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2609438 CF-3847264 Piyush K. Mr. Hanks,
I am unable to observe the issue with CF10 udpate 13.
The following works ok:
For the cfc (and the xml file for the data) you can use BinFcns.cfc at
2609438 CF-3847264 Piyush K. Thanks Aaron.
using the id attribute of cfselect works with CF10 update 14 and CF11 / Windows 7 x64 / Chrome v39 / IE 11
I used Aaron's code which uses the ID attribute.
Can you please share the test code with us.
New("theDisplay,theValue", "varchar,varchar", [["device 1","device1"],["device 3","device3"]]);
case "event2": {
return queryNew("theDisplay,theValue", "varchar,varchar", [["device 2","device2"],["device 4","device4"]]);
@Mr. Hanks, could you please attach repro code? It will help resolve this faster.
Tracker Issue Bind does not find elements by ID attribute in CFSELECT
by onchange function of 1st dropdown.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3847264
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Mr. Hanks
External Customer Email:
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment