displaying top 100 results
Tracker Comment Comment on CharsetEncode() returns something different, update 16 on Win Server 2012 by Anit K.
2608708 CF-4019606 Anit K. As requested by Henry Ho.
Tracker Comment Comment on CharsetEncode() returns something different, update 16 on Win Server 2012 by Anit K.
2608709 CF-4019600 Anit K. As requested by Henry Ho.
Tracker Comment Comment on CharsetEncode() returns something different, update 16 on Win Server 2012 by Anit K.
2608710 CF-4019599 Anit K. As requested by Henry Ho.
Tracker Issue G1 Garbage Collector?
2672696 CF-4176748 Wishlist Henry Ho G1 Garbage Collector? Maybe we can get a confirmation from the CF team whether it is better to use G1 Garbage Collector? Maybe even consider setting it as the default GC?
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Tracker Issue a new way of handling json
2673038 CF-4155400 Wishlist Henry Ho a new way of handling json A way to define how a CFC should be serialized where all the types can be defined. String will always be string, numbers will always be numbers.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Tracker Issue structEach() should decide to break from return value
2745871 CF-4198247 Language Henry Ho structEach() should decide to break from return value structEach() currently does not care what the callback returns. It'd be very useful if it can terminate the iteration if the callback return false.
2608620 CF-4047480 Piyush K. Henry Ho,
Can you try launching the update jar with the following command:
java -jar hotfix.jar -i GUI.
and share the result.
2597443 CF-3043841 CFIMAGE Henry Ho Bug 86924:(Watson Migration Closure)WebP support in cfimage? Problem:
WebP support in cfimage?
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3043841
External Customer Info:
Tracker Issue Bug 83810:(Watson Migration Closure)add group="" support to CFSELECT tag that generate appropriate <optgroup> tags
2597975 CF-3041879 Language : Tags Henry Ho Bug 83810:(Watson Migration Closure)add group="" support to CFSELECT tag that generate appropriate tags Problem:
add group="" support to CFSELECT tag that generate appropriate tags
----------------------------- Additional Watson
Tracker Issue Bug 83538:http://www
2616142 CF-3041758 Security : General Henry Ho Bug 83538:http://www Problem:
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3041758
2598189 CF-3041641 Language Henry Ho Bug 83330:true, false and Date values are accepted as numeric value Problem:
true, false and Date values are accepted as numeric value.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Tracker Issue Bug 82779:cfquery
2598386 CF-3041392 Database : CFQuery Henry Ho Bug 82779:cfquery Problem:
cfquery.executiontime is leaked into variables scope if result attribute is not defined
SELECT * FROM FixedAmountCommissionTerm
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
2598996 CF-3040710 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 81386:CFCExplorer ignores overridden one-to-many type:struct generated methods Problem:
CFCExplorer ignores overridden one-to-many type:struct generated methods.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Tracker Issue Bug 80783:<cffileupload> does not share the session
2599227 CF-3040450 Language : Tags Henry Ho Bug 80783: does not share the session Duplicate ID: CF-3039659
does not share the session.Temporary Workaround: append session.urltoken to the url attribute, but urlEncodedFormat() is required.
2608134 CF-4184113 File Management Henry Ho FileExists() returns incorrect value on files with some Unicode filename Problem Description:
FileExists fail on files with some Unicode filename
Steps to Reproduce:
1. create a file "F:\in?aat?.jpg"
Actual Result
2608145 CF-4182180 Server Manager Henry Ho Cannot setup start/stop @ CF Server Manager with standalone Tomcat Problem Description:
"Search for the string, org
Tracker Issue invoke() cannot invoke private method like <cfinvoke>
2608163 CF-4175845 Language Henry Ho invoke() cannot invoke private method like Problem Description:
invoke() should be able to invoke a local private method within the same cfc just like
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
The method privateFunc was not found
2608269 CF-4147038 Web Socket Henry Ho websocket js invoke() function can invoke an older cached or deleted CFC Problem Description:
Steps to Reproduce:
1, mysocket.invoke("mycfc", "f1");
2. delete or rename mycfc.cfc
3. mysocket.invoke("mycfc", "f1");
Actual Result:
returns "Message
2608288 CF-4137857 Language Henry Ho numeric column value does not have member methods like .len() Problem Description:
member function like .len() not available for numeric value from query
Steps to Reproduce:
select 1 as number;
Actual Result:
1 1
exception: The len method
Tracker Issue toList() member function is missing for Arguments
2608294 CF-4134200 Language Henry Ho toList() member function is missing for Arguments Problem Description:
ArrayToList(arguments) works, but arguments.toList() does not exist.
