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Tracker Issue Bug 73803:CFMAP takes a key attribute to specify an API key, using the code example in the alpha2reference guide;
2602457 CF-3036836 AJAX : UI Components John Beynon Bug 73803:CFMAP takes a key attribute to specify an API key, using the code example in the alpha2reference guide; Problem:
CFMAP takes a key attribute to specify an API key, using the code example in the alpha2reference guide;
the key value
2602459 CF-3036834 Server Manager John Beynon Bug 73801:(Watson Migration Closure)In the server administrator AIR application if you highlight multiple datasources (which it let's you do by holding ctrl down) and right click and choose 'Apply to Selected Servers' only the row that Problem
2602253 CF-3037057 Language : Tags John Beynon Bug 74246:cfinvoke against a persistent CFC fails with error message Problem:
cfinvoke against a persistent CFC fails with error message
"The component attribute in cfinvoke tag has invalid value."
Thread in prerelease forum at https
Tracker Issue Bug 74091:If you have a persistent object name object
2602320 CF-3036985 ORM Support John Beynon Bug 74091:If you have a persistent object name object Problem:
If you have a persistent object name object.cfc, the database schema will get created but if you try entity load you receive message;
unexpected token: object near line 1, column 6 [from