displaying top 100 results
Portal Topic What ColdFusion IDE Do You Use in 2017?
Dave Levin What ColdFusion IDE Do You Use in 2017? Hello ColdFusion community. Over the years I’ve used several different integrated development environment (IDE) tools for my ColdFusion projects. Here’s a brief timeline of the IDEs that I’ve used over time in chronological order: Macromedia
Portal Comment Comment on CF18 install for iis by wubwub
wubwub I see the same thing in my developer install. It only lets me select "Stand alone" or "JEE" but I am looking for a way to get it to install into an existing IIS.
Our current production environment is CF 2016 running integrated with IIS. Hoping to mirror that with a new development CF 2018
ColdFusion Development Services – The Perks of Using CF
Tracker Issue Can ColdFusion provide only the JRE for download, instead of the entire of Java Development Kit?
5674426 CF-4204282 Documentation : adobe.com Can ColdFusion provide only the JRE for download, instead of the entire of Java Development Kit? Problem Description:
Java SE downloads are for the entire Java Development Kit. I only need the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). After installing, I
Bug 85229:(Watson Migration Closure)In a Windows Integrated Authentication environment, the tag prompts for credentials even after you've already authenticated to the server
Creating a Development Environment/Workflow for solo or small team development using ColdFusion, MS SQL Server, and Docker Compose – Part 1
Part 2 – Creating a Development Environment/Workflow for solo or small team development using ColdFusion, MS SQL Server, and Docker Compose
Comment on Creating a Development Environment/Workflow for solo or small team development using ColdFusion, MS SQL Server, and Docker Compose – Part 1 by Grae Desmond
Comment on Creating a Development Environment/Workflow for solo or small team development using ColdFusion, MS SQL Server, and Docker Compose – Part 1 by tomásr27896656
Comment on Creating a Development Environment/Workflow for solo or small team development using ColdFusion, MS SQL Server, and Docker Compose – Part 1 by David Byers
Comment on Creating a Development Environment/Workflow for solo or small team development using ColdFusion, MS SQL Server, and Docker Compose – Part 1 by Charlie Arehart
Comment on Creating a Development Environment/Workflow for solo or small team development using ColdFusion, MS SQL Server, and Docker Compose – Part 1 by David Byers
Comment on Part 2 – Creating a Development Environment/Workflow for solo or small team development using ColdFusion, MS SQL Server, and Docker Compose by Jim Priest
Comment on Creating a Development Environment/Workflow for solo or small team development using ColdFusion, MS SQL Server, and Docker Compose – Part 1 by Jim Priest
Tracker Issue OSGI integration for providing CF core modularity
OSGI integration for providing CF core modularity
Tracker Issue Bundle fusion reactor as server monitor
2608674 CF-4024640 Server Monitoring Doug Cain Bundle fusion reactor as server monitor The current server monitor whilst handy hasn't seen an update for a long time. So rather than using resource to enhance this, integrating fusion reactor into the product seems like an obvious solution.
I wouldn
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 75032:(Watson Migration Closure)Requesting API or other support for developing Code Coverage tools by External U.
2602046 CF-3037290 External U. I was also looking at testing tools for CF and the shop I am in now has lots of java J2EE and we are setting up a continuous integration environment. The tools we are using are Hudson, ANT, Emma, selenium, JUnit, MXUnit (among others). For CF, we are missing
Tracker Issue Add Support for Multiple Caching Engines
2673017 CF-4156552 Wishlist Brian Klaas Add Support for Multiple Caching Engines In addition to the existing ehCache integration, it would be extremely useful to allow for caching in other engines, especially Redis. These other caching engines do so much more than just get/put, and would provide CF
Tracker Issue Need for more clear documentation on server config
for how to do that where the source is outside the wwwroot folder.
Come on, why make any developer have to figure this stuff out from scratch?
There is a cool product from ClickOnTyler.com called VirtualHostX. I'd love to know how to integrate that with CF2018.
