displaying top 100 results
2597683 CF-3042955 Language : Exception Handling John Pansewicz Bug 85345:(Watson Migration Closure)REReplaceNoCase () fails to throw a catchable exception during a stack overflow in a specific regular expression Problem:
REReplaceNoCase () fails to throw a catchable exception during a stack
2597871 CF-3042154 AJAX : UI Components John Pansewicz Bug 84149:I cannot get a double click handler to work in Safari 2 Problem:
I cannot get a double click handler to work in Safari 2.0 using:grid.addListener ("celldblclick", handleDoubleClick);(called from my onLoad function)I have this working
2597968 CF-3041886 AJAX : UI Components John Pansewicz Bug 83820:Here's thee code, should be placed in a file called "test-cfform-ajax Duplicate ID: CF-3041804
Here's thee code, should be placed in a file called "test-cfform-ajax.cfm" This area is not refreshed when the form
Tracker Issue Bug 83915:-(Watson Migration Closure)cflayout type="tab" does not render correctly in IE 7
2597933 CF-3041931 AJAX : UI Components John Pansewicz Bug 83915:-(Watson Migration Closure)cflayout type="tab" does not render correctly in IE 7 Problem:
cflayout type="tab" does not render correctly in IE 7. The first tab's height is incorrectly set, leaving it only as tall as the up
Tracker Issue serializeJSON() is converting ints to floats
2611489 CF-3617509 AJAX : Plumbing John Pansewicz serializeJSON() is converting ints to floats Problem Description:
serializeJSON() is converting ints to floats when the number is calculated using the functions: val(), int() or ceiling(). I always assumed val() returned an int, but int
Tracker Issue IIS 404 custom error handler URLs that are .cfm files do not consistently return entire document
2612631 CF-3488063 Web Container (Tomcat) John Pansewicz IIS 404 custom error handler URLs that are .cfm files do not consistently return entire document Problem Description:
When a URL pointing to a .cfm file is configured as a custom error handler for 404 errors inside IIS (Error Pages