displaying top 100 results
Portal Topic What ColdFusion IDE Do You Use in 2017?
What ColdFusion IDE Do You Use in 2017?
Comment on What ColdFusion IDE Do You Use in 2017? by dabinaz
Comment on What ColdFusion IDE Do You Use in 2017? by Dave Levin
"Customize Perspective" menu item does not work and crashes IDE after restart
Comment on What ColdFusion IDE Do You Use in 2017? by Daniel Szwarc
Ability to enable hydration and debugging via PhoneGap Build in the IDE
Tracker Issue Ability to view PhoneGap Build QR code from panel in IDE
Ability to view PhoneGap Build QR code from panel in IDE
Comment on What ColdFusion IDE Do You Use in 2017? by Josh Kutz
Comment on What ColdFusion IDE Do You Use in 2017? by Anonymous
IDE locks up for no reason when editing an cfm 18k in size.
Comment on What ColdFusion IDE Do You Use in 2017? by Daniel Szwarc
Comment on What ColdFusion IDE Do You Use in 2017? by Jim Pickering
Comment on What ColdFusion IDE Do You Use in 2017? by Laurence MacNeill
Tracker Comment Comment on "Customize Perspective" menu item does not work and crashes IDE after restart by External U.
Comment on "Customize Perspective" menu item does not work and crashes IDE after restart by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on IDE locks up for no reason when editing an cfm 18k in size. by External U.
Comment on IDE locks up for no reason when editing an cfm 18k in size. by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on IDE locks up for no reason when editing an cfm 18k in size. by External U.
Comment on IDE locks up for no reason when editing an cfm 18k in size. by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on "Customize Perspective" menu item does not work and crashes IDE after restart by David B.
Comment on "Customize Perspective" menu item does not work and crashes IDE after restart by David B.
Tracker Comment Comment on Ability to enable hydration and debugging via PhoneGap Build in the IDE by Adobe D.
Comment on Ability to enable hydration and debugging via PhoneGap Build in the IDE by Adobe D.
Tracker Comment Comment on "Customize Perspective" menu item does not work and crashes IDE after restart by Mukesh K.
Comment on "Customize Perspective" menu item does not work and crashes IDE after restart by Mukesh K.
Tracker Comment Comment on IDE locks up for no reason when editing an cfm 18k in size. by Dattanand M.
Comment on IDE locks up for no reason when editing an cfm 18k in size. by Dattanand M.
Tracker Comment Comment on "Customize Perspective" menu item does not work and crashes IDE after restart by David B.
Comment on "Customize Perspective" menu item does not work and crashes IDE after restart by David B.
Tracker Issue Requirement of a Progress Bar in the Builder IDE, to show the status of the Security Analyzer scan.
Requirement of a Progress Bar in the Builder IDE, to show the status of the Security Analyzer scan.
Portal Topic Examples – sample code
Azeema Examples – sample code sample examples
The post Examples – sample code appeared first on ColdFusion. ColdFusion Builder,Discussion,IDE,2018,discussion
Tracker Comment Comment on Requirement of a Progress Bar in the Builder IDE, to show the status of the Security Analyzer scan. by Milan C.
Comment on Requirement of a Progress Bar in the Builder IDE, to show the status of the Security Analyzer scan. by Milan C.
Tracker Comment Comment on Requirement of a Progress Bar in the Builder IDE, to show the status of the Security Analyzer scan. by Mukesh K.
Comment on Requirement of a Progress Bar in the Builder IDE, to show the status of the Security Analyzer scan. by Mukesh K.
Tracker Comment Comment on Code Coloring Breaks When Comments Used Within Function with Named Arguments by extuser
2682618 CFB-3831825 extuser This is a basic feature of any modern code editor/IDE.
Tracker Comment Comment on Expose CFML code parsing rules in a open source and consumable way by External U.
2608688 CF-4023312 External U. Parsing rules would be terrific to have for lots of reasons, but community built code quality scanners would be top of the list and this would also help with building IDE plug-ins for the various IDEs which support CFML. Huge +1 to this.
Tracker Issue No warning for source control locked files
2888720 CFB-4198194 General - IDE Eduardo Pequeno No warning for source control locked files Problem Description: When a file is locked by another user in source control, CF Builder 2016 will let me open and modify the file instead of giving a warning stopping me from opening it.
Portal Topic CFBuilder, FTP and Compare Files
p3142 CFBuilder, FTP and Compare Files Why is it still so darned difficult to compare local and remote files, and then upload them, in ColdFusion Builder?
