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Tracker Issue <cfpdf action="thumbnail" can't generate the thumbnail
5382564 CF-4204041 Document Management : PDF manipulation pdf is password protected for modification , pdf can be open and view using the Adobe reader
Tracker Issue Test Bug
2673283 CF-4134944 Document Management : PDF manipulation ext-user Test Bug Test Bug
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 4134944
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name:
External Customer Email:
Comment on [ANeff] Wishlist for: audio/video manipulation by External U.
2611840 CF-3584640 Document Management : PDF manipulation Chris Polka jPedal - convert PDF to image - White becomes transparent Problem Description: The bespoke version of jPedal distributed with ColdFusion makes white (#FFFFFF) pixels in images in PDF documents render as transparent. When
Tracker Issue Bug 76096:(Watson Migration Closure)Any chance of getting an action for CFPDF that will OCR a PDF document?
2601435 CF-3037965 Document Management : PDF manipulation Nathan Drury Bug 76096:(Watson Migration Closure)Any chance of getting an action for CFPDF that will OCR a PDF document? Problem:
Any chance of getting an action for CFPDF that will OCR a PDF document?
I've set the level as "Has workaround
2602432 CF-3036860 Document Management : PDF manipulation Wim Dewijngaert Bug 73831:When using CFPDF to make thumbnails, the thumbnail image is not the same as the PDF image (problems with transparency levels, it seems) Problem:
When using CFPDF to make thumbnails, the thumbnail image
Tracker Issue Support comment extraction to variable
2673332 CF-4126727 Document Management : PDF manipulation Raymond Camden Support comment extraction to variable Much like 4020281, you should support extracting comment info to a variable and being able to import from a variable. You already support working with PDF variables, so this is half way
Tracker Issue Bug 85340:(Watson Migration Closure)Feature request: Please allow the CFPDF tag to write to PDF version 1
2597685 CF-3042953 Document Management : PDF manipulation andy leontovich Bug 85340:(Watson Migration Closure)Feature request: Please allow the CFPDF tag to write to PDF version 1 Problem:
Feature request: Please allow the CFPDF tag to write to PDF version 1.7 and later. The current is 1.6. We
Tracker Issue Some Scanned PDF file could n't be read.
2608815 CF-3987967 Document Management : PDF manipulation ext-user Some Scanned PDF file could n't be read. Problem:
Scanned PDF file couldn't be opened and fails at PDFDocument.requirePages()
Gibson BuildId: 6667 Imp Version:58.413496
Caused by: java
2673289 CF-4133428 Document Management : PDF manipulation ext-user In Solaris, ddx operations may have issues due to a classloader issue. In Solaris, ddx operations may not work if xmpcoreold.jar is picked before xmpcore.jar during class load.
Currently this affects only solaris, but might affect
2673328 CF-4126732 Document Management : PDF manipulation Raymond Camden cfpdf, metadata export should support exporting to a variable Currently you can only export to a file. You should be able to export the XML to a variable.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
2673445 CF-4126542 Document Management : PDF manipulation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cfpdfparam "coordinate" attribute should be named "coordinates" cfpdfparam's new "coordinate" attribute should be named coordinates (plural) b/c the attribute takes multiple coordinates (ex: coordinates="200
Tracker Issue Bug 80390:I have some corrupt PDFs
2599338 CF-3040314 Document Management : PDF manipulation AJ Mercer Bug 80390:I have some corrupt PDFs Problem:
I have some corrupt PDFs. Some throw an error, other hand ColdFusion.
I have test code and files I can upload
no error - that is the issue
Tracker Issue EET#536-CF11 :Out of heap error while reading PDF files
5581335 CF-4204154 Document Management : PDF manipulation EET#536-CF11 :Out of heap error while reading PDF files Problem: CF11 Update 18: Out of heap error while reading PDF files
Step 1: Run the attached sample code.
