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Tracker Comment Comment on DDX Fails as ns.adobe not available by James A.
Comment on DDX Fails as ns.adobe not available by James A.
Portal Comment Comment on Redirection issue by James Mohler
James Mohler What is a define function?
James Mohler If a developer gets one of these certificates, their posts on this site should note it somehow.
James Mohler This is a good article. Will this be added into the documentation for cacheing?
Portal Comment Comment on EncodeForHTML vs. HTMLEditFormat by James Mohler
James Mohler That would be a good one for StackOverflow
Comment on CF should not be setting a maxmetaspace argument by James M.
Comment on The replace function now accepts a callback by James Mohler
Portal Comment Comment on CF 2018 Spreadsheet Functions by James Mohler
James Mohler Someone on Stackoverflow might have a work around too.
Portal Comment Comment on New CFML Badges Website by James Moberg
James Moberg The correct URL is <a href="https://cfmlbadges.monkehworks.com/" rel="nofollow">https://cfmlbadges.monkehworks.com/a>
James Mohler How about Stackoverflow
<a href="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/coldfusion" rel="nofollow">https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/coldfusiona>
Portal Comment Comment on RIAForge decommissioning by James Mohler
James Mohler Makes me feel glad I adopted and adapted Brian Kotek's formutils. Even so, I wish there was a systematic way to get everything over to Github or somewhere.
Comment on CFFiddle for Flow control tags and a few more functions by James Mohler
3908552 CF-4200881 James P. Nope, not fixed in 2016, currently causing me a headache.
Portal Comment Comment on Tracker not sending emails by James Mohler
James Mohler You might want to try Stackoverflow to see if they can come up with a workaround
Portal Comment Comment on CFEXECUTE by James Moberg
James Moberg If you need to run something on the command line using a different user account on Windows, the only way I know how to do this is by using <a href="http://adiabata.com/cfx_exec.cfm" rel="nofollow">CFX_EXECa> from Adiabata, Inc. We've also noticed that there are less orphaned
6259329 CF-4205250 James M. As a result of this error (which I've verified on a staging server), means we can't upgrade this in production until this bug is fixed.
2704917 CF-4198196 James M. There needs to be a way to warn users on calling a deprecated function
Comment on Making Adobe ColdFusion a Thriving Community by James Mohler
Portal Comment Comment on The Hidden Power Of CFQUERYPARAM! by James Mohler
James Mohler Here is my best guess.
It helps, but not a lot. I am imagining that Deleted. If you are only looking for deleted=0 then there is only going to be one query plan. Using , you still have only one query plan.
Portal Comment Comment on The Hidden Power Of CFQUERYPARAM! by James Mohler
James Mohler You got to this one before I did. I like it a lot.
A good follow up would be the QueryExecute version on this. I believe, but I might be wrong, that that passing parameters as an array, does some auto-parameterization.
James Mohler I thought that ArrayNew[dataType](params) is just a strange way of doing things. I can't think of any other BIF that has this syntax
Tracker Comment Comment on CFCookie "samesite" support by James M.
4123109 CF-4201688 James M. This 3/24/2020 patch introduces a new bug. This throws an "The tag handler cookie does not have a setter for the attribute samesite specified in the Tag Library Descriptor." error. (This leads me to believe that the functionality wasn't fully tested in any production
Portal Comment Comment on Quick thoughts on structs by James Mohler
James Mohler This is a tough one. I can think of quite a few off the top of my head
- It is structured data as opposed to a way of interpreting a string
- Keys and values are discrete
- All kinds of member functions associated with it
- They naturally work
Tracker Comment Comment on Space injected into HTML Attribute by James M.
5042269 CF-4203437 James M. You should put this one up on Stackoverflow, Someone else might have seen this or have a workaround.
The getCurrentUnassignedSAQs(), is that an Entity or is it powered by a query?
2962266 CF-4198446 James M. Here's a work-around that was discovered to Nginx:
SOLUTION: Set Http2-specific buffer values separately from the ones set for Http1.
Is this a potential solution for fixing it on Cold
5399887 CF-4204050 James M. A similar reported "the label in the input is too long" recommends only passing the domain part of the e-mail to IDN.toASCII.
Is this what's happening w/CF? If so, I'm worried because the last time I checked
Portal Comment Comment on Cannot get Coldfusion 11 started by James Mohler
James Mohler Here is my random advice.