The post CFBuilder, FTP and Compare Files appeared first on ColdFusion. ColdFusion Builder,Discussion,IDE,discussion,ftp
Portal Comment Comment on Administration of CF Server from within CFB 2018 not working. by RichardGarrett
RichardGarrett FWIW, CFB is the biggest $300 mistake I have ever made.....
It doesn't work as advertised, IDE... and you get no support from Adobe....
Tracker Comment Comment on Syntax Coloring Issues by Phill N.
2682215 CFB-4152897 Phill N. This is not just a "Cosmetic Issue", it's a "Usability Issue" as in any good IDE, unexpected color changes usually tells the user something is wrong with syntax or something else. When will this be taken seriously and fixed?
Tracker Comment Comment on Requirement of a Progress Bar in the Builder IDE, to show the status of the Security Analyzer scan. by Milan C.
Comment on Requirement of a Progress Bar in the Builder IDE, to show the status of the Security Analyzer scan. by Milan C.
Tracker Issue Update Eclipse Version in standalone
2682324 CFB-4119444 Installer : Standalone Installation Christopher Tierney Update Eclipse Version in standalone ColdFusion Builder 2016 standalone has the exact same Eclipse IDE version. Update to the latest Eclipse Version. Either that or consider a different IDE as CF Builder has been plagued
2682326 CFB-4118933 External U. Hi Mukesh,
1) Restarting standalone server from IDE should restart coldfusion.exe. It shouldn't stop coldfusion.exe and start java.exe.
2) Question: Did you try stopping standalone server from IDE? It restarts coldfusion.exe. Just watch Task Manager and see
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: Import Local Server fails for local server by External U.
2682729 CFB-3737552 External U. Related comments:
2682320 CFB-4120160 General - IDE Peter Tilbrook Update won't install - Adobe ColdFusion Builder 2016 Problem Description:
Adobe ColdFusion Builder 2016 update won't install
Steps to Reproduce:
Help/Check for Updates menu
Actual Result:
'Updating Software' has
Tracker Issue Raising bug #3160224 again as it is a bug
forgotten one thing. ColdFusion builder reports this as a coding error, and refuses to correctly adhere to this as well.
In other words the IDE thinks it is bad code, will not colour code the code, so therefore it is a bug with ColdFusion builder as well.
Now if ColdFusion builder coloured the code
Tracker Comment Comment on Some web services with data structure as argument values could not execute by Paul N.
2612559 CF-3498968 Paul N. When Axis 2 generates stub for the Indesign Server WSDL,
public int endSession(com.adobe.ns.indesign.soap.SessionID sessionID,com.adobe.ns.indesign.soap.SessionIDE sessionID)
throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
Both the arguments names are session
Tracker Issue syntax checker reports "invalid token" when a cfscript function returns type "component"
2682622 CFB-3823554 General - IDE zburke syntax checker reports "invalid token" when a cfscript function returns type "component" Problem Description:
The syntax checker wrongly reports a syntax error for functions defined in a cfscript block that return the type "component".
Steps to Reproduce
Tracker Issue Undo Buffer Issue
2682913 CFB-3720735 General - IDE shawnmvh5 Undo Buffer Issue Problem Description:
Cannot undo more than 25 actions
Steps to Reproduce:
Make many edits to a file, attempt to undo more than 25.
Actual Result:
Undo stops after ~25 undos
Expected Result:
Undo should continue to undo until
Portal Topic Coldfusion 9 work with windows server 2012 / IIS 8.5
Mochammad Alex Coldfusion 9 work with windows server 2012 / IIS 8.5 Is it possible CF9 work with windows server 2012 / IIS 8.5? I have license for CF9
The post Coldfusion 9 work with windows server 2012 / IIS 8.5 appeared first on ColdFusion. ColdFusion Builder,Discussion,IDE,ColdFusion,discussion
James Mohler I would add VS Code as a great IDE + Github integration tool.
Also before the CF Conference in Las Vegas, I never heard of CommandBox. Afterward I use it exclusively. That is one useful tool.
Tracker Issue Updater files are unsigned
or validity of this software cannot be established. Do you want to continue with the installation?
3365023 CFB-4198230 General - IDE Philipp Cielen CF Builder breaks when installing Darkest Dark Theme to Eclipse Problem Description:
CF Builder is incompatible with Darkest Dark Theme plugin for Eclipse.
