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Portal Topic New Administrator UI in ColdFusion
SauravGhosh New Administrator UI in ColdFusion With the ColdFusion 2018 release, we have provided a refreshed ColdFusion Administrator console. As the old ColdFusion Administrator console had not been changed in a long time, we felt it was only right to put a modern spin on the User Interface
Portal Topic Default Function In Interface
component can override the default implementation provided by the interface. Imagine a scenario where you want to add a new function to a public interface, without default function, it would be a Herculean task since all consumers will need to provide an implementation. A default function is the solution
Tracker Issue Interface support for mix-ins
Interface support for mix-ins
Portal Comment Comment on Public beta for Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) and Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release) by amar lungare
amar lungare What’s new and changed in the 2018 release of ColdFusion
1. ColdFusion (2018 release) has a new User Interface. The new interface is based on a tiled
interface. We have also enriched the search experience on the Administrator portal.
2. We have removed Server Monitor. We have
2609879 CF-3753750 Himavanth R. ORM Application event handlers that implement the interface CFIDE.orm.IEventHandler will fail with the error "CFC xxxx does not implement the interface CFIDE.orm.IEventHandler."
Users will have to add two new functions preFlush and postFlush to their event handlers.
Tracker Issue Bug 81013:Say I have a User CFC
and Referrer define their discriminatorValue.So far so good. If I save things like this, it works fine:var role = new Customer();EntitySave( role );var user = new User();user.addUserRole( role );user.setFirstName( "Test1" );EntitySave( user );I end up with a record in the userrole table with a discriminator
Tracker Issue New cf2018 container doesn't import CAR files
New cf2018 container doesn't import CAR files
4607226 CF-4203134 Language Interface checks are now runtime and not at CFC creation, breaking TestBox Interfaces have always been checked at the time of the CFC creation, but 2018 appears to have a new runtime check which is causing a lot of issues. Frameworks like TestBox create runtime method
Tracker Comment Comment on Interface checks are now runtime and not at CFC creation, breaking TestBox by Aaron N.
4607226 CF-4203134 Aaron N. Hi Suchika,
This is possibly related to?: https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2018/06/runtime-interface-fulfillment-check/
That's Adam's unanswered PR question that I duplicated into the Portal. If the behavior Adam and Brad see is new in Aether, then I agree backward
New function request: valueArray() to complement valueList()
New ColdFusion Tags: cfsurvey, cfsurveyquestion, cfsurveyanswer
Tracker Comment Comment on New Tag Request: ImageDrawTextArea by CFwatson U.
Comment on New Tag Request: ImageDrawTextArea by CFwatson U.
Tracker Comment Comment on CFDump New Parameter UseJavaObject by CFwatson U.
Comment on CFDump New Parameter UseJavaObject by CFwatson U.
2596975 CF-3283249 Adobe D. Test case at cfsuite\components\ImportNew\CF-3283249\
(Comment added from ex-user id:vnigam)
Tracker Comment Comment on New cfmailparam feature by HariKrishna K.
Comment on New cfmailparam feature by HariKrishna K.
Tracker Comment Comment on New function request: valueArray() to complement valueList() by External U.
Comment on New function request: valueArray() to complement valueList() by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on New function request: valueArray() to complement valueList() by External U.
Comment on New function request: valueArray() to complement valueList() by External U.
Comment on New Administrator UI in ColdFusion by Zaphod_Beeblebrox13
Tracker Comment Comment on New cfmailparam feature by External U.
Comment on New cfmailparam feature by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on User Login session not properly closed by External U.
Comment on User Login session not properly closed by External U.
user is manually deleting the cookies using CFCookie tag the cookie name becomes CFAUTHORIZATION_PEACEQDEV and results in a new cookie. Also in CF10 we cannot manually set expires to the cookies (CFID,CFToken and Auth cookie). Check the bug CF-3182493 which was fixed in CF11. There by the expires
Tracker Issue User not getting error message when properties for CFC server is not defined in properties window
Application Base URL.
