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2673397 CF-4126646 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Keith Korry Note Added: It also happens on a new windows Server 2016 installation. Date Added :2015-11-06 04:14:12.0
Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Keith Korry Note Added: it happens when you uninstall the old version 12
Tracker Issue CFFlush doesnt seem to flush any more
2613980 CF-3140289 Language : Tags Keith Korry CFFlush doesnt seem to flush any more Problem Description:If I use it on the page like before it does not flush anything to the page
Steps to Reproduce: get then insert in DB.one done..all done!
Actual Result:DB Call, do something..nope.
Tracker Issue Installation does not pass the Migration Wizard Window
2673397 CF-4126646 Installation/Config : Installer Keith Korry Installation does not pass the Migration Wizard Window Problem Description:Installation does not pass the Migration Wizard Window.
Steps to Reproduce:Install on Windows Server 2012/2016
Actual Result:Never leaves the Migration Wizard