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3551265 CF-4199848 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting Peter Legg ColdFusion 11, Update 12 breaks Flex remoting in some cases (not fixed in Update 13) Problem Description: Installation of Update 12 (required for IAVA) results in the Flex error in the attached file. Expected functionality has been confirmed
2614293 CF-3118587 Flex/Flash Shigeru Nakagaki WriteAMF method like WriteOutput On Application.cfc, there is onCFCRequest method. Unfortunately it can't be used for Remoting access from Flex. Because there is no way to output AMF3 data. So, I want CF team to add a global method like Write
they abandoned the Flex/Flash platform. Looks like they're heading that way with ColdFusion as well. It was a good ride, but time to move on. M. McConnell
2600053 CF-3039437 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting Pedro Claudio Bug 79066:(Watson Migration Closure)Files ASR are not identified by Flex Problem: Files ASR are not identified by Flex Method: teste.asr ========= function getArt(){ var rs = CF.query({datasource: "cfartgallery", sql:"SELECT * from Art
2602327 CF-3036977 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting João Fernandes Bug 74044:(Watson Migration Closure)[RIA]ColdFusion should support SWF verification similar to FMS Problem: [RIA]ColdFusion should support SWF verification similar to FMS. This increases security by avoiding changed/hacked swf files
2602425 CF-3036867 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting João Fernandes Bug 73839:[LCDS] Centaur should be shipped with the latest version of LCDS Problem: [LCDS] Centaur should be shipped with the latest version of LCDS. If not possible to ship with DUNE, it should at least have LCDS 2.6.1. Sooner we get
2603191 CF-3035896 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting João Fernandes Bug 72792:(Watson Migration Closure)[Flex][Security] Centaur should support swf verification similar to FMS Problem: [Flex][Security] Centaur should support swf verification similar to FMS. This would allow CF server to protect
2610253 CF-3714577 Flex/Flash Pascal Destailleur coldfusion does not recognize the user-agent string of IE11 and uses the embed-tag instead of the object-tag for flash-forms Problem Description:coldfusion does not recognize the user-agent string of IE11 and uses the embed-tag instead of the object
2608295 CF-4134089 Flex/Flash Scott Stroz Blaze not working after Updater 17 applied Duplicate ID: CF-4049214 Problem Description: After applying Updater 18, an app that relies heavily on Blaze stopped working correctly. I no longer see calls to flex2gateway/cfamfpolling in the network tab
2599261 CF-3040409 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration David Tucker Bug 80681:The Brigde table created for Many-To-Many relationships automatically assumes that the primary keys of the two entities are int's Problem: The Brigde table created for Many-To-Many relationships automatically assumes
2612759 CF-3432288 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting ext-user ColdFusion 10 - On Mac 7.5 Server flex remote service failed Problem: On Mac OS 7.5 server it failed to access flex2gateway through Apache WebServer in ColdFusion10 Method: 1. Install ColdFusion 10 on Mac OS X 7.5 and configure the connector
2598730 CF-3041006 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting João Fernandes Bug 82210:[JFERNANDES] unable to deploy a simple model to LCDS integrated to CF9 Problem: [JFERNANDES] unable to deploy a simple model to LCDS integrated to CF9. I've tried with a single table, an empty model, nothing works. Attached
2598731 CF-3041005 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting João Fernandes Bug 82209:[JFERNANDES] to have Data Modeler plugin able to connect sucessfully with CF9, additional steps are required1) add additional rds init arguments useAppserverSecurityuseAppserverSecurityfalse 2) add a specific destination
2598877 CF-3040842 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting João Fernandes Bug 81839:(Watson Migration Closure)[JFERNANDES] There should be an easier way to merge LCDS with CF Problem: [JFERNANDES] There should be an easier way to merge LCDS with CF. I propose a small AIR App which would bundle 2.6.1 and 3
2600899 CF-3038537 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting João Fernandes Bug 77188:[JFERNANDES] CF9 should add support for NIO endpoints similar to what is bundled with LCDS so for those who might not not be able to run RTMP can leverage a high performance endpoint too using HTTP pr Problem: [JFERNANDES] CF9
