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Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: Getting Started links need updated
[ANeff] Bug for: Getting Started links need updated
Tracker Issue ColdFusion Builder Getting Started Screen Displays ACB 2016, and ColdFusion News is still Woefully Out of Date
ColdFusion Builder Getting Started Screen Displays ACB 2016, and ColdFusion News is still Woefully Out of Date
Tracker Comment Comment on Rename "Getting Started" server by External U.
Comment on Rename "Getting Started" server by External U.
Tracker Issue Rename "Getting Started" server
Rename "Getting Started" server
Getting started with Adobe’s ColdFusion Docker images
for Server.cfc to support onRequestStart() which gets fired for all applications on the server.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3085245
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Peter Freitag
External Customer
Tracker Issue Getting started screen is woefully out of date
Getting started screen is woefully out of date
[ANeff] Bug for: CFB should get Admin server port from jetty's start.ini
Comment on Getting started Adobe’s ColdFusion Docker images by chrism87438241
Tracker Issue CF Express and port conflicts
2608784 CF-3998747 Getting Started Server Raymond Camden CF Express and port conflicts Start ColdFusion ENT/STD, or heck, anything that takes the same port as CF Express, and then start CF Express. It will report:
Starting ColdFusion 11 server ...
The ColdFusion 11 server is starting up
Portal Topic Cannot get Coldfusion 11 started
stevedup Cannot get Coldfusion 11 started Can't start Coldfusion 11 Application Server in Windows 10 / Update 8 has been applied using IIS 8,
The post Cannot get Coldfusion 11 started appeared first on ColdFusion. ColdFusion 11,Question,Windows 10,ColdFusion,coldfusion 11,question,windows 10
Portal Comment Comment on Cannot get Coldfusion 11 started by James Mohler
James Mohler Here is my random advice.
I used to work for a company that had a really aggressive virus scan. It wanted to scan every .jar in ColdFusion every time there was start of the server. To get around it. I would start it on the command line. Stop it on the command line, then restart
Comment on Getting started screen is woefully out of date by Adobe D.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdocument timeout by Praveen S.
2861079 CF-4198342 Praveen S. We have been getting this cfdocument error on our production server. Only way we are able to resolve is by re-starting the server.
2682672 CFB-3769409 External U. I check the server config as shown in CFServerConfig.png
I click the startup button and it executes the java process and begins to run. The status in CF Builder is shown as Starting.
After a minute or two I get the errors in ErrorLog.png and a status of Unknown
Comment on Getting started Adobe’s ColdFusion Docker images by Charlie Arehart
Tracker Comment Comment on SQL Editor window not loading available Datasource names for selection by Adobe D.
2682694 CFB-3752892 Adobe D. The scenario is like this - if server is not up while trying datasource code assist, it does not get refreshed even after starting and connecting to the server. The datasource code assist still does not show anything, even though server is connected and has datasources
Portal Topic coldfusion 2016 Rhel7
saturnxviii coldfusion 2016 Rhel7 I 'm trying to figure out how to get this to start when the servers recycle. what am I missing?
The post coldfusion 2016 Rhel7 appeared first on ColdFusion. CF2016 Updates,ColdFusion 2016,Question,2016,cf2016 updates,coldfusion 2016,question
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 87176:-(Watson Migration Closure)Add onRequestStart method to Server by External U.
Comment on Bug 87176:-(Watson Migration Closure)Add onRequestStart method to Server by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Issues with CFLayout: Getting cftextarea (CKEditor) to work within the cflayout/cflayoutarea code by External U.
Comment on Issues with CFLayout: Getting cftextarea (CKEditor) to work within the cflayout/cflayoutarea code by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: CFB should get Admin server port from jetty's start.ini by CFwatson U.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: CFB should get Admin server port from jetty's start.ini by CFwatson U.
6259329 CF-4205250 Nimit S. James,
Are you getting any error while starting the CF server?
Can you please share the settings summary and coldfusion-out.log/coldfusion-error.log to investigate it further?
Portal Comment Comment on Administration of CF Server from within CFB 2018 not working. by Charlie Arehart
Charlie Arehart Legorol, he is not referring to starting/stopping CF. He is referring to accessing the Administrator.
