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Named Parameters in ColdFusion
2609035 CF-3943345 Database Tim Mixell Named param replacement Related Bugs: CF-3944215 - Similar to CF-3949417 - Similar to Problem Description: When using named parameters within queryExecute, a parameter that is the substring of another parameter is incorrectly being inserted in the statement
Tracker Issue Named Param Bug
4211041 CF-4201994 Database Named Param Bug Problem Description: This bug was reported and fixed for CF11, but seems to have been reintroduced. Original bug report can be found here: When using named parameters within queryExecute, a parameter
Bug 72697:Named Stored Procedure Parameters - dbvarname in cfprocparam
Comment on Bug 72697:Named Stored Procedure Parameters - dbvarname in cfprocparam by External U.
Comment on Bug 72697:Named Stored Procedure Parameters - dbvarname in cfprocparam by External U.
of putting named parameters in a particular order is really cramping my code! Thank you
2609035 CF-3943345 External U. We have a lot of instances of columns like "lastModified" and "lastModifiedBy" which means that, if we name the parameters after the columns, this will trip us up.
Bug 81847:cacheSetProperties() and cacheGetProperties() are Missing Configurable Parameters
[ANeff] ER for: all CF functions to accept named parameters
QueryExecute named parameter gotcha!
CacheGetAllIds has inconsistent parameter naming
cfgridcolumn : name parameter is not honored with JS binding in grids.
On the new CF2018 “named parameters” feature
Comment on On the new CF2018 “named parameters” feature by James Mohler
4416136 CF-4202694 Aaron N. Note: NamedParameters for ArrayNew() should have "dimensions" parameter (not "dimension" parameter). B/c, again, it answers the question: "how many dimensions?". Thanks!, -Aaron
2673037 CF-4155428 Denard S. Additional wishlist item since this was moved from the old bugbase: Support for named parameters to all functions (see Lucee) - most built-in functions currently only support positional parameters - support for named parameters would make the language more consistent
Comment on On the new CF2018 “named parameters” feature by James Mohler
Comment on Implicit Array passed as named parameter to function in block ignores functions by External U.
Comment on Bug 87262:-(Watson Migration Closure)Names parameters are not supported when calling stored procedures by External U.
Bug 87262:-(Watson Migration Closure)Names parameters are not supported when calling stored procedures
2612626 CF-3489160 External U. It is incredibly frustrating to not have named parameters in ColdFusion. How exactly is one supposed to make "enterprise" applications by having to pass in null values for hundreds of optional parameters per stored procedure? This is outrageous to say the least.
SoapTo Rest Wizard not picking parameter names
Comment on Bad replacement of single quotes in already escaped values when using named parameters by Daniel S.
3591417 CF-4200012 Nimit S. Hi Michael, Oracle 12c Release 1 do support stored procedures with named parameter. Can you please confirm if you are still facing this issue with the stored procedure? -Nimit
Comment on SoapTo Rest Wizard not picking parameter names by HariKrishna K.
Comment on SoapTo Rest Wizard not picking parameter names by CFwatson U.
Comment on QueryExecute named parameter gotcha! by Charlie Arehart
2608777 CF-4001377 External U. This is for a SQL Server DSN. If you look at the SQL executed on the server, it's buggy when using the dbVarName parameter of
2609687 CF-3804384 External U. As much as I think cfclint is a waste, if we are going to implement 'server side' features for use on 'client side' the syntax should match = so the named parameters should work.
Comment on Implicit Array passed as named parameter to function in block ignores functions by External U.
Comment on Implicit Array passed as named parameter to function in block ignores functions by External U.
Comment on cfgridcolumn : name parameter is not honored with JS binding in grids. by Rupesh K.
Comment on cfgridcolumn : name parameter is not honored with JS binding in grids. by External U.
Comment on Bad replacement of single quotes in already escaped values when using named parameters by William B.
4288031 CF-4202306 Language : Named Parameters [ANeff] Bug for: week()'s "calendar" parameter should accept its default value "gregorian" Issue: week()'s "calendar" parameter should accept its default value "gregorian" Per Named Argument support, week()'s 2nd parameter is named "calendar
Bug 82841:When using the new CFSCRIPT implementation cfquery (the query() object), named parameters fail when used in a sub-select statement
2608734 CF-4014578 External U. Parameter naming shouldn't be an issue beyond reserved words.
2599230 CF-3040447 Database : ODBC Micky Dionisio Bug 80780:CF9 does not allow for sql parameter REUSE Duplicate ID: CF-3040208 Problem: CF9 does not allow for sql parameter REUSE. For instance, if I have a SQL statement that uses a "first_name" parameter twice, when it gets to the second
Bad replacement of single quotes in already escaped values when using named parameters
2612212 CF-3540467 External U. I didn't realize this. I can see how it might not be *required* if all arguments to the function are mandatory, or is no more than 1 optional argument at the end, but the ability to use named parameters should be up to the developer.
