displaying top 100 results
Tracker Issue It does nothing and none of the code works
6139186 CFB-4198452 Extensions : ORM Code Generator It does nothing and none of the code works Problem Description:
Installed a Fresh Coldfusion Builder 2018 version and enabled the extensions, but all the inbuilt extensions does not work
Steps to Reproduce:
Install Coldfusion Builder 2018
Tracker Issue Spelling error during ORM CFC generation
2682571 CFB-3936116 Extensions A. Spelling error during ORM CFC generation Problem Description: During the generation of CFCs for ORM use, 2 CFCs are generated, as expected: Application.cfc and customDBTableName.cfc. However, in the code of the generated Application.cfc, there is a spelling error
Tracker Issue Adobe ORM CFC Generator throws error on Mac
Adobe ORM CFC Generator throws error on Mac
Tracker Issue ORM bi-directional relationship setup
2610028 CF-3737411 ORM Support Luis Majano ORM bi-directional relationship setup Right now as it stands, you have to code a tremendous amount of boilerplate code in order to have bi-directional relationships work from either side. Why not add this already to the generated functions already
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM Search XML Serialization Issue by External U.
2613698 CF-3183856 External U. The code I used to generate these results can be found @ https://github.com/bendalton/cfshoutout
I did modify the code to workaround this and another issue I'll be logging, but if you adjust the restful 'find' method to return the ORM search result directly
Comment on Adobe ORM CFC Generator throws error on Mac by extuser
Comment on Adobe ORM CFC Generator throws error on Mac by External U.
Comment on Adobe ORM CFC Generator throws error on Mac by Adobe D.
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM Search Serialization Issue by External U.
2613697 CF-3183868 External U. The code I used to generate these results can be found @ https://github.com/bendalton/cfshoutout
The workaround is present in this code.
MYHOST/rest/cfshoutout/shoutouts/find/a <-- this returns the correct result with my toStruct workaround, without it, I receive
Tracker Issue ORM inheritance working incorrectly
2608265 CF-4148154 ORM Support Geoffrey Demoulin ORM inheritance working incorrectly Problem Description:
Using entity inheritance causes incorrect SQL statements to be generated by coldfusion.
I have the following structure:
The Company component has offices. The Office component inherits
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by External U.
properties from the animal class.
I've uploaded new example code (including the generated hbmxml files as I would like to see them).
Tracker Issue Bug 83748:It seems that the ORM event handler now fires the preUpdate method twice when updating a persistent entity
entity. This did not happen in CF9.0. Example code to demonstrate is shown below.
Application.cfccomponent{ this.name = "preupdate_testcase"; this.datasource = "cfbookclub"; this.ormEnabled = true; this.ormSettings.eventHandling = true; this.ormSettings.flushatrequestend = false
Tracker Issue cfinput type="datefield" Generates Invalid HTML Code
cfinput type="datefield" Generates Invalid HTML Code
Tracker Issue Bar Code Generation & Reading Capabilities
Bar Code Generation & Reading Capabilities
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by External U.
've shown you when I posted the HBM XML code generated by CF:
******** THIS ONE: **********
Tracker Issue ORM: has<property>() documentation error
2673123 CF-4149667 Documentation Mingo Hagen ORM: has() documentation error Problem Description:
On https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/coldfusion-orm/working-with-objects/generated-methods-for-relationships-between-cfcs.html
In the paragraph for {{boolean Has
Tracker Issue Bug 81611:(Watson Migration Closure)Ability to set access="Private" to generated methods for relationships between CFCs
2598933 CF-3040779 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 81611:(Watson Migration Closure)Ability to set access="Private" to generated methods for relationships between CFCs Problem:
Ability to set access="Private" to generated methods for relationships between CFCs
Sometimes additional logic
Tracker Comment Comment on CFScript Property Syntax Highlighting by Adobe D.
2682668 CFB-3772973 Adobe D. Ram, there is an image attached as repro. So, I am adding a repro code here for your handy reference.
component persistent="true" table="tbl1" schema="dbo" output="false" extends="coldbox.system.orm.hibernate.ActiveEntity"
property name="Id1" column="col1" type
Tracker Issue ORM Collection Mapping Multiple Foreign Keys
property name='bars' elementColumn='BarID' table='Bars' fkColumn='FooID,YearID' fieldType='collection';
Actual Result: [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near ','.
ORM Generated Query:
2015-04-01 09
Comment on cfinput type="datefield" Generates Invalid HTML Code by Alberto G.
Comment on Bar Code Generation & Reading Capabilities by External U.
