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Tracker Issue Bug 84925:the bgcolor attribute of the cfgridcolumn tag does not always render on all rows of the cfgrid
2597779 CF-3042665 CFForm : Standard XML Larry Lee Bug 84925:the bgcolor attribute of the cfgridcolumn tag does not always render on all rows of the cfgrid Problem:
the bgcolor attribute of the cfgridcolumn tag does not always render on all rows of the cfgrid
2597802 CF-3042551 Administrator : Administrator Console Larry Lee Bug 84761:(Watson Migration Closure)Collection language select box is null if CF Admin user is a guest user (created from user manager) Problem:
Collection language select box is null if CF Admin user is a guest user (created
2598119 CF-3041718 Language : Tags Larry Lee Bug 83453:CSS styles are ignored for cfgrid on all but first tab of cflayout Problem:
CSS styles are ignored for cfgrid on all but first tab of cflayout
[vmannebo 11/26/2010] Adding a test case (just in case) :