Steps to Reproduce:
function argList () {
return arguments.toList();
Actual Result: to
Tracker Issue there is more to the CGI scope than what the dump shows
2608381 CF-4105508 Debugging Henry Ho there is more to the CGI scope than what the dump shows Problem Description:
Some CGI variables (e.g. HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL from IIS Rewrite) does not show up when you cfdump the CGI scope
Steps to Reproduce:
With IIS Url Rewrite enabled.
Actual Result
2608405 CF-4101200 Language Henry Ho support Base64Url encoding for BinaryEncode & BinaryDecode? Base64Url https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64#URL_applications is gaining popularity for web programming. Although it is relatively easy to write one with the help of base64 encoding, it would be nice
Tracker Issue no function for escaping regex backreferences
2608425 CF-4097633 Language Henry Ho no function for escaping regex backreferences Problem Description:
A new function is needed for escaping backreferences for reReplace()
Steps to Reproduce:
rereplace('/files/foo.txt', '^/files', 'd:\user\1\files');
Actual Result: 'd
2597124 CF-3114262 Language : Functions Henry Ho Bug 87264:-(Watson Migration Closure)Add a getParams() function to Base Problem:
Add a getParams() function to Base.cfc for completeness sake. It's useful for debugging and unit testing.
There's setAttributes() & getAttributes() & clear
Tracker Issue Bug 87170:-(Watson Migration Closure)we should be able to set cflog level in CF Administrator
2597133 CF-3086165 Administrator : Administrator Console Henry Ho Bug 87170:-(Watson Migration Closure)we should be able to set cflog level in CF Administrator Problem:
we should be able to set cflog level in CF Administrator.
Workaround: use neo-logging.xml
Tracker Issue Bug 87249:-(Watson Migration Closure)+1 phone number format cannot be serialized into JSON and back successfully
2597148 CF-3085326 AJAX : Plumbing Henry Ho Bug 87249:-(Watson Migration Closure)+1 phone number format cannot be serialized into JSON and back successfully Problem:
+1 phone number format cannot be serialized into JSON and back successfully.
workaround: prepend with a space, and remove the space
2597330 CF-3043979 Database : CFQuery Henry Ho Bug 87054:(Watson Migration Closure)CFQUERYPARAM is not allowing users to define scale="0" even though scale="0" is the default Problem:
CFQUERYPARAM is not allowing users to define scale="0" even though scale="0" is the default.
Tracker Issue Bug 86942:-(Watson Migration Closure)arrayConcat(ToArray, FromArray) function in CFML that calls ToArray
2597428 CF-3043861 Language : Datastructure Henry Ho Bug 86942:-(Watson Migration Closure)arrayConcat(ToArray, FromArray) function in CFML that calls ToArray Problem:
arrayConcat(ToArray, FromArray) function in CFML that calls ToArray.addAll(FromArray) in Java underneath.