2609335 CF-3858665 Database sailendra behera DBVARNAME attribute is not working as it is suppose to be Duplicate ID: CF-3865064 Problem Description: With CF11 update 3 fix for Bug 3808734, dbvarname attribute value is now matching with the parameter name of stored procedures. Before
Bug 80212:If you use the same named parameter twice, CF will throw an error unless you add the param twice
Comment on SoapTo Rest Wizard not picking parameter names by CFwatson U.
Comment on CacheGetAllIds has inconsistent parameter naming by Kama S.
2613545 CF-3282982 HariKrishna K. In cfdocument use name parameter and return the name variable. Refer the PdfHtmlExample.cfc attached. This is the work-around that you can use in this specific case. For more info., you can refer to Sandeep Paliwal's comment.
Bug 83517:(Watson Migration Closure)in the new cf9 cfscript query cfcyou must have a space after named parameters
3591417 CF-4200012 Nimit S. Hi Michael, DBVarname is supported with CF2016 release. However, if the backend database does not support stored procedures with the named parameter, then it may not work. Please provide the information mentioned below: 1. Have you verified it on the latest update
4096926 CF-4201549 Ashudeep S. This seems to be a good use-case for NamedParameters as well, For Struct initialization the column queryName can become optional as the details can be fetched from keys defined in the struct. This should also be incorporated while implementing this feature.
Comment on Bug 83517:(Watson Migration Closure)in the new cf9 cfscript query cfcyou must have a space after named parameters by External U.
2612626 CF-3489160 External U. Every other language we work with supports named parameters. Our SQL Server stored procedures occasionally get new defaulted parameter values and it would be nice to be able to order them logically instead of always needing to put them at the end in case it would
2608535 CF-4070214 External U. +1 - The doc should rename the parameter to "reIterations"(?) and specify that it is the number of times to "re-iterate" and that the default value is 0. Leaving the parameter named as "iterations", and not specifying the default, is just asking for confusion.
be canonicalizing each parameter name and parameter value independently. There's some history to this: Adobe had originally removed the default form action in CF10 (and released a hotfix to do the same for CF8 and CF9) due to XSS. However, this caused URL parameters to vanish when passed into a CF AJAX container
Comment on GetPageContext().getRequest().getParameter('param_name') is undefined by External U.
Comment on GetPageContext().getRequest().getParameter('param_name') is undefined by External U.
Comment on GetPageContext().getRequest().getParameter('param_name') is undefined by External U.
Comment on GetPageContext().getRequest().getParameter('param_name') is undefined by External U.
breaks on the colons expecting the text after the column to be a named parameter. Steps to Reproduce: 1) Write a SQL statement that does an XQuery search. For example: local.myQuery = queryExecute(" SELECT mt1.myColumn FROM myTable mt1 INNER JOIN myTable2 mt2 ON mt1.joinColumn = mt2.join
4120028 CF-4201659 Documentation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Doc Bug for: decodeFromURL() syntax and parameters mismatch Issue: decodeFromURL()'s syntax and parameter sections don't match (parameter name is different) Related URL:
4119132 CF-4201658 Documentation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Doc Bug for: decodeForHTML() syntax and parameters mismatch Issue: decodeForHTML()'s syntax and parameter sections don't match (parameter name is different) Related URL:
Comment on QueryExecute named parameter gotcha! by Chris Bossons
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: all CF functions to accept named parameters by Aaron N.
Comment on Implicit Array passed as named parameter to function in block ignores functions by External U.
Comment on Implicit Array passed as named parameter to function in block ignores functions by External U.
2612651 CF-3482734 External U. Using a struct literal as an argument to a function with a named parameter causes such behavior. I use struct literals extensively as they are very expressive and save lines of code. Often they work fine in development, but when they go to heavier traffic environments
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: all CF functions to accept named parameters by Aaron N.
, that is an odd syntax (an operator, followed by a positional parameter, followed by a named parameter). No wonder ppl get confused =P I'll log an ER for include to also accept all its parameters as name="value" pairs (just like how param was updated in the same manner). Example: include template
to Reproduce: Type paramter is correct but others are not Actual Result: Invalid parameter type. on line 1 Expected Result: Invalid parameter (any or all of the wrong parameter names). on line 1 Any Workarounds: ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Bug 80781:When you are using a sql parameter INSIDE of a sql function, it adds the leading ")" to the parameter name causing it to error out
Bug 82232:(Watson Migration Closure)[ANeff] ER for: Name B/c, currently "CFGRIDKEY" is forced, by CF, as the name of the URL parameter passed from clickable grid columns
2608270 CF-4145870 Piyush K. James, Thanks for pointing this out. The 7th parameter ("includeColumnNames") is was introduced with CF2016. This option is not available with CF11. We will fix the documentation.
) { return arg1 + arg2; } {code} This example could mean two things for the parameter * arg1 as type and default as parameter name with default value initialized to 2. * arg1 as parameter name with default value initialized to 2 Since initializing default values with default keyword has been done earlier
GetPageContext().getRequest().getParameter('param_name') is undefined
Comment on SoapTo Rest Wizard not picking parameter names by Mayur J.
