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Tracker Issue CF Server update screen has redundant fields
2609347 CF-3855940 General Server M Bean CF Server update screen has redundant fields Problem Description:
Steps to Reproduce:
Log into CF Administrator
Click on Updates
Click on Settings
See that there are two fields for email addresses
Actual Result:
2 fields instead of 1
Expected Result:
2609299 CF-3861026 Reporting M Bean Sub reports don't allow for InitializeReport() nor allow for instantiation of objects Problem Description:
CFR Subreports don't allow for InitializeReport() nor allow for instantiation of objects. Since objects are not accessible, functions have to be embedded
2609350 CF-3855211 Documentation M Bean ListInsertAt() crashes for edge cases (index equals list length plus 1) Problem Description:
ListInsertAt() crashes for some seemingly valid inputs. Documentation at http://help.adobe.com/livedocs/coldfusion/8/htmldocs/help.html?content=functions_l_13.html
2609301 CF-3861021 Reporting M Bean Some HTML is not supported in by Report Builder/PDFs generated by CF Problem Description:
Various problems exist. Firstly, sometimes HTML gets spit out as code instead of being rendered. Second, even when it is rendered, links go to places that don't make sense
Tracker Comment Comment on invokeImplicitAccessor should be a CFC setting, not an Application.cfc setting by External U.
2609048 CF-3941602 External U. And the other way around too Brad. I might want MY CFCs to use this feature, but it's actually completely wrong for some third-party library I'm also using.
Indeed I reckon on the whole it would be appropriate for bean time CFCs, but not for services or any other
2598490 CF-3041277 General Server SUMIT VERMA Bug 82621:Coldfusion 9 Cumulative Hot Fix 1 Breaks all our Mach-II apps Problem:
Coldfusion 9 Cumulative Hot Fix 1 Breaks all our Mach-II apps. I'm getting error related to dependency injection. Removing hot fix resolves the issue.
: data
at flex.messaging.config.MessagingConfiguration.reportUnusedProperties(M
at flex.messaging.MessageBrokerServlet.init(MessageBrokerServlet.java:16
at coldfusion
Empty queries on Axis 2 comes back as a QueryBean object instead of empty query
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 83860:structCopy() no longer works on the result of cfhttp by Aaron N.
2597953 CF-3041905 Aaron N. Hi Adobe,
+1 to re-open/fix this regression (and also add the struct member functions to the various struct variants). From a CF developer's perspective, a struct is a struct is a struct is a struct. We're not to worry about coldfusion.runtime.Struct vs coldfusion.runtime.StructBean
Tracker Issue Spring integration, spring security and jsp tags
.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/security/access/intercept/aopalliance/MethodSecurityInterceptor
Tracker Issue Round produces wrong number when
2609608 CF-3822899 Language M B Round produces wrong number when Problem Description:
Round() sometimes return incorrect result. We have only proven that this is the case when an expression is passed in that that ends in .5 (but not all of them do this). It might happen at other times as well
Tracker Issue Objects can't be garbage collected during a request
all. The references are held in a private variable called dummyCompMap in getPageContext().getFusionContext().
I have run into this in an application that occasionally creates a lot of beans.
Steps to Reproduce:
Create the following two files and execute run.cfm.
Comment on Bug 78067:(Watson Migration Closure)Bring back CFC-Beans by External U.
? I'd say you have a rather narrow view of of best practices and design patterns. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a bean using a service (or a setting, logger, ioc container, etc) to accomplish its tasks. In fact, I personally subscribe to the mantra, "Fat beans, slim services, and even
2609110 CF-3928707 External U. Hi Aaron, the page is wide open (for testing) and cflogin isn't being used.
Pavan, I feel silly because I accidentally pasted the wrong error. The error above happens when we place the same code within a CFC and call it as a Web Service. I'm attaching that CFC
to force an issue that really isn't there. Many people use populator helpers in their MVC frameworks to populate beans for them (usually via setters) so there's many cases in which an object may be initialized but not populated with data yet (other than its defaults).
> but you will not be able to load
Tracker Issue Bug 82932:Problem using log4j when sending an email (org
.appender.frontAppender.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.frontAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5p %c %d - %m%nlog4j.appender.frontAppender.MaxFileSize=1024KBlog4j.appender.mail=org.apache.log4j.net.SMTPAppenderlog4j.appender.mail.SMTPHost=smtp.cgin.frlog4j.appender.mail.Subject=DEV PHS Message erreur Front CF9log4j