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Tracker Issue Framework
2611855 CF-3581592 General Server Qais Maash Framework We see now days many ColdFusion frameworks (Model glue, FB, FW1 ....etc.) , but sadly, none of them is an official framework which support by the vendor (Adobe), what's the problem if Adobe adopt one or even come up with something new so
Tracker Comment Comment on Framework by Rupesh K.
2611855 CF-3581592 Rupesh K. The ColdFusion community has built a lot of great frameworks. We would just like to support all of them and ensure that they work without any issue. However we don't want to officially endorse any particular framework.
Tracker Issue New Feature
2612300 CF-3528592 Language : Framework Support navin tez seepana New Feature Why don't we add drag and drop of Tags.
As soon as we type in we get the Tags and drop them into the workspace with per-filled
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Portal Topic OSGi Support is Needed to Assure Secure Code
christopherw3118414 OSGi Support is Needed to Assure Secure Code Here is a serious question to ponder. I have been supporting the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) at two different companies over the past five years. The AEM and Lucee support OSGi framework over JVM which makes these applications
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion won't start automatically after Windows Update ot >net Framework 4.5.1 by External U.
Comment on ColdFusion won't start automatically after Windows Update ot >net Framework 4.5.1 by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion won't start automatically after Windows Update ot >net Framework 4.5.1 by External U.
Comment on ColdFusion won't start automatically after Windows Update ot >net Framework 4.5.1 by External U.
Tracker Issue In a CFM template (Coldbox view), using #a( b = {c:0} )# will in some situations cause a NullPointerException.
2611693 CF-3600373 Language : Framework Support Peter Boughton In a CFM template (Coldbox view), using #a( b = {c:0} )# will in some situations cause a NullPointerException. In a CFM template (Coldbox view), using #a( b = {c:0} )# will in some situations cause a NullPointerException.
The page
2613127 CF-3345191 Language : Framework Support Kevin Kerr isValid 'Email' validation allows underscores in email form Duplicate ID: CF-3231157
Problem Description: The isValid function for type "email" allows underscores in email address domain names, it should not.
Steps to Reproduce: Is
Tracker Issue TimeFormat+DateConvert not working in CF10
2613356 CF-3330732 Language : Framework Support ryan eberly TimeFormat+DateConvert not working in CF10 Duplicate ID: CF-3323800
Problem Description:
TimeFormat no longer honors the UTC date.
Steps to Reproduce:
#TimeFormat(DateConvert('local2utc', Now()),'HH')#
Actual Result:
Tracker Comment Comment on Create an express install by External U.
2612917 CF-3370889 External U. +1,000,000 This is desperately needed. This would make testing soooo much easier. I would even dare to say that express edition are need for versions 8 and 9 since those are still widely used and most frameworks (including CFWheels) support the older engines.
Tracker Comment Comment on Elvis Operator Bug 2 by Bradley W.
3746251 CF-4200234 Bradley W. This is one of the reasons the ColdBox framework still cannot use elvis. We need to support CF11 and bugs like this make it unusable.
Tracker Comment Comment on Elvis Operator Bug by Bradley W.
3746249 CF-4200233 Bradley W. This is one of the reasons the ColdBox framework still cannot use elvis. We need to support CF11 and bugs like this make it unusable.
Tracker Comment Comment on [elvis] [peter]: elvis operator returns second operand in some cases even if the first operand is not null by Bradley W.
2608961 CF-3952818 Bradley W. This is one of the reasons the ColdBox framework still cannot use elvis. We need to support CF11 and bugs like this make it unusable.