Bug 78899:Configure the "saveMappings" orm setting on the CFC level
Tracker Issue Bug 79663:The current AIR ORM for ColdFusion 9 does not support primary key generation
Bug 79663:The current AIR ORM for ColdFusion 9 does not support primary key generation
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM Fails in WebSocket Listener by John G.
Comment on ORM Fails in WebSocket Listener by John G.
2841445 CF-4198329 Darren G. I found the underlying issue, the CFC ORM Generator in ColdFusion Builder 3 is sometimes not generating fields into the classes for ORM.
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM Fails in WebSocket Listener by John G.
Comment on ORM Fails in WebSocket Listener by John G.
CfScript ORM mapping annotation for param/sequence does not work
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM Fails in WebSocket Listener by Nimit S.
Comment on ORM Fails in WebSocket Listener by Nimit S.
Comment on cfinput type="datefield" Generates Invalid HTML Code by External U.
Comment on cfinput type="datefield" Generates Invalid HTML Code by Mukesh K.
Comment on cfinput type="datefield" Generates Invalid HTML Code by Charlie A.
Comment on cfinput type="datefield" Generates Invalid HTML Code by Alberto G.
Tracker Issue ehcache files are being generated at site root with ORM app with secondary cache enabled
ehcache files are being generated at site root with ORM app with secondary cache enabled
Comment on ORM Collection Mapping Multiple Foreign Keys by External U.
Bug 78843:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: add CF-ORM support to CFFORMWouldn’t it be nice if one could do this:[code][code]This would take either the name of an entity (for a data entry form for a new object
runtime issues. cfproperty has no runtime behavior: it may change the compiler's behavior and therefore cause different code to be generated (e.g., setters/getters, ORM handling code, etc).
And all that could be inspectable by getTemplateMetadata().
That doesn't get everything PresideCMS needs
Tracker Comment Comment on ehcache files are being generated at site root with ORM app with secondary cache enabled by External U.
Comment on ehcache files are being generated at site root with ORM app with secondary cache enabled by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 79663:The current AIR ORM for ColdFusion 9 does not support primary key generation by External U.
Comment on Bug 79663:The current AIR ORM for ColdFusion 9 does not support primary key generation by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 79663:The current AIR ORM for ColdFusion 9 does not support primary key generation by External U.
Comment on Bug 79663:The current AIR ORM for ColdFusion 9 does not support primary key generation by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 79663:The current AIR ORM for ColdFusion 9 does not support primary key generation by External U.
Comment on Bug 79663:The current AIR ORM for ColdFusion 9 does not support primary key generation by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 79663:The current AIR ORM for ColdFusion 9 does not support primary key generation by External U.
Comment on Bug 79663:The current AIR ORM for ColdFusion 9 does not support primary key generation by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 79663:The current AIR ORM for ColdFusion 9 does not support primary key generation by External U.
Comment on Bug 79663:The current AIR ORM for ColdFusion 9 does not support primary key generation by External U.
Comment on cfinput type="datefield" Generates Invalid HTML Code by Mukesh K.
Tracker Comment Comment on CfScript ORM mapping annotation for param/sequence does not work by Phill N.
Comment on CfScript ORM mapping annotation for param/sequence does not work by Phill N.
Tracker Comment Comment on CfScript ORM mapping annotation for param/sequence does not work by BETH T.
Comment on CfScript ORM mapping annotation for param/sequence does not work by BETH T.
SerializeJSON on an ORM query skips a comma after every struct attribute
Tracker Comment Comment on Database Names no longer escaped during ORM table create/update by Ashudeep S.
Comment on Database Names no longer escaped during ORM table create/update by Ashudeep S.
Comment on Bug 78843:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: add CF-ORM support to CFFORMWouldn’t it be nice if one could do this:[code][code]This would take either the name of an entity (for a data entry form for a new object by External U.
Comment on ORM Indexing of Large Recordsets Fail to Complete by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on ehcache files are being generated at site root with ORM app with secondary cache enabled by Himavanth R.
Comment on ehcache files are being generated at site root with ORM app with secondary cache enabled by Himavanth R.
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by External U.
Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion 10 ORM - Linked Table Error by External U.
2613798 CF-3162251 External U. It has been a while and I've moved away from this code. However, I was using a MS SQL server. The code sample can be found at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10093206/coldfusion-10-orm-linked-table-error.
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion 10 ORM - Linked Table Error by Nimit S.
Comment on ColdFusion 10 ORM - Linked Table Error by Nimit S.
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by External U.
Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by External U.
Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by External U.
Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by External U.
Tracker Issue ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass
ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass
2673123 CF-4149667 External U. Hi Mingo,
Here is the updated URL:
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM: has<property>() doesn't take the property's where attribute into account by External U.