In Project Properties -> ColdFusion Mobile Project -> Phonegap -> New -> Access -> Origin should be configured as "*".
Result: If the above properties are not defined user is not getting any prompts.
Expected: If the above properties are not defined user should get appropriate error
Tracker Comment Comment on New ColdFusion Tags: cfsurvey, cfsurveyquestion, cfsurveyanswer by CFwatson U.
Comment on New ColdFusion Tags: cfsurvey, cfsurveyquestion, cfsurveyanswer by CFwatson U.
Tracker Comment Comment on New function request: valueArray() to complement valueList() by External U.
Comment on New function request: valueArray() to complement valueList() by External U.
Tracker Issue CFCExplorer not working for ColdFusion Interfaces
2609666 CF-3811279 Administrator ext-user CFCExplorer not working for ColdFusion Interfaces CFCExplorer not working for ColdFusion Interfaces
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3811279
External Customer Info:
External Company
2609992 CF-3738801 Administrator : Administrator Console ext-user New settings which is added in ColdFusion 11 are not coming in the Settings summary. Problem:New settings which is added in ColdFusion 11 are not coming in the Settings summary.
Like, Websocket, Remote Inspection Settings
Tracker Comment Comment on New /api/ Mapping for Rest Services causes existing /api/ folder to fail by CFwatson U.
Comment on New /api/ Mapping for Rest Services causes existing /api/ folder to fail by CFwatson U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Problem adding Scheduled Task on system with different Format and Display settings that runs on Java 7 by External U.
and user interface locale separately.
Previously the method Locale.getDefault() returned the "format locale" but starting from Java 7 the "user interface locale" is returned.
Read more:
2599336 CF-3040316 Adobe D. This looks like usage issue. Either relative path is specified in interface it should import the folder where User.cfc is present. Also in User.cfc returnUser method should either return fullyQualified name or relative nam( User).
(Comment added from ex-user id:sandeepp)
Comment on New ColdFusion Release Adds Performance Monitoring Toolset for Measuring, Monitoring and Managing High-Performing Web Apps by Charlie Arehart
Tracker Issue Bug 80395:(Watson Migration Closure)Interface with non-fully-qualified name is not implementable by CFC in a different folder
create a folder called bugs in your webroot and copy folder 80395 into it
Run bug80395.cfm
// in \com\IHasUser.cfc:
interface {
User function getUser();
// in com\user\User.cfc
component extends="com.IHasUser" {
com.User function getUser();
though required permissions are given in security->user manager->RDS and Administrator Access->Allowed Roles .
Create a new user with all the possible permissions . Login using newly created user . You won't be able to access coldfusion collections even though you have permissions .
2599336 CF-3040316 HariKrishna K. This is usage issue:
Here is the modified code:
IHasUser.cfc (under com folder )
// in \com\IHasUser.cfc:
interface {
com.user.User function getUser();
User.cfc (under com/user folder
Comment on Import ed interface is not resolved correctly on returnTypes by Adobe D.
Comment on Modernize documentation user interface design by Adobe D.
Tracker Issue Modernize documentation user interface design
Modernize documentation user interface design
Tracker Comment Comment on Solr service fails to start after hotfix 21 install - unable to load CFIDE admin interface, shows error page by Piyush K.
Comment on Solr service fails to start after hotfix 21 install - unable to load CFIDE admin interface, shows error page by Piyush K.
Tracker Issue CF -> Java Lambdas
StateChangeListener {
public void onStateChange(State oldState, State newState);
// Class accepting the interface
public class StateOwner {
public void addStateListener( StateChangeListener listener) { ... }
Right now, we would have to create a CFC and use dynamic proxy
Tracker Issue Add support for Hibernate custom UserTypes
(Student student) {
if (overbookingPolicy.willBeExceeded(arrayLen(registrations), maximumCapacity)) throw ...;
arrayAppend(registrations, new CourseRegistration(id, arguments.student.id()));
With Hibernate, the mapping for OverbookingPolicy could be handled using a custom UserType. If we
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM EventHandler is stating that it must implement interface cfide.orm.IEventHandler when it does by External U.