I used to work for a company that had a really aggressive virus scan. It wanted to scan every .jar in ColdFusion every time there was start of the server. To get around it. I would start it on the command line. Stop it on the command line, then restart
Tracker Comment Comment on Build-in X-SendFile Support by James M.
2608727 CF-4015253 James M. It's been 4 years. Has this been reviewed? As a result of RAM + CFContent short-comings, we've had to duplicate files w/random names (and clean up files using a schedule) and/or upload files to Amazon S3 in the background to a bucket configured to delete files after
Portal Comment Comment on Running ColdFusion on Corretto by James Mohler
James Mohler Thanks for watching. The other videos take about a week to put together. I through this together in about 2 days. I know its a little less polished for that reason.
I like that Corretto appears to be an option. I would want to do a whole lot of stress tests and compatibility before
James Mohler In past versions of ColdFusion, one could run `getMetadata(var).getName()` to find out what a variable does. I will have to try it out on 2018 beta
2827197 CF-4198314 James S. This happens for me as well. Please issue a hotfix as soon as possible.
Comment on isValid("email") shouldn't ignore a "display name" by James M.
codem36518387 <a href="https://coldfusion.adobe.com/profile/jamesmohler">James Mohlera> , so no more.
James Mohler I hope Adobe adds this to their documentation.
Can you add a link to a live version.
3030341 CF-4198549 James M. Please close
I have a logic error in my code. This does does not have an accurate repo
Tracker Issue HTML 5 Required conflicts with CFFORM
2614313 CF-3117248 CFForm James Mohler HTML 5 Required conflicts with CFFORM HTML 5 has a required attribute (See http://www.w3schools.com/html5/att_input_required.asp)
So does CFFORM
There needs to be some sort of work around so that these two don't conflict
Tracker Comment Comment on CFCookie "samesite" support by James M.
4123109 CF-4201688 James M. "SameSite" will be more important very soon as Google Chrome will reject 3rdparty cookies if not configured properly. (ie, this will become a real "modernize or die" issue.)
I tried responding, but I only saw an icon flash when I attempted to submit my response, so I
Portal Comment Comment on Adobe could support and bolster the ColdFusion Community by creating a CF focused jobs portal by James Mohler
Comment on Adobe could support and bolster the ColdFusion Community by creating a CF focused jobs portal by James Mohler
Tracker Comment Comment on Invalid Set-Cookie Header Date Format by James M.
5907304 CF-4204632 James M. I noticed that CF2016u12 (released on 24 Sep, 2019) didn't have a fix for this.
QUESTION: Will this be updated in CF2016? Or will this update only find it's way into CF2020? (Is that what "Alpha" is?)
As a work around, I'm using this CFTag. It additionally supports
James Mohler I went to
<a href="https://www.adobe.com/products/coldfusion-standard.html" rel="nofollow">https://www.adobe.com/products/coldfusion-standard.htmla>
And there was a nice buy now button
Tracker Comment Comment on CFCookie "samesite" support by James M.
4123109 CF-4201688 James M. Chrome's "samesite" browser update is in 20 days. Will the "next update" be released before or after all Adobe ColdFusion platforms that use a back-end ColdFusion API with different hostname are negatively impacted?
Here's an article regarding it that was published 1
James Mohler I like that some of the examples have semicolon and some don't. That was a good new feature too.
Comment on What CF Summit Needs is a CF101 Pre-conference Workshop by James Mohler
Portal Comment Comment on An important ColdFusion survey by James Moberg
James Moberg In the blog post, it states "here's the survey link again". Does this mean that this survey was recently asked? If so, I'd prefer not to enter responses twice and skew the results. There survey is undated, has a generic name and looks like the same questions that I've answered
Tracker Comment Comment on CFCookie "samesite" support by James M.
Comment on CFCookie "samesite" support by James M.
James Moberg What's the ETA for adding a non-Facebook/Google login? I would think that it would be easier to integrate. I've used CFFiddle as an "unauthenticated" user, but am waiting for a non-social-media login before I create an account.
Tracker Comment Comment on reReplaceNoCase is throwing a java.lang.StackOverflowError at org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Matcher when using Java 1.8 by James M.