As I was trying to get at last month here, this i simply down to how the "server" (whose admin he is trying to launch) is configured in CFB. CFB simply uses that URL (for
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: server start/stop not working properly by Mukesh K.
Comment on Check for Coldfusion Enterprise server needs to be corrected . Getting an incorrect alert message while running SA on inbuilt server (Developer edition) by Mukesh K.
Check for Coldfusion Enterprise server needs to be corrected . Getting an incorrect alert message while running SA on inbuilt server (Developer edition)
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 87176:-(Watson Migration Closure)Add onRequestStart method to Server by External U.
Comment on Bug 87176:-(Watson Migration Closure)Add onRequestStart method to Server by External U.
for starting/false for stopping isn't quite kosher.
start the default SMS gateway w/out starting the local SMS test server. check the gateway's status via getGatewayInstanceStatus , it will return "true" even though the gateway 's in a "Starting" state. i can confirm this also happens w
2612216 CF-3539667 External U. I'm also getting the same thing with CF11. default install & settings (internal cache unticked). error occurs each time I start CF Server Monitoring
2612216 CF-3539667 External U. I'm also getting the same thing with CF11. default install & settings (internal cache unticked). error occurs each time I start CF Server Monitoring
Tracker Issue ODBC Server Service fails to start
ODBC Server Service fails to start
with self-imposed duplicated requests.
Due to that, and since onRequestStart() (CF-3085245) hasn't been added to Server.cfc yet, the Server Monitoring Admin API is relied upon to end duplicate requests that CF+IIS spawn.
Since there is no more Server Monitor API in Aether, these calls naturally fail
2613454 CF-3312923 Installation/Config Steve Dean Starting coldfusion from command line in Windows does not work properly Problem Description:When trying to start the coldfusion server from the command line, the command line session gets locked to the coldfusion application and does not release
Portal Comment Comment on Fix for recent CF11/2016 updates causing failure of CF ODBC services by Brenda Bowling
Brenda Bowling I just updated to CF 2018 from CF 11 (developer). The ODBC Agent and Server will not start. When I try to start them, I get "The CF 2018 ODBC Agent Service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services
Portal Comment Comment on CF 2018 ODBC Server won’t start after update 3 installed by Charlie Arehart
Comment on CF 2018 ODBC Server won’t start after update 3 installed by Charlie Arehart
Tracker Issue Set Auto Start for the Local Server
Set Auto Start for the Local Server
6259329 CF-4205250 Nimit S. Hi Jason H,
This patch should only be placed inside /lib/updates folder. There can be other issue if it is not getting loaded. Can you please share the settings summary and server start up log file @ [nimsharm@adobe.com|mailto:nimsharm@adobe.com] to investigate
not want to go that far. (Then again, with the available getting-started-adobes-coldfusion-docker-images/">Adobe CF Docker images, you could test that pretty easily without impacting your current CF2018, if you are familiar with Docker.)
Let us know
Tracker Issue Cielen: Cannot start integrated server
2682294 CFB-4130068 Bundled Server Philipp Cielen Cielen: Cannot start integrated server Trying to run the integrated CF server within Blizzard I get the following error message: Error(01-27 at 06:03:00) Cannot run program "/home/philippcielen/Blizzard/ColdFusion/jre/bin/java": error_13
Portal Comment Comment on CF 2018 ODBC Server won’t start after update 3 installed by Charlie Arehart
Comment on CF 2018 ODBC Server won’t start after update 3 installed by Charlie Arehart
Comment on CF 2018 ODBC Server won’t start after update 3 installed by CFTim1965
Portal Topic Managing multiple server instances under CF2018
John_Allred Managing multiple server instances under CF2018 Trying to get a few local server instances set up under CF 2018, and I’m having inconsistent results. Sometimes a new instance will start and run. Sometimes it won’t. Sometimes a modified instance (e.g., change port #) will run. Sometimes
Tracker Comment Comment on IIS 404 custom error handler URLs that are .cfm files do not consistently return entire document by External U.
2612631 CF-3488063 External U. I just contracted with a new CF10 VPS and have spent the entire week getting all the sites ready to migrate to the new server. Now I start testing and I run into this crap. I've spent 2 days trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. Thanks Adobe!
that servers would hang when starting back up.
