displaying top 100 results
Comment on Wrong Alt Text for logo - states ColdFusion 10 by Mike C.
Tracker Comment Comment on Method invocation through ajaxproxy fails even if the required arguments are passed . by Mike C.
Comment on Method invocation through ajaxproxy fails even if the required arguments are passed . by Mike C.
Tracker Comment Comment on IIS 404 custom error handler URLs that are .cfm files do not consistently return entire document by Mike C.
Comment on IIS 404 custom error handler URLs that are .cfm files do not consistently return entire document by Mike C.
Mike Collins Have you tried using a Virtual directory on the myapp site - mapping myCfFiles to C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/myCfFiles. Symlink issues are at the JVM level CF just relies on the JVM for file access.
Tracker Comment Comment on Nested CFLAYOUT/CFLAYOUTAREA tags with source attributes throw javascript error by Michael C.
5847488 CF-4204514 Michael C. Hi Mukesh,
Yes, all the YUI libraries were already in place,
Tracker Comment Comment on Nested CFLAYOUT/CFLAYOUTAREA tags with source attributes throw javascript error by Michael C.
5847488 CF-4204514 Michael C. Hi Mukesh,
Just checking to see if there is any progress on this. We'd really like to move forward from CF2016 Update 7.
Tracker Comment Comment on Scheduled Tasks show as NOT RUN even though they have run successfully by Michael C.
6624479 CF-4206491 Michael C. Hi Suchika,
This issue appears to have gradually resolved itself, so you may close it if you like.
Many thanks for your assistance.
Tracker Comment Comment on Coldfusion 2018 CFIMAGE: Write an image to a file from Base64 string is not working. by Michael C.
5446523 CF-4204075 Michael C. Hi Guys,
The new issue is CF-4204398. Please go and add comments/votes there to see if we can finally get this issue resolved.
Tracker Comment Comment on Coldfusion 2018 CFIMAGE: Write an image to a file from Base64 string is not working. by Michael C.
5446523 CF-4204075 Michael C. Hi Arwin, Samuel and Charles,
I'm going to open another issue with the same description, because it would appear Adobe are ignoring this thread. I'll post the new issue number in here when it's done.
Tracker Comment Comment on ArrayFindAllNoCase by External U.
and both are valid. Your example works b/c it is not related to the two bugs Mike raised.
Tracker Comment Comment on Scheduled Tasks show as NOT RUN even though they have run successfully by Michael C.
6624479 CF-4206491 Michael C. Hi Suchika,
I've just noticed that it looks like when the ColdFusion service is restarted, the last run dates are wiped out. This would explain why it gradually resolved itself.
Shouldn't the last run history be maintained and survive a service restart?
Tracker Comment Comment on Scheduled Tasks show as NOT RUN even though they have run successfully by Michael C.
6624479 CF-4206491 Michael C. Hi Suchika,
I've just noticed that it looks like when the ColdFusion service is restarted, the last run dates are wiped out. This would explain why it gradually resolved itself.
Shouldn't the last run history be maintained and survive a service restart?
Tracker Comment Comment on Nested CFLAYOUT/CFLAYOUTAREA tags with source attributes throw javascript error by Michael C.
Comment on Nested CFLAYOUT/CFLAYOUTAREA tags with source attributes throw javascript error by Michael C.
Tracker Comment Comment on Nested CFLAYOUT/CFLAYOUTAREA tags with source attributes throw javascript error by Michael C.
Comment on Nested CFLAYOUT/CFLAYOUTAREA tags with source attributes throw javascript error by Michael C.
