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Comment on ColdFusion 2016 update 11 IE Javascript problems by Kumar Mukesh
3047610 CF-4198570 Andrea D. @Mukesh Kumar the new jar is working fine. thanks for the support. Andrea
2608655 CF-4033463 External U. @MukeshKumar, upgraded to jdk 1.8_60 and yes it now reports Operating System Windows 10 OS Version 10.0
2682151 CFB-4191665 David B. Mukesh Kumar, please test that this actually works in Neon before the release of CFBuilder 2018 (on Neon)
3047610 CF-4198570 Andrea D. @Mukesh Kumar The JAR for version 11 doesn't work, maybe you have compiled it with the wrong java version... ----Exception----- mag 23, 2017 13:38:09 PM Error [http-bio-8500-exec-1] - coldfusion/tagext/html/form/InputTag : Unsupported major.minor version 52