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File Search Find and Replace Feature Data Loss Due to File Encoding Change on Save
Blizzard Crash / Memory Leak? Find and Replace Feature with File Encoding Issue
Tracker Comment Comment on Blizzard Crash / Memory Leak? Find and Replace Feature with File Encoding Issue by CFwatson U.
Comment on Blizzard Crash / Memory Leak? Find and Replace Feature with File Encoding Issue by CFwatson U.
Tracker Comment Comment on File Search Find and Replace Feature Data Loss Due to File Encoding Change on Save by CFwatson U.
Comment on File Search Find and Replace Feature Data Loss Due to File Encoding Change on Save by CFwatson U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Blizzard Crash / Memory Leak? Find and Replace Feature with File Encoding Issue by Milan C.
Comment on Blizzard Crash / Memory Leak? Find and Replace Feature with File Encoding Issue by Milan C.
Tracker Issue Replace and ReplaceNoCase needs optional start from
1723018 CF-4163460 Wishlist Replace and ReplaceNoCase needs optional start from Find and FindNoCase both can operate from a starting point of a string, where as Replace and ReplaceNoCase offer no such option.
Replace and ReplaceNoCase needs an optional starting point param so it can work off
1723018 CF-4163460 External U. IF FindNoCase(word,content,startPosition)
THEN ReplaceNoCase(content,wordToRemove,"","one",startPosition)
I have a much more complex version of this, which I cannot post, but ultimately I end up having to track several positions and use temp vars because the Replace
2682194 CFB-4160064 External U. I don't know if this is related but CFB2016 has also frozen on my while using find and replace. I'm wondering if the cause of this ticket is also the cause of that problem (doesn't find and replace in the search list open the file to make the replacement?)
Bug 84164:(Watson Migration Closure)Replace "noCase" functions by a parameter for case sensitive functionsSurely people are already used to find() and findNoCase() and similar functions and they are used in every application, but why no
Tracker Comment Comment on Add callback to replacenocase function by Aaron N.
2876751 CF-4198356 Aaron N. +1 - The Replace() callback only runs when Replace() finds a match. But, of course, Replace() would not find a match for "a" in a string containing only uppercase letters (for example). So.. the callback would never run. Thus, ReplaceNoCase() needs a callback. And, now
Tracker Issue Hangs when indenting
Same unresponsive behavior shows when performing a find and replace on a similar size CFM.
Version: 3.1.3
Build: 300344
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds:
Comment on Replace and ReplaceNoCase needs optional start from by External U.
Comment on Replace and ReplaceNoCase needs optional start from by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion is inconsistent in the way it handles data of BIT type within a query by Aaron N.
5160232 CF-4203676 Aaron N. Oops! I wish I could edit my previous comment.
Adobe, can you please find/replace these?:
1) "I'd propose Suggestion 3." => "I'd propose Suggestion 2."
2) "I realize Suggestion 3" => "I realize Suggestion 2"
aliciam29605858 Good idea, but I can't find evidence of that.
I did find that when I replace cfajax.js from update 7 with update 11, I do not have this problem, so it is definitely related to AJAX. At least there is a workaround, although I'm not sure what other effects this might have.
Tracker Issue Result Exclusion / Exclude Words from Search
2682290 CFB-4130072 Find and Replace Travis Walters Result Exclusion / Exclude Words from Search I realize that what I am about to ask for with the file search in Blizzard might be possible with RegEx but a lot of programmers struggle with RegEx and like to use it as little as possible. This might
Tracker Issue ColdFusion Builder 3 - Search on Open Documents produces java.lang.NullPointerException
2682574 CFB-3934105 Find and Replace Tech ColdFusion Builder 3 - Search on Open Documents produces java.lang.NullPointerException Reference:
Problem Description:
Search on Open Documents produces java.lang.NullPointerException
Tracker Comment Comment on Cfmail just started removing spaces and any non html formated emails aren't sending by Heather H.
4223237 CF-4202042 Heather H. FYI I did a mass replace of all the spaces and it removed the spaces between the variables. I believe these emails were created in word and the client bolded everywhere that was to be a variable. I was able to find all these and now it seems to be working via HTML
Portal Topic Server 2016 and CF 2016
johns93578008 Server 2016 and CF 2016 I am finally getting around to replacing the old CF11 on Server 2008R2 environment we have. I downloaded the installer for CF2016 a while ago, and apparently there is an update to allow it to run on Server 2016. But, for the life of me, I can’t find a place
the closure will receive for the reReplace() and reReplaceNoCase() functions? I would like to propose that they receive as their first argument, the same data structure currently returned by the reFind() and reFindNoCase() functions when "returnSubExpression" is set to true which is the following:
A struct
2611935 CF-3572565 External U. (sorry to take forever to follow on with further findings...)
The work-around to the bad defaults... is to create a 'cookieParams' structure as follows... and pass it to CFApplication (assuming a CF10 instance - CF9 may complain)
cookieParams = StructNew();
Tracker Issue issue in OleDateTime and NumberFormat
Was replaced with
BigInteger bigOne = BigInteger.ONE;
Due to the PMD warning as follows:
Don't create instances of already existing BigInteger and BigDecimal (ZERO, ONE, TEN).