2608141 CF-4182861 Flex/Flash Elif Karakas Trying to load an ORM enabled entity with relations into a flex and get This connection either has time out.. error Duplicate ID: CF-4108519 Problem Description: The flex application gives the following error on CF11 version. The same code works on CF10
2613620 CF-3199275 Flex/Flash Devin Holloway When using offline AIR support, the client-side [Transient] metadata is already used for another purpose. Problem Description: Flex uses the [Transient] meta-data on a property to omit sending that property to the server. ColdFusion AIR offline support
2599733 CF-3039777 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration David Tucker Bug 79587:The current ORM capability provided in the cfair Problem: The current ORM capability provided in the cfair.swc file does not support the logging of SQL as it is sent to the SQLite database. This greatly limits the developer
2610658 CF-3688479 Flex/Flash Devin Holloway Open up the source to cfair.swc Problem Description: There's a few old bugs with the 'Offline AIR' support that have not been resolved: 3199275, 3199274, and 3199273. If the source was available, I could easily override or recompile with the new fixes
2613621 CF-3199274 Flex/Flash Devin Holloway When using offline AIR support, the actionscript load(cls, object, ignoreLazyLoading) method is broken Problem Description: I have a client-side class named "User". I try to load specific records from the generated SQLite table using the load() method
2613622 CF-3199273 Flex/Flash Devin Holloway When using offline AIR support, certain class property names need escaped Problem Description: When using offline AIR support, I have a client-side class with a property named "primary". The SQLite table for this class cannot be created because the SQL
2598375 CF-3041405 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Steven Peeters Bug 82799:autoIncrement attirbute doens get filled out when processing the [Column] metadata Problem: autoIncrement attirbute doens get filled out when processing the [Column] metadata. This does not allow to create autoincrement
2598982 CF-3040724 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Abram Adams Bug 81452:When an entity has a data type of Date the adl Problem: When an entity has a data type of Date the adl.exe process does not terminate when you close the air application. The only way to terminate the process is to go
2599196 CF-3040479 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Jason Dean Bug 80895:If the SQLite lite DB is encrypted but the cache DB is not, then there is an obvious flaw in the encryption usage because the data will be store unencrypted right next to the encrytped DB on the file Problem: If the SQLite lite
Tracker Issue Bug 80118:ER request
2599439 CF-3040190 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Michael Nimer Bug 80118:ER request Problem: ER request. The AIR/ORM conflict code only lets you accept the server. Which means that you have to loose all of your changes and start over when there is a conflict with an object you are trying to save
2599673 CF-3039842 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration David Tucker Bug 79663:The current AIR ORM for ColdFusion 9 does not support primary key generation Problem: The current AIR ORM for ColdFusion 9 does not support primary key generation. Even in the most simplistic examples, this does not function
2599763 CF-3039747 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Darron Schall Bug 79546:The SessionToken class needs to be made dynamic to be consistent with AsyncToken usage Problem: The SessionToken class needs to be made dynamic to be consistent with AsyncToken usage. It is a common practice to attach data
2599764 CF-3039746 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Darron Schall Bug 79545:The SyncManager client-side class for AIR offline integration needs to provide the ability to encrypt the local database Problem: The SyncManager client-side class for AIR offline integration needs to provide the ability
2600208 CF-3039274 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration João Fernandes Bug 78776:(Watson Migration Closure)[JFERNANDES] AIR Sync Method should follow LCDS sync method Problem: [JFERNANDES] AIR Sync Method should follow LCDS sync method. Instead of 3 arguments, it should send a ChangeObject which would
5341379 CF-4204012 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting CF2018 Deserializing Daylight Aving Time Dates Problem Description: When sending complex objects from Flex to CF 2018, and the complex object contains a Date type, and the date value of the member is in Daylight Saving Time, then a "coldfusion
