installation. Installing an Add-on installer resolves the issue often. However, installing an Add-on installer can be a bit tricky sometimes. Let me walk you
2673213 CF-4145653 Document Management : PDFg Service ext-user CFHtmlTopdf: User is facing issue to convert an archived website that uses custom fonts. Problem: User is facing issue to convert an archived website that uses custom fonts. The website url is http
3120884 CF-4198747 Kailash B. Hi, Have you run your jetty server on https? Please run jetty on https, and only then enable the admin checkbox of run PDFg on https. Basically, when you enable the checkbox, you are just telling CF to create a service which is https enabled, but your server should
Application Service. Result: The service will not restart and give generic windows error Expected: The service should start as expected. Workaround: Start ColdFusion from command prompt. After the pdfg service has started, it takes approximately 12 minutes to start up. And finally services starts up
2608634 CF-4042294 External U. ################################################ ##ERROR Detail Reason: ERROR_PDF_CONVERSION Message Error occurred while generating PDF. StackTrace coldfusion.document.webkit.PDFgErrorHandler$ServiceManagerConversionException: Error occurred while generating
2608277 CF-4141711 Charlie A. Dattanand, you keep saying that port 5500 is used by the PDFG service. As Pete has explained, it is not. It's understandable how someone could fear that it may be related, since both are indeed based on Jetty, but again as Pete has pointed out, they are TWO DIFFERENT
Write(expandPath("./myfilé1.txt"), "my file");//creates file (good) cfdocument(format="pdf", filename=expandPath('./myfilé2.pdf'), overwrite=true) {writeOutput("my file");}//creates file (good) cfhtmltopdf(destination=expandPath('./myfilé3.pdf'), overwrite=true) {writeOutput("my file");}//throws coldfusion.document.webkit.PDFgErrorHandler$Service
2609336 CF-3858416 Document Management : PDF Generation (CFHTML2PDF) ext-user Error occurred while generating PDF using cfhtmltopdf Problem: cfhtmltopdf fails to generate pdf, when source has "http" protocol in url. Method: Access the below code in ColdFusion 11 Result: coldfusion.document.webkit.PDFgErrorHandler$Service
(destination=expandPath('./myfilé3.pdf'), overwrite=true) {writeOutput("my file");}//throws coldfusion.document.webkit.PDFgErrorHandler$ServiceManagerConversionException (bad) Issue: cfhtmltopdf fails to write if filename contains special characters. Since filewrite() and cfdocument do not have the same issue, then cfhtmltopdf
\lib\jetty.xml). One can use any of various tools, such as netstat, to confirm that. And clearly, it did NOT have anything to do with the PDFG/addon service/HTMLtoPDF tag, as Pete and I and others tried to clarify (which still has its own cfusion/jetty/etc/jetty.xml, for use with that add-on service, for those who
2608839 CF-3979497 Installation/Config : Config Dawn Green ColdFusion 11 and Solr Search Problem Description: I have a brand new server. Everything is a fresh install including ColdFusion 11. I installed the Production Profile along with all the sub-components. ODBC, Solr Service, PDFG Service
, PDFG Service, Admin Component for Remote Start/Stop, .Net Integration Services. The install seems to have installed with out a problem. However, when I go to the Administrator, under Data & Services, ColdFusion Collections, nothing happens. It does not go to that page. I can click on Solr Services
Information [main] - ColdFusion started May 4, 2018 13:20:14 PM Information [main] - ColdFusion: application services are now available 05/04 13:20:14 INFO Macromedia Flex Build: 87315.134646 May 4, 2018 13:20:18 PM Information [Thread-13] - PDFg service manager registered
2609249 CF-3864467 Document Management : PDFg Service ext-user PDFs created by cfhtmltopdf are not accessible Duplicate ID: CF-3910367 Problem: Problem Description: The US Federal Government requires that any PDF that will be posted on a government website must be an accessible document, according
6398072 CF-4205666 Claudia K. Hi, yes, ColdFusion Add On Sevices was down. I started it and checked if PDF Service is registered. -->Status =OK I run my testpage again and now I get another error: Error occurred while generating PDF. Reason: Service manager (
] - PDFg service manager registered. Apr 29, 2018 23:00:00 PM Information [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-1] - Task default.myTask triggered. Apr 29, 2018 23:00:00 PM Information [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-1] - Starting HTTP request {URL='', method
ODBC Services: installed ColdFusion Server Profile: Production Profile ColdFusion Solr Search Services: installed ColdFusion Pdfg Search Services: installed ColdFusion .NET Integration Services: installed Microsoft .NET version: v4.0.30319 .NET Java Port: 6093 .NET Client Port: 6094 RDS
()# Errormessage: coldfusion.document.webkit.PDFgErrorHandler$ServiceManagerConversionException: Error occurred while generating PDF. at coldfusion.tagext.lang.HtmlToPdfTag.handleRetryError( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.HtmlToPdfTag.handlePDFgConversionRequest(