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Flatten PDF forms generated in LiveCycle
5670002 CF-4204280 Document Management : PDF Form,Document Management : PDF Generation (CFHTML2PDF) PDF Bug / Inconsistent Rendersing Problem Description: - Will not pdf form fields. It does a reasonable job with HTML, but not HTML that includes a form. - Will encode form fields
CFPDFForm tag action=”populate” not creating PDF form with field value form PDF binary object
3826109 CF-4200444 Paul J. My organization is upgrading from CF11 to CF2018 and we are experiencing this issue when trying to read in PDF Forms during testing. Forms that ccan be read in CF11 are throwing OP's error in CF2018.
3826109 CF-4200444 George A. I've atttached two forms: working and broke. Working is just a simple form with a text field created in LiveCycle Designer ES4 and saved as a "Adobe Static PDF Form". Broke is the working form with a Table Object added to the form. Running the below code
3826109 CF-4200444 David S. Please feel free to download the attached document or get the one from the IRS, just search for 4506-T (2017). Use the cfPdfForm tag to read it and then try to dump the results. If you don't get an error, please post here. Thanks.
2608570 CF-4060898 External U. iText library's newest versions support xml population of pdf forms with rich text fields, this should also be updated in CF
2612779 CF-3430402 External U. I tried the same with a Livecycle pdf form which ended with an error message of "Parser configuration problem: namespace reporting is not enabled" Again - on windows this was successful
2596938 CF-3338219 External U. I have a situation where I need to populate a pre-made PDF form template with values entered by the user on the website. In the finished PDF, I need that form to no longer be editable. Unfortunately, CFPDFForm locks the file, so I cannot flatten the file using
ColdFusion 11 CFPrint not printing portion of PDF generated by Adobe Central (jetForms)
4119180 CF-4201686 Document Management : PDF Form George Alsobrooks cfpdfform with name attribute makes the PDF unsignable in Reader DC Problem Description: If cfpdfform with the name attribute is used to populate a PDF object and passed to the user the user will not be able to sign the form
4012516 CF-4201309 Document Management : PDF Form Cody W cfpdfform - "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.adobe.xfa.AppModel" Problem Description: Intermittently, it seems that cfpdfform quits working completely. What causes the server to reach this state is unknown
Comment on ColdFusion 11 CFPrint not printing portion of PDF generated by Adobe Central (jetForms) by Akhila K.
Comment on ColdFusion 11 CFPrint not printing portion of PDF generated by Adobe Central (jetForms) by External U.
Tracker Issue cfpdfform not working
2613209 CF-3339107 Document Management Frank Stocker cfpdfform not working Duplicate ID: CF-3581597 Problem Description: When trying to use the "read" action of cfpdfform it failes with various error messages (depending on PDF Format) Steps to Reproduce: Take a PDF Form i.e.
2597768 CF-3042687 Document Management : PDF Form Aaron Neff Bug 84958:(Watson Migration Closure)[ANeff] ER for: cfpdfform action="populate" not breaking Reader ExtensionsI would prefer for cfpdfform action="populate" to not break a PDF's Reader Extensions Problem: [ANeff] ER for: cfpdfform action
2608606 CF-4051033 Document Management Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: throws unavoidable PDFWriteFlattenException throws unavoidable PDFWriteFlattenException Repro: index.cfm --------- 1) Download/extract (contains PDFWithAcrobatFormFlattened.pdf & PDFWithNoForm.pdf) to same
Comment on ColdFusion 11 CFPrint not printing portion of PDF generated by Adobe Central (jetForms) by Manas M.
2608572 CF-4060893 External U. Please close this as a duplicate of CF-4060894, b/c CF-4060894 contains the PDFWithAcrobatForm.pdf attachment. Somehow the bug tracker caused duplication. Thanks!, -Aaron
be embedded in a PDF file and SWF movies can be played in Acrobat Reader. All tags related with PDF (CFPDFxxx, CFPRINT and so on) should support PDF forms which made by the latest LiveCycle Designer ES 8.2. I don’t think it influences sales of Acrobat/LiveCycle even if CENTAUR has those features. Also AMF
Comment on ColdFusion 11 CFPrint not printing portion of PDF generated by Adobe Central (jetForms) by External U.