2609865 CF-3755230 External U. Okay, this is what you posted in the notes.
CF-3753750 - ORM application event handlers that implement the interface CFIDE.orm.IEventHandler will fail with the error "CFC xxxx does not implement the interface CFIDE.orm.IEventHandler". You have to add two new functions
Tracker Issue Dependency inject mixin to fulfil interface
Dependency inject mixin to fulfil interface
Bug 73808:(Watson Migration Closure)(1)[AIR AdminConsole] Server monitor / multiserver should be shown within the air app and not opening a new window loading the interface from the server itself
Portal Topic CONTENS Web Content Management
- and language-versions of one or more sites. Clear user interface The CONTENS user interface is clearly structured. With the page tree on the left side editors open the desired pages. They see the pages right in the way they will appear after publication. The WYSIWYG mode helps editors and […]
The post
different components from the same package.
For example, if I have import path.to.package.*;And then I have two statements:p = new Project();ps = new ProjectStatus();I'll get an error on the second statement reading "Could not find the ColdFusion component or interface ProjectStatus".Then, if I
Comment on make queries implement an array interface by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM EventHandler is stating that it must implement interface cfide.orm.IEventHandler when it does by External U.
Comment on ORM EventHandler is stating that it must implement interface cfide.orm.IEventHandler when it does by External U.
2599925 CF-3039575 External U. It would be nice for those who are creating new search interfaces and collections to be able to work with the native data that Solr provides.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfquery query of queries count(*) returns nothing when there are 0 rows by Doug C.
2608593 CF-4054576 Doug C. This is just allowing lazy programmers to keep their slippers on and hold everyone else back from a consistent interface to a core function. You may have got away with reverting it in a point release but a full brand new shiny release is expected to have breaking changes
Tracker Issue More accurate exception message
2613931 CF-3144597 Scheduler ext-user More accurate exception message Problem:In scheduler, if eventhandler does not exist or if does not implement required interface, same error message is shown. They need to be different
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM EventHandler is stating that it must implement interface cfide.orm.IEventHandler when it does by Adobe D.
Comment on ORM EventHandler is stating that it must implement interface cfide.orm.IEventHandler when it does by Adobe D.
Tracker Comment Comment on Cannot Delete Log Files by External U.
2612500 CF-3503539 External U. I'm having the same problems with e.g. application.log, exception.log.
If this is because the files are locked by a running CF instance (which is the case when you work on a standalone server), then the user interface should not propose the 'Delete' button!
programming interface) to identify the calling program, its developer, or its user to the Web site. API keys are used to track and control how the API is being used, for example to prevent malicious use or abuse of the API (as defined perhaps by terms of service). Resources: […]
The post Taffy for REST – Part
Tracker Issue Enabling Roles attribute for CFCOMPONENT
2673584 CF-4126377 Security Sathish Kumar Enabling Roles attribute for CFCOMPONENT Duplicate ID: CF-4126370
Hi Guys,
The roles attribute for coldfusion functions is good at security application functionalities from unauthorised users. It would be great if we can possibly extend this feature
Tracker Issue Enabling Roles attribute for CFCOMPONENT
2673587 CF-4126372 Security Sathish Kumar Enabling Roles attribute for CFCOMPONENT Duplicate ID: CF-4126370
Hi Guys,
The roles attribute for coldfusion functions is good at security application functionalities from unauthorised users. It would be great if we can possibly extend this feature
Tracker Issue Enabling Roles attribute for CFCOMPONENT
2673588 CF-4126370 Security Sathish Kumar Enabling Roles attribute for CFCOMPONENT Hi Guys,
The roles attribute for coldfusion functions is good at security application functionalities from unauthorised users. It would be great if we can possibly extend this feature to the CFCOMPONENT tag as well
2613574 CF-3219582 External U. Logged into CF admin and was able to remove the bad user. Can now make new users and delete. Guessing it was fixed in a patch.