Steps to Reproduce:
1.) Install the popular Darkest Dark Theme for Eclipse to CF Builder
Tracker Issue Missing icon for closed projects
4481296 CFB-4198401 General - IDE : Workspace General Missing icon for closed projects Problem Description: When you close a project in the Navigator a Red Square is displayed instead of the Closed Project Icon
Steps to Reproduce:
Close a project.
Actual Result: Ugly display
Expected Result
Tracker Comment Comment on Mapped Drive and Server Drive Must Match by Mukesh K.
2682311 CFB-4126170 Mukesh K. Hi Stephen,
You mean to say that , if CFServer is remotely located and CF IDE is located in your locally system , then when you try to run Security Analyzer from even done Mapping correctly , then it is throwing File does not exist .
Please let me know it is the same
point 2 , since you have restarted the sever from IDE , then coldfusion.exe process will get killed and started as java.exe .
2682632 CFB-3803692 extuser I use my IDE to detect syntax errors as I make them, rather than as a batch mode operation after code is complete. ColdFusion Builder has a fairly high false positive rate on error detection. This wastes my time looking for errors where there do not appear to be any!
Portal Topic 30+ VS Code Hints Tips and Tricks of the Week from 2019 Modernize or Die® CFML News Podcast
GavinPickin 30+ VS Code Hints Tips and Tricks of the Week from 2019 Modernize or Die® CFML News Podcast VS Code is the hottest IDE out there, and the most asked question I get at every conference I attend is, "what VS Code extensions are you using?". Since I got this question so much, we decided
2682137 CFB-4198177 General - IDE Eric Belair Invliad "Duplicate Attribute Name" errors for CFSCRIPT params Problem Description:
When I use "param" to set a default parameter value in CFSCRIPT, I am often seeing "Duplicate Attribute Name" errors, even though they are not duplicates.
Tracker Issue Editor Becomes Non-Responsive on Certain Types of Code
2682188 CFB-4163331 General - IDE Christopher Tierney Editor Becomes Non-Responsive on Certain Types of Code Problem Description:
It seems that my issue just persists when writing code for the Taffy framework. The editor will become non-responsive at random points. I think when it's using
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: CFB's Start page is very outdated
4216883 CFB-4198318 General - IDE : Start page [ANeff] Bug for: CFB's Start page is very outdated CFB's Start page has issues:
1) The "ColdFusion News" section talks about Thunder, Splendor and Splendor/Thunder's Public Beta (this was 4 years ago!)
2) The heading at the top says "Adobe Cold
Tracker Comment Comment on Complete failure of product by External U.
server and its been stable for weeks. If you look in the attached log you see:
Exception in com.adobe.ide.coldfusion.server.core.CFServerPlugin.stop() of bundle com.adobe.ide.coldfusion.server
Seems to point to an extension / plugin problem....
I am afraid to connect it to my server(s) lest it begin
Tracker Issue cfreport encryption
Report IDE.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3208370
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: mnimer
External Customer Email:
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: Getting Started links need updated
3272270 CFB-4198227 General - IDE : Start page Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: Getting Started links need updated Getting Started links need updated
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Open CFB
2) On Getting Started page, click "ColdFusion Roadmap" (Issue: Roadmap is for Raijin/Blizzard, but should be for Aether
Tracker Issue Coldfusion Builder does not show right-click options on a fille which is not in workspace
2682198 CFB-4159551 General - IDE : Workspace General Coldfusion Builder does not show right-click options on a fille which is not in workspace - Create a cfm file and save it on desktop
- drag and drop this file into builder
- right click and check options
- Options are not displayed properly
Tracker Issue Mapped CFC Variable not working when line contains var
2682281 CFB-4130082 General - IDE Phill Nacelli Mapped CFC Variable not working when line contains var Problem Description:
The following line doesn’t show the hyperlink navigation option to the "someMethod()" method:
var someVariale = mappedCFCObject.someMethod();
But then I noticed
Tracker Issue Directory browser window jumps
2682293 CFB-4130069 General - IDE Dave Ferguson Directory browser window jumps When switching works space and clicking "browse" the directory browser appears then jumps up. This same behavior exists in CFB3. However, this behavior is inconstant with other Mac applications.
