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5042269 CF-4203437 James M. You should put this one up on Stackoverflow, Someone else might have seen this or have a workaround. The getCurrentUnassignedSAQs(), is that an Entity or is it powered by a query?
2611518 CF-3615865 CFForm M Powers CFGrid does not pass boolean types on insert with HTML format Problem Description: CFGrid does not pass the true/false values on insert of new record with html format Steps to Reproduce: query with boolean/bit types, CFGrid set to HTML format and insert=yes, add
2609893 CF-3750729 External U. I'm not entirely sure why this is an issue anyway. Unless I'm very much mistaken, Cfclient is only used during development of a mobile application, not to power a production site. It is only processed during application testing and packaging, right? If you develop
Shirak Avakian is here I’m excited to announce my beta release of powered by ColdFusion 2016. If you need to add a signature field, stamp, redact, barcode, and properties without using Adobe Acrobat DC (PRO), then you need to check out My
Adobe ColdFusion Comprehensive Guide (More Powerful, More Modernized, More Alive)
2672520 CF-4191694 Krishna R. Here the Number is double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 (used by hardware) floating point numbers. Unless those are power of 2 or sums of powers of 2, they cannot be represented exactly, even if they have high precision. Some floating point operations will compound
,value", "array,value,merge",.. ] },.. } This info would be useful for: - Adobe, to power aspects of their documentation to ensure it is sync'd with what CF currently supports. - Adobe, to power aspects of ColdFusion Builder to ensure it is sync'd with what CF currently supports. - Any alpha/beta tester
Charlie Arehart

I’m not aware of any such plans, but I realize you will prefer to hear from someone at Adobe or with a more authoritative answer.

That said, while OSGI is indeed powerful (which has its pros and cons), you highlight improved compile time as a goal. Since CF code is compiled

="nofollow"> I know for myself I try to do an entry level talk each year, and try to push adobe to make sure there are entry level talks. I think a big issue is in our community (and i'm sure in others) we have a lot of 9-5ers that go in do their work and go home and don't try to learn. I have met people
Charlie Arehart

There can be many reasons for that. I’d start with whether the logs (in the elasticsearch folder) tell you anything. Then, is the box on which it’s running perhaps under-powered? Is it running on the same box as the PMT? or worse, the same box as CF? I can say that I have seen

CFLOCKs. We can only determine it by timing the code with the locks there or not (and no, for readers who may suggest that throwontimeout=no is the answer, it's not. More on that in a moment). All I'm proposing is a CF Admin setting on the debugging settings page (like the option of whether to track