Just need more docs on server config, dev
Tracker Issue Online Error Debugging Forum
and there is no real structure. I think this will be a great step in the right direction. If you guys want to get even fancier, you guys should allow developers to vote on the best solution, then allow the best solution to integrate back into the Coldfusion debugger and be presented as the best solution
Tracker Comment Comment on Support for IIS 10 by External U.
2608822 CF-3984812 External U. Unable to improve the development environment.
Tracker Issue Bug 75981:Centaur Developer Guide (Beta 1) > Page 594 (Flex and AIR Integration in ColdFusion) >
Bug 75981:Centaur Developer Guide (Beta 1) > Page 594 (Flex and AIR Integration in ColdFusion) >
2608789 CF-3996225 Document Management : Office Integration Scotty I OpenOffice 4.1 Installation Not Found when Using CFDOCUMENT Problem Description:
I've installed a fresh copy of ColdFusion 11 and updated it to the latest version 11,0,05,293506. After verifying that the installation was working
Tracker Issue ColdFusion.com Community Site
to coldfusion.com and integrate with user profiles.
- Beyond CF. An area dedicated to extending CF with features beyond the product like java libraries, Jquery, angular, bootstrap etc.
- E-mail News & Alerts
And finally the entire site should have much better SEO so it can be found by CF developers and others
2602333 CF-3036970 External U. This an excellent idea allows CF developers to easily take advantage of a lot of the integration work already done for ANT and expose a lot of functionality.
Portal Topic ColdFusion 9.01
mahern810712 ColdFusion 9.01 We have a problem with ColdFusion Code we used to develop a shopping Cart Application integrated with PayPal. The application stopped working. We are using API for the integration. we are running ColdFusion 9.0.1. We update Java to Java 8 and we are still having
Portal Topic Fighting Stagnation: Learning how to grow your skills in a stagnant development environment
Fighting Stagnation: Learning how to grow your skills in a stagnant development environment
Portal Topic Mobile App development using Coldfusion?
? If yes, Can someone please give me some guidelines about how to start and the environment setup required? Your help will give me a direction to start.
The post Mobile App development using Coldfusion? appeared first on ColdFusion. Discussion,Language,discussion,language,mobile development
The descriptions for watchInterval and watchExtensions can be copied, to that "Application Variables" doc, from the "Enhanced Java integration in ColdFusion" doc: https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/using-web-elements-and-external-objects/integrating-jee-and-java-elements-in-cfml-applications/enhanced-java-integration-in-coldfusion.html
Ability to downgrade Trial or Developer to Standard Edition
Tracker Comment Comment on Support for IIS 10 by External U.
2608822 CF-3984812 External U. I and a at least 10K other developers will need this ASAP!
Broken my development environment.
In crunch mode too for our application.
This would open great flexibility for modular development and not monolithic development for Java integrations.
Here are some proposals for implementation:
1. Top level functions
addJavaClassPath( paths )
2. Objectifyed
Tracker Issue Wish list
2673030 CF-4155899 Wishlist Matthew Clemente Wish list I know you aren't going to want to see this, but Adam Cameron's wishlist for CF2016 pretty well covers my wishlist for enhancements. It's developer focused updates and enhancements:
Package / Dependency Manager (I like the idea of working
2608217 CF-4162390 External U. Based on input from some other CF developers that feel even allowing the scheduler to write to a non-accessible location is a potential security risk, I guess we'll just look at integrating the output into the code when it's needed. Would prefer if there was a secure
Tracker Comment Comment on Little to no documentation on interoperability of ColdFusion with servlets, and the little there is, is wrong by Saurav G.
