displaying top 100 results
Tracker Issue Incorrect Serialization of dates
documentation “The SerializeJSON function converts the ColdFusion date time object for October 3, 2007 at 3:01 PM, for example, into the JSON string "October, 03 2007 15:01:00"
Example Date = {ts '2014-10-03 15:01:00'}
A Default Java Locale of any non-English locale produces incorrect MONTH names.
Comment on SerializeJSON on a Java object causes service restart by External U.
Tracker Issue Java bug in CF
2596694 CF-3818459 Scheduler Daniel Gordon Java bug in CF Problem Description:
We are experiencing strange Java bug in ColdFusion. Please find more details about ColdFusion version and serial number in the attachment.
All involved scripts have been added as attachment.
According to the log
Tracker Issue SerializeJSON on a Java object causes service restart
SerializeJSON on a Java object causes service restart
Comment on SerializeJSON on a Java object causes service restart by CFwatson U.
Comment on Base64 Strings Mishandled During Serialization by External U.
Tracker Issue ObjectSave: Object passed is not serializable java.io.NotSerializableException: coldfusion.runtime.Variable
3821566 CF-4200440 Language : Java Serialization Tyler Clendenin ObjectSave: Object passed is not serializable java.io.NotSerializableException: coldfusion.runtime.Variable Problem Description:
When I use a function
I get the error
Error occurred while performing ObjectSave: Object
Tracker Issue string 'yes' converts to true when using serializeJSON() even when using javaCast('string','yes'))
string 'yes' converts to true when using serializeJSON() even when using javaCast('string','yes'))
2613237 CF-3337487 External U. An extremely simple test for this bug:
SerializeJSON( JavaCast("string", "yes") );
Returns an unquoted "true".
Tracker Comment Comment on Java bug in CF by Vamseekrishna N.
Comment on Java bug in CF by Vamseekrishna N.
Tracker Comment Comment on string 'yes' converts to true when using serializeJSON() even when using javaCast('string','yes')) by Toby W.
Comment on string 'yes' converts to true when using serializeJSON() even when using javaCast('string','yes')) by Toby W.
Tracker Comment Comment on Java bug in CF by External U.
Comment on Java bug in CF by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on As a Cluster of Servers, I want to store SESSION data outside of local RAM by External U.
2608730 CF-4015158 External U. +1000 - This is so important for the architecture of modern, highly available applications. Even if all Adobe supported was a simple key/value store with no automatic Java object serialization as the distributed cache, it would be extremely helpful.
2613237 CF-3337487 External U. Easier test (cfscript):
//Broken - doesn't quote the value
derp = "0000";
return SerializeJson(derp);
// Working - returns "0000a"
derp = "0000a";
return SerializeJson(derp);
// Still Broken! Doesn't quote the value!
derp = JavaCast('string', '0000');
Tracker Issue Error Serializing Entities and Beans
2608827 CF-3982649 ORM Support Daniel Budde Error Serializing Entities and Beans Problem Description: When serializing certain beans and entities for AJAX requests using either 'serializeJSON' or 'returnformat="json"' an error is thrown. The specific error is: 'java.lang.Integer cannot be cast
Tracker Comment Comment on serializeJson on ORM entity throws a runtime NullPointerException in some cases. by External U.
2608325 CF-4126264 External U. java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException at coldfusion.runtime.JSONUtils.getCFCDataAsMap(JSONUtils.java:761) at coldfusion.runtime.JSONUtils.serializeJSONProxy(JSONUtils.java:611) at coldfusion.runtime.JSONUtils.serializeJSONBase(JSONUtils.java:390
CF's .toJson() should not trigger on Java object with the same function name
Tracker Comment Comment on string 'yes' converts to true when using serializeJSON() even when using javaCast('string','yes')) by Toby W.
Comment on string 'yes' converts to true when using serializeJSON() even when using javaCast('string','yes')) by Toby W.
ColdFusion 10, 11 (11,0,13,303668) and 2016: JSON Serialization Still Broken - String values in numeric format being interpreted as numeric (ie, "1.1.10")
Tracker Comment Comment on Incorrect behaviour of SerializeJSON() on strings that contain U+xxxx in CF10 Update 15 by External U.
2609053 CF-3941059 External U. Last week I updated to CF10 update17 and the problem was fixes. This morning I updated to CF10 Update 18 and I'm now getting Java Heap Space error on serializeJson.
Tracker Comment Comment on Java bug in CF by External U.