Step 2: Select the “browse” button and try to upload any
2836713 CF-4198321 Document Management : PDF manipulation gavy randhawa CFPDF watermark fails when provided encryption to cfdocument Problem Description:
CFPDF watermrk fails when in cfdocument encryption is provided. the cfdocument code is writte witth format as pdf and encryption setup to 128
2597242 CF-3084795 Document Management : PDF manipulation Jim Priest Bug 87142:-(Watson Migration Closure)If you combine PDF files in a package with CFPDF you get different behavior in Acrobat than if you combine the files within Acrobat itself Problem:
If you combine PDF files in a package
Tracker Issue Bug 77424:The following code does not work
2600764 CF-3038682 Document Management : PDF manipulation Pankaj Sarin Bug 77424:The following code does not work Problem:
The following code does not work. Get the following error message:
"The method extracttext was not found in component C:\ColdFusionCentaur\CustomTags\com\adobe\coldfusion\pdf
2598255 CF-3041547 Document Management : PDF manipulation Johan Steenkamp Bug 83085:Extracting text using does not always honour spaces. For example 123 456-789 may be extracted as 3 "words" 123456, - (dash), and 789. Searching the same string in Acrobat Reader correctly identifies
2598256 CF-3041546 Document Management : PDF manipulation Johan Steenkamp Bug 83084:Extracting text using does not always honour spaces. For example 123 456-789 may be extracted as 3 "words" 123456, - (dash), and 789. Searching the same string in Acrobat Reader correctly identifies
2598257 CF-3041545 Document Management : PDF manipulation Johan Steenkamp Bug 83083:(Watson Migration Closure)Extracting text using does not always honour spaces. For example 123 456-789 may be extracted as 3 "words" 123456, - (dash), and 789. Searching the same string in Acrobat Reader
Tracker Issue .heic convert to .jpeg
real problem for us if we can't convert .heic images submitted by customers to .jpeg. This would be a great update for the cfimage tag. Coldfusion's imaging and pdf manipulation tools are what draws us to using it. In my opinion, Coldfusion is second to none in this department. We process over 500
2601804 CF-3037561 Document Management : PDF manipulation Wim Dewijngaert Bug 75516:CFPDF's thumbnail generation engine makes incorrect thumbnail images Problem:
CFPDF's thumbnail generation engine makes incorrect thumbnail images.
Please use the url used in this issue
Tracker Issue Bug 82824:(Watson Migration Closure)CFPDF action="ExtractText" should have an option to include document styles in output
2598363 CF-3041418 Document Management : PDF manipulation zac spitzer Bug 82824:(Watson Migration Closure)CFPDF action="ExtractText" should have an option to include document styles in output Problem:
CFPDF action="ExtractText" should have an option to include document styles in output
Tracker Issue Tracking bug for partial words in redaction
2673207 CF-4146073 Document Management : PDF manipulation ext-user Tracking bug for partial words in redaction Related Bugs:
CF-4105656 - Similar to
4105756 - Similar to CT Gibson
4111705 - Blocking CT Gibson
4112256 - Similar to CT Gibson
CF-4126474 - Similar to
CF-4147218 - Similar to
Tracker Issue Bug 75093:Acrobat 9 has a "portfolio" feature which makes PDF projects by combining various contents
2602016 CF-3037327 Document Management : PDF manipulation Shigeru Nakagaki Bug 75093:Acrobat 9 has a "portfolio" feature which makes PDF projects by combining various contents Problem:
Acrobat 9 has a "portfolio" feature which makes PDF projects by combining various contents. Also SWF files can
2608540 CF-4069951 Document Management : PDF manipulation ext-user ER: ISDDX() & cfpdf action="processddx" should accept XML objects. Problem:
ISDDX() & cfpdf action="processddx" should accept XML objects.
#isDDX(myDDX3)# #isDDX(expandPath('./myDDX3.ddx
Tracker Issue ISDDX does not trim the variable before validating.
2609203 CF-3912078 Document Management : PDF manipulation ext-user ISDDX does not trim the variable before validating. Problem:ISDDX does not trim the variable before validating.
Method:Run the following code:
#isDDX("myDDX.ddx")# // outputs as invalid because of the space.
2597120 CF-3114268 Document Management : PDF manipulation Bryn Parrott Bug 87268:-(Watson Migration Closure)Attribute 'bookmarkTitle' for the DDX command TableOfContents is documented to work but it produces an error Problem:
Attribute 'bookmarkTitle' for the DDX command Table
2615677 CF-3042905 Document Management : PDF manipulation Sankaram Tata Bug 85257:extracted images from cfpdf extract image action are shrunk Problem:
extracted images from cfpdf extract image action are shrunk. The actual image size is 600X800 and extracted image size is 351X468.
