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Tracker Issue Bug 84595:(Watson Migration Closure)CFLDAP http://help
2597831 CF-3042411 Net Protocols : LDAP Joel Stobart Bug 84595:(Watson Migration Closure)CFLDAP http://help Problem:
CFLDAP http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/9.0/CFMLRef/WSc3ff6d0ea77859461172e0811cbec22c24-7f97.html has a timeout attribute specified in milliseconds. When I use this timeout
Tracker Issue Bug 84596:When I put in a dodgy filter string
2597830 CF-3042412 Language : Exception Handling Joel Stobart Bug 84596:When I put in a dodgy filter string Problem:
When I put in a dodgy filter string . A packet sniffer returns the followingsearchResDone(2) protocolError (Bad search filter) [0 results]But Coldfusion returns to me