search : frédéric peters

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2673511 CF-4126468 External U. Hi Adobe, "Reported By" isn't visible. Please display: "Frédéric Peters". Thanks!, -Aaron
2673503 CF-4126477 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Frédéric Peters Note Added: This code is no more generating an error on my side ! Date Added :2016-01-28 13:38:22.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Frédéric Peters Note Added: Entered Bug. Date Added :2016-01-10 18:57:50.0
2673544 CF-4126426 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Frédéric Peters Note Added: Sorry duplicate entry. Ignore this. Date Added :2016-01-28 13:51:35.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Frédéric Peters Note Added: Entered Bug. Date Added :2016-01-28 13:47:56.0
Tracker Issue nested cfoutput
2673503 CF-4126477 General Server Frédéric Peters nested cfoutput Problem Description: Nested cfoutput do not behave like previously Steps to Reproduce: Run this code: SELECT randID, itemID FROM Messages WHERE messageId = "1" #randID# #itemID# Actual Result: generates an error Expected
2673504 CF-4126476 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Frédéric Peters Note Added: This is my first bug report. Sorry if it is incomplete. Date Added :2016-01-10 19:00:09.0
2673548 CF-4126422 CFwatson U. Added By:nimsharm Note Added: Thanks for the confirmation. I will close this bug. Date Added :2016-02-06 07:00:42.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Frédéric Peters Note Added: I was not able to reproduce the bug. I believe it was related to cached queries
2673511 CF-4126468 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Frédéric Peters Note Added: SELECT itemID FROM products WHERE itemID = "224867" SELECT itemID, titre FROM Products WHERE itemID = #itemId# #q2.itemID# #q2.titre# I read it is fixed. Sorry for the delay. Date Added
Tracker Issue nested cfoutput
2673504 CF-4126476 Language : Application Framework Frédéric Peters nested cfoutput Duplicate ID: CF-4105612 Problem Description: Nested cfoutput do not behave like previously Steps to Reproduce: Run this code: SELECT randID, itemID FROM Messages WHERE messageId = "1" #randID# #item
Tracker Issue Whitespace problem
2673511 CF-4126468 General Server Frédéric Peters Whitespace problem Problem Description: Somewhere in my code I had to do something like this: 1. Query ( name=query1) 2. Output of query 1. Then, inside this output: a second query ( for instance named query2 ) then I call " #query2
Tracker Issue Whitespace problem
2673544 CF-4126426 Language : Application Framework Frédéric Peters Whitespace problem Duplicate ID: CF-4105928 Problem Description: Space ignored Steps to Reproduce: SELECT itemID FROM products WHERE itemID = "224867" SELECT itemID, titre FROM Products WHERE itemID = #itemId# #q2
2673512 CF-4126466 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Frédéric Peters Note Added: CF8.0 now the memory problem does not seem to occur anymore tell me which log file please and I will send it to you Date Added :2016-01-31 15:09:32.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Frédéric Peters
Tracker Issue Server timeout
2673512 CF-4126466 Language : Application Framework Frédéric Peters Server timeout Problem Description: a page with http-equiv refresh generates this: Server Timeout body { background-image: url(" (...) Server
2673548 CF-4126422 Language Frédéric Peters query without cfqueryparam strange behaviour Problem Description: SELECT * , Products.titre,Products.CategoryID, Products.cptxt FROM NewPhotos INNER JOIN Products on Products.ItemID = NewPhotos.ItemID where NewPhotos.ItemID = 224888 ==> #query1