Comment on ColdFusion 11 CFPrint not printing portion of PDF generated by Adobe Central (jetForms) by External U.
Comment on ColdFusion 11 CFPrint not printing portion of PDF generated by Adobe Central (jetForms) by Aaron N.
Comment on ColdFusion 11 CFPrint not printing portion of PDF generated by Adobe Central (jetForms) by Manas M.
2608571 CF-4060894 Document Management Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cfpdfparam(overwritedata=false overwrites data cfpdfparam's overwritedata=false overwrites data Repro: 1) Download attached PDFWithAcrobatForm.pdf 2) Run this code: cfpdfform(action="read", source=expandPath("./PDFWithAcrobatForm.pdf
2608572 CF-4060893 Document Management Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cfpdfparam(overwritedata=false overwrites data Duplicate ID: CF-4060894 cfpdfparam's overwritedata=false overwrites data Repro: 1) Download attached PDFWithAcrobatForm.pdf 2) Run this code: cfpdfform(action="read", source=expandPath("./PDFWithAcrobatForm.pdf
2612501 CF-3503472 Document Management : PDF Form Timothy Niswander Creative Cloud 6 fonts corrupt the ColdFusion CFPDFFORM tag (not cfform) Related Bugs: 3507416 - Blocking CT CAFE Problem Description: error occurs when attempting to fill in pdf with coldfusion 10 cfpdfform tag Steps
2598170 CF-3041664 Document Management : PDF Form Paul E. Bug 83365:(Watson Migration Closure)1 Problem: 1. cfpdfform locks file open with overwrite='yes' unless within a cflock tag2. subsequent cfpdf throws error when flattening using overwrite='yes'Same code executes without error on CF8 Method
Comment on ColdFusion 11 CFPrint not printing portion of PDF generated by Adobe Central (jetForms) by Aaron N.
2602389 CF-3036905 Document Management : PDF Form Radek Gruchalski Bug 73879:CFPDFForm does not execute AcroJS before merge or similar actions Problem: CFPDFForm does not execute AcroJS before merge or similar actions. Forms containing dynamic data created with LiveCycle Designer are useless when
4150166 CF-4201778 Document Management : PDF Form cfpdf action="readsignaturefields" should provide details of digital signatures Request that cfpdf action="readsignaturefields" be modified to actually provide information from the signature field. For example, it could return the following
2608571 CF-4060894 Aaron N. Hi Adobe, I've verified this is NOT fixed in CF2016 Update 1 (build 2016.0.01.298513). overwriteData=false is ignored when XMLdata attribute is used. Data corruption!! Just save attached PDF as PDFWithAcrobatForm.pdf and re-run same steps in description. This ticket
and it contained a LiveCycle form (the following makes me wonder what's going on under the PDF hood) Repro: 1) Download attached PDFWithAcrobatForm.pdf & PDFWithLiveCycleForm.pdf 2) Run each of the following 5 code blocks This fails ("read" + Acrobat): Actual result: PDFInvalidDocumentVariableException "An
2608573 CF-4060772 External U. Steps to reproduce: 1) Download attached CF-4060772_repro.cfm, PDFWithAcrobatForm.pdf and PDFWithLiveCycleForm.pdf 2) In Adobe Acrobat, create a PDF having a signature field and save it as PDFWithAcrobatSignature.pdf 3) In CF-4060772_repro.cfm, populate acrobat
3826109 CF-4200444 Mayur J. Hi David, You can see the XML data in the XFA PDF by using the following code: {code} {code} The xmlData contains the meta information about the form. Will this solve the problem for you?
Comment on ColdFusion 11 CFPrint not printing portion of PDF generated by Adobe Central (jetForms) by External U.
2609988 CF-3738881 Document Management : PDF manipulation Paul Jarema Merging PDFs with Signature Blocks Problem Description: I have a PDF form built in LiveCycle that contains a signature block. After filling multiple copies of the form using cfpdfform inside a cfloop, I am flattening
2673027 CF-4155931 Charlie A. Folks, any news on a PDF of the docs? We can't rely on the online-only form, because their interface is so sad (again, see my original bug details for more). Until that's fixed, we NEED the PDF to be able to really benefit from the CF docs. That or fix the UI problems.