2673124 CF-4149665 External U. @Nimit,
The database is generated using ORM, I've tested using PostgreSQL 9.4 using native CF drivers (on CF9, 11 and 2016)
Tracker Comment Comment on CfScript ORM mapping annotation for param/sequence does not work by Martin J.
created a test.cfm file that selects ALL the sequences we use and outputs them to a display page – this runs as expected without error.
4. The exact same code runs fine on previous versions of ColdFusion. ORM is able to use the Oracle sequences to read and write to the same database.
My code is very
Tracker Comment Comment on CfScript ORM mapping annotation for param/sequence does not work by Martin J.
created a test.cfm file that selects ALL the sequences we use and outputs them to a display page – this runs as expected without error.
4. The exact same code runs fine on previous versions of ColdFusion. ORM is able to use the Oracle sequences to read and write to the same database.
My code is very
Wrong code generated when code is generated using "Adobe CFC Generator" for DB tables
Tracker Issue Bug 78706:(Watson Migration Closure)When using the new keyword/operator we need to be able to pass as in the following
2600247 CF-3039235 ORM Support Andrew Scott Bug 78706:(Watson Migration Closure)When using the new keyword/operator we need to be able to pass as in the following Problem:
When using the new keyword/operator we need to be able to pass as in the following.The following generates null values
2602213 CF-3037108 Language : CFSCRIPT Sean Corfield Bug 74612:Transfer ORM framework will not run on Centaur due to CFSCRIPT changes Problem:
Transfer ORM framework will not run on Centaur due to CFSCRIPT changes.
The code contains a declaration:
var property = 0;
This raises an error
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by Himavanth R.
Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by Himavanth R.
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by External U.
Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by External U.
serializeJson on ORM entity throws a runtime NullPointerException in some cases.
Tracker Issue Trying to load an ORM enabled entity with relations into a flex client results in error
Trying to load an ORM enabled entity with relations into a flex client results in error
Tracker Issue Bug 87099:-(Watson Migration Closure)This is one of the errors I recently got running a unit test on my ORM code
Bug 87099:-(Watson Migration Closure)This is one of the errors I recently got running a unit test on my ORM code
2598545 CF-3041214 ORM Support Bob Silverberg Bug 82514:(Watson Migration Closure)Improve implementation of implicit methods for struct-based collectionsPlease allow the generated add(), remove() and das() methods that are generated for struct-based collections to have an object pa Problem
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by External U.
Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by External U.
Tracker Issue [cielen] REST API code generator using Swagger
[cielen] REST API code generator using Swagger
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by External U.
at the results.
Did you run the code and look at the results, Himavanth? (be honest).
And if you think Mingo has misconfigured his ORM settings, then - Himavanth - it's kinda up to you do advise how he *should* be doing it. With a modified version of his code. Note: don't touch the inheritance hierarchy (it
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by External U.
Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by External U.
Bug 75515:When using ORM with cfscript and metadata to generate a char column, no matter what you specify for the column length, it gets created with a length of 1
webservice. An auto-generated wsdl is created correctly via the built in Apache Axis service (by appending '?wsdl' to the cfc location) . The wsdl can be introspected successfully, however, on invoking an operation that has an ORM persisted CFC as the return type, only null/empty datasets and fields
Tracker Issue regression: javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException when doing native createQuery() calls
to Reproduce:
// delete using lowercase id convention from hibernate for identifier
var datasource = variables.orm.getEntityDatasource( arguments.entityName );
var query = variables.orm.getSession( datasource )
.createQuery( "delete FROM #arguments.entityName# where id in (:idlist
Tracker Issue Bug 78418:Hi,
2600373 CF-3039097 ORM Support Sam Farmer Bug 78418:Hi, Problem:
I am getting a DDL generation error with the code below. Connecting to a MySQL 5.1 community database on Mac OS 10.5.7.
Component Application {
this.name = "trackrApp";
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by Himavanth R.
Comment on ORM entities are incorrectly created when using single table inheritance with mappedSuperClass by Himavanth R.
Tracker Issue Bug 82545:(Watson Migration Closure)Problem with many-to-many and struct-based collections
of the collection are defined as structures. Here's the code:County.cfc:component persistent="true" {property name="CountryId" fieldtype="id" generator="native" type="numeric";property name="CountryCode" length="2" notnull="true";property name="Languages" fieldtype="many-to-many" cfc="Language" type
Tracker Issue Bug 76112:I'm trying to use CF's ORM to create a table from a CFC definition on MySQL 5
at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader.newInstance(TemplateClassLoader.java:523)
at coldfusion.orm.mapping.CFPropertyBinder.getMetaData(CFPropertyBinder.java:108)
at coldfusion.orm.mapping.CFPropertyBinder.(CFPropertyBinder.java:92)
at coldfusion.orm.hibernate.HibernateConfiguration.generate
Tracker Comment Comment on OrmSearch does not include result score + entity for queries generating a single result by External U.
