displaying top 100 results
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by Adam C.
Comment on Improve Java integration by Adam C.
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by Kama S.
Comment on Improve Java integration by Kama S.
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Tracker Issue Improve Java integration
Improve Java integration
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Tracker Issue CF -> Java Lambdas
4014007 CF-4201310 Language : Java Integration Luis Majano CF -> Java Lambdas Doing modern Java integration sucks at this point with CFML. No easy way to class load dynamically, extend java objects and implement java objects from CFCs. Please look at my other tickets on extending java classess
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by Adrian M.
Comment on Improve Java integration by Adrian M.
Tracker Issue Java error when trying to instantiate an object
2614292 CF-3118680 Language : Java Integration Andrew Scott Java error when trying to instantiate an object Problem Description: When trying to instantiate WURFL there is an error thrown
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds:
The error message is
Tracker Comment Comment on CF -> Java Lambdas by Bradley W.
4014007 CF-4201310 Bradley W. The more Java libraries I integrate with via CFML the more painful this sort of thing becomes. CFML really needs to have a better Java bridge in today's world.
Tracker Issue Ability to extend implement native Java Classes
3553072 CF-4199852 Language : Java Integration Luis Majano Ability to extend implement native Java Classes We can implement interfaces via createDynamicProxy() (not very elegant), but we cannot extend native java classes. The majority of other JVM languages have supported this for many many years
Tracker Issue Add paths argument to createDynamicProxy()
3553065 CF-4199850 Language : Java Integration Luis Majano Add paths argument to createDynamicProxy() Currently createDynamicProxy only works when the interfaces to implement exist in the current lib paths. However, since we could eventually do createObject( "java", class, paths ), it proves
Tracker Issue JavaCast() support for two-dimensional arrays
5783142 CF-4204461 Language : Java Integration JavaCast() support for two-dimensional arrays JavaCast() currently only supports casting to a one-dimensional array e.g. JavaCast("long[]", value);
Please add support for casting to a two-dimensional array e.g. JavaCast("long[][]", [[300,1],[0,0]]);
The descriptions for watchInterval and watchExtensions can be copied, to that "Application Variables" doc, from the "Enhanced Java integration in ColdFusion" doc: https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/using-web-elements-and-external-objects/integrating-jee-and-java-elements-in-cfml-applications/enhanced-java-integration-in-coldfusion.html
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
Bug 83390:Better datatype handling when integrating with Java would make java-cfml integration more enjoyableFor example, given a java class that takes a key and a value as arguments, if I pass a 1 as the value
Comment on Bug 83390:Better datatype handling when integrating with Java would make java-cfml integration more enjoyableFor example, given a java class that takes a key and a value as arguments, if I pass a 1 as the value by External U.
Comment on Bug 83390:Better datatype handling when integrating with Java would make java-cfml integration more enjoyableFor example, given a java class that takes a key and a value as arguments, if I pass a 1 as the value by External U.
Comment on Bug 83390:Better datatype handling when integrating with Java would make java-cfml integration more enjoyableFor example, given a java class that takes a key and a value as arguments, if I pass a 1 as the value by External U.
Comment on Bug 83390:Better datatype handling when integrating with Java would make java-cfml integration more enjoyableFor example, given a java class that takes a key and a value as arguments, if I pass a 1 as the value by External U.
Comment on Bug 83390:Better datatype handling when integrating with Java would make java-cfml integration more enjoyableFor example, given a java class that takes a key and a value as arguments, if I pass a 1 as the value by External U.
Comment on Bug 83390:Better datatype handling when integrating with Java would make java-cfml integration more enjoyableFor example, given a java class that takes a key and a value as arguments, if I pass a 1 as the value by External U.
Comment on Bug 83390:Better datatype handling when integrating with Java would make java-cfml integration more enjoyableFor example, given a java class that takes a key and a value as arguments, if I pass a 1 as the value by External U.
Comment on Bug 83390:Better datatype handling when integrating with Java would make java-cfml integration more enjoyableFor example, given a java class that takes a key and a value as arguments, if I pass a 1 as the value by External U.
Comment on Bug 83390:Better datatype handling when integrating with Java would make java-cfml integration more enjoyableFor example, given a java class that takes a key and a value as arguments, if I pass a 1 as the value by External U.