Tracker Issue "Abstract" parent classes don't work with interfaces
"Abstract" parent classes don't work with interfaces
Tracker Issue Bug 79638:Missing features in adminapi
2599693 CF-3039821 General Server John Mason Bug 79638:Missing features in adminapi Problem:
Missing features in adminapi.Toggling on/off the implicit UDFs Toggling on/off onServerStart optionThe new 'Document' section of the Administrator has no admincfc interfaceThese types of problems have been
2599324 CF-3040329 External U. Man, this issue is a pain in the butt for library authors who want to build an interface using JSON since it many users will report it doesn't work only to find they have the JSON prefix enabled. Just dealing with this again in ContentBox CMS. There's no good way
Tracker Comment Comment on Debug settings on uBuntu doesn't shows up the machine IP in the "Debug Agent IP" dropdown by Adobe D.
2682777 CFB-3727065 Adobe D. The Debugger preferences was always getting populated with only one IP Address , even though there may be many network interfaces on the machine(as an exception occurred while populating the Combo box). On unbuntu the was gttting picked up as the default
Tracker Issue Bug 79244:ColdFusion seems to have some issues with the order of evaluation for certain expressions
evaluation of this example should produce the same results as the following code:s = "a,b,c";temp = structNew();temp.first = listFirst(s);temp.rest = listRest(s);s = temp;Here is another example using multiple assignments:// multiple assignment example// results in error: Variable USER is undefined.users
2. Create stored procedure :
@EmailAddr VARCHAR(250)= NULL,
INSERT INTO dbo.UserTest ( emailAddress )
VALUES ( @EmailAddr );
set @NewUserID = ident_current('dbo.User
2. Create stored procedure :
@EmailAddr VARCHAR(250)= NULL,
INSERT INTO dbo.UserTest ( emailAddress )
VALUES ( @EmailAddr );
set @NewUserID = ident_current('dbo.User
Tracker Issue Javascript new FormData() should be supported
6614212 CF-4206453 AJAX Javascript new FormData() should be supported The FormData interface provides a way to easily construct a set of key/value pairs representing form fields and their values, which can then be easily sent using the XMLHttpRequest.send() method. It uses the same format a form
Portal Topic REPL in ColdFusion (2018 release)
krishna reddy REPL in ColdFusion (2018 release) In the 2016 release of ColdFusion, we had introduced support for Command Line Interface. In this release, we have introduced support for Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL). REPL, a shell, is an interactive programming environment that takes single user
Tracker Issue Blog/CMS Platform
is pushing open source CFML like Ralio, so Adobe settled on the one true to CF, Mango Blog because they had no where else to turn.
So the new re-skinned blog is still miles from business professional and its not mobile friendly. I looked at the mango site to see if anyone skinned it better to field
Tracker Comment Comment on Create a new ORM event handler for when ORM entities are created: postNew() by Luis M.
2610923 CF-3668074 Luis M. THe problem is that users never get notified of issues. So I never knew you needed my input. This bug tracker is not very user friendly.
Like I said, have a preNew() allows for dependency injection/aop to be instrumented on ORM entities before they are loaded
Tracker Issue Improve Java integration
2608751 CF-4010514 Language : Java Integration Adam Cameron Improve Java integration From http://blog.adamcameron.me/2015/06/what-id-like-to-see-in-coldfusion12.html
I should be able to use a Java class anywhere and in the same way I use a CFC now, eg:
s = new java.lang.String("Yeah, bad example
of a queryNew() query.
//test case for query of queries usings querynew and query object://Make query object with queryNew()qUsers = queryNew("usename,userID","varChar,integer");queryAddRow(qUsers);querySetCell(qUsers,"usename","Jorrit");querySetCell(qUsers,"userID",1);querySetCell(qUsers,"usename","Ben");querySetCell(qUsers,"user
Tracker Comment Comment on Create a new ORM event handler for when ORM entities are created: postNew() by Nimit S.