Don't create instances of already existing BigInteger (BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger.ONE) and for 1.5 on, BigInteger.TEN and Big
Tracker Issue ReplaceNoCase and unicode return the wrong result
ReplaceNoCase and unicode return the wrong result
Tracker Comment Comment on Implicit Array passed as named parameter to function in block ignores functions by External U.
2609731 CF-3790842 External U. So, basically, this bug should not be closed, but it the example above should be replaced with my example below. I couldn't find the original bug Adam mentioned because searching for "implicit" did not bring up that result.
Callback support missing for replaceNoCase(), reReplace() and reReplaceNoCase() functions. Also, the callback function should receive the "count of the current replacement operation".
Tracker Comment Comment on CFMail Issue by External U.
2596957 CF-3312296 External U. +1 having had to track down other issues in older versions of CF (4.5 and 5.0 back in the day) can say this can be maddening to try and find.
Only question is does it occur in CF 10? The entire scheduler was replaced with Quartz for scheduled tasks and the forum
Comment on Callback support missing for replaceNoCase(), reReplace() and reReplaceNoCase() functions. Also, the callback function should receive the "count of the current replacement operation". by Poonam J.
Comment on Callback support missing for replaceNoCase(), reReplace() and reReplaceNoCase() functions. Also, the callback function should receive the "count of the current replacement operation". by Poonam J.
Comment on Callback support missing for replaceNoCase(), reReplace() and reReplaceNoCase() functions. Also, the callback function should receive the "count of the current replacement operation". by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on CFPOP doesn't create the query given by name="" with updater 7 installed by External U.
2608462 CF-4088896 External U. Hey Adobe! This is not acceptable! Push the hotfix out through the update mechanism! We can't expect people to randomly find the fix for this bug through google and/or adam cameron's blog.
DO NOT _replace_ update 7, make it update 7.1 or update 8 or something.
2611003 CF-3653076 External U. jcelias If you have not used apache since you upgraded to Mavericks, then the first thing you need to do is go find your old httpd.conf file. Upgrading OS X replaces your httpd.conf with a new one. You old one is saved in /etc/apache2/ as httpd
'll note that close inspection of the stringComparison.txt file shows that there is no quick easy workaround after serialization. If you search for \u in the second string, you will find that it replaces both lower case and uppercase variants from the first string of U+ and u+. Turning it back means
and/or footer. It is very difficult to browse through the printed manuals and quickly find a tag/function. CF7 manuals had the tag/function name in the odd page numbered footer. CF8 manuals lost the tag names. They we replaced with headers that show "CFML reference" on every page (not very useful
Not done:
P.S. Adobe
Replacing QueryConvertForGrid with Window functions and Common Table Expressions
Tracker Comment Comment on cfindex should be able to strip html tags as well as decode html entity before indexing for type="custom" by Aaron N.
2609028 CF-3944307 Aaron N. Hi Piyush,
CMS is also the use case where I'd find this useful. I have HTML content stored in db. Currently, I run reReplaceNoCase("]*>", "", "all") and decodeForHTML() on that content before indexing.
It'd be handy if cfindex did that by default, or had an attribute
Tracker Comment Comment on replaceWithCallback() by External U.
Comment on replaceWithCallback() by External U.
Comment on Callback support missing for replaceNoCase(), reReplace() and reReplaceNoCase() functions. Also, the callback function should receive the "count of the current replacement operation". by Nikhil S.
Tracker Issue neo-websocket.xml is installed as a blank file
Installer log reports the installation of neo-websocket.xml as a success.
I had to find a copy of the file on the internet to replace the blank one.
Tracker Comment Comment on Add includeEmptyFields parameter to ReplaceList (as per ListToArray and others) by Adobe D.
2612627 CF-3489021 Adobe D. The function call replacelist(Filename,"',##,&, ",",,and,-") will now remove the delimiters ' and # and replace the delimiter & with "and" and spaces with "-"
(Comment added from ex-user id:nawani)
arrayFindNoCase() and Array.findNoCase() return different exceptions
Bug 84117:Add delimiter parameters to function replaceList()Currently replaceList() is requiring its parameters "list1" and "list2" to be comma seperated
Tracker Issue arraySearch()
need one function:
integer function arraySearch(required Array arrayToSearch, required any objectToFind, optional String scope=(ONE|all), optional Boolean caseSensitive=TRUE)
I recommend deprecating that other mess of functions, and replacing with this one function.