Comment on Bug 83390:Better datatype handling when integrating with Java would make java-cfml integration more enjoyableFor example, given a java class that takes a key and a value as arguments, if I pass a 1 as the value by External U.
Tracker Issue CF arrays no longer accepted by Java objects requiring arguments of type java.util.Vector
2673265 CF-4139091 Language : Java Integration Olly Jones CF arrays no longer accepted by Java objects requiring arguments of type java.util.Vector Problem Description:
CF arrays no longer accepted by Java objects requiring objects of type java.util.Vector
Steps to Reproduce:
Create Java Object
Tracker Issue javaSettingsReload
2614275 CF-3121288 Language : Java Integration Aaron Neff javaSettingsReload Even tho it's THIS-scope'd, javaSettings is only read when the application starts. Some, like myself, may assume javaSettings is read on _any_ request that follows applicationStop().
An applicationStop() shouldn
Tracker Issue add bootstrap classloader for listeners
2613607 CF-3206505 Language : Java Integration Michael Nimer add bootstrap classloader for listeners In order to get run Spring running inside of ColdFusion CF needs to load the "org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener" class, otherwise you can get all kinds of WebContext Init
New approaches for integrating java libraries via network class loader
Tracker Issue jvm.config vs javaSettings
2614272 CF-3121307 Language : Java Integration Aaron Neff jvm.config vs javaSettings The attached code runs correctly (displays time), when path to .jar directory is included in the CF Class Path (ahead of {application.home}/lib).
However, the code fails when using THIS.javaSettings. It throws
2612725 CF-3435215 Language : Java Integration ext-user ColdFusion 10 cloud build is to be updated with Jdk 7 with latest update Problem: ColdFusion 10 cloud build is to be updated with Jdk 7 with latest update
----------------------------- Additional
Tracker Comment Comment on update 5 prelease 2 seems to lock cached version of jar files by External U.
2608938 CF-3956389 External U. Given that bug CF-3776450 touched the same area, it's probable that the changes there introduced this bug - would be great to have whoever at Adobe knows most about CF's Java integration take another look at those changes with this issue in mind.
Tracker Issue Cannot execute certain methods
4147513 CF-4201768 Language : Java Integration Cannot execute certain methods Problem Description:
There is tremendous inconsistency the way that java objects are used in CF and makes java interop basically null.
When creating certain direct java classes and calling methods on it, those methods
Tracker Issue CF9/CF10 - Java Updates 7.51+ break Solr collections
2609716 CF-3795112 Language : Java Integration Jack Drysdale Jr CF9/CF10 - Java Updates 7.51+ break Solr collections Problem Description: In both CF9 and CF10, if JDK 7.51 or later is installed, Solr collections will have SocketPermission issues.
Steps to Reproduce: If JDK 7.51 or later
Tracker Issue cfreport encryption
2613598 CF-3208370 Language : Java Integration Michael Nimer cfreport encryption Remove the cfreport encryption, so users can see the jasper reports under the covers. This will support the Java Story and let you make a big deal out of CFReport using Jasper and the CFReportBuilder being a Jasper
Tracker Issue ColdFusion application throws Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/cache/CacheLoader
4662100 CF-4203234 Language : Java Integration ColdFusion application throws Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/cache/CacheLoader Problem Description:
I wrote a Java file to read a CFC wriiten in CFML. You can find both the Java file and CFC in the Cold
Tracker Issue Bug 87131:-(Watson Migration Closure)I would like to integrate pure Java code inside my CFML
Bug 87131:-(Watson Migration Closure)I would like to integrate pure Java code inside my CFML
Tracker Issue Add JSR 223: Scripting for the JavaTM Platform Support
2609793 CF-3769402 Language : Java Integration Luis Majano Add JSR 223: Scripting for the JavaTM Platform Support I believe with a small investment the team can apply JSR 223 to the ColdFusion core and thus give ColdFusion a standardized place in the JVM Dynamic Language Market as an official
Tracker Issue Error when instantiation a Java object is misleading
2609500 CF-3842365 Language : Java Integration Bradley Wood Error when instantiation a Java object is misleading Problem Description:
When creating an instance of a Java class, if any exception is caught, the following message and detail is thrown:
Object instantiation exception
An exception
Tracker Issue cfdump throws null error
2613551 CF-3231455 Language : Java Integration Michael Nimer cfdump throws null error Duplicate ID: CF-3223299
using the sqlilite http://chinookdatabase.codeplex.com/