2599508 CF-3040018 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting Raymond Camden Bug 79998:I've got a very simple entity, no relations, that I want to serve up via Flex Problem: I've got a very simple entity, no relations, that I want to serve up via Flex. I built a CFC method that returns it with entityToQuery. I
2598147 CF-3041688 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting m d Bug 83411:if you use application scope variables inside the getters and setters of a value object the blazeds gateway throws an error application$someKey$ in undefined se example value object if you make a sim Problem: if you use application scope
2598818 CF-3040907 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting m d Bug 82014:'ve built a Flex application which is calling coldfusion CFC through remote objects in order to retrieve data Problem: 've built a Flex application which is calling coldfusion CFC through remote objects in order to retrieve data. 2 days
2599782 CF-3039728 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting João Fernandes Bug 79523:(Watson Migration Closure)[JFERNANDES] remoteFetch should be none/id/all instead of true/false Problem: [JFERNANDES] remoteFetch should be none/id/all instead of true/false. When retrieving an entity with relationships to flex
2600503 CF-3038958 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting Devin Holloway Bug 78059:(Watson Migration Closure)Proxy ActionScript Classes Problem: Proxy ActionScript Classes The current list of supported services cfchart, cfdocument, cfimage, cfmail, cfpdf, and cfpop. There are, of course, serveral more
2600510 CF-3038950 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting Todd Sharp Bug 78025:I have a remote object call from flex that was set up the following way: Duplicate ID: CF-3038713 Problem: I have a remote object call from flex that was set up the following way: In actionscript I call it like so: var
2601020 CF-3038405 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting Nathan Mische Bug 76944:The CFEventGatewayAdapter doesn't support selectors Problem: The CFEventGatewayAdapter doesn't support selectors. See the following BlazeDS issue for more details: Method: Steps
2601452 CF-3037947 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting João Fernandes Bug 76073:[JFERNANDES]Remoting calls made to a service which return ORM entities with lazy properties don't honor laziness Problem: [JFERNANDES]Remoting calls made to a service which return ORM entities with lazy properties don't honor
2602349 CF-3036954 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting TJ Downes Bug 73970:Flex Remoting appears broken in Alpha 2 Problem: Flex Remoting appears broken in Alpha 2. It cannot seem to find the CFCs specified in RemoteObjects Method: Install CF as Server Configuration or Multiserver on Windows Vista SP1
2602351 CF-3036952 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting João Fernandes Bug 73967:Serializing/Deserializing persisted CFCs should use implicit getters/setters out of the box without requiring a distinct destination Problem: Serializing/Deserializing persisted CFCs should use implicit getters/setters out
2613647 CF-3196322 Flex/Flash Aaron Neff path_info breaks Flash forms path_info blocks the *.mxml.cfswf file creation. mypage.cfm: In the repro steps, "" refers to the URL for mypage.cfm Repro steps: 1) Ensure SES is enabled in C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion
2608373 CF-4108519 Flex/Flash Daniel Steinemann Trying to load an ORM enabled entity with relations into a flex client results in error Problem Description: The following error occurs when trying to load an entity with relations to a flex client: [BlazeDS] Exception occurred during serialization
2599427 CF-3040204 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Cameron Childress Bug 80183:(Watson Migration Closure)Once you save a VO to SQlite it looks like the table structure is pretty much set and any new properties will not be picked up by the SyncManager, the corresponding columns will not be created
2610866 CF-3673882 Flex/Flash A. Mitchell RTMP channel not working :: coldfusion.flash.messaging.CFRTMPEndPoint not found Problem Description: When trying to use the cf-rtmp channel, the server throws and error saying that the endpoint for the channel cannot be found. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Add
2599437 CF-3040192 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting John Mason Bug 80120:Detected duplicate HTTP-based FlexSessions in Remote Object callsFlex Remoting fault errors in doing Flex remoting to CF9 Problem: Detected duplicate HTTP-based FlexSessions in Remote Object callsFlex Remoting fault errors in doing