2597438 CF-3043850 CFPRINT Henry Ho Bug 86932:-(Watson Migration Closure)Default Printer is null but there is only 1 printer installed, and marked at default in Vista already Problem:
Default Printer is null but there is only 1 printer installed, and marked at default in Vista already.see screen
Tracker Issue Bug 86593:-(Watson Migration Closure)Cannot rename the 'save' and 'cancel' button in cfgrid when mode="edit"
2597564 CF-3043516 AJAX : UI Components Henry Ho Bug 86593:-(Watson Migration Closure)Cannot rename the 'save' and 'cancel' button in cfgrid when mode="edit" Problem:
Cannot rename the 'save' and 'cancel' button in cfgrid when mode="edit". My CF app is not even in English. If we can customize
2597809 CF-3042526 Language : Tags Henry Ho Bug 84729: does not work with Workaround: does not work with Workaround:
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Tracker Issue Bug 84405:(Watson Migration Closure)Amazon Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) should be supported as well
2597845 CF-3042269 File Management : VFS-S3 Henry Ho Bug 84405:(Watson Migration Closure)Amazon Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) should be supported as well Problem:
Amazon Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) should be supported as well.http://aws.amazon.com/s3/
2597849 CF-3042252 Document Management : PDF generation Henry Ho Bug 84377:ColdFusion is using HTTPS and it is not configured properly to trust itself Problem:
ColdFusion is using HTTPS and it is not configured properly to trust itself. So can not send a https request to itself.Images /css
2597972 CF-3041882 Reporting : CFReport Henry Ho Bug 83814:(Watson Migration Closure)currenly, CF will only uses lib/cffont Problem:
currenly, CF will only uses lib/cffont.properties.#defaultLocale# but does not respect locale set by setLocale(). It'd be more flexible if cfreport
2597974 CF-3041880 Reporting : CFReport Henry Ho Bug 83811:cfreport generates ~300MB of +~JFxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Problem:
cfreport generates ~300MB of +~JFxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.tmp files in Windows temp folder on every request, when using format=flashpaper (where x = a digit) on Windows Vista
2598009 CF-3041851 CFForm : Standard XML Henry Ho Bug 83740:(Watson Migration Closure)when cfinput required="true", output required="required" in the html since required is supported in HTML5, and "passthrough" attribute is Deprecated Problem:
when cfinput required="true", output required
Tracker Issue Bug 83397:(Watson Migration Closure)support ArrayMerge() function as implemented in Railo: http://wiki
2598148 CF-3041687 Language : Datastructure Henry Ho Bug 83397:(Watson Migration Closure)support ArrayMerge() function as implemented in Railo: http://wiki Problem:
support ArrayMerge() function as implemented in Railo: http://wiki.getrailo.org/wiki/3-1-Functions:ArrayMergeCurrentyly we have
Tracker Issue Bug 82853:(Watson Migration Closure)Support for indexed collections maps to CF Array for preserving order
2598343 CF-3041440 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 82853:(Watson Migration Closure)Support for indexed collections maps to CF Array for preserving order Problem:
Support for indexed collections maps to CF Array for preserving order.Or at least document how we can utilize indexed collections with hbxml
2598620 CF-3041126 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 82398:Event handler CFC is cached and not refreshed even after ApplicationStop() Problem:
Event handler CFC is cached and not refreshed even after ApplicationStop(). Currently only a server restart would pick up the changes in event handler CFC, which
Tracker Issue Bug 82125:property type="date" does not persist time
2598782 CF-3040950 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 82125:property type="date" does not persist time Problem:
property type="date" does not persist time. Date in ColdFusion have a time portion, so one would presume saving the property with type="date" will also save the time. However, that
2598811 CF-3040916 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 82029:Readonly attribute support for "one-to-one" fieldtype Problem:
Readonly attribute support for "one-to-one" fieldtype.fieldtype=column can make immutable by update=falsefieldtype=one-to-many or many-to-many can make immutable by readonly
Tracker Issue Bug 81651:(Watson Migration Closure)ormsettings
2598926 CF-3040786 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 81651:(Watson Migration Closure)ormsettings Problem:
ormsettings.ormscript cannot insert unicode data (nvarchar), even if the .sql is in UTF-8 with BOM. Even though plain old CFQUERY works.
create a DB.sql and insert unicode data
Tracker Issue Bug 81611:(Watson Migration Closure)Ability to set access="Private" to generated methods for relationships between CFCs
2598933 CF-3040779 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 81611:(Watson Migration Closure)Ability to set access="Private" to generated methods for relationships between CFCs Problem:
Ability to set access="Private" to generated methods for relationships between CFCs
Sometimes additional logic
Tracker Issue Bug 81323:(Watson Migration Closure)Cannot specify an index for the many-to-many jointable via properties annotations
2599030 CF-3040671 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 81323:(Watson Migration Closure)Cannot specify an index for the many-to-many jointable via properties annotations Problem:
Cannot specify an index for the many-to-many jointable via properties annotations.
Tracker Issue Bug 80974:According to http://code
2599172 CF-3040505 AJAX : UI Components Henry Ho Bug 80974:According to http://code Problem:
According to http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/staticmaps/ ,"longitude values can take any value between -180 and 180."CFMap is only accepting -90 to 90 for centerlongitude.
Tracker Issue Bug 80782:no ormtype uses sqltype='bit' for MS-SQL
2599228 CF-3040449 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 80782:no ormtype uses sqltype='bit' for MS-SQL Problem:
no ormtype uses sqltype='bit' for MS-SQL.The default type for boolean/true_false/yes_no should be 'bit' for MS-SQL.