if I try to call cfdump, from java, with the results of "select * from artist" I will get a null error (275 rows). If I try
5603352 CF-4204179 Language : Java Integration References to Java objects extending 'Map' interface don't work with integer keys Problem Description: in all previous CF versions, a Java object which extends the 'Map' interface could be reliably referenced from CF in the same way a CF
2673403 CF-4126640 Language : Java Integration Harry Klein Creating an missing Java object can not be handled with try/catch If I call this method e.g. with the argument class="org.apache.lucene.facet.FacetField"
the request crashes, the screen is white and this exception
Tracker Issue reloadOnChange causes issue with classPath
2609778 CF-3776450 Language : Java Integration Raymond Camden reloadOnChange causes issue with classPath Given that you are using javaSettings to load in JARs, if you use reloadOnChange=true, CF will not correctly update the classpath and load all the JARs. Credit for this find goes to Sandeep
2610068 CF-3734319 Language : Java Integration Steven Springer CFIMAP action GETALL breaks when there is an email attachment with square brackets Problem Description: When reading an inbox, where an attachment has square brackets. ie. [untitled].pdf, cfimap returns java
2608469 CF-4087803 Language : Java Integration Luis Majano Allow third argument to createobject to be one or more locations of jars Lucee supports this already and we need it for CommandBox as well. The third argument for createobject can be one or more paths where jar files can be classloaded
Tracker Issue direct invoke argument throws null error
2613543 CF-3282992 Language : Java Integration Michael Nimer direct invoke argument throws null error by only changing the direct invoke argument to true I get NULL error
new CFCProxy(cfcPath, false);
new CFCProxy(cfcPath, true
, and running it from there?
I always love how things are half implemented in ColdFusion, and this seriously takes the cake. I thought the fact that the java integration was only half implemented was the worst design decision of this product, that was until I came across this stupid implementation.
Tracker Issue Calling methods on JDK 8 interfaces does not work
5284704 CF-4203968 Language : Java Integration Calling methods on JDK 8 interfaces does not work Problem Description:
Java 8 allowed the ability to have default methods and static constructs on interfaces. Allowing you to execute methods on them. This does not work on ACF since 11 up to 2018
Session scope java integration has case sensitivity issues
Tracker Issue Bug 80502:(Watson Migration Closure)JRun
.apache.xpath.*This is causing some Java integration issues as many Java library have dependencies on newer versions of the class.In particular org.apache.xpath.compiler.FunctionTable is out of date.Are these classes actually needed and if so can they be updated?
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
3181706 CF-4198852 Language : Java Integration John Sieber Incorrect method being used when method name matches internal method name Problem Description:
When using the jSoup Java library the ColdFusion array append() method is called instead of the jSoup append() method.
Steps to Reproduce
Tracker Issue Numeric literals should be Double, not String
2608707 CF-4019629 Language : Java Integration Sean Corfield Numeric literals should be Double, not String The fact that ColdFusion stores numeric literals as strings and converts them on demand makes Java interop harder than it needs to be because you have to insert casts all over the place. See
Tracker Issue Eclipse: "JavaScript" shown twice in Preferences
2682173 CFB-4167887 General - IDE Firstname Lastname Eclipse: "JavaScript" shown twice in Preferences Problem Description: In eclipse preferences the the "JavaScript" item is shown twice and not fully integrated. The adobe tree is highly outdated.
Steps to Reproduce: Install Builder into Eclipse
Tracker Issue Function call to reload jar
2609633 CF-3818487 Language : Java Integration Rafael Salomon Function call to reload jar It would be really nice if CF had a function call that would allow me to reload a jar file that has changed without restarting CF. I know that there is a javaSettings parameter in Application.cfc, but using
Tracker Comment Comment on Little to no documentation on interoperability of ColdFusion with servlets, and the little there is, is wrong by Saurav G.
2610354 CF-3707543 Saurav G. I've added a new section, Running Servlets in ColdFusion. The link to access the document is https://helpx.stage.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/using-web-elements-and-external-objects/integrating-jee-and-java
Tracker Comment Comment on Connection fails from SequeLink JDBC Driver to Unicode SequeLink service using Java 1.8 by Krishna R.