Comment on Java bug in CF by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on ObjectLoad() Component Never Garbage Collects / ObjectLoad() = Memory Leak by Chris P.
to ObjectSave() and ObjectLoad() millions of strings and the JVM memory barely moves. I'm also able to just ObjectSave() (but not Load) millions of components. The problem happens when I ObjectLoad(cachedComponentBinary).
Since we thought maybe it was ObjectLoad, I decided to look at how Java serializes
2608650 CF-4034418 Language : Serialization Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: preserveCaseForQueryColumn breaks serializeJSON() preserveCaseForQueryColumn breaks serializeJSON()
Steps to reproduce:
1) Run below code
2) See error: "Error casting an object of type java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to java
Tracker Comment Comment on Function SerializeJSON() converts employee's last name ("No") to boolean false in JSON output by External U.
is very common too, I have never serialized a CF query directly, I serialize arrays of structs because that is how I want to work with the data in JavaScript.
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: THIS.serialization.preserveDateTime
See? JSON serialization+deserialization converts DateTime to String
Suggestion: THIS.serialization.preserveDateTime to provide correct behavior for #1 and #2
Tracker Comment Comment on string 'yes' converts to true when using serializeJSON() even when using javaCast('string','yes')) by Aaron N.
Comment on string 'yes' converts to true when using serializeJSON() even when using javaCast('string','yes')) by Aaron N.
Tracker Issue Bug 82536:The following link describes the problem
“complex types.” In CF9 they change to [empty string].
1. Create a remote class w/ Alias to CF object in Flex with an array property set to null.2. Pass it down to ColdFusion.--it serializes to the CF object--3. Return it to Flex.4. Receive error Could not convert a value of type class java
Lots of never-before-seen errors (and ones that don't turn up in Google, which is a bad sign):
Stack Trace
java.lang.StackOverflowError at net.sf.saxon.serialize.XMLEmitter.writeCharSequence(XMLEmitter.java:652) at net.sf.saxon.serialize.XMLEmitter.writeEscape(XMLEmitter.java:745) at net.sf.saxon.serialize.XMLEmitter.characters(XMLEmitter.java
Tracker Issue Bug 80193:123 is serialized to 123
javaCast("int",value) all over the place which is ugly and, frankly, stupid. An integer should serialize to an integer!
Run this code:#serializeJSON(x)#Expected: [123]Actual: [123.0]
None, just a bad JSON serialization.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
at flex.messaging.io.amf.Amf3Output.writeCustomObject(Amf3Output.java:525)
at coldfusion.flash.messaging.io.amf.CFAMF3Output.writeObject(CFAMF3Output.java:80)
at coldfusion.flash.messaging.io.amf.CFAMF0Output.writeObject(CFAMF0Output.java:148)
at flex.messaging.io.amf.AmfMessageSerializer.writeObject(AmfMessageSerializer.java
4217151 CF-4202006 Language : Serialization Subclass cfc loses property type info from parent during SerializeJSON() Problem Description:
SerializeJSON loses type info from properties defined in the parent class when serializing a subclass.
Steps to Reproduce:
* @output
2611837 CF-3585643 External U. Something is definitely wrong. Here are additional failed comparisons that I performed using CF 10,0,10,284825 (64 bit w/Tomcat
ToString, JavaCast and SerializeJSON are the only functions I tested that weren't negatively impacted.
JSString This isn
=== test.cfc ===
component {
function serializeJSON(required any object, boolean strictMapping) {
return "test output";
=== index.cfm ===
variables.util = createObject("component", "test");
Steps to Reproduce:
var asStruct = {
"nullField" = javaCast( "null", 0 )
var asEntity = entityNew( "objectWithNull", asStruct );
writeOutput( serializeJSON( asStruct ) & "" );
writeOutput( serializeJSON( asEntity ) & "" );
Actual Result:
.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
at coldfusion.server.ServiceBase.doSerialize(ServiceBase.java:258)
at coldfusion.server.ServiceBase.access$100(ServiceBase.java:37)
at coldfusion.server.ServiceBase$2.run(ServiceBase.java:204)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at coldfusion.server.ServiceBase.serialize(ServiceBase.java
queryGetRow() should respect serialization.preserveCaseForQueryColumn
Tracker Comment Comment on java.lang.ClassCastException when looping over query and returning a structure in a try block by External U.