Tracker Issue Bug 82322:(Watson Migration Closure)<cfdocumentsection> cannot be nested for multi level bookmarks
2598676 CF-3041065 Document Management : PDF manipulation Shawn Kallner Bug 82322:(Watson Migration Closure) cannot be nested for multi level bookmarks Problem:
cannot be nested for multi level bookmarks. Throws an error. Obviously nesting this tag is very important as it gives way to multi level
2600352 CF-3039117 Document Management : PDF manipulation Wim Dewijngaert Bug 78490:According to bug #73832 CFPDF should support a scale > 100 Problem:
According to bug #73832 CFPDF should support a scale > 100. However, using for instance "150" results in an error.
Tracker Issue Bug 77230:cfpdf action="extracttext"
2600877 CF-3038560 Document Management : PDF manipulation Ahamad Patan Bug 77230:cfpdf action="extracttext" Problem:
cfpdf action="extracttext"
\n(newline) should be addressed.
When ever the text to be extracted spreads over multiple lines, the newline character is ignored
2602431 CF-3036861 Document Management : PDF manipulation Wim Dewijngaert Bug 73832:Please modify CFPDF so that a scale > 100 is supported when making thumbnails (scale 100 produces an image that is too small for us) Problem:
Please modify CFPDF so that a scale > 100 is supported when making
Tracker Issue cfpdfform does not release handle on written file
attempts to manipulate the written file, whether with cfpdf or cffile or directly via the file system, results in an error along the lines of "another process is using this file." In order to release the lock on the file, the CF service needs to be restarted.
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:PDF
2598797 CF-3040933 Document Management : PDF manipulation CF Searching Bug 82077:CFPDF - rotation produces blank/distorted pagesUsing the rotation attribute with pdf's created by CFDocument and OpenOffice 3 seems to produce blank/distored pages Problem:
CFPDF - rotation produces blank
Tracker Issue Bug 77233:cfpdf action="extracttext"
2600874 CF-3038563 Document Management : PDF manipulation Ahamad Patan Bug 77233:cfpdf action="extracttext" Problem:
cfpdf action="extracttext"
Unable to open the result pdf file.
Run the following code and then try to open the destination file, "result1.pdf", unable to open the pdf
Tracker Issue Sanitize throws a NPE
2673327 CF-4126733 Document Management : PDF manipulation Raymond Camden Sanitize throws a NPE Related Bugs:
3991547 - Similar to CT Gibson
Using this code:
cfpdf(action="sanitize", source="../ColdFusion_Raijin_WhatIsNew.pdf",destination=expandPath("./sanitized.pdf"));
I get
Tracker Issue Bug 80756:I can't find support built into CF to be able to rotate a single page of a pdf
2599237 CF-3040439 Document Management : PDF manipulation Timothy Farrar Bug 80756:I can't find support built into CF to be able to rotate a single page of a pdf Problem:
I can't find support built into CF to be able to rotate a single page of a pdf. There is a way to rotate the entire pdf, http
Tracker Issue Bug 75195:CFPDFFORM and CFPDF need variable attribute
2601976 CF-3037371 Document Management : PDF manipulation TJ Downes Bug 75195:CFPDFFORM and CFPDF need variable attribute Problem:
CFPDFFORM and CFPDF need variable attribute
Much like , and could also benefit from this method of output. As I discovered today, you cannot get a binary variable
4578323 CF-4203092 Document Management : PDF manipulation when Application Sandbox Security is turned on, CFPDF action="processDDX" fails Problem Description:
Steps to Reproduce:
in CFIDE, turn on sandbox security. enable ALL tag, function and other permissions. add read
2601260 CF-3038154 Document Management : PDF manipulation Bakia Bug 76488:Coldfusion continued to hold the lock on a file seven minutes after I had used to merge the PDF files in a directory Problem:
Coldfusion continued to hold the lock on a file seven minutes after I had used to merge the PDF
2601188 CF-3038231 Document Management : PDF manipulation Todd Sharp Bug 76658:CFPDF action="thumbnail" chokes on PDFs that contain images sometimes Problem:
CFPDF action="thumbnail" chokes on PDFs that contain images sometimes. See attached PDF (in forum post) and run the following code