After removing load and getting both servers back up, I updated them both to update 19, and restarted again. They restart fine without any load, but when I apply load with jmeter again, they hang on startup the same exact way.
Please let me know what
at \\blrstore.corp.adobe.com\builds\coldfusion\users\shilpi\ToAsha\hashcollision you will see that the error coldfusion.filter.FormScope$PostParametersLimitExceededException: POST parameter
s exceeds the maximum limit specified in the server. which comes from Tomcat doesnot get logged to start.log or exception
2672874 CF-4159697 External U. When we try to stop the instances in trouble we get this message...
[root@ar-dev03 bin]# ./coldfusion start
Starting ColdFusion 2016 server ...
The ColdFusion 2016 server is starting up and will be available shortly
Portal Comment Comment on CF 2018 ODBC Server won’t start after update 3 installed by Charlie Arehart
Comment on CF 2018 ODBC Server won’t start after update 3 installed by Charlie Arehart
Tracker Issue Server Settings > Settings page slow due to Http call
Server Settings > Settings page slow due to Http call
Tracker Issue Server will not startup. Hangs at Starting
Server will not startup. Hangs at Starting
Tracker Issue undefined symbol: ap_get_server_description
2609189 CF-3914314 Installation/Config : Connector Michael Sanchez undefined symbol: ap_get_server_description Problem Description: Running wsconfig or trying to start Apache throws an error related to loading mod_jk.so. I have also added the new mod_jk.so for a compatibility issue with CF10
2609911 CF-3745645 External U. One more addition:
- If a customer was using port 8014 AJP for CF10 as they are migrating to CF11 you could then have an issue. The admin might restart the server, and depending on what service grabs 8014 it will get the CF requests. CF10 starts with 8012
Tracker Issue Bug 82571:On any OS, the cfserver
not intended for final release and might be something left over from the development of ColdFusion 9 server.In context, the log entry looks like this just after server start:Starting Macromedia JRun 4.0 (Build 108795), coldfusion serverThese changes should get picked up!04/01 13:53:08 warning Unable to open
2672349 CF-4197250 Suchika S. Hi Aaron ,
Did you get a chance to produce a repro case?
However I would just like to let you know that a task misfires if it was was scheduled with start time in the past and every time you restart you CF server all non clustered tasks are re -created . Hence
Comment on CF 2018 ODBC Server won’t start after update 3 installed by H_kumar
() object on server start and discard it.This triggers the getSupportedTagAttributes() call which puts the attributes in the server.coldfusion scope making all subsequent threaded (and unthreaded) http() calls work.
getPageContext().getServletContext().getRealPath("/WEB-INF");// returns
Tracker Issue Weird behaviour in ehcache
use a Terracotta server to serve the cache to the 2 applications.
This all works fine with CF2016, but with CF2018 we encountered a problem.
• If we try to use cacheGet right after the server has started we get the error: Cache region with name userInfo does not exist.
• Then if we put an item
Tracker Issue Bug 72698:Install still asks for username and password when unchecking the start ColdFusion at system init
as below:
Developer Edition
Start ColdFusion on system init - unchecked
Install Directory: /Apps/JRun4
Built in Web Server
Still get the screen to enter current users username / password because i have selected to have CF Start when the machine starts.
But as above I have this unchecked
Start Server button on CF Servers tab doesn't do anything
Tracker Issue CF2018 Update 5: Server unresponsive
CF2018 Update 5: Server unresponsive
ColdFusion Application Service fails to start after server reboot
Tracker Comment Comment on Monitoring Service Error by External U.
2672697 CF-4176625 External U. Hi Hari,
Steps to reproduce.
1) Setup multi instance CF cluster on windows VM and have the services run as windows service.
2) Reboot the server.
3) Look at monitor.log under each instance and all of them tires to start on port 5501 and if its busy, it gets a random
Bug 82489:ODBC Service are running after I do an install but when I reboot the server the services will not be running and I cannot start them
Tracker Comment Comment on Server Non-responseive when receiving a POST with a type XML param by External U.