Tracker Issue Backward compatibility issue with CF11
2609879 CF-3753750 Language : Framework Support Andrew Scott Backward compatibility issue with CF11 It seems that something major has changed in ColdFusion 11, which means frameworks like ColdBox and ContentBox no longer work. It appears to be an issue where it is failing on this
component extends
Tracker Issue Make Semicolons Optional
3370683 CF-4199448 Language : CFSCRIPT Luis Majano Make Semicolons Optional This is already documented here:
But deferred so opening again. Please modernize, Lucee already supports this, and this is the biggest pain for framework and software developers
Tracker Issue App-specific mappings do not register correctly
5752036 CF-4204404 Language : Framework Support App-specific mappings do not register correctly Problem Description: Frameworks such as ColdBox use mappings to allow for portable modules. In ColdFusion 2018, application-specific mappings do not register correctly until an additional get
Tracker Issue Bug 75032:(Watson Migration Closure)Requesting API or other support for developing Code Coverage tools
'm requesting an API be made available that would support a framework author(s) in developing such a tool.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3037290
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: marc
2920419 CF-4198397 Language : Framework Support Bradley Wood App-specific mappings added outside of Application.cfc can dissappear Problem Description:
The ColdBox framework makes use of app-specific mappings that are added inside the framework to allow for portability of modules. We have a
. This is akin to the tag. The Mach-II framework supports putting script/style elements in the head or inline via our HtmlHelper / view tag library. It very important to be able to programmatically append to the body (the position attribute helps if you want prepend or append -- defaults to append
Tracker Issue ContentBox another ColdBox application will not run on CF10 but runs fine on CF9.01 and railo
2613824 CF-3160217 Language : Framework Support Andrew Scott ContentBox another ColdBox application will not run on CF10 but runs fine on CF9.01 and railo Problem Description:
The following will not work on ColdFusion 10, with IIS connectors. However this will work on CF 9 and railo.
Portal Topic 5 Reasons Why Adobe ColdFusion is Better Than C#
Michaela Light 5 Reasons Why Adobe ColdFusion is Better Than C# The .NET framework is one of the web’s most popular developing platforms. It consists of many different languages under one umbrella framework. C# is one of these languages. Others include VB.NET and F#. It gets a lot of support as a
Tracker Issue Major JavaScript libraries insight and support
frameworks like angular, ember, knockout a breeze with these IDEs.
Net beans even supports a way to download these libraries and install in your project. Also live chrome loading and testing for building theses enhanced html5 apps.
It is clear that nowadays if you are building cf web apps. You are using
2608796 CF-3991872 Language : Framework Support Dan Wilson Form Fields with the same name are converted to arrays when Fusebox 5.5 is used. It appears the behavior of Form Fields with the same name has changed after I updated ColdFusion 11 to Update 5. The application had been working
Tracker Issue Bug 79510:Today Download ColdFusion 9 Installer for 32-bit MacintoshOn Mac OS X Version: 10
.5.0/Classes/charsets.jar /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/JavaApplicationLauncher.framework/Resources/LauncherSupport.jarjava.ext.dirs: /Library/Java/Extensions /System/Library/Java/Extensions /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Home
Make underlying ExtJS framework version selectable from CFAdmin
Tracker Comment Comment on [elvis] CFML: "Elvis" operator and null coalescing operators are two different things G'day: by Bradley W.
2608665 CF-4028653 Bradley W. This ticket was a mistake IMO. Elvis was implemented in CFML as a null coalescing operator and it was wrong of us to try and make it into a shortened ternary after the fact. CFML doesn't have the truthy/falsey support it would need to do that and make it work like
2609891 CF-3750731 Paul N. Thanks Adam for explaining the scenario. I am thinking of a solution. It is not final. But just a thought. We can support multiple custom serializers.
In the Application.cfc, we can take a new setting like,
this.customSerializers = {cs1 = "MySerializer", cs2
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 75031:(Watson Migration Closure)This is an ER to request support for relative component paths by External U.
Comment on Bug 75031:(Watson Migration Closure)This is an ER to request support for relative component paths by External U.
Tracker Issue Bug 78782:The value provided by cgi
.path_info:/pathInfoGetsTruncatedAfterTheEverthing after the ";" gets truncated. This affects ColdFuion 8 as well and does not appear to be a JRun bug as it exists which deploying CF on a container like JBoss Tomcat.This affects all CFML frameworks such as Mach-II that support SES / Friendly URLs and causes hugh problems as there is not any workaround
Tracker Issue Bug 77935:CF can't create "System
2600545 CF-3038912 DotNet Support Shigeru Nakagaki Bug 77935:CF can't create "System Problem:
CF can't create "System.Collections.Generic.List" class.