Comment on reReplaceNoCase is throwing a java.lang.StackOverflowError at org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Matcher when using Java 1.8 by James M.
Tracker Comment Comment on Changes to cached query results are persisted back into cache by James M.
3151573 CF-4198816 James M. Apparently bug #CF-4198980 is not a duplicate. These two (2) methods work in CF2016 to update a query value and be properly recached:
This popular method doesn't work in CF2016 (but does in CF8, 9, 10, & 11):
Refer to bug #CF-4198980 for sample code:
Comment on Spreadsheet Data Formatting Not Working by James Moberg
Comment on Spreadsheet Data Formatting Not Working by James Moberg
Comment on Spreadsheet Data Formatting Not Working by James Moberg
5399887 CF-4204050 James M. FYI: I just installed CF2016 hotfix (or update) 10, performed a test and this bug is not fixed.
James Mohler I would add VS Code as a great IDE + Github integration tool.
Also before the CF Conference in Las Vegas, I never heard of CommandBox. Afterward I use it exclusively. That is one useful tool.
James Moberg When manipulating values within a QofQ, it's important to use Javacast() to retain the original datatype. If not, querying the QofQ may throw an error.
When querying for a text string, the comparison is case-sensitive. Use lower() or upper() or query columnnames in SQL to perform
Comment on isValid("email") shouldn't ignore a "display name" by James M.
Tracker Comment Comment on Re-querying a cached query doesn't return the initial cached query after result variable is modified by James M.
Comment on Re-querying a cached query doesn't return the initial cached query after result variable is modified by James M.
Tracker Comment Comment on CF Crash (500 Internal Server Error) from Non-ASCII Cookie Character by James M.
2608506 CF-4073906 James M. Won't fix? As Designed? This is a strange response. If this invalid cookie is sent to any PHP website, the webpage loads normally... do it on ColdFusion website and you get a "bad request" 500 error. This occurs on CF2016 and possibly the upcoming 2018 beta (i haven
Portal Comment Comment on Adventures in Installations – Installing CF 2018 Developer Edition on Ubuntu 16.04 + Apache by James Mohler
James Mohler I have become a fan of CommandBox lately. It is real easy to bring up ColdFusion on it.
I am running MacOS. I have to admit I haven't tried to get it to mate with Apache.
Portal Comment Comment on Fighting Stagnation: Learning how to grow your skills in a stagnant development environment by James Mohler
Comment on Fighting Stagnation: Learning how to grow your skills in a stagnant development environment by James Mohler
2827197 CF-4198314 James S. Yes, I found that as well. Thanks Jake for posting this.
Adobe: Any timeline on when we can expect a hotfix?
6259329 CF-4205250 James M. Tracker appears to be very casual and doesn't maintain a changelog to track changes in status. Here's the latest:
11/3/2019 08:00-ish Pacific
- Component updated to 'Core Runtime'
- Component updated from 'Installation/Config : Hotfix Installer' to an empty value
Comment on isValid("email") shouldn't ignore a "display name" by James M.
5399887 CF-4204050 James M. Dan C, To sanitize non-ASCII7 characters from a text string, the workaround I've been using is to convert all unicode to ASCII7 using JUnidecode. (We also use this to sanitize filenames & URL path strings.)
Comment on isValid("email") shouldn't ignore a "display name" by James M.
Comment on isValid("email") shouldn't ignore a "display name" by James M.
Tracker Comment Comment on isValid("email") and isValid("url") treat Unicode Domain Differently by James M.
5853169 CF-4204516 James M. According to CF documentation for isValid("url"), The cfparam tag performs equivalent validation. As a result, it's equivalently broken too. The following generations a CF error. (If an email was passed with the same domain, it wouldn't fail.)
5399887 CF-4204050 James M. We had messages failing to be processed for 6 days because the "FROM" values was 92 characters. This has never been a problem, in the past... but now it's a show stopper. Here's a sample FROM that currently causes a ColdFusion error:
"Regular Organization Name without
5399887 CF-4204050 James M. [Verified] Apparently an email address that has 74 or more characters characters will successfully evaluate as a valid email address using isvalid("email"), but will fail with a "the label in the input is too long" error message when attempting to send via CFMail.
James Mohler I wish it was documented by Adobe the versions of Java that ship with each version ColdFusion
And the supported versions of Java for a given version of ColdFusion.
to wonder what would a) make it work in 2016 now when it did not for others here in the past, and then b) why it would now fail in 2018.