Comment on Server Non-responseive when receiving a POST with a type XML param by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfldap tag will not connect to Windows Server 2019 domain controllers by Dave I.
at java.naming/javax.naming.InitialContext.init(InitialContext.java:236)
at java.naming/javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext.(InitialLdapContext.java:154)
at coldfusion.tagext.net.LdapTag.getContextObj(LdapTag.java:873)
at coldfusion.tagext.net.LdapTag.doStartTag(LdapTag.java:735
2673545 CF-4126425 API Manager : Installer Philipp Cielen [cielen] Unable to start API Manager: "Not able to connect to Redis server." trying to start API Manager on OS X 10.11.2 by calling start.sh I get the following error message:
02:08:49.665 [main] INFO - API Manager Home : /Applications
CF 2018 ODBC Server won’t start after update 3 installed
Tracker Issue MonitoringService port check is incorrect
constructor that accepts an inetAddress as well that should represent the host being used for the MonitoringService.
As such, the second server that tries to start will get a JVM Bind error and a
Portal Topic Server 2016 and CF 2016
johns93578008 Server 2016 and CF 2016 I am finally getting around to replacing the old CF11 on Server 2008R2 environment we have. I downloaded the installer for CF2016 a while ago, and apparently there is an update to allow it to run on Server 2016. But, for the life of me, I can’t find a place
Tracker Comment Comment on The function gethttpRequestData() fails when form posted with encType="application/octet-stream" by External U.
the same code running on our new test server with Cold Fusion 11 and Solaris 11 and apache 2.2. When the upload starts the first chunk is sent and I show that the request content is indeed binary data. Yet the server does not get any content and thus the upload fails.
This is becoming a critical issue
Tracker Comment Comment on [cielen] Unable to start API Manager: "Not able to connect to Redis server." by Vamseekrishna N.
Comment on [cielen] Unable to start API Manager: "Not able to connect to Redis server." by Vamseekrishna N.
2598094 CF-3041746 External U. This started occuring on our servers when we applied APSB11-14
5762679 CF-4204443 Net Protocols : LDAP cfldap tag will not connect to Windows Server 2019 domain controllers Problem Description: Our active directory team has started upgrading the domain controllers on our network to Windows Server 2019 machines, and our authentication mechanism in Cold
Tracker Issue Bug 86935:-(Watson Migration Closure)I have multiple coldfusion servers all running CF9
2597435 CF-3043853 CFIMAGE Nathanael Waite Bug 86935:-(Watson Migration Closure)I have multiple coldfusion servers all running CF9 Problem:
I have multiple coldfusion servers all running CF9.I started getting CFImage errors on one of the servers. I can 't seem to fix it. went to the tmp
Install CF 11 on Mac, and click updates under Server Update in CF Administrator
Tracker Issue Need for more clear documentation on server config
6034553 CF-4204903 Installation/Config Need for more clear documentation on server config Your instructions are ok for how to install, walking you through the installer steps. But then it's bye, good luck. Sure there's docs for CF getting started etc. but what about server config in various
4860142 CF-4203345 API Manager : Connector Unable to parse API Manager config file. wsconfig on Linux Problem Description: Running wsconfig on a linux server, getting an error "Unable to parse API Manager config file."
Steps to Reproduce: Installed api manager 2018 and started apimanager on a
ColdFusion 11 ODBC Server service fails to start post update.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 73952:(Watson Migration Closure)Schedule Tasks On Server Start by External U.
Comment on Bug 73952:(Watson Migration Closure)Schedule Tasks On Server Start by External U.
Tracker Issue Monitoring Service Error
Actual Result:Throws an 500-Internal server error ( The monitoring service is not available. )
Expected Result: Screen gets loaded with no errors.
Any Workarounds:Restart services one at a time.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug
Tracker Issue Bug 86992:When starting CF9
2597390 CF-3043914 General Server Marcin Szczepanski Bug 86992:When starting CF9 Problem:
When starting CF9.0.1 on Mac OS X Lion (10.7) it gets to the line "Starting document..." and hangs. This does not happen with vanilla CF9.0.If you copy jpedal.jar from a CF9.0 install to your CF9.0.1 install
Bug 73952:(Watson Migration Closure)Schedule Tasks On Server Start
Portal Comment Comment on Cannot get Coldfusion 11 started by stevedup
Comment on Cannot get Coldfusion 11 started by stevedup
Start a CF 2016 update 12 server.