Tracker Issue Bug 83541:(Watson Migration Closure)arrayNew() - can the dimension argument default to 1?99
: Mike Causer
External Customer Email: 5E3754C04462CDFF992016B6
External Test Config: 07/12/2010
Tracker Issue Bug 85125:create a struct
Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3042828
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Mike Causer
External Customer Email: 5E3754C04462CDFF992016B6
External Test Config: 11/21/2010
Tracker Issue Bug 73471:(Watson Migration Closure)Please add in the "Final Page Footer" report band within the CF Report Builder
Name: Mike Greider
External Customer Email: 07A3374344F84457992015C3
External Test Config: 11/03/2008
Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Mike Greider
External Customer Email: 07A3374344F84457992015C3
External Test Config: 08/20/2008
Tracker Issue Bug 72754:(Watson Migration Closure)Please allow one of the two following options (preferably the first option):
2603205 CF-3035882 Reporting : Report Designer Mike Greider Bug 72754:(Watson Migration Closure)Please allow one of the two following options (preferably the first option): Problem:
Please allow one of the two following options (preferably the first option):
1) Have the option of Report Footer
Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3041891
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Mike Causer
External Customer Email: 5E3754C04462CDFF992016B6
External Test Config: 08/17/2010
Tracker Issue cfspreadsheet not handling clobs.
2597094 CF-3120738 Document Management : Office Integration Mike Squire cfspreadsheet not handling clobs. Problem Description:
Clob in query becomes gibberish in spreadsheet.
Steps to Reproduce:
write a cfspreadsheet using a query containing a clob
Actual Result:
gibberish like 'C@9788973
Tracker Issue Bug 87179:-(Watson Migration Closure)"Invalid Date: header (not RFC 2822)" in Spam Assassin
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3085248
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Mike Causer
External Customer Email: 5E3754C04462CDFF992016B6
External Test Config: 12/05/2011
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3044043
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Mike Causer
External Customer Email: 5E3754C04462CDFF992016B6
External Test Config: 09/25/2011
Deployment Phase: Release Candidate
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Mike Causer
External Customer Email: 5E3754C04462CDFF992016B6
External Test Config: 06/23/2011
Tracker Issue Bug 83517:(Watson Migration Closure)in the new cf9 cfscript query cfcyou must have a space after named parameters
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3041750
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Mike Causer
External Customer Email: 5E3754C04462CDFF992016B6
External Test Config: 07/08/2010
Tracker Issue CFPDF - creating Portfolio packages
2672519 CF-4191999 Document Management Mike Collins CFPDF - creating Portfolio packages When trying to create a package using script straight from the doc I am getting an error.
Test Script
test one
test two
An error occurred during MERGE operation in the cfpdf tag.
2598092 CF-3041749 Language : CustomTag Mike Causer Bug 83516:(Watson Migration Closure)the cf9 query cfc seems to be missing a true in a listToArray() as the 3rd argument 'includeEmptyFields' Problem:
the cf9 query cfc seems to be missing a true in a listToArray() as the 3rd argument 'includeEmptyFields'.C
Tracker Issue Bug 72753:(Watson Migration Closure)If you set the page footer band height to a small number (like
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3035881
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Mike Greider
External Customer Email: 07A3374344F84457992015C3
External Test Config: 08/20/2008
Tracker Issue Bug 83748:It seems that the ORM event handler now fires the preUpdate method twice when updating a persistent entity
.cfmtransaction{ Author = EntityLoadByPK( "Author", 1 ); Author.setFirstName( "Mike #TimeFormat( Now(), "MM:SSt")#" ); EntitySave( Author );}When I run this on a ColdFusion 9.01 install, the trace I get is :[CFTRACE 22:09:44.421] [31 ms] [C:\htdocs\Aliaspooryorik\samples\preUpdate\Author.cfc @ line: 17] - fired pre
2613413 CF-3321442 AJAX Mike Collins CFLayout does not load properly with SSL (https), works fine with http Problem Description: When using cflayout with ssl the domcontentloaded event seems to fire too early and you end up with an object not defined error which then stops the layout objects from
Tracker Issue CFSEARCH tag ignores contextBytes parameter
2609596 CF-3824890 Text Search : Solr Mike Lerley CFSEARCH tag ignores contextBytes parameter Problem Description:
The CFSEARCH tag ignores the contextBytes parameter and always sends a value of 100. It should pass through the value of the parameter.
Steps to Reproduce:
Execute a cfsearch
3588520 CF-4200009 Charlie A. Thanks, Mike. As for update 10, I realize you may be gun shy after the debacle of update 8. But to be clear, update 10 only adds a security fix (which Adobe deems urgent), so there should be no risk of the kind of problems update 8 did (which changed many things