) at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java:387) at coldfusion.util.AbstractCache.fetch(AbstractCache.java:58) at coldfusion.util.SoftCache.get_statsOff(SoftCache.java:133) at coldfusion.util.SoftCache.get(SoftCache.java:81) at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader.findClass(TemplateClassLoader.java
Tracker Comment Comment on DeserializeJSON does not maintain the correct order of elements by External U.
2608580 CF-4060037 External U. OK - After some probing around and using some code I found here http://jsonutil.riaforge.org/index.cfm?
I modified line 54 and 421 of jsonUtil.cfc to use createObject("java", "java.util.LinkedHashMap").init() instead of structnew() and after deserializing
at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.LegacyFilter.invoke(LegacyFilter.java:154)
at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.SessionFilter.invoke(SessionFilter.java:42)
at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.BatchProcessFilter.invoke(BatchProcessFilter.java:63)
at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.SerializationFilter.invoke(SerializationFilter.java
Tracker Comment Comment on Incorrect behaviour of SerializeJSON() on strings that contain U+xxxx in CF10 Update 15 by External U.
Comment on Incorrect behaviour of SerializeJSON() on strings that contain U+xxxx in CF10 Update 15 by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on SerializeJSON will NOT wrap certain string formats with quotes. by External U.
Comment on SerializeJSON will NOT wrap certain string formats with quotes. by External U.
2597783 CF-3042657 Language : Java Serialization Ronnie Otts Bug 84918:(Watson Migration Closure)When calling a cfc function remotely with returnFormat=JSON ColdFusion does not correctly serialize complex objects Problem:
When calling a cfc function remotely with returnFormat=JSON ColdFusion does
3: ........java.io.FileWriter.[filewriter.java:107]
4: ........coldfusion.server.ServiceBase.doSerialize[servicebase.java:247]
5: ........coldfusion.server.ServiceBase.access$100[servicebase.java:37]
6: ........coldfusion.server.ServiceBase$2.run[servicebase.java:204]
7: ........java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged[accesscontroller.java
Please see my comment on 9:26:40 PM GMT+00:00 Dec 1, 2015. To verify, just run the code from Adam's blog post (URL in ticket description).
Tracker Issue Bug 79895:[JFERNANDES] LCDS integration is broken in GMC
:67)at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.SerializationFilter.invoke(SerializationFilter.java:146)at flex.messaging.endpoints.BaseHTTPEndpoint.service(BaseHTTPEndpoint.java:278)at coldfusion.flash.messaging.CFAMFEndPoint.service(CFAMFEndPoint.java:200)at flex.messaging.MessageBrokerServlet.service(MessageBrokerServlet.java
at coldfusion.compiler.NeoTranslator.translateJava(NeoTranslator.java:160)
at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache$1.fetch(TemplateClassLoader.java:480)
at coldfusion.util.LruCache.get(LruCache.java:180)
at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java
(#Key# & ":");
myQuery = queryNew("id,name,amount","Integer,Varchar,Integer", [ {id=1,name="One",amount=15}, {id=2,name="Two",amount=18}, {id=3,name="Three",amount=32}, {id=4,name="Four",amount=37}, {id=5,name="Five",amount=79}, {id=6,name
Tracker Issue Bug 86115:Server monitor 'Start' buttons are missing
:44) at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.BatchProcessFilter.invoke(BatchProcessFilter.java:67) at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.SerializationFilter.invoke(SerializationFilter.java:166) at flex.messaging.endpoints.BaseHTTPEndpoint.service(BaseHTTPEndpoint.java:291) at coldfusion.flash.messaging.CFAMFEndPoint.service(CFAMFEndPoint.java
Tracker Comment Comment on JavaSettings.LoadPaths and ObjectLoad do not seem to work together by Tyler C.
3541175 CF-4199826 Tyler C. The same issue exists when using straight Java
byteOutStream = createObject("java", "java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream").init();
objOutStream = createObject("java", "java.io.ObjectOutputStream").init(byteOutStream);
serialized = byte
Tracker Issue Bug 80610:When trying to use the ternary operator in the default attribute of a cfargument it dies a horrible death
:144)at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache$1.fetch(TemplateClassLoader.java:418)at coldfusion.util.LruCache.get(LruCache.java:180)at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java:362)at coldfusion.util.AbstractCache.fetch(AbstractCache.java
Tracker Issue Support YAML natively
JSON functions were named backwards (action Type) instead of (type action) like the rest of the language so I suppose it could be considered to also name them as follows just to match JSON.