Tracker Issue Can not update
2682325 CFB-4119441 General - IDE Christopher Tierney Can not update Problem Description:
No repository for update found
Steps to Reproduce:
Help > Check for updates
Actual Result:
'Contacting Software Sites' has encountered a problem. No repository found at http
Tracker Issue Log Viewer, Close All Files, breaks Add
2682610 CFB-3843381 General - IDE cfjedimaster Log Viewer, Close All Files, breaks Add Open one or more files in the Log Viewer and use the "Close All Files" icon. When you do, if you click to add a log file, it won't show the file chooser. You have to restart CFB to get the ability to add log
Tracker Issue Red X showing for CF code in <script> tag
2682611 CFB-3842861 General - IDE dabinaz Red X showing for CF code in tag Problem Description: I have a inside tag and CFB says it is an error.
Steps to Reproduce: see image
Actual Result: Error displayed
Expected Result: No error displayed
Any Workarounds
Tracker Issue Mistaken problem reported with cfinclude
2682636 CFB-3797287 General - IDE cfjedimaster Mistaken problem reported with cfinclude Please see bug 3797282. Because I can't type cfinclude template= into my editor, I did this instead.
I typed:
I then typed, OUTSIDE the tag, template="...".
I then cut and pasted it inside cfinclude so
Tracker Issue Color coding is not functioning correctly
2682653 CFB-3787600 General - IDE derekb123 Color coding is not functioning correctly Problem Description: Color coding is not functioning correctly
Steps to Reproduce: open attached file
Actual Result: Color for text is all green with default colorization
Expected Result: should be all colored
Tracker Issue Script-based lock incorrectly flags errors
2682787 CFB-3724541 General - IDE cfjedimaster Script-based lock incorrectly flags errors Consider this simple function:
public string function helloWorld() {
lock scope="session" timeout=9 {
return "hello world";
Thunder reports an error: "Missing return statement in function
2682953 CFB-3716771 General - IDE Template wizard: remove cfclientsettings from generated template Problem:
Template wizard: remove cfclientsettings from generated template. It waits or device ready event or times out. It should be added only when there is cfclient code and needs cfclientsettings
Tracker Issue Can't run Index.cfm
4037801 CFB-4198285 General - IDE Can't run Index.cfm Problem Description: Setup builder 3.1 with existing project created with Dreamweaver. Project location is: c:/websites/MCB
Additional Source link: wwwroot
Path: c:\Coldfusion11\cfusion\wwwroot
try to point to index.cfm and select run. Get
Tracker Issue Grammar: "Got a ColdFusion Questions?" should read "Got ColdFusion Questions?" or "Got a ColdFusion Question?"
5417200 CFB-4198445 General - IDE : Start page Grammar: "Got a ColdFusion Questions?" should read "Got ColdFusion Questions?" or "Got a ColdFusion Question?" Problem Description:Grammar is incorrect. "Got a ColdFusion Questions?" should read "Got ColdFusion Questions?" or "Got a Cold
Tracker Comment Comment on CFCOOKIE setting empty string with double quotes on the client side by Adobe D.
-Cookie header instead of calling response.addCookie method.
Smokes Passed: Yes
Note for QA: yes, run cookie tests
Note for Doc: no
Note for IDE: no
Integrate to Beta: no
(Comment added from ex-user id:shilpik)
2682179 CFB-4166867 General - IDE Firstname Lastname Unable to acquire PluginConverter service during generation Problem Description: If CF Builder is installed into Eclipse MARS as plugin you get error shown.
Unable to acquire PluginConverter service during generation for: C:\Program Files\Eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.ide
Portal Topic Editing JSON files with ColdFusion Builder
text that represents complex data or objects formed by attribute-value pairs. Sometimes you will need to create or edit a .json file in your IDE and the more complex the object, the more difficult is to read it if it is not properly formatted, to assist you in this […]
The post Editing JSON files
forget that when mentioning the .NET framwork? LOL. And my user account got hacked from Adobe, not from MS ;-) ). What about community support. What about IDE. What about longterm maintainability of large code bases. What about quality of support and speed of reaction. What about licensing. I could go
there was consideration early in cf's life for an online ide, which never came to pass. :)
2598906 CF-3040807 Language : CFSCRIPT Andrew Scott Bug 81693:(Watson Migration Closure)It seems that the syntax for comments is broken Problem:
It seems that the syntax for comments is broken.For example we can't do this/* /** */*/And I started to ignore the editor / IDE when this happens
Tracker Issue [cielen] Dark mode for CF Builder
2682140 CFB-4198086 Experience and Design Philipp Cielen [cielen] Dark mode for CF Builder Most modern IDEs include a dark mode or night mode for development. It would be great to have a standard dark mode color scheme in the next version of CF Builder.