"tinyint" --> "char(1)" -->
no error message
Tracker Issue Bug 80394:function argument can not have type set to fully qualified name in script style
2599337 CF-3040315 Language : CF Component Henry Ho Bug 80394:function argument can not have type set to fully qualified name in script style Problem:
function argument can not have type set to fully qualified name in script style.
void function funcName(required com.xxx.yyy yyy
Tracker Issue Bug 80043:HTTP-Only cookie for session cookie? It is currently not possible for dealing with session cookie
2599476 CF-3040152 Security : General Henry Ho Bug 80043:HTTP-Only cookie for session cookie? It is currently not possible for dealing with session cookie Problem:
HTTP-Only cookie for session cookie? It is currently not possible for dealing with session cookie. Can it be exposed by Cold
2599699 CF-3039814 AJAX : UI Components Henry Ho Bug 79632:CFGRid format=html, row not selectable when query only has 1 row Problem:
CFGRid format=html, row not selectable when query only has 1 row.
CFGRID format=html, row not selectable when down to one row only
Tracker Issue Bug 79608:CFGIRDROWINDEX column is shown on the grid by default when using <cfgrid query="someQueryObject">
2599716 CF-3039795 AJAX : UI Components Henry Ho Bug 79608:CFGIRDROWINDEX column is shown on the grid by default when using Problem:
CFGIRDROWINDEX column is shown on the grid by default when using
see output, it has CFGIRDROWINDEX column shown even though someQueryObject does not have
2599732 CF-3039778 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 79588:CFC ORM types "money" and "money4" are missing in current beta release Problem:
CFC ORM types "money" and "money4" are missing in current beta release.
Not an error message, but can "Money" and "Money4" be added as CFC ORM types
Tracker Issue support uniqueidentifier (guid) in cfqueryparam sqltype
2780509 CF-4198272 Database : CFQuery Henry Ho support uniqueidentifier (guid) in cfqueryparam sqltype Without support for uniqueidentifier (guid) in cfqueryparam CFSQLType, the validation can be too late or unintentional bugs can be introduced, such as when it should be a list of uniqueidentifier
Tracker Issue StructFind() should accept callback like ArrayFind()
2745870 CF-4198246 Language Henry Ho StructFind() should accept callback like ArrayFind() StructFind() or struct.find() is currently quite useless without callback support.
It should take a callback returns true if the struct element matches the search criterion.
Tracker Issue result attribute for cfinsert
2614295 CF-3118501 Database Henry Ho result attribute for cfinsert cfinsert can be improved if it can return the result struct like in CFQUERY so that we can fetch the GENERATED_KEY value.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3118501
Tracker Issue JSON Web Tokens (JWT) support
2609072 CF-3937690 General Server Henry Ho JSON Web Tokens (JWT) support Please make JSON Web Tokens (JWT) easy to implement in ColdFusion. Hopefully as easy as session management minus the clunky portion.
Tracker Issue cfindex should be able to strip html tags as well as decode html entity before indexing for type="custom"
2609028 CF-3944307 Text Search : Solr Henry Ho cfindex should be able to strip html tags as well as decode html entity before indexing for type="custom" Right now cfindex will index both tags and contents when type="custom", but type="file" or "path" seems to work fine with .html
Tracker Issue "Disable CFC Type Check" does not "disables verifying an object that implements the right interface"
2608162 CF-4175902 Documentation Henry Ho "Disable CFC Type Check" does not "disables verifying an object that implements the right interface" Problem Description:
According to the doc @ http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/10.0/Admin/WSc3ff6d0ea77859461172e0811cbf3638e6-7ffc.html "Disable CFC
Tracker Issue cfquery's coldfusion.tagext.sql.QueryTag.maskDateTimeColumns() is slow with sandbox security enabled
2608165 CF-4174749 Performance Henry Ho cfquery's coldfusion.tagext.sql.QueryTag.maskDateTimeColumns() is slow with sandbox security enabled Duplicate ID: CF-4173670
Problem Description:
VisualVM hotspot trace shows that coldfusion.tagext.sql.QueryTag.maskDateTimeColumns() from invokes java
Tracker Issue deserializeJSON() invokes java.lang.System.getProperty() which is slow with sandbox security enabled
2608167 CF-4173670 Performance Henry Ho deserializeJSON() invokes java.lang.System.getProperty() which is slow with sandbox security enabled Problem Description:
