displaying top 100 results
2598788 CF-3040944 Language : Datastructure Gary Gilbert Bug 82106:XML element nodes that start with and underscore (_) return an empty string when accessed using dot notation instead of the element Problem:
XML element nodes that start with and underscore (_) return an empty string when accessed
Tracker Issue Incorrect Serialization of dates
2609378 CF-3852070 AJAX : Plumbing Gary Gilbert Incorrect Serialization of dates Problem Description:
ColdFusion incorrectly serializes dates using serializeJson in different system Locales. SerializeJson should convert a date to a date that javascript can parse. According to the online
2599285 CF-3040381 Language : Datastructure Gary Gilbert Bug 80601:occurs in listtoarray() when using {} as a delimiter Problem:
occurs in listtoarray() when using {} as a delimiter
Illegal repetition {} The error occurred in D:\inetpub\wwwroot\cf8stuff
2598834 CF-3040888 Language : Functions Gary Gilbert Bug 81940:PreserveSingleQuotes is unable to accept output returned from any other function that returns a simple value (string, list) without throwing an error Problem:
PreserveSingleQuotes is unable to accept output returned from any other