Comment on Bug 84117:Add delimiter parameters to function replaceList()Currently replaceList() is requiring its parameters "list1" and "list2" to be comma seperated by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Add includeEmptyFields parameter to ReplaceList (as per ListToArray and others) by External U.
Comment on Add includeEmptyFields parameter to ReplaceList (as per ListToArray and others) by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Apache 2.2.21 with CF10 error "ELF file OS ABI Error running" by Kiran S.
go inside apache-2.0 folder and locate the mod_jk.so
Step 7 :- If didn’t find mod_jk.so. Do make inside apache-2.0
Step 8:- replace the generated mod_jk.so with previous configured connector. You can find the same in this location {CF-Home}/config/wsconfig/{some_no}/mod_jk.so
Step 9 :- restart
Comment on ReplaceNoCase and unicode return the wrong result by Daniel B.
2610252 CF-3714584 External U. Please fix. Replace the FCKEDITOR with something current. Perhaps, ckeditor? http://ckeditor.com/
Add includeEmptyFields parameter to ReplaceList (as per ListToArray and others)
Tracker Issue <cfhtmltopdf> and special caracter
2671793 CF-4198045 Document Management : PDF Generation (CFHTML2PDF) Christophe Girodon and special caracter Problem Description: Special character replaced by another character when using
Steps to Reproduce:
Display block caracter : █
Actual Result: in the pdf file, the broken bar
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: old percent width grid regression
3427457 CF-4199532 AJAX : UI Components Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: old percent width grid regression Thought I'd logged this years ago, but cannot find the ticket.
CF8 allowed cfgrid width to be percentage value. CF9+ doesn't (throws "height/width attribute cannot be a percentage value
Comment on Callback support missing for replaceNoCase(), reReplace() and reReplaceNoCase() functions. Also, the callback function should receive the "count of the current replacement operation". by Aaron N.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Doc Bug for: Many array function docs have typos and are unclear and misleading by External U.
2613282 CF-3335948 External U. Hi Frank, Poonam and Jacob,
2 items were not done:
- "Syntax" section is incomplete and does not match the "Parameters"
TODO: Add this to Syntax: ArrayFindNoCase(array, function(arrayElement) {return true|false;})
- "Syntax
Tracker Comment Comment on cfmap.js and cfwebsocketchannel.js have typo: handler misspelled hanlder by External U.
2609060 CF-3940374 External U. +1 - Same typo in multiple files, even after fixing CF-3342991? I'd just search the entire code base and replace all Hanlder w/ Handler.
Tracker Comment Comment on Add includeEmptyFields parameter to ReplaceList (as per ListToArray and others) by External U.
Comment on Add includeEmptyFields parameter to ReplaceList (as per ListToArray and others) by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Add includeEmptyFields parameter to ReplaceList (as per ListToArray and others) by External U.
Comment on Add includeEmptyFields parameter to ReplaceList (as per ListToArray and others) by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Upgrading Ehcache causes silent failure and unexpected behavior by Akhila K.
2613190 CF-3339491 Akhila K. When "ehcache-core-2.5.1.jar" is replaced by "ehcache-core-2.6.0.jar" in cfusion/lib, I see the reported behavior.
Tracker Issue Implicit Setters on Entities are sometimes unresolved and CF searches CGI scope causing Error while reading header
I have found that in ColdFusion 9.01, sometimes calls to implicit setters causes ColdFusion to try to resolve the setter method as though it were a property, and it will look into the CGI scope to try to find it. If the user browser has disconnected, closed, clicked-away, etc
Tracker Comment Comment on Finding and Fixing Errors Reported by Coldfusion Report Builder by External U.
Comment on Finding and Fixing Errors Reported by Coldfusion Report Builder by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Finding and Fixing Errors Reported by Coldfusion Report Builder by Vamseekrishna N.
Comment on Finding and Fixing Errors Reported by Coldfusion Report Builder by Vamseekrishna N.
2613408 CF-3321666 Aaron N. Verified this is fixed in CF2016 Update 1 (build 2016.0.01.298513). When "scope" parameter of reFind()/reFindNoCase()/myString.reFind()/myString.reFindNoCase() is "all", then array of Len/Pos/Match struct is returned. When "scope" parameter is "one" (or omitted
Portal Comment Comment on Union and diff of arrays by aliaspooryorik
aliaspooryorik Thanks Tushar.