I've used the Java lib Snake YAML in the past with good results, but I'm sure
3203725 CF-4198870 AJAX Bryan Henderson Invalid JSON generated when string looks like a numeric value Problem Description:
serializeJSON() is generating invalid JSON for strings that look like a number, but end with a period and space (similar to CF-3710273, but still an issue.)
CF can
coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java:362)at coldfusion.util.AbstractCache.fetch(AbstractCache.java:58)at coldfusion.util.SoftCache.get_statsOff(SoftCache.java:133)at coldfusion.util.SoftCache.get(SoftCache.java:81)at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader.findClass(TemplateClassLoader.java
Not done:
P.S. Adobe
://www.javadoc.io/doc/com.google.code.gson/gson/latest/com.google.gson/com/google/gson/Gson.html ) to serialize a boolean to JSON as a nested object: {"value":true,"image":"true"}. This Gson library is frequently used in CF integrations with java libraries.
This problem does not exist in previous versions of Adobe Coldfusion.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Add the Gson JAR to the class path or application
4901051 CF-4203360 Core Runtime Any Servlet filter that doesn't have the pattern attribute causes startup to fail Problem Description: If a Tomcat valve is added to server.xml (such as mod_cfml) and it lacks the attribute "pattern", Coldfusion will fail on startup with on ServerConfigParser.fixAttribute(ServerConfigParser.java
Tracker Issue function name problem
at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache$1.fetch(TemplateClassLoader.java:478)
at coldfusion.util.LruCache.get(LruCache.java:180)
at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java:404)
at coldfusion.util.AbstractCache.fetch(AbstractCache.java
Tracker Issue Bug 83986:serializeJSON() converting all numbers into strings, sometimes with an added decimal point
can no longer return 0 from a database because it is serialized as "0". if("0") passes as *true*, whereas if(0) does not.This convert-to-string issue is also causing problems in JavaScript library code, namely ExtJS’s “Direct” functionality, which uses ajax and numeric metadata for its processing
Tracker Comment Comment on cfinput datefield will not show attribute value after applying cf11 update 12 by Andrea D.
at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache$1.fetch(TemplateClassLoader.java:461)
at coldfusion.util.LruCache.get(LruCache.java:180)
at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java:387)
at coldfusion.util.AbstractCache.fetch(AbstractCache.java
Tracker Issue Bug 83937:serializeJSON() converting all numbers into strings, with added decimal point
Bug 83937:serializeJSON() converting all numbers into strings, with added decimal point
:144)18 at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache$1.fetch(TemplateClassLoader.java:418)19 at coldfusion.util.LruCache.get(LruCache.java:180)20 at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java:362)21 at coldfusion.util.AbstractCache.fetch(AbstractCache.java
Tracker Comment Comment on serializeJson not cleaning most of the first 31 characters in the ASCII table. by External U.
Comment on serializeJson not cleaning most of the first 31 characters in the ASCII table. by External U.
serializeJson not cleaning most of the first 31 characters in the ASCII table.
See the following are missing:
Tracker Issue hand-built query objects coerce timestamps to wrong type
is getting it wrong)
>> This problem was originally encountered in processing query results with Java code (extracting data from a result set in preparation for serialization) - our Java code loops over the result set and extracts field data using getObject() for each cell - the resulting object
and Environment details:
Server Details
Server Product ColdFusion
Version 10,0,16,293499
Tomcat Version
Edition Standard
Serial Number 1187-5001-7234-1200-5888-5145
Operating System Windows Server 2012
OS Version 6.2
Update Level /C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion
Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:
Server Details
Server Product ColdFusion
Version 10,0,16,293499
Tomcat Version
Edition Standard
Serial Number 1187-5001-7234-1200-5888-5145
Operating System Windows Server 2012
OS Version 6.2
Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:
Server Details
Server Product ColdFusion
Version 10,0,16,293499
Tomcat Version
Edition Standard
Serial Number 1187-5001-7234-1200-5888-5145
Operating System Windows Server 2012
OS Version 6.2
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:
Server Details
Server Product ColdFusion
Version 10,0,16,293499
Tomcat Version
Edition Standard
Serial Number 1187-5001-7234-1200-5888-5145
Operating System Windows Server 2012
OS Version 6
Tracker Issue Bug 79762:[ANeff] Bug for: "can't load a null" error
:144)at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache$1.fetch(TemplateClassLoader.java:418)at coldfusion.util.LruCache.get(LruCache.java:180)at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java:362)at coldfusion.util.AbstractCache.fetch(AbstractCache.java
Tracker Issue Bug 75855:Tag validation error in servermanager
Version 10,0,11,285437
Tomcat Version
Edition Enterprise
Serial Number 118550018169890656561861
Operating System Windows Server 2008 R2
OS Version 6.1
Update Level /C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/updates/chf10000011.jar
Adobe Driver Version 4.1 (Build 0001)
JVM Details
Tracker Comment Comment on Rendering report using cfreport throws MalformedReportException on Mac platform by Akhila K.