Comment on Connection fails from SequeLink JDBC Driver to Unicode SequeLink service using Java 1.8 by Krishna R.
Tracker Issue CF should be able to allow execution of JSPs alongside CFMs in external web server root
4107729 CF-4201601 Language : Java Integration Charlie Arehart CF should be able to allow execution of JSPs alongside CFMs in external web server root It seems that CF10, there has been a loss of the ability to run via an external web server (IIS, Apache, etc.) JSPs alongside CFM pages, if located
6261250 CF-4205255 Language : Java Integration Error messages in console out on server start from Tika library Problem Description:
When starting up CF 2016 update 12, the following message is in the error log:
[ERROR] Sep 25, 2019 2:53:30 PM org.apache.tika.config.InitializableProblemHandler$3
Tracker Issue null error creating pdf through CFCProxy
2613555 CF-3230193 Language : Java Integration Michael Nimer null error creating pdf through CFCProxy When I try to convert a url to pdf from a servlet I get the following NULL error. To recreate the error run the servlet and hit the url.
Tracker Comment Comment on Method chaining support inconsitent with CFCs and use of java objects by External U.
Comment on Method chaining support inconsitent with CFCs and use of java objects by External U.
Tracker Issue Spring integration, spring security and jsp tags
2613604 CF-3206530 Language : Java Integration Michael Nimer Spring integration, spring security and jsp tags Problem Description:
If I configure Spring to run inside of the ColdFusion class loader, so I can use CFCPROXY when I try to use Spring JSP tags or Spring security I get errors
Tracker Comment Comment on Certificate Manager for CFHTTP by External U.
2608748 CF-4011401 External U. FYI - I used CERTMAN on CF11/Windows 2012R2 without issue. It does not work of OSX, but I suspect it is a permissions issue with Java. It would be extremely beneficial if this was integrated into the administrator. Also, as expected, it does require service restart
Tracker Comment Comment on Little to no documentation on interoperability of ColdFusion with servlets, and the little there is, is wrong by External U.
2610354 CF-3707543 External U. Thanks, Saurav.
I get:
Access Denied
You don't have permission to access "http://helpx.stage.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/using-web-elements-and-external-objects/integrating-jee-and-java
Tracker Issue ColdFusion 10 for Windows 8 / Server 2012
2612284 CF-3530539 Language : Java Integration Andrew Scott ColdFusion 10 for Windows 8 / Server 2012 Problem Description:
The following code works when it is on ColdFusion 8, 9 and ColdFusion 10 if it is running on anything but Windows 8 and Windows 2012.
Error message is No group with name
Tracker Issue Eclipse: "CSS" shown twice in Preferences
: Install Builder into Eclipse Mars or Neon
Actual Result: Suxxx
Expected Result: Make this a single preferences items and integrate with the Eclipse JavaScript preferences. It clearly looks like Adobe has not upgraded the plugin properly and the Adobe one is Eclipse 3.x. "Syntax coloring" exists twice
2608938 CF-3956389 Language : Java Integration Peter Boughton update 5 prelease 2 seems to lock cached version of jar files Trying to start a second instance of an application (shared codebase, different database) was immediately giving the error:
> The process cannot access the file because
Tracker Comment Comment on Method chaining support inconsitent with CFCs and use of java objects by External U.
Comment on Method chaining support inconsitent with CFCs and use of java objects by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Method chaining support inconsitent with CFCs and use of java objects by Daniel S.
Comment on Method chaining support inconsitent with CFCs and use of java objects by Daniel S.