Actual Result:
Error in console output
Expected Result:
No errors in console output
Any Workarounds:
No, but it doesn't seem to be causing any issues other than looking bad. I'm sure I'll get questions from concerned CommandBox users when they see it in their logs.
Tracker Issue Mail Server connection verification always failing
.gmail.com with user and password, as long as you check "Verify mail server connection" check box, you will get "Connection Verification Failed! "
Actual Result: get "Connection Verification Failed! " message
Expected Result: "Connection Verification Successful!" message
Any Workarounds: Don't know yet
Tracker Comment Comment on ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH errors by Piyush K.
with another browser say FireFox, where it renders as expected.
- What’s the load on the server when the error starts showing up
- What’s are the server settings (caching, max concurrent requests etc.)
, or something else).
You also don't say what version of CF you're running? Let us now also the update level (both are the CF admin "settings summary" page). It could even be that your problem is due to some bug long-since solved, for the version of CF you're running.
Let us now if these help get you started
Tracker Comment Comment on CF Administrator will not open if registered with PMT but PMT service is not running by Toby W.
7015510 CF-4207778 Toby W. We see this occasionally on our dev server - it seems to be if the service hasnt connected to the store properly.
I did just manage to reproduce but not a way that I can repeat.
I think its when the service get stuck in a starting or stopped mode but the PMT process
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 73952:(Watson Migration Closure)Schedule Tasks On Server Start by External U.
Comment on Bug 73952:(Watson Migration Closure)Schedule Tasks On Server Start by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 73952:(Watson Migration Closure)Schedule Tasks On Server Start by External U.
Comment on Bug 73952:(Watson Migration Closure)Schedule Tasks On Server Start by External U.
Comment on CF 2018 ODBC Server won’t start after update 3 installed by CFTim1965
Comment on CF 2018 ODBC Server won’t start after update 3 installed by CFTim1965
Portal Comment Comment on CF 2018 ODBC Server won’t start after update 3 installed by bastionh84226254
Comment on CF 2018 ODBC Server won’t start after update 3 installed by bastionh84226254
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion not responding after clock change from GMT to BST by External U.
2612213 CF-3540118 External U. We see this error in the error logs after a server restart.
And I believe it may be the cause of a loss of threads the next time the server comes under modest load.
In our case we're getting remote calls are being dropped causing our SAAS service to fail completely
Cannot setup start/stop @ CF Server Manager with standalone Tomcat
Portal Comment Comment on Server 2016 and CF 2016 by justinh94069848
Comment on Server 2016 and CF 2016 by justinh94069848
FromCache(CacheTagHelper.java:226)at coldfusion.runtime.CFPage.CacheGet(CFPage.java:8025)at cfcache_get_put_function2ecfm561514261.runPage(C:\_web\default\wwwroot\MAX2009\cache_get_put_function.cfm:1)at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(CfJspPage.java:231)at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag(IncludeTag.java:416)at
Tracker Issue cf installer should offer option to setup CF in Windows Start menu for "all users", not just the installing user
that for the user logged in and running the installer.
Any later users on the machine (other administrators, or clients on a hosted machine) will find that they CANNOT see that menu, and do can't easily get to the CF Admin, the web server config tool, etc.
Even if one felt it was a security concern to implement
"Continue" will get another information message dialog box as
"ColdFusion server will be stopped and restarted during installation. Re-Login to ColdFusion Administrator to check the status. Starting installation...this might take a few minutes"
Clicking on "Ok" button on this dialog box sometimes still
Tracker Comment Comment on GetMetaData(cfc) returns null by Chris P.
pages and had it run them aggressively for an entire night.
^ The above is a summary. Basically, I emulated everything related to deploying code (which is when it happens) And I _could not_ get it to happens locally.
But, it happens daily in production. Sometimes one (of ten) servers will choke after
Portal Comment Comment on Server Auto-Lockdown by Charlie Arehart
Comment on Server Auto-Lockdown by Charlie Arehart