When a cfm/cfc invokes deserializeJSON(), coldfusion.runtime.JSONUtils.parseNumber() invokes java.lang.System.getProperty() with sandbox
Tracker Issue Trusted cache does not eliminate all file io checking
2608169 CF-4173282 Core Runtime : Parser/Compiler Henry Ho Trusted cache does not eliminate all file io checking Problem Description:
With trusted cache enabled, one would expect it to not stress the disk io as much but CPU snapshot in VisualVM tells us that if cfinterface is used, or if a cfc
2608273 CF-4143367 File Management Henry Ho [regression] : fileMove() does not throw exception when move is incomplete Problem Description:
if the source file is locked, fileMove() would copy the file over to the destination anyway, then failed to remove the source file without throwing
2608289 CF-4137849 Language : CF Component Henry Ho defaults not set in Variables if instantiated by CreateObject("component") Duplicate ID: CF-4076193
Problem Description:
with accessor=true, property default should be set and ready to go in Variables scope, but it is only true if the object
Tracker Issue RandRange() does not work on as documented
2608303 CF-4132630 Language Henry Ho RandRange() does not work on as documented Problem Description:
Doc of RandRange says "If the numbers are not in the range -2,147,483,648 - 2,147,483,647, ColdFusion generates an error." but testing such edge case returns unexpected result.
Steps to Reproduce
2608310 CF-4130274 Security Henry Ho FileGetMimeType()'s strict does not agree with fileupload()'s strict Problem Description:
FileGetMimeType() with default strict = true cannot tell a fake jpeg that's really an executable.
Steps to Reproduce:
Rename any exe (e.g. 7z.exe from 7zip and gm
2608468 CF-4087863 Language Henry Ho structFindKey() with scope 'all' returns invalid variable name Problem Description:
If the name of the key is not valid variable name, the returned result.path is also invalid.
Steps to Reproduce:
x = {y:{'background-image':'foo'}};
results = struct
Tracker Issue cf10_mdt_updt.jar runs in CONSOLE mode in Windows 10
2608620 CF-4047480 Installation/Config : Hotfix Installer Henry Ho cf10_mdt_updt.jar runs in CONSOLE mode in Windows 10 Problem Description:
cf10_mdt_updt.jar runs in CONSOLE mode instead of GUI mode in Windows 10
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install JSE 1.8.0_60-b27
2. java -jar cf10_mdt
2597523 CF-3043649 AJAX : Plumbing Henry Ho Bug 86742:-(Watson Migration Closure)In a dynamic CFGRID, CFGRIDCOLUMN cannot render Date (with time) correctly if JVM Locale is not "en_US", such as "zh_HK" Problem:
In a dynamic CFGRID, CFGRIDCOLUMN cannot render Date (with time) correctly if JVM
Tracker Issue Bug 85916:(Watson Migration Closure)storeSetMetadata() will override previous storeAddACL() calls
2597628 CF-3043124 File Management : VFS-S3 Henry Ho Bug 85916:(Watson Migration Closure)storeSetMetadata() will override previous storeAddACL() calls Problem:
storeSetMetadata() will override previous storeAddACL() calls.workaround: storeSetMetaData() first, then storeAddACL().
Tracker Issue Bug 85895:(Watson Migration Closure)Content-Type is not set appropriately when writing to S3
2597630 CF-3043111 File Management : VFS-S3 Henry Ho Bug 85895:(Watson Migration Closure)Content-Type is not set appropriately when writing to S3 Problem:
Content-Type is not set appropriately when writing to S3. It is always "application/octet-stream", which might not work for some browser
2598044 CF-3041809 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 83656:(Watson Migration Closure)Entities that extend from a mappedsuperclass does not get drop and recreated when the mappedsuperclass is modified Duplicate ID: CF-3042577
Entities that extend from a mappedsuperclass does not get drop
2598488 CF-3041279 AJAX : Plumbing Henry Ho Bug 82623:DeserializeJSON() does not preserve BigDecimal number Problem:
DeserializeJSON() does not preserve BigDecimal number. It deserializes to float. Currently serializeJSON() and deserializeJSON() is very hard to use when large number is needed
Tracker Issue Bug 82075:ID of ormtype='char' is compared case-senstively with CF string comparison operators
2598798 CF-3040932 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 82075:ID of ormtype='char' is compared case-senstively with CF string comparison operators Problem:
ID of ormtype='char' is compared case-senstively with CF string comparison operators. ID of ormtype="string" of length="1" is not affected.