at coldfusion.compiler.NeoTranslator.translateJava(NeoTranslator.java:160)
at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache$1.fetch(TemplateClassLoader.java:461)
at coldfusion.util.LruCache.get(LruCache.java:180)
at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java
Tracker Issue Bug 76933:I just got nailed by this issue again
at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.LegacyFilter.invoke(LegacyFilter.java:158)
at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.SessionFilter.invoke(SessionFilter.java:48)
at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.BatchProcessFilter.invoke(BatchProcessFilter.java:67)
at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.SerializationFilter.invoke(SerializationFilter.java
Tracker Issue SpreadsheetFormatCell seems to not support underline?
spreadsheetForBug = spreadsheetNew('BugTest');
cellFormat= { color="red", bold=true};
try {
writeoutput('Formatted cell with options #serializeJSON(cellFormat)#');
catch(any e) {
writeoutput('Could not format cell
:424)at coldfusion.util.LruCache.get(LruCache.java:180)at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java:362)at coldfusion.util.AbstractCache.fetch(AbstractCache.java:58)at coldfusion.util.SoftCache.get_statsOff(SoftCache.java:133)at coldfusion.util.SoftCache.get(SoftCache.java
Tracker Issue Bug 78630:[JFERNANDES]the new <coldfusion> metadata from custom serialization are not supported inside NIO endpoints
Bug 78630:[JFERNANDES]the new metadata from custom serialization are not supported inside NIO endpoints
.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache$1.fetch(TemplateClassLoader.java:476)at coldfusion.util.LruCache.get(LruCache.java:180)at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java:362)at coldfusion.util.AbstractCache.fetch(AbstractCache.java:58)at coldfusion.util.SoftCache.get_statsOff(SoftCache.java
Tracker Issue Bug 80613:(Watson Migration Closure)Shorthand of struct creation should accept JSON styled notation
coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java:362)at coldfusion.util.AbstractCache.fetch(AbstractCache.java:58)at coldfusion.util.SoftCache.get_statsOff(SoftCache.java:133)at coldfusion.util.SoftCache.get(SoftCache.java:81)at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader.findClass(TemplateClassLoader.java
at coldfusion.util.LruCache.get(LruCache.java:180)
at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java:387)
at coldfusion.util.AbstractCache.fetch(AbstractCache.java:58)
at coldfusion.util.SoftCache.get_statsOff(SoftCache.java:133)
at coldfusion.util.SoftCache.get(SoftCache.java
Tracker Issue Bug 76112:I'm trying to use CF's ORM to create a table from a CFC definition on MySQL 5
at coldfusion.compiler.NeoTranslator.translateJava(NeoTranslator.java:144)
at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache$1.fetch(TemplateClassLoader.java:418)
at coldfusion.util.LruCache.get(LruCache.java:180)
at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion incorrectly executes custom functions named queryExecute() by Dan S.
at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java:400)
at coldfusion.util.AbstractCache.fetch(AbstractCache.java:58)
at coldfusion.util.SoftCache.get_statsOff(SoftCache.java:133)
at coldfusion.util.SoftCache.get(SoftCache.java
at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache$1.fetch(TemplateClassLoader.java:424)
at coldfusion.util.LruCache.get(LruCache.java:180)
at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java:362)
at coldfusion.util.AbstractCache.fetch(AbstractCache.java
Tracker Issue Bug 81910:Currently there is no way in CFScript based components to add custom metadata to arguments
at coldfusion.util.LruCache.get(LruCache.java:180)
at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java:362)
at coldfusion.util.AbstractCache.fetch(AbstractCache.java:58)
at coldfusion.util.SoftCache.get_statsOff(SoftCache.java:133)
at coldfusion.util.SoftCache.get(SoftCache.java
SerializeJSON will NOT wrap certain string formats with quotes.
SerializeJSON turns strings that look like scientific notation into floats.