Example: https
Tracker Issue Complete failure of product
2682164 CFB-4172368 General - IDE Paul Sussan Complete failure of product Problem Description: Crashes to desktop on startup. Totally broken when it was working perfectly the night before.
Steps to Reproduce: Shut down computer and come in the next day.
Actual Result: Product Crashes
Tracker Issue CSS syntax highlighter broken
2682166 CFB-4170327 General - IDE Firstname Lastname CSS syntax highlighter broken Problem Description: This is valid CSS and it marks it as incorrect.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open attached file with CF builder CSS highlighter
Actual Result:
1. Encountered " "\"UTF-8\" "" at line 1, column 10
Tracker Issue Syntax highlighting is incorrect inside comment
2682169 CFB-4168441 General - IDE Firstname Lastname Syntax highlighting is incorrect inside comment Problem Description: Syntax highlighting is incorrect inside comment
Steps to Reproduce: Open attached example code with "CFML Multi Page Editor"
Actual Result: Code inside a commented area
Tracker Issue Eclipse: "XML" shown twice in Preferences
2682170 CFB-4167890 General - IDE Firstname Lastname Eclipse: "XML" shown twice in Preferences Problem Description: In eclipse preferences the the "XML" item is shown twice and not fully integrated. The adobe tree is highly outdated.
Steps to Reproduce: Install Builder into Eclipse Mars or Neon
Tracker Issue Eclipse: "HTML" shown twice in Preferences
2682171 CFB-4167889 General - IDE Firstname Lastname Eclipse: "HTML" shown twice in Preferences Duplicate ID: 4167890 ColdFusion Builder
Problem Description: In eclipse preferences the the "HTML" item is shown twice and not fully integrated. The adobe tree is highly outdated.
Steps to Reproduce
Tracker Issue Eclipse: "CSS" shown twice in Preferences
2682172 CFB-4167888 General - IDE Firstname Lastname Eclipse: "CSS" shown twice in Preferences Duplicate ID: 4167890 ColdFusion Builder
Problem Description: In eclipse preferences the "CSS" item is shown twice and not fully integrated. The adobe tree is highly outdated.
Steps to Reproduce
Tracker Issue Eclipse: "JavaScript" shown twice in Preferences
2682173 CFB-4167887 General - IDE Firstname Lastname Eclipse: "JavaScript" shown twice in Preferences Problem Description: In eclipse preferences the the "JavaScript" item is shown twice and not fully integrated. The adobe tree is highly outdated.
Steps to Reproduce: Install Builder into Eclipse
Tracker Issue Unable to use Open Resource shortcut from editor
2682263 CFB-4130104 General - IDE Mark Drew Unable to use Open Resource shortcut from editor Problem Description:
When editing a cfml or cfc file, if I try to use the shortcut to open a resource (Navigate -> Open Resource from the menu) I get an error sound and nothing happens.
Steps to Reproduce
Tracker Issue Outdated Eclipse and Java
2682323 CFB-4119447 General - IDE Wil Genovese Outdated Eclipse and Java Duplicate ID: 4119444 ColdFusion Builder
Problem Description:
CFBuilder 2016 is still running on Eclipse Kepler
CFBuilder 2016 is still running on Java 1.6 - THAT IS A DEAD VERSION!!!
We cannot use newer Eclipse plugins
Tracker Issue Log viewer title broken sometimes
2682615 CFB-3836308 General - IDE cfjedimaster Log viewer title broken sometimes I opened up Log Viewer and closed the one log I had opened. I opened another, application.log, and while it is working fine, the title is just "a".
Screenshot: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s3/sh/6a03cfe8-4e1d-4a55
Tracker Issue It crashed when I typed <. Yes, <.