Tracker Issue CFPDF throws an 'wrong password' error when trying to generate a thumbnail from a password protected file
6366341 CF-4205495 Document Management : PDF manipulation CFPDF throws an 'wrong password' error when trying to generate a thumbnail from a password protected file Problem Description: after updating from Update 8 to Update 11, throws an error while trying to generate a thumbnail from a
Tracker Issue Bug 77423:Extracttext option of CFPDF seems to result in XML that cannot be searched via XmlSearch using XPath notation
2600765 CF-3038681 Document Management : PDF manipulation Pankaj Sarin Bug 77423:Extracttext option of CFPDF seems to result in XML that cannot be searched via XmlSearch using XPath notation Problem:
Extracttext option of CFPDF seems to result in XML that cannot be searched via XmlSearch using
Tracker Issue cfpdf action="thumbnail" throws PDFDocException
2672801 CF-4167755 Document Management : PDF manipulation MrSmith MrSmith cfpdf action="thumbnail" throws PDFDocException Problem Description:
cfpdf action="thumbnail" throws PDFDocException
coldfusion.pdf.PDFDocException: PDFDocException Created on Sep 12, 2006
at coldfusion.pdf
2608182 CF-4168921 Document Management : PDF manipulation Shirak Avakian CFPDF read/getInfo is not showing custom properties properly Problem Description: When a pdf has custom property the read/getinfo action is showing properties as [[Ljava.lang.String;@705d99a8] on both CF11 and CF2016
2598994 CF-3040712 Document Management : PDF manipulation marc esher Bug 81408:the PDF() getInfo function does not return anything Problem:
the PDF() getInfo function does not return anything
I do not know where the official documentation is for the PDF() functions (that's another problem
2600219 CF-3039263 Document Management : PDF manipulation CF Searching Bug 78757:The documentation states that when foreground="true" the watermark appears in the background (behind the page content) Problem:
The documentation states that when foreground="true" the watermark appears
2598815 CF-3040911 Document Management : PDF manipulation CF Searching Bug 82020:CFPDF - Rotation works in opposite direction expectedWhen using CFPDF action="transform" with rotation, the pages are rotated counterclockwise instead of the expected clockwise direction Problem:
CFPDF - Rotation
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: <cfpdf action="stamp"..> does not work
2673413 CF-4126628 Document Management : PDF manipulation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: does not work toSteps to reproduce:
1) Create temp and result directories
2) Run this code:
//MyPDFStamped01.pdf does not get stamped (bad)
cfdocument(format="pdf", filename
2608607 CF-4050295 Document Management : PDF manipulation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: unable to extract image from ram:// to ram:// - extracttext from ram:// to ram:// works (good)
- extractimage from ram:// to disk works (good)
- extractimage from ram:// to ram:// throws "Output has not been set
2597119 CF-3114269 Document Management : PDF manipulation Bryn Parrott Bug 87269:-(Watson Migration Closure) DDX Assembler variable within TableOfContentsEntryPattern produces an error Problem:
DDX Assembler variable within TableOfContentsEntryPattern produces an error.
does not produce an error
2598183 CF-3041647 Document Management : PDF manipulation Daniel Heighton Bug 83339:(Watson Migration Closure)When we merge three seperate documents the internal page indexing preserves the original indexes Problem:
When we merge three seperate documents the internal page indexing preserves
Tracker Issue Bug 81407:When using the PDF() service, the "name" attribute is required but is not honored
2598995 CF-3040711 Document Management : PDF manipulation marc esher Bug 81407:When using the PDF() service, the "name" attribute is required but is not honored Problem:
When using the PDF() service, the "name" attribute is required but is not honored
Take the following code:pdf = new PDF
2609690 CF-3802166 Document Management : PDF manipulation Brian Erickson CFPDF Thumbnail Action need to generate thumbnail with black background Problem:
CFPDF Thumbnail Action not able to generate thumbnail with black background.