2610354 CF-3707543 Saurav G. I've added a new section, Running Servlets in ColdFusion. The link to access the document is https://helpx.stage.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/using-web-elements-and-external-objects/integrating
Tracker Issue Apache POI getHyperlink integration for CFSpreadsheet
Apache POI getHyperlink integration for CFSpreadsheet
Tracker Issue IIS integration (and others)
IIS integration (and others)
Portal Comment Comment on Adventures in Installations – Installing CF 2018 Developer Edition on Ubuntu 16.04 + Apache by David Byers
Comment on Adventures in Installations – Installing CF 2018 Developer Edition on Ubuntu 16.04 + Apache by David Byers
Tracker Issue WSDL service name inconsistent case
environments are on Webservice Axis 2.
this currently breaks our development and staging environments as the WSDL's are different even though the CFC source is exactly the same.
production environment was created by installing CF in "production profile"
staging environment was mirrored from production
locally, do you lock down your local development environment?
2602343 CF-3036961 External U. this would be fantastic. keep it on the same subnet or limit to just one or two IP's. testing and development from true servers/development environments would be phenomenal.
Tracker Issue cfspreadsheet with header=1 doesn't throw error if spreadsheet is empty but was created with spreadsheetNew
Config: My Hardware and Environment details:
Server: Windows 2008, Coldfusion 11 Developer behind IIS.
Client: Windows 7, Firefox 36.01, blank spreadsheets generated by either Microsoft Office Standard 2010 (Excel version 14.0.7143.5000 (64-bit) or LibreOffice version
This has occurred in a CF 9 enviroment on both Unix and Windows.
The issue has been replicated in an up-to-date developer install of CF10 (10,0,7,283649) installed on a RedHat 6 machine, with the captivate content being served from and submitted to the integrated CF web server via http
Tracker Issue Bug 86912:This is an enhancement request for the ESAPI integration and encoding methods
Bug 86912:This is an enhancement request for the ESAPI integration and encoding methods
Office documentation needs clarificationThe collective documentation on OpenOffice integration does not give a consistently clear picture of which versions of MS Office are supported and the capabilities of each tag. Integrating Office applications with ColdFusionhttp://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/9.0/Developing
Portal Comment Comment on Docker images for ColdFusion by Doug Cain
Doug Cain It would be really helpful to have the CF2018 beta as a container.
It was also mentioned in a previous thread that an example apache container integrating the connector to CF would be very helpful.
Oh and MUCH more flexibility in the configuration / environment variables for JVM memory
Portal Comment Comment on Opinion: Adobe can Improve the ColdFusion community by providing official support for more code editors. by James Mohler
James Mohler I am using Visual Studio Code. It has a plugin for syntax highlighting.
I would describe it as good but not great. I benefits from the rest of VS Code does. I like how VS Code has Github integration, built in terminal, plugins for Docker. Overall it is a great environment. The CF side
Tracker Issue Delimiter for SpreadsheetAddRow
2596801 CF-3713386 Document Management : Office Integration Randi Knutson Delimiter for SpreadsheetAddRow Please allow for alternate delimiters other than the comma.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3713386
External Customer
Tracker Issue There should be a spreadsheetGetFormatting() function
2610594 CF-3694387 Document Management : Office Integration Adam Cameron There should be a spreadsheetGetFormatting() function There's a SpreadsheetFormatCell() function, but no getter equivalent. There should be.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Tracker Comment Comment on CFHTTP/CFInvoke Fails with SSL Certificates using Subject Alternative Names (SAN) by External U.
2596846 CF-3566218 External U. Been working on integrating FirstData API into our environment and am not running into these same connection failures. We just updated our JVM and have 9.0.1 with latest HFs installed. This is a pretty major problem to have and updating to CF10 is not a viable option
Tracker Issue Bug 78531:In the User Guide,
2600336 CF-3039134 Documentation : Examples Sam Farmer Bug 78531:In the User Guide, Problem:
In the User Guide,
Flex and AIR Integration in ColdFusion
on page 615
Missing a closing > on the Customer and Address
Tracker Comment Comment on Little to no documentation on interoperability of ColdFusion with servlets, and the little there is, is wrong by External U.