Comment on OrmSearch does not include result score + entity for queries generating a single result by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 78899:Configure the "saveMappings" orm setting on the CFC level by External U.
Comment on Bug 78899:Configure the "saveMappings" orm setting on the CFC level by External U.
Bug 82326:(Watson Migration Closure)Provide a tag (or other mechanism) to easily run ORM code within a new Hibernate session, similar to "withNewSession" in Grails (see link)
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 87099:-(Watson Migration Closure)This is one of the errors I recently got running a unit test on my ORM code by Himavanth R.
Comment on Bug 87099:-(Watson Migration Closure)This is one of the errors I recently got running a unit test on my ORM code by Himavanth R.
in "Introducing ColdFusion ORM documentation" Section[OBJECT NAMES]===================================In Step 4, the documentation states "First define the mapping for the {ARTS} table to define a relationship between {ARTS} and ARTISTS....". This description is followed by a code sample.1. The correct table name
Tracker Issue JDBC driver fails on updating entities with NULL bit fields in MSQL: specified SQL type is not supported by this driver.
BitField and one with bitfield 1 and the label hasBitField. Let bitFieldNotNull default to 0 and leave counter null.
Create a persistent CFC called Testme as follows:
component table="testme" output="false" extends="inleague.model.ORM.Entity" schema="dbo" persistent="true" {
property name="testID" column
Tracker Issue Bug 84553:(Watson Migration Closure)ORM does not properly create blob/clob fields in Oracle
told ORM to use the Oracle10g dialect, which supports CLOBs and BLOBs.
Problem with ORM generated clob/blob in Oracle
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3042380
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer
Bug 79230: definitely defined, I have done a cfoutput of it and it always displays perfectly, which leads me to believe that it is an ORM problem
inheritance. Schema:product //base entity ---tour //table per class hierarchy with products ---- cruise //single table hierarchy to tour the code: component display="product" persistent="true"{ property name="item_id" type="uuid" ormtype="string" fieldtype="id" generator="uuid" hint
2599211 CF-3040473 ORM Support Peter Farrell Bug 80876:Running getMetadata(myBean) does not generate "access" attribute metadata for getters and settters that are generated with cfproperty Problem:
Running getMetadata(myBean) does not generate "access" attribute metadata for getters and settters
Tracker Comment Comment on ormClearSession and ormCloseSession causes entityDelete not to work by External U.
of mssql db
Example code:
x = entityLoadByPk("Test", url.id);
Comment on Debug information for ORM DDL Update Exceptions occluded by error displayed on screen, even w/robust exceptions enabled by Himavanth R.
2598996 CF-3040710 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 81386:CFCExplorer ignores overridden one-to-many type:struct generated methods Problem:
CFCExplorer ignores overridden one-to-many type:struct generated methods.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
report. With the benefit of hindsight I suppose I should have included the ORM code change that I was attempting to make (before/after), but I did provide detailed error messages and a good explanation of what was going on at the time.
I'm no longer working on this app, and haven't got a clue what
Tracker Issue Trying to load an ORM enabled entity with relations into a flex and get This connection either has time out.. error
2608141 CF-4182861 Flex/Flash Elif Karakas Trying to load an ORM enabled entity with relations into a flex and get This connection either has time out.. error Duplicate ID: CF-4108519
Problem Description: The flex application gives the following error on CF11 version. The same code works on CF10
Tracker Issue saveMapping=true logs WARN messages
3401697 CF-4199484 ORM Support Mingo Hagen saveMapping=true logs WARN messages Problem Description:
The hbmxml files seem to be generated with an out of date DTD reference:
WARN HHH000223: Recognized obsolete hibernate namespace http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/. Use namespace http
2841445 CF-4198329 Darren G. The issue was related to ColdFusion Builder, and that the database had not properly set up foreign key constraints, so the cfc generator for ORM didn't know what to do with those fields, and left them out of the classes.
Manually added those fields in fixes the issue
2601811 CF-3037553 Documentation : General Barnaby Relph Bug 75505:I get an error when attempting to use a many-to-one relationship Problem:
I get an error when attempting to use a many-to-one relationship. Attempting to load an object with a many-to-one property generates a java
Tracker Issue dbdefault no longer quoted properly when generating Hibernate DDL for DB create/update
5196054 CF-4203833 ORM Support dbdefault no longer quoted properly when generating Hibernate DDL for DB create/update Problem Description:
If you have a dbdefault set on a property, and it is a string, it will fail to create the table. The problem is that strings are no longer quoted when passed