2598844 CF-3040879 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 81909:add ReadOnly attribute to cfproperties="one-to-many" Problem:
add ReadOnly attribute to cfproperties="one-to-many".ReadOnly == !Mutable in Hibernate*, while we can currently use ReadOnly on level in CF9, we cannot use in . However, mutable
Tracker Issue Bug 81481:result attribute in cffile cannot be in local scope, otherwise the result is a array with 1 null element
2598972 CF-3040736 Language : Tags Henry Ho Bug 81481:result attribute in cffile cannot be in local scope, otherwise the result is a array with 1 null element Problem:
result attribute in cffile cannot be in local scope, otherwise the result is a array with 1 null element.
2599031 CF-3040670 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 81322:Cannot use 2 FK's as composite PK's in a link table cfc Problem:
Cannot use 2 FK's as composite PK's in a link table cfc.
component persistance="true" displayname="invoiceItem" table="INVOICE_ITEM"{ property name="invoice" fieldtype
Tracker Issue Bug 80395:(Watson Migration Closure)Interface with non-fully-qualified name is not implementable by CFC in a different folder
2599336 CF-3040316 Language : CF Interfaces Henry Ho Bug 80395:(Watson Migration Closure)Interface with non-fully-qualified name is not implementable by CFC in a different folder Problem:
Interface with non-fully-qualified name is not implementable by CFC in a different folder.
see \\10
2599684 CF-3039830 AJAX : UI Components Henry Ho Bug 79648:cfgrid format=html, 1st row cannot be selected while others can Problem:
cfgrid format=html, 1st row cannot be selected while others can. 1st row becomes selectable after other rows (if available) is selected first.Verified on FF3
Tracker Issue Bug 79640:(Watson Migration Closure)sqltype"char(n)" cannot be used as FK for a many-to-one object
2599691 CF-3039823 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 79640:(Watson Migration Closure)sqltype"char(n)" cannot be used as FK for a many-to-one object Problem:
sqltype"char(n)" cannot be used as FK for a many-to-one object.
component persistent=true entityName="parent" { // this doesn't work
2599701 CF-3039812 Language : CF Component Henry Ho Bug 79629:(Watson Migration Closure)[wishlist] providea a getProperties() method that returns a struct of all properties in a CFC, satisfying the popular Variables Problem:
[wishlist] providea a getProperties() method that returns a struct of all
2599702 CF-3039811 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 79628:@ormtype char always uses char(1), can't set to char(n) with @length Problem:
@ormtype char always uses char(1), can't set to char(n) with @length.
@ormtype char always uses char(1), can't set to char(n) with @length.@sqltype char
2727628 CF-4198220 Language : Functions Henry Ho queryGetRow() should respect serialization.preserveCaseForQueryColumn queryGetRow() will always return a struct with all the keys in uppercase. It would be great if serialization.preserveCaseForQueryColumn is set to true in Application
Tracker Issue cfdump does not show struct with empty string as key
2609781 CF-3776038 Debugging Henry Ho cfdump does not show struct with empty string as key Duplicate ID: CF-3787245
Problem Description: CF allows struct with empty string as key but cfdump does not dump such key/value pair correctly.
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
2609803 CF-3765535 Language Henry Ho new date/time function for returning date/time/datetime in ISO8601 return ISO8601 format if mask = 'iso' in dateTimeFormat(), dateFormat() and timeFormat()
e.g. dateTimeFormat mask='iso' -> "2014-05-23T14:51:00"
----------------------------- Additional Watson
Tracker Issue PBKDF2 support for Hash()
2613648 CF-3196197 Security Henry Ho PBKDF2 support for Hash() Recommended by the NIST and part of Java SE 6.
Can hash() support PBKDF2 as well? Thanks
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
2614020 CF-3137175 Language : CF Component Henry Ho Need a quick way to set all cffunction's inside CFC to output=false Problem Description: without output="false", functions in cfc will generate lots of whitespaces and sometimes leads to memory leak.
Any Workarounds: need to set output
2609021 CF-3945716 ORM Support Henry Ho OrderColumn support for Indexed collections (i.e. type="array" in CF ORM) Right now the sort order of the array for fieldtype one-to-many is read-only, not read & write.