2610354 CF-3707543 External U. Thanks, Saurav.
I get:
Access Denied
You don't have permission to access "http://helpx.stage.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/using-web-elements-and-external-objects/integrating
2602216 CF-3037104 External U. Brian is right on with this request. If you want help integrating this with jQuery or other AJAX libraries this is something that we seem to have down at this time. Could save time... but this is a big win feature in our opinion. It makes form variable handling more
Portal Comment Comment on Preview builds of ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 6 and ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 13 released by James Moberg
these errors appeared, the issue I was encountering wasn't due to this.
NOTE: You may want to use Chrome F12 Developer Tools to read the console errors that are thrown in the admin section. In addition, there's a CSP error & "elements w/non-unique IDs" DOM error in the Flex integration section.
Tracker Issue Integrate with JSoup and Improve DOM options
Integrate with JSoup and Improve DOM options
Tracker Issue Please integrate MariaDB driver in CF Administrator since MySQL 5 drivers were dropped in CF 11
Please integrate MariaDB driver in CF Administrator since MySQL 5 drivers were dropped in CF 11
Tracker Issue add bootstrap classloader for listeners
2613607 CF-3206505 Language : Java Integration Michael Nimer add bootstrap classloader for listeners In order to get run Spring running inside of ColdFusion CF needs to load the "org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener" class, otherwise you can get all kinds of WebContext Init
Tracker Issue Eclipse: "XML" shown twice in Preferences
2682170 CFB-4167890 General - IDE Firstname Lastname Eclipse: "XML" shown twice in Preferences Problem Description: In eclipse preferences the the "XML" item is shown twice and not fully integrated. The adobe tree is highly outdated.
Steps to Reproduce: Install Builder into Eclipse Mars or Neon
Tracker Issue Eclipse: "HTML" shown twice in Preferences
2682171 CFB-4167889 General - IDE Firstname Lastname Eclipse: "HTML" shown twice in Preferences Duplicate ID: 4167890 ColdFusion Builder
Problem Description: In eclipse preferences the the "HTML" item is shown twice and not fully integrated. The adobe tree is highly outdated.
Steps to Reproduce
Tracker Issue Eclipse: "CSS" shown twice in Preferences
2682172 CFB-4167888 General - IDE Firstname Lastname Eclipse: "CSS" shown twice in Preferences Duplicate ID: 4167890 ColdFusion Builder
Problem Description: In eclipse preferences the "CSS" item is shown twice and not fully integrated. The adobe tree is highly outdated.
Steps to Reproduce
Tracker Issue Eclipse: "JavaScript" shown twice in Preferences
2682173 CFB-4167887 General - IDE Firstname Lastname Eclipse: "JavaScript" shown twice in Preferences Problem Description: In eclipse preferences the the "JavaScript" item is shown twice and not fully integrated. The adobe tree is highly outdated.
Steps to Reproduce: Install Builder into Eclipse
Portal Comment Comment on Fighting Stagnation: Learning how to grow your skills in a stagnant development environment by Ajas Mohammed
Comment on Fighting Stagnation: Learning how to grow your skills in a stagnant development environment by Ajas Mohammed
Tracker Comment Comment on Session information in AJAX call by Jay K.
2608114 CF-4189738 Jay K. Hi Preethi,
I was just following up to check on the status of this fix? Also, I recently updated my development environment to CF 2016 and noticed the issue still exists there as well.
Tracker Comment Comment on Missing CGI.Redirect_URL by External U.
2613714 CF-3177732 External U. I am not able to install CF10 in any productive environment (including development and support) until this bug is fixed. It is a critical feature in our system of providing 'friendly' URLs.
Tracker Comment Comment on WSDL service name inconsistent case by Poonam J.
4890814 CF-4203357 Poonam J. Hi Yuliang,
Could you tell me how you are generating the wsdl? Through any code or through browser?
Also, if if I have understood the issue correctly, the conflict is with production and development environment?