And James, that "external user" issue was not unique to you. I believe it happened when Adobe moved to the new tracker (from the old bugbase) and they could not for some
James Mohler Interesting? When I ran the
EXEC sp_estimate_data_compression_savings 'dbo', 'Traffic', NULL, NULL, 'NONE' ;
I thought that was confirming that the compression was working. Is there a better way verify that the table compression is working?
James Mohler I wanted to look at...
Secret Powers of Includes In this session, veteran CFUG speaker Charlie Arehart will share some tips and likely a few surprises a
...But the link was dead. I would like to have read about
2962266 CF-4198446 James M. I found this video that explains it more... it may not be entirely related to ColdFusion.
"This came to light on a production server where if the end user leaves their browser open can cause 100's of hit's per second recorded
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion connector will throw a 400.0 error with FQDN with an underscore in them by James M.
Comment on ColdFusion connector will throw a 400.0 error with FQDN with an underscore in them by James M.
Portal Comment Comment on ColdFusion as an essential tool in my development toolbox. by James Mohler
James Mohler I think I am on the same page as you. I develop with ColdFusion, but I don't do it the same way as even five months ago. So me a better way, I will use it. Show me a tech that replaces a whole chunk of CF, and I will do that to if it is better.
OTOH, if I have to type twice as much
James Mohler I was there but I must have been in a different part of the war. I was leading a team of 4 developers (5 total). It was a job for two people, but we had to have five. Why? Netscape 4's CSS implementation was so bad, we couldn't use it. We were littering our pages with font tags
5399887 CF-4204050 James M. I just encountered another issue which I believe it tied directly to this. A CFML script that we've used w/CF7, 8, 9 & 10 failed today on CF2016 due to "The label in the input is too long" in a CFMail tag.? Too long? Are there some new undocumented max lengths being
Comment on isValid("email") shouldn't ignore a "display name" by James M.
2962266 CF-4198446 James M. We don't normally use or test with Safari, but unfortunately our paying clients do and they think the platform we use is "broken" as a result. I see "HF6" under version details... is it "fixed" and just not released yet?
6259329 CF-4205250 James M. No start up errors for me. I think what I may have been testing was actually badly nested cfml. I migrated my test script to a non-updated CF2016u4 server and it threw the same error. I modified the same sample code in the report (to use CFDirectory instead of CFQuery
Portal Comment Comment on Opinion: Adobe can Improve the ColdFusion community by providing official support for more code editors. by James Mohler
James Mohler I am using Visual Studio Code. It has a plugin for syntax highlighting.
I would describe it as good but not great. I benefits from the rest of VS Code does. I like how VS Code has Github integration, built in terminal, plugins for Docker. Overall it is a great environment. The CF side
Portal Comment Comment on ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 6 and ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 13 released by James Moberg
James Moberg Is this the same update that was available a week ago as a special preview release? I previously installed the 2016u13 update and the version is reported as 2016.0.13.316217. (Is this official update newer than the preview or the same?)
Tracker Comment Comment on isvalid("variableName") incorrectly validates strings with leading/trailing spaces or ending period by James M.
2611312 CF-3631104 James M. There are other issues with isValid() when it comes to trailing spaces in the value being evaluated. I'm not sure if this needs to be a new bug as it's the same "trim" isValid() issue affecting other evaluation types.
IsBoolean() returning true for "123D ", but false
Tracker Comment Comment on Query Caching with cachedwithin = 0 by James M.
3007007 CF-4198513 James M. Using ColdFusion 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and Railo/Lucee, using CachedWithin=0 was the method to refresh a cached query. This looks like it may be bug CF-4170628 which was reported on 7/5/2016 with a status of "fixed". I don't want to have to add cacheIDs and cache
Portal Comment Comment on ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 8 and ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 14 released by Priyank Shrivastava
Priyank Shrivastava Hi James, This is purely a security update and we did not include any other bug fix.
Portal Comment Comment on CF Camp 2018: Madness in Munich Part Four- ORM-Love it or Hate it? by James Mohler
James Mohler I have a love hate relationship with ORM. When I first saw it I thought of just a .Net technology. Then I though of all the SQL queries that I could (and did) write that did not map into ORM.
