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2610268 CF-3713706 Anit K. @JohnnyO5 Can you reach out to cfinstaladobecom with your issue details. As mention below, @DKowalski is facing a different issue and is not related to the .Net framework 4.5.1 issue.
2612467 CF-3506757 REST Services Johnny O Exceptions in REST Services doesn't trigger Application.cfc's onError or Site-wide Error Handler Problem Description: When exceptions occur in ColdFusion 10's new REST Services, the standard exception handling mechanisms don't work. Steps to Reproduce
2608176 CF-4171125 REST Services Johnny O Session and Application scopes unavailable in REST service endpoint that returns void Problem Description: After upgrading to ColdFusion 10 Update 20, REST services where the endpoint returns void no longer has access to Session and Application scopes. I
2611467 CF-3618494 REST Services Johnny O ColdFusion 10 Rest API mangles international characters in the request Problem Description: ColdFusion 10's new Rest API mangles international characters in the request. For example, a request that looks like this: PUT http://www.bcjobs.local/rest/v1
2610268 CF-3713706 Installation/Config : Installer Johnny O ColdFusion won't start automatically after Windows Update ot >net Framework 4.5.1 Problem Description: I'm ColdFusion 10 Update 13 on Windows Web Server 2008 R2. After Windows Update was applied on 2014-02-25, ColdFusion wouldn't start