Tracker Comment Comment on serializeJson on ORM entity throws a runtime NullPointerException in some cases. by External U.
Comment on serializeJson on ORM entity throws a runtime NullPointerException in some cases. by External U.
)at coldfusion.compiler.NeoTranslator.translateJava(NeoTranslator.java:144)at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache$1.fetch(TemplateClassLoader.java:418)at coldfusion.util.LruCache.get(LruCache.java:180)at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java
2609111 CF-3928688 Language Stephen Paulson Error with reReplace when text being replaced is over a certain size. We upgraded our java to 1.7.0_75 and while testing came across an error. We narrowed it down to a specific reReplace() call. Error is caused by amount of text being replaced. This call
Tracker Issue Wishlist
for struct (and other data type) literals (see Lucee)
Breaking of backwards compat to bring the language in line with other modern JVM languages
Support for struct keys to maintain case (e.g. no more UPPERCASE of all struct keys) - (see Lucee)
Improved JSON serialization in line with, well, everybody
:418)at coldfusion.util.LruCache.get(LruCache.java:180)at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java:362)at coldfusion.util.AbstractCache.fetch(AbstractCache.java:58)at coldfusion.util.SoftCache.get_statsOff(SoftCache.java:133)at coldfusion.util.SoftCache.get(SoftCache.java
Tracker Comment Comment on serializeJson not cleaning most of the first 31 characters in the ASCII table. by External U.
Comment on serializeJson not cleaning most of the first 31 characters in the ASCII table. by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on When using <cfpdfform> tag on ColdFusion 10 there are various errors thrown pertaining to invalid xml... by External U.
2611854 CF-3581597 External U. Sams issue here, Server info:
Server Product ColdFusion
Version 10,0,13,287689
Tomcat Version
Edition Standard
Serial Number 1187-5009-7884-9278-0159-3286
Operating System UNIX
OS Version 2.6.32-5-686-bigmem
Update Level /opt/coldfusion10
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion is inconsistent in the way it handles data of BIT type within a query by Aaron N.
I'd advise against Suggestion 1 b/c it'd break code that expects serializeJSON(myQuery) to preserve bit as `true`/`false`.
I'd propose Suggestion 3. Since both java.lang.Integer and coldfusion.runtime.CFBoolean allow string and numeric member functions already, existing code that uses string
Tracker Issue Bug 72074:(Watson Migration Closure)I'm not sure how to quickly name this issue, so I'll just describe it
at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.LegacyFilter.invoke(LegacyFilter.java:15
at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.SessionFilter.invoke(SessionFilter.java:
at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.BatchProcessFilter.invoke(BatchProcessFi
at flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.SerializationFilter.invoke(Serialization
at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$TemplateCache.fetchSerial(TemplateClassLoader.java:270)
at coldfusion.util.AbstractCache.fetch(AbstractCache.java:58)
at coldfusion.util.SoftCache.get(SoftCache.java:81)
at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader.findClass(TemplateClassLoader.java:492)
at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(PathFilter.java
: "January, 01 2018 00:00:00" | java.lang.String
Expected Result: 2018-01-01T00:00:00-05:00 | coldfusion.runtime.OleDateTime
Note: Since Aether's fixing JSON for Numeric, it should also fix JSON for DateTime.
Note: There is data loss when a serializeJSON()'d datetime moves between 2 systems having
Tracker Issue CFMAIL failing and not returning error
Customer Name: john_glynn
External Customer Email:
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:
Processor: Intel(R)Xeon(R) CPU E5450 @ 3.00GHz 2.99 GHz
Install memory (RAM) 4GB
64-bit OS
Server Product ColdFusion
Version 9,0,0,251028
Edition Standard
Serial Number
Tracker Issue CFMAIL failing and not returning error
Customer Name: john_glynn
External Customer Email:
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:
Processor: Intel(R)Xeon(R) CPU E5450 @ 3.00GHz 2.99 GHz
Install memory (RAM) 4GB
64-bit OS
Server Product ColdFusion
Version 9,0,0,251028
Edition Standard
Serial Number
Tracker Issue CFMAIL failing and not returning error
Customer Name: john_glynn
External Customer Email:
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:
Processor: Intel(R)Xeon(R) CPU E5450 @ 3.00GHz 2.99 GHz
Install memory (RAM) 4GB
64-bit OS
Server Product ColdFusion
Version 9,0,0,251028
Edition Standard
Serial Number