But after a second look... I still didn't like it.
But I have to admit it grew on me as I
Tracker Comment Comment on CF admin errors on Linux VM when CFIDE mounted to Windows host. by James M.
3280535 CF-4199020 James M. Just curious... are filenames lower-cased when accessing a Windows mapped folder when "ColdFusion is running on Windows"? Also do CF+Linux CF9, 10, 11 & 2016 all return the same results? (Sometimes bugs are introduced in later versions of ColdFusion. I've been comparing
Portal Comment Comment on TSQL – Getting New Primary Key by James Mohler
James Mohler I tried to see if I could get to work. I made a query, but that field is not available in my result. It does not seem to be universally available.
<a href="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40270744/the-generatedkey-value-is-missing-from-my-cfquery-result-structure" rel
Tracker Comment Comment on CF Crash (500 Internal Server Error) from Non-ASCII Cookie Character by James M.
2608506 CF-4073906 James M. I downloaded latest versions of CF10, 2016 & 2018 beta using CommandBox using latest Firefox & Chrome and this cookie bug doesn't cause a "bad request" 500 error. (I also couldn't duplicate it w/Lucee.) So this bug may be restricted to Windows/IIS host environments
Tracker Comment Comment on Subclass cfc loses property type info from parent during SerializeJSON() by James P.
4217151 CF-4202006 James P. That's all well and good that it's fixed in 2018, but it's not out yet and at best is several months away, and it'll take a few months of proper shakedown of 2018 when it does release before I switch production over to it.
So how about let's make sure it gets patched
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: some cross-applied member functions throw incorrect parameter check exception by James M.
4478243 CF-4202935 James M. IMHO, just about every string member function should work on a numeric even if the result would be identical.
I pointed this type of issue 1 1/2 year ago. https://tracker.adobe.com/#/view/CF-4198258
Portal Comment Comment on CFFiddle for Spreadsheet, List, Struct, and Date/Time functions by James Mohler
James Mohler This might be OT, but here goes. Some of these samples seem dated.
On <a href="https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/cfml-reference/coldfusion-functions/functions-a-b/arraytolist.html" rel="nofollow">https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/cfml-reference/coldfusion-functions/functions-a-b/arraytolist.html
Comment on Nest CFOUTPUT error in hotfix 5 (hf-2018-00005-315699) by James M.
Tracker Comment Comment on Dates beyond 12/31/9999 are considered "valid", yet crash or result in data loss. by James M.
5994179 CF-4204879 James M. I attempted to use the DATEDIFF function in Excel with a valid futuristic date to calculate the difference in days and it fails and returns "#VALUE!". What use is a valid date if it can't be used reused anywhere else? I checked out timeanddate.com and they don
Tracker Comment Comment on Calling Oracle Package: [Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver]User defined type not found: SYS.DBMS_UTILITY by Nimit S.
2612598 CF-3494006 Nimit S. @James: Can you please provide a repro case soon?
Portal Comment Comment on Regular expressions – practical examples to get you started by James Moberg
James Moberg We've encountered some unpreventable ColdFusion hard errors (that can't be prevented using try/catch) when using ReReplaceNoCase() in our application framework. Here are some reported bugs that are similar:
<a href="https://tracker.adobe.com/#/view/CF-3928688" rel
Tracker Comment Comment on isValid("url") throws uncatch-able exception error if URL is too long (Java11) by James M.
Comment on isValid("url") throws uncatch-able exception error if URL is too long (Java11) by James M.
Tracker Comment Comment on The cfinclude attribute runonce not working inside components by James M.
4935961 CF-4203365 James M. I started using the "runonce" parameter now that we've upgraded most of our projects and I ran into this error too. So it 1) either doesn't work as documented or 2) I must have a different understanding of what "run once" means.
I've been using this workaround since
3588520 CF-4200009 Charlie A. James, you show running only CF2016 update 3 there. The latest is update 7. Your point would be stronger if you could get that update in place and then report if it still happens.
Even so, Suchika, I'm bummed to hear your reply. Regardless of what "checks" you may do
6551050 CF-4206264 James M. ALTERNATIVE: If you are copying/syncing static resources to S3, you may want to consider using CFExecute with S3Express (portable CLI/command line).
I've found it to be a better alternative, supports multiple threads (faster), gets updated