[AF] - API Manager - Ships with a zip of development images
Tracker Issue Improve Java integration
Improve Java integration
2599733 CF-3039777 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration David Tucker Bug 79587:The current ORM capability provided in the cfair Problem:
The current ORM capability provided in the cfair.swc file does not support the logging of SQL as it is sent to the SQLite database. This greatly limits the developer
Tracker Issue ColdFusion keeps reverting to Developer Edition
ColdFusion keeps reverting to Developer Edition
Tracker Issue Wishlist
2673037 CF-4155428 Wishlist Denard Springle Wishlist Modularity of ACF - single core with additional modules to augment the core with only what is necessary. (see Lucee.)
Integration of CommandBox for both spinning up development ACF servers, for package management and for CLI integration
integration and offline syncing provided by SyncManager, we need to ensure that the AIR Cache DB to stores the syncing data is also encrypted, preferably with either the same key or antoher developer-defined key.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Tracker Issue Implement Linq or some approximation thereof
2608763 CF-4010474 Language,Wishlist Adam Cameron Implement Linq or some approximation thereof Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_Integrated_Query
If not done in a DSL style like .net does, perhaps it can be implemented with closure-based functions?
Still it's a mighty powerful tool
Tracker Issue spreadsheetAddRow support array
2608982 CF-3950771 Document Management : Office Integration Raymond Camden spreadsheetAddRow support array spreadsheetAddRow is pretty much unsafe to use with *any* dynamic data unless you first sanitize the data to not include commas. To correct this, allow this function to take an array
2612971 CF-3356817 Document Management : Office Integration Adam Cameron No equivalent of in spreadsheetRead() provides for the ability to row & column limit what's read in from the XLS. spreadsheetRead() does not offer the equivalent, and I can see no way of effecting this functionality
Tracker Issue cfreport encryption
2613598 CF-3208370 Language : Java Integration Michael Nimer cfreport encryption Remove the cfreport encryption, so users can see the jasper reports under the covers. This will support the Java Story and let you make a big deal out of CFReport using Jasper and the CFReportBuilder being a Jasper
Tracker Issue Java error when trying to instantiate an object
2614292 CF-3118680 Language : Java Integration Andrew Scott Java error when trying to instantiate an object Problem Description: When trying to instantiate WURFL there is an error thrown
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds:
The error message is
Portal Topic 2018 ColdFusion State of the Union Survey Available
, integration with other technologies, source code management, etc. It gives a holistic picture of how CF is being used out there in the world as well as a picture of the current developers. This is not associated with or sponsored by Adobe but i would expect that they do pay attention to […]
The post 2018
Benjamin Reid Further to Miguel's questioning:
Why did/is Adobe using the Java PSU (Patch Set Updates) version, rather than the Java CPU (Critical Patch Updates) version?
With Java 8/9/10 there was a Server JRE (ideal for production environment - that excluded development tools and client
Tracker Issue Update 4 has killed my development server
Update 4 has killed my development server
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion 11 Updates do NOT install when ColdFusion is running as local user account by External U.
2608127 CF-4185383 External U. Oh, and to clarify - my workaround is to run the command prompt as Administrator and run java - jar hotfix_xxx.jar every single time.
I have the same problem on my local Windows 10 and Windows 7 development environments where i run ColdFusion Developer Edition
Tracker Comment Comment on Stand alone web server default page by External U.
2673021 CF-4156097 External U. Not a fan of advertising in a development environment. If they did do that, which I hope they don't then I would expect it would be CF related. CC is a dying subscription for developers. If CFBuilder was actually was a good product, I'd cancel CC subscription and just
Portal Comment Comment on The Best Version Control System (3 Reasons Why It Matters to All ColdFusion Developers) by James Mohler
Comment on The Best Version Control System (3 Reasons Why It Matters to All ColdFusion Developers) by James Mohler
Comment on Integrate with JSoup and Improve DOM options by External U.