Tracker Issue Cielen: Cannot start integrated server
2682294 CFB-4130068 Bundled Server Philipp Cielen Cielen: Cannot start integrated server Trying to run the integrated CF server within Blizzard I get the following error message: Error(01-27 at 06:03:00) Cannot run program "/home/philippcielen/Blizzard/ColdFusion/jre/bin/java": error_13
) then the function will behave as if the value was never passed in.isSimpleValue would return true for this object type.A new function called isNullObject or re-use isNULL() would return true.The point is there are a few edge cases where NULL/None would be very usefful. For Java integration, for SQL, and in some
Portal Topic ColdFusion 9.01
mahern810712 ColdFusion 9.01 We have a problem with ColdFusion Code we used to develop a shopping Cart Application integrated with PayPal. The application stopped working. We are using API for the integration. we are running ColdFusion 9.0.1. We update Java to Java 8 and we are still having
Tracker Issue large cfdump throws null error on 2nd cfcproxy execution
2613563 CF-3223299 Language : Java Integration Michael Nimer large cfdump throws null error on 2nd cfcproxy execution Problem Description:
When using CFCPROXY to invoke a CFC from a java servlet I get the following NULL error after the 1st time. The first time I run the page, it works fine
Tracker Issue form scope is missing
2613544 CF-3282988 Language : Java Integration Michael Nimer form scope is missing I'm not sure if this is a bug or enhancement. But on a form post (servlet doPost()) the FORM and URL scopes are not populated. I know the whole servlet filter chain is not invoked with CFCProxy, but it would be nice
Tracker Issue output cfdocument in cfc (invoked through cfcproxy)
2613545 CF-3282982 Language : Java Integration Michael Nimer output cfdocument in cfc (invoked through cfcproxy) So I have a servlet invoking a cfc, which create a pdf and tries to output. Instead of returning the bytes and letting java write them to the output stream.
I think this is a problem
Tracker Issue Little to no documentation on interoperability of ColdFusion with servlets, and the little there is, is wrong
interoperability should be extensively documented, as it is a cornerstone of Java integration. It is also important to document how to dynamically load servlets using ColdFusion 10's new Javasettings property.
Any Workarounds: Compile the java servlet, say HelloWorldServlet.java, into a class file. Copy the class
3541175 CF-4199826 Language : Java Integration Tyler Clendenin JavaSettings.LoadPaths and ObjectLoad do not seem to work together Problem Description:
I am creating a Java object from a jar file, in this case twitter4j 4.0.4, after using ObjectSave on an object I save the
Steps to Reproduce
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 75032:(Watson Migration Closure)Requesting API or other support for developing Code Coverage tools by External U.
2602046 CF-3037290 External U. I was also looking at testing tools for CF and the shop I am in now has lots of java J2EE and we are setting up a continuous integration environment. The tools we are using are Hudson, ANT, Emma, selenium, JUnit, MXUnit (among others). For CF, we are missing
Tracker Issue SpreadsheetAddRows throws java.lang.ArrayStoreException when 2d array contains mixed value types
6295305 CF-4205366 Document Management : Office Integration SpreadsheetAddRows throws java.lang.ArrayStoreException when 2d array contains mixed value types Problem Description:
SpreadsheetAddRows fails when used with a 2D array containing a mix of strings and numbers
Steps to Reproduce
Tracker Comment Comment on Unable to initialise Security service, Client Storage service, and WatchService service by ANDREW L.
3022904 CF-4198542 ANDREW L. Issues are likely to be related to
java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: Error constructing implementation (algorithm: FIPS186PRNG, provider: JsafeJCE, class: com.rsa.jsafe.provider.JSA_FIPS186PRNGXChangeNoticeGeneral)
java.lang.SecurityException: JsafeJCE provider
Tracker Issue Apache POI getHyperlink integration for CFSpreadsheet
Apache POI getHyperlink integration for CFSpreadsheet
to offer ColdFusion 11.1 on the Adobe download page with Java 1.8 included?
The same goes for CF Builder - the integrated CF server also needs to be modified to run on OS X 10.10.
And while I am at it - though this is probably not the right place to complain about it - on the Adobe download page
2608773 CF-4006927 Language : Java Integration Toan Dang JsafeJCE provider used by CF11 doesn't seem to support some ECC curves Problem Description:
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds:
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Portal Topic Distributed caching in ColdFusion (2018 release)
suit your application more than another. So we need to integrate more caching engines. In the 2018 release of ColdFusion, we have added support for 3 new caching engines JCS (Java caching system) Redis Memcached Java Caching System (JCS) Pros One of the fastest caching […]
The post Distributed caching
2602333 CF-3036970 External U. I didn't pay much attention to the urgency level... did I mark it critical?
It's definitely not critical, unless you need the functionality. Then again dropping back into Java to run ANT scripts really isn't too hard. I see it as extremely important for enabling a