Comment on Create a new ORM event handler for when ORM entities are created: postNew() by Nimit S.
Tracker Comment Comment on CF9.0.1 CHF 3 breaks valid CFC syntax by External U.
2596884 CF-3508592 External U. Rewriting method signature to be
public boolean function moveToNewCampaign (string userId,numeric incomingId, numeric newCampaignId) {
make no difference
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: structNew("sorted") not supported in cfclient by CFwatson U.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: structNew("sorted") not supported in cfclient by CFwatson U.
Comment on ImageNew Crashes When Spaces in Filename URL by CFwatson U.
2613589 CF-3212477 Adobe D. New page is fine.
(Comment added from ex-user id:duttswam)
2613656 CF-3194066 Adobe D. Added this info in the new Wiki page.
(Comment added from ex-user id:ramachan)
Tracker Comment Comment on Missing "width" attribute in CFCHART attributes in new features guide by Adobe D.
Comment on Missing "width" attribute in CFCHART attributes in new features guide by Adobe D.
Tracker Issue Cannot schedule tasks which event handler extend a component that inherits "CFIDE.scheduler.ITaskEventHandler"
2608085 CF-4195754 Language : CF Component,Scheduler Geoffrey Demoulin Cannot schedule tasks which event handler extend a component that inherits "CFIDE.scheduler.ITaskEventHandler" Problem Description:
When adding a new application task, the task will generate an exception saying "Error
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: Explicitly nullable return types
4305454 CF-4202355 Language : Null Support [ANeff] ER for: Explicitly nullable return types Issue: Aether Beta's null support allows non-void UDFs to return null. This breaks backward-compat where users expect the declared return type to be enforced.
Suggestion: Require a leading question mark
Works NOT:public void function test() output="false" {local.qLogin = new Query(sql = "SELECT user_id,user_name,user_lastName,user_emailFROM tUsersWHERE user_email = :emailAND user_password = :password");local.qLogin.addParam(name = "email", value = "#request.attributes.userEmail#", cfsqltype
4317658 CF-4202402 CFApps : CFFiddle [ANeff] ER for: upon creating new CFFiddle app, select index.cfm Issue: When creating a new CFFiddle app, most users will want to begin coding in index.cfm. However, currently that flow requires additional steps.
Actual Behavior:
1) In CFFiddle, create new
Tracker Issue Add conformity to <cfloop> collection iteration
2673608 CF-4122711 Language Adam Cameron Add conformity to collection iteration ColdFUsion 2016 added new syntax to :
Similar syntax was added for files and lists:
This is a reasonable start, but I think it warrants further fine-tuning:
Tracker Issue Error when instantiation a Java object is misleading
occurred while instantiating a Java object. The class must not be an interface or an abstract class.
I don't mind the message or the first half of the detail as they are accurate and helpful. The issue is with the bit that says "The class must not be an interface or an abstract class.". While that is a
Tracker Issue Bug 74793:Better default settings for Sandboxes
2602155 CF-3037168 Security : General Jochem van Dieten Bug 74793:Better default settings for Sandboxes Problem:
Better default settings for Sandboxes
If you create a new Sandbox from scratch it has access to many things it shouldn't (all datasources, cfobject etc.) and it doesn't have access
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] ER for: scheduler to create _instances_ of handler by External U.
2609370 CF-3852672 External U. I'm having a really hard time finding any meaningful documentation about implementing the ITaskEventHandler interface. From what I can tell, scheduled tasks created with the eventhandler="some.component.Path" approach don't pick up on any application scope, even when
Portal Topic CONTENS – Powerful Web Content Management
Alexander Friess CONTENS – Powerful Web Content Management CONTENS is a powerful and flexible CMS to manage international corporate websites, intranets, extranets, landingpages, etc. A modern and intuitive user interface helps editors to manage online content fast and easy providing inline editing
Portal Topic VueJS for ColdFusion programmers: First 10 minutes
Query or AngularJS or Angular you are kind of in the right neighborhood. It is perhaps a prefect complement to ColdFusion development VueJS describes itself as Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. Unlike other monolithic frameworks, Vue is designed […]
The post VueJS for Cold
Michaela Light ColdFusion Vs Java (Afraid to Know Which One is Better?) Contents RAD Speed of Development and Agility Security User Interface Java is one of the biggest programming languages out there. Although it’s not as prolific as before, many programmers still use Java. It is widely considered
James Mohler I have so many feelings on this, I don't know where to start.
