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2598704 CF-3041034 Language : Functions Nathanael Waite Bug 82249:(Watson Migration Closure)Datediff function does not calculate differences correctly Problem: Datediff function does not calculate differences correctly. I think this might be a issue with the underlining java but still does
2608312 CF-4130252 Database Nathanael Waite DB2 DBVARNAME Issue missing '=>' [SQL0104] Token = was not valid. Valid tokens: ) ,. Problem Description: Fails With Error - [SQL0104] Token = was not valid. Valid tokens: ) ,. Steps to Reproduce: Actual Result: {call test
2599773 CF-3039737 ORM Support Nathanael Waite Bug 79533:You cannot call a setter or getter from a property in the init() / Constructor function Problem: You cannot call a setter or getter from a property in the init() / Constructor function.The below function fails. The setName is not allowed
2597435 CF-3043853 CFIMAGE Nathanael Waite Bug 86935:-(Watson Migration Closure)I have multiple coldfusion servers all running CF9 Problem: I have multiple coldfusion servers all running CF9.I started getting CFImage errors on one of the servers. I can 't seem to fix it. went to the tmp