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Tracker Comment Comment on Cannot putFile or getFile when using key instead of password within FTP service by Aaron N.
2608658 CF-4032599 Aaron N. Hi Adobe,
I've verified this is fixed in CF2016 Update 1 (build 2016.0.01.298513). cfftp works properly and no longer throws "com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Algorithm negotiation fail" when using the fingerprint or key attributes.
Tracker Comment Comment on CFFTP to S-FTP server raises error "Algorithm negotiation fail" by Wil G.
2608735 CF-4014234 Wil G. Cathy, I found it bundled with ColdFusion 2016. C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\lib\jsch-0.1.52m.jar
Tracker Comment Comment on CFFTP to S-FTP server raises error "Algorithm negotiation fail" by Wil G.
comparison. CF11 and CF2016 is using JSch for Secure Channel FTP. CF11 has jsch-0.1.44m.jar and CF2016 has jsch-0.1.52m.jar. I copied the newer version into the lib folder for CF11 and retested with CF11 after restarting. Now, when using CF11 the sFTP connection works. There’s your issue.
Tracker Comment Comment on CFFTP to S-FTP server raises error "Algorithm negotiation fail" by Hana H.
2608735 CF-4014234 Hana H. Just wanted to mentioned I used Wil Genovese's solution and SFTP to the site that is using SHA2 is working now. I found a copy of jsch-0.1.52m.jar, copied it over to the coldfusion /lib folder and restarted ColdFusion. Worked like a charm. Thanks Wil
Tracker Comment Comment on CFFTP to S-FTP server raises error "Algorithm negotiation fail" by Cathy W.
2608735 CF-4014234 Cathy W. Where did you all find this elusive updated jar file? I am not finding it anywhere, although I do see the jsch-0.1.52.jar all over the place.
2608735 CF-4014234 S P. Hi Eric,
As you have specified the JSCH jar library in ColdFusion does not list the HMAC-SHA-256 hashing protocol.
I was trying to verify this issue with FreeSSHD SFTP Server as well as Core SFTP Client server, where I was trying to set it up with the above specified
Portal Topic ColdFusion SFTP and FTPS Secure Connection Failure
Connection Failure appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,cfftp,CFML Tag/Function,cfml tag/function,ColdFusion,ftp,JSCH,sftp
Tracker Issue Bug 80386:I'm trying to use the Coldfusion 9 <CFFTP> tag to securely connect to a remote SFTP server
, password, server, fingerprint, port, key, connection, proxyServer, and secure (as applicable). Error: Session.connect: java.io.IOException: invalid data.com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Session.connect: java.io.IOException: invalid dataat com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect(Unknown Source)at com.jcraft.jsch
-support of the S-FTP encryption or hashing protocols by the current JSCH jar library used (which is jsch-0.1.44m.jar). From the class list it does not seem that HMAC-SHA-256 is supported.
The trace from Filezilla Client reveals this protocol:
Trace: We claim version: SSH-2.0-PuTTY_Local:_Jun__2