When I think of Edge, I think of Microsoft's attempt to unify the Windows Desktop and Windows Phone user interfaces. Edge has always been that hard thing to use for me.
Edge has always been behind Chrome and Firefox
Tracker Issue CFM can't find a CFC in the same directory.
Fusion component or interface /Users/ray/Dropbox/websites/testingzone/test.cfc.
That path certainly *does* exist. test.cfc has the exact same permissions as test.cfm.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3506891
External Customer Info:
Tracker Comment Comment on [regression] uninstallation not able to remove soaptorest directory when soaptorest API is created. by Naga S.
2671989 CF-4197837 Naga S. Any installed file that is currently in use will not be able to get deleted by uninstaller, becasue of Operating system lock.
i.e open command prompt, navigate to soaptorest dir. now, run uninstaller
i.e running soap related calls from web interface, now, run uninstaller
Tracker Issue Bug 75003:There is no way that I can find to specify the name of the calendar for <CFEXCHANGE> to use
2602065 CF-3037270 CFExchange Reed Powell Bug 75003:There is no way that I can find to specify the name of the calendar for to use Problem:
There is no way that I can find to specify the name of the calendar for to use. If the user associated with the username/password for the connection has
2682687 CFB-3756008 Adobe D. Thanks! for sharing the information with us.
Please confirm this issue with the new workspace by following steps
1. create a new workspace (File -> Switch workspaces -> Other -> new workspace path) and lauch CFB with this new workspace.
2. create new project
Michaela Light Better Bug Squashing (New Issue Tracking Tool) with Kirk Deis Kirk Deis talks about “Better Bug Squashing (New Issue Tracking Tool)” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive Podcast, with host Michaela Light. Show notes What is the problem with how you find bug issues now? User emails
Portal Topic ColdFusion documentation has a new home
-stop destination for all things docs. We have revamped the docs site and made it more centralized. Visit the new and improved ColdFusion User Guide (https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/user-guide.html). The new layout is user-friendly and makes navigation easier. We have divided the docs into three main […]
The post Cold
References to Java objects extending 'Map' interface don't work with integer keys
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 83592:Please add a new querytimeout to go with the new "query timeout" DSN setting added in CF9 by Rupesh K.
Comment on Bug 83592:Please add a new querytimeout to go with the new "query timeout" DSN setting added in CF9 by Rupesh K.
Tracker Issue make queries implement an array interface
make queries implement an array interface
Tracker Issue Security Analyzer - CGI scope is not "Safe"
2673376 CF-4126678 Security Analyzer David Epler Security Analyzer - CGI scope is not "Safe" When running the security analyzer across attached code it should flag the use of CGI.HTTP_USER_AGENT in line 1 as XSS and line 4 as SQLi.
There are numerous items populated into CGI scope that come
Tracker Comment Comment on Sorted struct callback needs to receive the value as well as the key by CFwatson U.
2673458 CF-4126527 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Aaron Neff Note Added: Reminder: It should be StructNew('Ordered')
Most CF developers will be confused by the word "Linked" b/c they do not know about Java's LinkedHashMap. They will think "linked to what?" And "what is my struct
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 73960:(Watson Migration Closure)[ORM] there should be a ORMIsDirty(Entity) which would return true if by Adobe D.
mentioned, user can call ObjectEquals which will compare two objects which will say if there is any difference between the old object and new object. So, ORMIsDirty method is not required
(Comment added from ex-user id:nawani)