displaying top 100 results
2601568 CF-3037821 Installation/Config : Config Nick Walters Bug 75884:License terms include extraneous special characters Problem:
License terms include extraneous special characters. Would have cut and pasted but the textarea they're displayed in seems to be locked.
Tracker Issue Bug 86032:We are in the testing phase of a webservice client deployment with a major telecom carrier
2597614 CF-3043207 Web Services Nick Walters Bug 86032:We are in the testing phase of a webservice client deployment with a major telecom carrier Problem:
We are in the testing phase of a webservice client deployment with a major telecom carrier. They require the SOAP messages to be signed, which
Tracker Issue cfhttpparam Content-Type on GETs
2596872 CF-3525414 Net Protocols Nick Walters cfhttpparam Content-Type on GETs Problem Description: cfhttpparam name=Content-Type does not appear if the method is GET. This is probably because technically it's nonsensical to specify a Type for Content that doesn't exist. Some very large companies
2596882 CF-3511975 Language Nick Walters 9.0.1 CHF3 has a hard limit on the length of cfscript blocks Problem Description: A cfscript block longer than 45 lines causes error Invalid branch target position offset for jsr[168](3):-1: -1:
Steps to Reproduce: the following chunk of code works fine