2600189 CF-3039294 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting João Fernandes Bug 78818:[JFERNANDES][LCDS] unable to send ORM entities with circular references direcly to LCDS Problem: [JFERNANDES][LCDS] unable to send ORM entities with circular references direcly to LCDS Method: Create entities with one
2612198 CF-3543725 Flex/Flash spiros aggelopoulos Error deserializing client message. Problem Description:call from mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject to coldfusion 10 server ends with fault "Error deserializing client message." dump of fault event : rootCause Object (@18f5f359) cause null
2598934 CF-3040778 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Abram Adams Bug 81610:When you have ManyToOne and ManyToMany relationships and fetch the parent entity from the server you get back from the server the parent entity and all of the child entity data (verifiable by debuggin Problem: When you have Many
2598981 CF-3040725 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Abram Adams Bug 81453:When you have a self joining entity the saveUpdateCache() method runs forever (or at least until you run out of RAM) Problem: When you have a self joining entity the saveUpdateCache() method runs forever (or at least until you
2600287 CF-3039192 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting João Fernandes Bug 78630:[JFERNANDES]the new metadata from custom serialization are not supported inside NIO endpoints Duplicate ID: CF-3038537 Problem: [JFERNANDES]the new metadata from custom serialization are not supported inside NIO endpoints
2602676 CF-3036592 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting João Fernandes Bug 73497:[Flex] CF Deserializer doesn't handle circular references and throws an error Problem: [Flex] CF Deserializer doesn't handle circular references and throws an error. If you try to send a ObjectA with Many Objects B and if one
2598106 CF-3041732 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration peter Bierman Bug 83490:(Watson Migration Closure)Problem occurs wtih the coldfusion Problem: Problem occurs wtih the coldfusion.air.SyncManager class.Setting the secureHttp property to 'true' does not work.http requests are still submitted over http
2599546 CF-3039974 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting João Fernandes Bug 79895:[JFERNANDES] LCDS integration is broken in GMC Problem: [JFERNANDES] LCDS integration is broken in GMC. Something is swalloging arguments unexpectally. The same code base running on cf8+lcds is working perfectly, upgrading
2600796 CF-3038645 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting João Fernandes Bug 77373:[JFERNANDES]CF team needs to certify CF adapters on LCDS 3 Problem: [JFERNANDES]CF team needs to certify CF adapters on LCDS 3 This ER is based on Ram advice, right now there is no way to work with CF and LCDS DCD workflow
2598531 CF-3041230 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting Bryon Reynolds Bug 82536:The following link describes the problem Problem: The following link describes the problem. It involves passing a Flex object with some properties set to null down to Coldfusion, where the properties are converted to [empty
2601026 CF-3038399 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting Jared Rypka-Hauer Bug 76933:I just got nailed by this issue again Problem: I just got nailed by this issue again... after struggling with a Flex app that couldn't find a CFC literally for several hours, I was checking over some settings file
2599447 CF-3040182 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting João Fernandes Bug 80083:[JFERNANDES] Streaming AMF isn't working with shipped version of BlazeDS Problem: [JFERNANDES] Streaming AMF isn't working with shipped version of BlazeDS. Clients don't get the Acknowledge message from the server Method
2601444 CF-3037956 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting João Fernandes Bug 76087:[JFERNANDES] AMF Gateway is unable to send discriminated entities to be sent over the wire to flex applications Problem: [JFERNANDES] AMF Gateway is unable to send discriminated entities to be sent over the wire to flex
2599412 CF-3040223 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Cameron Childress Bug 80207:OneToMany in the CFAIR integration doesn't appear to work as documented (or perhaps at all) Problem: OneToMany in the CFAIR integration doesn't appear to work as documented (or perhaps at all).I have actually gotten
2598733 CF-3041003 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting João Fernandes Bug 82205:[JFERNANDES] Modeler panels throws stacktrace if LCDS 3 related instance is not running Problem: [JFERNANDES] Modeler panels throws stacktrace if LCDS 3 related instance is not running Method: 1)Stop any cf+LCDS 3 instance2