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2610704 CF-3684235 Database Nathan Dintenfass Derby datasource doesn't work with CFQUERYPARAM null values Problem Description: When passing NULL="TRUE" in CFQUERYPARAM using an Apache Derby datasource the query does not run, throwing the exception: "Syntax error: Encountered "?" at line [X
2613636 CF-3197321 Database Nathan Dintenfass Connection String in MySQL Datasource sent to Database with trailing space Problem Description: When attempting to add a Connection String to a MySQL 4/5 Datasource, if the value is "allowMultiQueries=yes" The message returned is: Connection
/5/2014 A quick way to test if a string is a URL @param stringToCheck The string to check. @return Returns a boolean. @author Nathan Dintenfass ( @version 1, November 22, 2001 @version 2, August 8, 2010 James Moberg (based on http