Below is the sample cfm page used for this bug repro
2597387 CF-3043918 Document Management : PDF manipulation Brian Stewart Bug 86995:(Watson Migration Closure)When we try to extract thumbnails from some PDFs, we get the following error:PDFDocException error during thumbnail operation Problem:
When we try to extract thumbnails from some PDFs, we
Tracker Issue Merging PDFs with Signature Blocks
2609988 CF-3738881 Document Management : PDF manipulation Paul Jarema Merging PDFs with Signature Blocks Problem Description: I have a PDF form built in LiveCycle that contains a signature block. After filling multiple copies of the form using cfpdfform inside a cfloop, I am flattening
2597010 CF-3192782 Document Management : PDF manipulation Brian Stewart When using DDX to merge certain pdf files, we get the following error "failed: DDXM_S18005: An error occurred in the PrepareTOC phase" When using DDX to merge certain pdf files, we get the following error:
failed: DDXM_S18005
3826109 CF-4200444 Document Management : PDF manipulation David Swain Either datafile XML or data XML contained in the PDF document is invalid. Problem Description: I am trying to use CFPDFFORM to read the data in PDF document from the IRS. I can read other documents with no problem, but I can
2611396 CF-3626704 Document Management : PDF manipulation Chris Davais CFPDF action="addWatermark" replaces alpha channel on ARGB images with black Related Bugs:
3673381 - Similar to CT Gibson
Problem Description:
I am using CFIMAGE to make an ARGB image with a transparent background. When I
2597945 CF-3041915 Document Management : PDF manipulation Todd Sharp Bug 83891:(Watson Migration Closure)using cfpdf to create thumbnails I can't seem to delete the thumbnails immediately after they're created Problem:
using cfpdf to create thumbnails I can't seem to delete the thumbnails
2608895 CF-3968983 Document Management : PDF manipulation Paul Mascari CFPDF Thumbnail Function Performance With Java 8 Incredibly Slow Problem Description:
Attempting to make thumbnails with CFPDF (Action="thumbnail") on CF11 with Java 8 installed will often time out. Even if a timeout error does
# - there are quite a few free to use pdf packages that can be added to ASP.NET. Having a choice also gives me more control over how I want to manipulate a pdf. Other document types are also not difficult to manipulate.
Operating System Limitations: Please see .NET Core
Security: Really? All that aside, every
Tracker Issue Bug 87267:-(Watson Migration Closure)Documentation Issue
2597121 CF-3114267 Document Management : PDF manipulation Bryn Parrott Bug 87267:-(Watson Migration Closure)Documentation Issue Problem:
Documentation Issue.
Location of coldfusion_ddx.xsd file on adobe server.
Documentation gives this location as:
Note space before coldfusion_ddx.xsd.
In any
2600349 CF-3039120 Document Management : PDF manipulation dave Ferguson Bug 78494:extracttext does not correctly extract unicode text Problem:
extracttext does not correctly extract unicode text. XML document is written as utf-8. All unicode text is garbled in the xml.
2603747 CF-3035243 Document Management : PDF manipulation Andy Allan Bug 72010:I have a client who currently use a tool called ConvertDoc to convert PDFs to Text (after a file upload) to do additional processing, db storage etc Problem:
I have a client who currently use a tool called Convert
Tracker Comment Comment on CFPDF throws an 'wrong password' error when trying to generate a thumbnail from a password protected file by ERNESTO R.
6366341 CF-4205495 ERNESTO R. Hi Kailash,
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I can open and manipulate the file with the password used in the code. I also tried changing the password in both file and code.
I attach a sample PDF file, with the password '123456'.
Tracker Issue Bug 77227:When a pdf page contains tables, cfpdf extract text not extracting text properly
2600880 CF-3038557 Document Management : PDF manipulation Ahamad Patan Bug 77227:When a pdf page contains tables, cfpdf extract text not extracting text properly Problem:
When a pdf page contains tables, cfpdf extract text not extracting text properly.
Use the cfml reference doc and try
.graphics.font.PDFToUnicodeCMap object from CosObject"
I knew the PDF was valid and I was able to manipulate it using other actions as well as iText pdfReader, etc.
I did some digging in the cf-acrobat.jar file located in C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\lib and noticed that PDFToUnicodeCMap.class was missing! Just to be sure I checked my
2597407 CF-3043888 Document Management : PDF manipulation Rob Kolosky Bug 86968:(Watson Migration Closure)When running , COld Fusion responds with an error message. THe error message says "PDFDocException Created on Sep 12, 2006" and points to the line where the cfpdf call is.