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Tracker Issue CFSTAT server configuration options
2612951 CF-3361936 Installation/Config Jan Ruusuvuori CFSTAT server configuration options When enabled, cfstat server listens on *:7995 by default, allowing connections from remote hosts.
It would be great if
- cfstat server listened on a unix domain socket, or at least localhost:7995 by default
Tracker Issue cfinfo reports wrong version number
2612807 CF-3427668 General Server Jan Ruusuvuori cfinfo reports wrong version number Problem Description:
The cfinfo utility does not report the ColdFusion version number accurately.
Steps to Reproduce:
run "cfinfo -info"
Actual Result:
ColdFusion Server 10,0,0,28246
Expected Result:
Tracker Issue "coldfusion status" command fails silently on Linux
2613207 CF-3339175 Installation/Config Jan Ruusuvuori "coldfusion status" command fails silently on Linux Problem Description:
On Linux, if sudo is configured with the "env_reset" option, the "coldfusion status" command fails immediately without giving any output.
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Install
Tracker Issue Mail spooler jam due to SpoolLockTimeoutException
2612318 CF-3525473 Net Protocols : MAIL Jan Ruusuvuori Mail spooler jam due to SpoolLockTimeoutException Problem Description:
ColdFusion's mail spooler jams, and fails to spool any mail until server is restarted.
Steps to Reproduce:
Occurs intermittently, excact steps to reproduce the error
Tracker Issue Separate JVM config for "coldfusion status|stop"
2612596 CF-3494405 Web Container (Tomcat) Jan Ruusuvuori Separate JVM config for "coldfusion status|stop" The server management script bin/coldfusion should apply a separate, lightweight JVM configuration when running the operations "status" and "stop".
Applying the actual server process JVM
Tracker Issue CFSTAT server port conflict in multiserver configuration
2612952 CF-3361929 Installation/Config Jan Ruusuvuori CFSTAT server port conflict in multiserver configuration Duplicate ID: CF-3306641
Problem Description:
All ColdFusion 10 standalone server instances running on a machine are configured to use the same CFSTAT server port (7995) by default