To support read & write, CF ORM could have supported OrderColumn for fieldtype
2608655 CF-4033463 Administrator Henry Ho System Information reports Operating System: Windows 8 on Windows 10 Problem Description:
System Information reports Operating System: Windows 8 on Windows 10
Steps to Reproduce:
Install CF10 on Windows 10, go to CF Admin, click "i" on the top right
2608797 CF-3991862 Database Henry Ho Log Activity in "Data & Services > Datasources > Microsoft SQL Server" doesn't work Problem Description: "Log database calls to (anywhere)" doesn't work in CF Admin's Data & Services > Datasources > Microsoft SQL Server.
Steps to Reproduce: Add a new data
Tracker Issue implicit constructor does not respect argumentCollection
2732847 CF-4198230 Language : CF Component Henry Ho implicit constructor does not respect argumentCollection Problem Description:
implicit constructor does not respect argumentCollection for setter properties with accessors = true
Steps to Reproduce:
component accessors
2609772 CF-3777301 Language Henry Ho fileUploadAll() does not work with HTML5 multiple attribute Problem Description:
fileUploadAll() does not work with HTML5 input multiple but works as expected.
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
Tracker Issue isNull(URL.foo) works but isNull(URL["foo"]) doesn't
2609773 CF-3777274 Language Henry Ho isNull(URL.foo) works but isNull(URL["foo"]) doesn't Problem Description:
isNull(URL.foo) works but isNull(URL["foo"]) doesn't.
URL.foo has not been defined.
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
exception on 2nd line
Expected Result
2609804 CF-3765527 Language Henry Ho for loop var not available in struct literal for arrayAppend if not wrapped in { } Steps to Reproduce:
function foo() {
xs = [];
for (var i=1; i<=10; i++)
arrayAppend(xs, {name:i});
Actual Result:
Tracker Issue CF10 standard always write hibernatesql.log in /log
2610684 CF-3687147 Logging Henry Ho CF10 standard always write hibernatesql.log in /log Problem Description: CF10 standard always write hibernatesql.log in /log even with logSQL set to false
Steps to Reproduce: Enable orm, set logSQL to false in ormsetting
Actual Result: hibernatesql
2612212 CF-3540467 Language Henry Ho Accept an assignment statement as a parameter for built-in CF functions "A built-in ColdFusion function cannot accept an assignment statement as a parameter, although it can accept expressions. For example, DIRECTORYLIST(d=a*b) is not acceptable."
2612215 CF-3539831 CFIMAGE Henry Ho imageInfo() should take string of image path like cfimage action=info Problem Description:
imageInfo() only takes image, not path
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
The value of parameter 1, which is currently c
Tracker Issue jrun_iis6_wildcard.dll kills request processing in IIS
2596871 CF-3526213 Installation/Config : Connector Henry Ho jrun_iis6_wildcard.dll kills request processing in IIS jrun_iis6_wildcard.dll could not work with Ape's Mod_xsendfile because it kills request processing in IIS.
Mod_xsendfile is essential for serving large binary files securely from Cold
2613674 CF-3191742 Language : Closures Henry Ho Make Owner scope explicit so that we can scope the variables correctly? Problem Description: variables in closure cannot be scoped because Owner scope is implicit. Performance could be an issue with excessive scope searching, especially in a tight
2608151 CF-4181254 Web Container (Tomcat) Henry Ho 1 extra empty request hit CF with IIS URL Rewrite rule (worked fine in CF10) Problem Description:
IIS Rewrite somehow yields 1 extra empty request to CF, confirmed by Application.cfc's onRequestStart.
Steps to Reproduce:
Setup an IIS site
Tracker Issue Bug 86951:The hasXXX method of a one-to-many relationship returns False when it has a non-persisted element
2597419 CF-3043870 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 86951:The hasXXX method of a one-to-many relationship returns False when it has a non-persisted element Problem:
The hasXXX method of a one-to-many relationship returns False when it has a non-persisted element.
With ormsettings
Tracker Issue Bug 83225:Extended entity not saved correctly by cascade
2598207 CF-3041619 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 83225:Extended entity not saved correctly by cascade Duplicate ID: CF-3040538
Extended entity not saved correctly by cascade
/** Car.cfc */component persistent="true"{property name="id" fieldtype="id" generator="native";property name