Tracker Issue ColdFusion application throws Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/cache/CacheLoader
Fusion documentation: https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/using-web-elements-and-external-objects/integrating-jee-and-java-elements-in-cfml-applications/enhanced-java-integration-in-coldfusion.html
The Java file compiled. However, when I run it, without any arguments, I get the exception java
2608768 CF-4009541 Document Management : Office Integration Alan Holden Spreadsheet writing is changing column formatting for currently active sheet Problem Description: Reading an existing xlsm multi-worksheet spreadsheet (with or without any interim process) will noticeably alter the look
Tracker Issue NTLM Authentication Support
2597041 CF-3175165 SharePoint Support Eric Shaffer NTLM Authentication Support Dept. of Defense clients are beginning to use Sharepoint HEAVILY. The need to use CF's Sharepoint integration abilities is becoming a matter of "we have a job...we don't have a job". The problem is that currently, CF
3414193 CF-4199507 Accessibility Paul Hopkinson integration with common control panels - plesk / cpanel etc Unfortunately Parallels pulled native support for CF from Plesk version 10.
Do you at Adobe have any plans to create a Plesk plugin to allow CF to work in a Plesk environment?
It would
2609620 CF-3819753 External U. same issue while using the coldfusion development server bundled with Coldfusion builder 3
Changing the java.home=/usr also worked for me
Yosemite 10.10 64 bit
/usr/bin/java = Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_20-b26)
Coldfusion/jre/bin/java = Java(TM) SE
Portal Comment Comment on Fighting Stagnation: Learning how to grow your skills in a stagnant development environment by James Mohler
Comment on Fighting Stagnation: Learning how to grow your skills in a stagnant development environment by James Mohler
Portal Comment Comment on Is there a way to turn off enterprise features off on developer edition? by Jim Priest
Comment on Is there a way to turn off enterprise features off on developer edition? by Jim Priest
Tracker Issue Ordered structs omitted from docs
2673657 CF-4119454 Documentation Adam Cameron Ordered structs omitted from docs No mention of them here:
----------------------------- Additional Watson
2608228 CF-4160098 External U. Having official docker images for CF would be a huge time saver for developers. It will also allow us to unify our dev/test/production environments. This is a must have for any platform in the modern age.
2609394 CF-3850990 External U. We use URL rewriting in a CFWheels environment. A large portion of our PDF generation is done by adding controlling variables to the URL to assist the render. Since we cannot get this working properly on development we cannot update our production servers to take
2609620 CF-3819753 External U. Would be nice if this worked on release day for once. I realize its not a huge marked for production systems, but many, many developers use it for their dev environment and we like to upgrade sooner rather than later. Pre-releases have been available for a while
Tracker Comment Comment on Error reading PNG image data by External U.
2609708 CF-3797437 External U. I had to build custom checks on my CF11 dev environment to display "placeholder" image and not the actual image preview - works fine on the production CF10 server. Buggers me.
Custom check as very hard to develop a system that works LIVE and not in production (albeit
Tracker Comment Comment on mod_jk in latest CF10 connector update no longer passes custom Apache environment variables by Mark M.
Comment on mod_jk in latest CF10 connector update no longer passes custom Apache environment variables by Mark M.
2611003 CF-3653076 External U. Confirmed...my local development environment is toast after updating to Mavericks - Apache 2.2.24. Commenting out the mod_jk loader in apache2/httpd let's apache startup which is good for standard but still need ColdFusion 10 up and running.
2596843 CF-3574419 External U. This happened consistently on each server I installed the HotFix. I start the HotFixes in our ITG and QUA environments and have the developers test their code for any issues prior to moving it to our production servers. On the six servers I installed this on, I
Tracker Comment Comment on Post ColdFusion Security Hotfix APSB13-10 - error on JSON returned with debug on by External U.
2596863 CF-3544895 External U. We have deployed this to production, where we don't need debug to be turned on; we've had to roll back our development environment, however, as we'll need to make loads of changes to work around this issue. Please alert me when a hotfix has been released.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug in shorthand struct notation by External U.
2612651 CF-3482734 External U. Using a struct literal as an argument to a function with a named parameter causes such behavior. I use struct literals extensively as they are very expressive and save lines of code. Often they work fine in development, but when they go to heavier traffic environments