This class is added at .Net Framework 2.0 and is included in "mscorlib.dll".
I tested
2599733 CF-3039777 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration David Tucker Bug 79587:The current ORM capability provided in the cfair Problem:
The current ORM capability provided in the cfair.swc file does not support the logging of SQL as it is sent to the SQLite database. This greatly limits the developer
Tracker Issue Multiple Form Fields with the same name are returned as arrays - still not fixed if you go thru the missing template handler.
template handler setting in the CF Admin. This is used by some people to perform request routing for files that don't even exist.
I also think only supporting Application.cfc is incorrect. Some app and or frameworks still use application.cfm and forcing the use of Application.cfc does not seem consisted
Tracker Issue Bug 80207:OneToMany in the CFAIR integration doesn't appear to work as documented (or perhaps at all)
.2.0\frameworks\projects\rpc\src\mx\rpc\Responder.as:43] at coldfusion.air::SessionToken/http://www.adobe.com/2006/flex/mx/internal::applyResult()[D:\p4\depot\ColdFusion\cf_main\tools\AIRIntegration\OfflineSupport\src\coldfusion\air\SessionToken.as:200] at coldfusion
Tracker Issue String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions
2609881 CF-3753710 Core Runtime Sean Corfield String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions Problem Description: Code that relies on myStr.replace(a,b) to support a possibly being an empty string now breaks.
Steps to Reproduce:
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: ArgumentCollection accepts array in invoke()/cfinvoke but not direct method calls
Collection to be treated as ordered arguments, so that frameworks could use argumentCollection without needing to know the argument names. However, during CF10 PR, it was noted that the preferred solution would be for argumentCollection to accept an array. CF10 added support for the same, but, as shown above, the support
is also more modular now, so it is easy to leave out the parts of the framework you do not need.
Ease of use: Yes, C# is definitely more complex. This does have some benefits, such as being strongly typed, which I do prefer.
PDF Support: Again, I'm not sure where Adobe CF is now, but in the past
Portal Comment Comment on Public beta for Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) and Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release) by Jason Caldwell
Jason Caldwell From what I gather in your rather emotional reply is that your job is supporting CF? While my job is supporting large datacenters and global corporate infrastructures and EVERYTHING that entails. Since you're immersed in CF only daily, it only makes sense that you see it being
Tracker Issue Enabling Roles attribute for CFCOMPONENT
to say that users in roles such as "system administrator,customer manager,customer support" etc to be able to create instances of say a CFCOMPONENT called "CUSTOMERMANAGEMENT.CFC" but inside it i can further fine tune and for each method, i will be able to restrict the call to those methods for specific
Tracker Issue Enabling Roles attribute for CFCOMPONENT
to say that users in roles such as "system administrator,customer manager,customer support" etc to be able to create instances of say a CFCOMPONENT called "CUSTOMERMANAGEMENT.CFC" but inside it i can further fine tune and for each method, i will be able to restrict the call to those methods for specific
Tracker Issue Enabling Roles attribute for CFCOMPONENT
such as "system administrator,customer manager,customer support" etc to be able to create instances of say a CFCOMPONENT called "CUSTOMERMANAGEMENT.CFC" but inside it i can further fine tune and for each method, i will be able to restrict the call to those methods for specific user roles there by providing fine
2597850 CF-3042251 ORM Support Raymond Camden Bug 84373:(Watson Migration Closure)If you do HQL against a column that does not exist, or use the wrong case, you get a NPE error Problem:
If you do HQL against a column that does not exist, or use the wrong case, you get a NPE error. The error should
Portal Comment Comment on Input validation to avoid XSS by Charlie Arehart
-security-encodefor-969a8858b8ee" rel="nofollow">https://medium.com/pete-freitag/coldfusion-2016-security-encodefor-969a8858b8ee
2682696 CFB-3751819 Mobile Support itisdesign [ANeff] Bug for: "Generate PhoneGap Build" does nothing (silently logs error) Clicking "Generate PhoneGap Build" does nothing (no error displayed either). If I check {workspace}\.metadata\.log, I see this error:
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