2596938 CF-3338219 Document Management : PDF Form Mosh Teitelbaum cfpdfform does not release handle on written file Problem Description:When using cfpdfform to populate form fields within a PDF file, ColdFusion does not release the file handle to the written file upon completion. All subsequent
2673013 CF-4156860 External U. I like that idea Aaron, rather than include it in CF and add cost, integrate with it and require a license. Should be only positives for both sides. I would like to see some unification with Adobe's enterprise software. PDF, the Media Server, sloooooowly forming
Comment on Either datafile XML or data XML contained in the PDF document is invalid. by Kailash B.
Result: Attribute name "xml:xml" associated with an element type "xfdf" must be followed by the ' = ' character. Expected Result: Filled out pdf form Any Workarounds: none - unless there is an existing windows server for production ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
2598756 CF-3040978 Document Management : PDF Form Aaron Neff Bug 82170:(Watson Migration Closure)[ANeff] Doc Bug for: cfpdfform doc lacks "name" attribute Problem: [ANeff] Doc Bug for: cfpdfform doc lacks "name" attribute. Since "name" is a valid attribute for cfpdfform, it should be mentioned
2609112 CF-3928680 External U. Hi Chinoy, You and Rupesh referenced page 664 of that PDF, which says: ----------- Beginning with PDF 1.5, the text contents of variable text form fields, as well as markup annotations, can include formatting (style) information. These rich text strings
2609988 CF-3738881 External U. Adobe, Repro is very simple (it'll take you 2 minutes): 1) Download the 3 PDFs Paul attached to this ticket 2) Run 3) Open "form merge.pdf" and see all signature blocks (except the first and last) are unsignable (bug) Verified in CF11 Update 5 (build 11
into a fix for the bug.

Code, nutshell:

  • read pdf form
  • populate form params
  • output form to temp file
  • create another pdf, consisting of signature image
  • addWatermark variable (copyFrom: img pdf, source: temp file)
  • *write watermark variable back
images, etc.). Certainly, that should be an easy thing to do when generating from well-formed HTML. Unfortunately, the PDF engine in CF11 and all prior versions produce documents with no tags and retain no meta-data from the source. As a result, there is an enormous amount of manual tweaking of the files
.). Certainly, that should be an easy thing to do when generating from well-formed HTML. Unfortunately, the PDF engine in CF11 and all prior versions produce documents with no tags and retain no meta-data from the source. As a result, there is an enormous amount of manual tweaking of the files that has
the abcPDF component in all version of ColdFusion till CF 11. Beginning with CF 2016, it’s not possible to use it any more. We tried making the same calls form other programming languages on the same machine: this works with no problems. So something must have changed since CF 2016 in the .Net part
.cfm ---------------------- SERVER.delete("results"); SERVER.results=[]; for(i=1; i mypage.cfm ---------------------- if(FORM.count()) { lock name="myLock" type="exclusive" timeout=10 { if(FORM.count()) { SERVER.results.append(duplicate(FORM)); } } } Steps to reproduce: Just run the above code
of things, as they're not exposing the form schema in an order-aware fashion. You should probably be chasing *them* up. ECMA spec Ref:,%203rd%20edition,%20December%201999.pdf (go down to 4.3.3)
Tracker Issue form scope is missing
form scope is missing
", but that does not get to why one may choose that. I think it would have been  useful to split that into "already using another API manager" and "not using APIs/no need of an API Manager". And perhaps have an "other" with free form entry, for any other reason. Same with question 6, on the range of interest
2597146 CF-3085328 Document Management : PDF generation marc esher Bug 87251:-(Watson Migration Closure)I'm running CF 9 Problem: I'm running CF 9.0.1 on JDK 7, update 2. I know, it's not supported but I'm posting this bug anyways. With CFDocument, if the HTML contains a textarea, I get the error
Bug 77227:When a pdf page contains tables, cfpdf extract text not extracting text properly
to solve your problem - CF Forms. coldfusion centric forums, not Adobe centric forums - CF Documenation overhaul residing on - CF Learning Zone. better & more professional tutorials than other websites with a higher frequency of contributions - Rapid Development Showcase. A place to see