2609222 CF-3909707 External U. I wish the tag-to-script functions actually returned results w/o having to pass the result name as a parameter. Thanks!, -Aaron
parameter. Steps to Reproduce: var q = new query(); q.setSQL( "SELECT '10'::int" ); q.execute(); Actual Result: Error about missing a named parameter Expected Result: Query result with the integer 10 Any Workarounds: Use CAST( '10' ) AS int instead. ----------------------------- Additional Watson
Comment on GetPageContext().getRequest().getParameter('param_name') is undefined by External U.
Implicit Array passed as named parameter to function in block ignores functions
INoel Update 1 for Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) Public Beta Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) Public Beta Update 1 build is available for your testing and feedback. This update includes changes to named parameters, and also fixes on ApplicationGetMetadata(). For more details on what is new
Comment on GetPageContext().getRequest().getParameter('param_name') is undefined by External U.
Bug 83429:-(Watson Migration Closure)[ANeff] Bug for: cfsharepoint doesn't scope in/inout parameter valuesI noticed that does not use its "name" attribute to scope the return value from ’out’ parameters
take it up. Even if some drivers give a wrong information, we can let it throw error. The application will anyway know during its testing that named parameters are not working for a particular DB/driver and they can either change the driver or change it to positional params.
Comment on GetPageContext().getRequest().getParameter('param_name') is undefined by External U.
Comment on GetPageContext().getRequest().getParameter('param_name') is undefined by External U.
Comment on GetPageContext().getRequest().getParameter('param_name') is undefined by External U.
Comment on GetPageContext().getRequest().getParameter('param_name') is undefined by External U.
Update 5 throws: "Named parameter (myXQueryComment) is not defined" CF11 Update 7 throws: "Space is not allowed after parameter prefix ':'" So, the error message is different - but it's still throwing an error unless I remove the "(:myXQueryComment:)" XQuery comment. Thanks!, -Aaron
5241384 CF-4203901 Aaron N. Hi Michael, Named parameter syntax `csrfGenerateToken(forceNew=true)` isn't valid until CF2018. Pre-CF2018 that'd be positional syntax `csrfGenerateToken("", true)`. It's a bug if it worked pre-CF2018. Hi Adobe, If you run `csrfGenerateToken(forceNew=true)` in CF2016
2609152 CF-3919479 Database Rob Weaver ColdFusion 11 patch 3, the cfstoredproc is passing variables by name instead of position Problem Description: Prior to CF11 patch 3, variable names in the dbvarname of the cfprocparam tags were ignored, and parameters were passed in the order defined
2608734 CF-4014578 Database Kevin Morris QueryExecute named params cannot start with a previous param's name Duplicate ID: CF-3943345 Problem Description: When using queryExecute() with a SQL statement that includes multiple named parameters, the parser breaks on the second parameter whose name
3557163 CF-4199894 Language : Functions Aaron Neff [ANeff] ER for: isValid() datetimeobject This ER is for: isValid("datetimeobject") With few exceptions (ex: cfqueryparam's cfsqltype and CGI variables), CF does not use underscores in attribute names, parameter values, variable names, etc
2608777 CF-4001377 Database Erik Voldengen cfstoredproc problem in cf11 update 3 Duplicate ID: CF-3865064 Problem Description: CFSTOREDPROC using dbVarName parameter results in SQL Server error, now uses sp_prepExec Steps to Reproduce: use dbVarName in cfprocparam. Actual Result: Incorrect
2609891 CF-3750731 Aaron N. THIS.customSerializers could disallow boolean key names. Then `useCustomSerializer` parameter could accept any THIS.customSerializers key name. No need for yet another "optional argument to specify the serializer to be used". Just dual-purpose the existing `use
they are defined. After patch 3 they are being passed by variable name, and therefore (at least with Oracle) must match the name of the parameter of the procedure. I need a fix, or a way to set the system property coldfusion.dbvarDependants that will disable the pas by name behavior.
2609133 CF-3924625 Aaron N. Hi Adobe, Can this please be added in Aether? We need a built-in-function that can canonicalize URLs properly, by canonicalizing each query string name and parameter individually. Please see udfCanonicalizeURL() example function in this ticket's description. Thanks
2609946 CF-3741588 Rupesh K. It is not broken and this is how it is supposed to be. If you specify a cacheId, then that will be used as the ID for the cache entry otherwise a QueryDetails object is used as the ID. This object consists of various things like - datasource name, sql, parameters etc.
[ANeff] Doc Bug for: ormEvictEntity() syntax and parameters mismatch
2612472 CF-3506225 Rupesh K. Function argument name CANNOT be a number. To me, numeric key as the function parameter name does not make any sense and therefore it wouldn't make any sense to support numeric keys for argumentCollection. Numeric keys are very much possible for struct and that can