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Tracker Issue Comparing String Values with Zeros in the string
2608078 CF-4196246 Language Matthew Parks Comparing String Values with Zeros in the string Problem Description:
within an CFIF condition string "001" is returning that it is equal to "000001"
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
returns EQUALS
Expected Result:
2608370 CF-4110208 Security Matthew Parks AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding Encryption Take too long to encrypt/decrypt Problem Description: Encrypt/Decryption with AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding ends up making pages timeout due to results taking too long to return page in under 60 seconds. Due to mutliple calls
2608358 CF-4113978 Database Matthew Parks storedproc().execute().getPrefix() - only returning ExecutionTime Problem Description: calling Stored Procedure was expecting StatusCode to be returned to check id proc executed correctly but it is not.
Steps to Reproduce:-- Table creation
create table
2608884 CF-3971083 Database Matthew Parks cfstoredproc - Last OUTPUT parameter - ColdFusion 11 Update 5 Problem Description:Calling a Stored Procedure that has IN and OUT parameters, the LAST OUT parameter variable name is not able to be referenced by code.
Steps to Reproduce:
-- Table creation