2682626 CFB-3818777 General - IDE cfjedimaster It crashed when I typed
names = ["Ray", "Scott", "Todd", "Dave"];
//arguments are item, index, and whole array
unames = names.map(function(n) {
return n.ucase();
/* This too
unames = arrayMap(names, function(n) {
return n.ucase();
Tracker Issue Minified CSS in editor file can crash CFB
2682637 CFB-3797282 General - IDE,Performance cfjedimaster Minified CSS in editor file can crash CFB Due to the bug I just reported about CSS in extensions, I had pasted the contents of bootstrap.min.css into a file. I noticed that CFB began to slow down as soon as I did that. For example, moving 3
2682657 CFB-3783894 General - IDE stoked744 Script based function doesn't format when "var i" is present in the loop declaration The below function won't format in the editor (ctrl-t-m) when the var keyword is present in the loop declaration:
public numeric function get
Tracker Issue Log Viewer cannot load coldfusion-out.log
2682665 CFB-3777310 General - IDE henrylearn2rock Log Viewer cannot load coldfusion-out.log Problem Description:
With CFB3 Log Viewer, cannot load coldfusion-out.log
Steps to Reproduce:
1. add coldfusion-out.log to Log Viewer
Actual Result:
INFO: loading resource C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion
Tracker Issue Outline View truncates function name
2682674 CFB-3768281 General - IDE Leftbower Outline View truncates function name Problem Description: The outline view truncates function names after a fixed number of characters or based on some fixed width. This width is not modifiable and prevents this feature from being used with long function
Tracker Issue Color coding of strings within strings
2682676 CFB-3766954 General - IDE cfjedimaster Color coding of strings within strings This is kinda bad code, but CFB chokes a bit on this when it encounters this line:
In one file, the code turns green at "#Replace and continues completely green for about 4 lines, ending at a CFML comment
2682677 CFB-3766685 General - IDE banny1994 SQL Keywords not reacting to colors/styles set in preferences Duplicate ID: 3700521 ColdFusion Builder
Problem Description:
Where the default is for keywords such as "Select" to appear in bold brown, they are appearing in normal font and color, not a
Tracker Issue SQL Editor doesn't work in queryExecute
2682691 CFB-3754042 General - IDE cfjedimaster SQL Editor doesn't work in queryExecute If you do the SQL Editor by right clicking inside a cfquery block, the view will correctly pick up the existing SQL. If you do the same in queryExecute, it does not. Since most folks will be using the script
Tracker Issue Getting started screen is woefully out of date
2682789 CFB-3724405 General - IDE Adam Cameron. Getting started screen is woefully out of date CFB 3.0 has a "ColdFusion News" panel on its starting page, and most recent article is July 2011.
Also that page includes "What's New in ColdFusion 9.0.1". Not even the most recent version of CF9
2682926 CFB-3718648 General - IDE : General TagWizard feature is missing in CFB3.0, it was present in CFB2.0 Problem:
TagWizard is not ported in CFB3.
But it's important to note that, TagWizard is not a feature that is commonly used by users and in fact no user has even reported that this feature
Tracker Issue It does nothing and none of the code works
exception.. coldfusion.runtime.UndefinedElementException: Element ORMTABLES is undefined in SESSION.
Expected Result:
It should generate the DOA,Gateways etc as per the Documentation, but nothing works. The Application IDE is a complete Failure
Any Workarounds:
None as of now
the product. I haven't even got to try the 30 day trial. I was thinking about purchasing, I needed to test it first. I just installed Coldfusion 2018 Developer version and I'm having problems using Adobe Dreamweaver as my IDE.
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds:
Tracker Comment Comment on IIS App Pool Crashes by External U.
which are being loaded for that http request. however, the moment the corrupt files were loaded Worker process w3wp.exe were killed and thereby the app pool was shut down. The file was opened in the IDE and saved, the JPGs were opened with MSPAINT and saved. All the files had valid timestamps and meta
Tracker Comment Comment on Scheduled Task that executes a url on a specific port revert back to 80 after the service restarts by External U.
regarding Scheduled Task "Activating2 on ..." like it used to in CF8 on Service Startup. I used to use this to verify that my scheduled tasks were scheduled properly.
Also noticed that the IDE seems to not allow .html extensions in the save as filename (it is allowed from a tag though. These other
Tracker Comment Comment on decodeForHTML() by Adobe D.
HTML(String encodedinput) - Decode the given html encoded string
String DecodeFromURL(String encodedinput) - Decode the given URL encoded string
Smokes Passed: Yes
Note for QA: yes, please add new tests.
Note for Doc: yes, new methods added please add documentation
Note for IDE: yes, new methods added
Wiki updated: yes
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 74751:Hi, by External U.
2602181 CF-3037141 External U. I have long felt that since CF is providing captive, embedded Derby, the CF Admin should include at the very least a minimal Derby IDE... or, failing that, an AIR app should be included with the CF install that provides the ability to maintain Derby databases