I did do a couple of related posts which people may be interested to read and it's quite hard to find related posts on this community portal so here they are:
Intersection of Arrays [https
3992528 CF-4201202 Language : Closures Aaron Neff [ANeff] ER for: Callback support in ArrayContains and ArrayDelete Callback support was added to ArrayFind. ArrayFindAll has always supported callback.
This ER is to add same callback support to ArrayContains and ArrayDelete.
Of course this means
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: ArrayContainsNoCase and ArrayDeleteNoCase are missing by Awdhesh K.
2613281 CF-3335956 Awdhesh K. Following synatx does not work..
data = [aaaa, ["sam", "john"]];
elementToFind = ["SAM", "JOHN"];
inn =ArrayFindNoCase(data, elementToFind);
writeoutput("Index found at #inn#");
It seems the function will not serve the purpose well and rather will bring confusion.
Tracker Issue [regression] Update refind() and deprecate reMatch()
2613408 CF-3321666 Language Adam Cameron [regression] Update refind() and deprecate reMatch() There's currently a gap in CF's regex finding. reFind() will return subexpressions, but only return one match. reMatch() returns all matches, but no sub expressions.
I recommend updating reFind
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: ArrayContainsNoCase and ArrayDeleteNoCase are missing by External U.
2613281 CF-3335956 External U. Hi Awdhesh,
I'm searching for a 'string', not an 'array'. Can you please try this?
data = ["aaaa", ["sam", "john"]];
elementToFind = "AAAA";//string
inn = ArrayFindNoCase(data, elementToFind);
writeoutput("Index found at #inn#");
Result: Index found at 1
Tracker Issue Improve scalar functions in query of query
of scalar functions an SQL implementation ought to support.
Obviously Adobe are not in the business of creating a DB platform, but as a minimum a few ought to be added:
* time part extraction like year() / month() / day() / hour() / minute() / second()
* datediff() / dateadd()
* substring() / replace
Tracker Issue Improve scalar functions in query of query
() / replace() / trim()
Again, I thought I (or someone) had already raised a ticket to this effect, but I cannae find it anywhere.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3861321
External Customer Info:
External Company:
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Doc Bug for: Many array function docs have typos and are unclear and misleading
2613282 CF-3335948 Documentation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Doc Bug for: Many array function docs have typos and are unclear and misleading Many array function docs have typos and are unclear and misleading.
- "Description" section is unclear and misleading
- "Returns" section has an extra
Tracker Comment Comment on Named param replacement by External U.
2609035 CF-3943345 External U. I submitted this same problem as a new bug (CF-4014578) before finding yours. Mine was marked as a duplicate.
Tim, would you please upgrade the frequency and/or priority of your bug?
This is definitely a problem that needs to be addressed by Adobe. The workaround
Finding and Fixing Errors Reported by Coldfusion Report Builder
Comment on ReplaceNoCase and unicode return the wrong result by Bernhard D.
Tracker Comment Comment on Add includeEmptyFields parameter to ReplaceList (as per ListToArray and others) by External U.
Comment on Add includeEmptyFields parameter to ReplaceList (as per ListToArray and others) by External U.
2682259 CFB-4130234 External U. Is there any replacement feature the offers the same functionality?
Do users of CF Builder 2016 have downgrade rights to CF Builder 2?
This feature is critical to us, and we bought licenses based on the documentation and advertised features.
Tracker Comment Comment on left and right not working as expected by Jürgen W.
2672505 CF-4194557 Jürgen W. I am sorry, but about one year later I am not able to easily find the situation where it occurred.
Portal Comment Comment on Union and diff of arrays by James Mohler
James Mohler Let me make sure I understand.
Arrays are getting passed into the function. Array have member functions above and beyond the ones that Adobe lists. Are there other Java member functions that may be useful? How would I find them?
Portal Comment Comment on Union and diff of arrays by Tony Junkes
Tony Junkes Regarding finding available Java methods:
In order to find this, we need to get the Java class that is being used with the given data type/object we're working with. From there it's just a matter of calling that class' getMethods() function and iterating over the results; which
Tracker Comment Comment on java.lang.ClassCastException when looping over query and returning a structure in a try block by External U.
2608882 CF-3971871 External U. very annoying bug
you need to rewrite a lot if code if you used "cfloop query" often and you can't simply search/replace with "cfoutput query" because of nesting cfoutput problem
Tracker Comment Comment on arrayFindNoCase() and Array.findNoCase() return different exceptions by CFwatson U.
Comment on arrayFindNoCase() and Array.findNoCase() return different exceptions by CFwatson U.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: ArrayContainsNoCase and ArrayDeleteNoCase are missing by Awdhesh K.
2613281 CF-3335956 Awdhesh K. Hi Aaron,
I agree with your while trying it with string. But I think in broader context, where this functionality can be tried with other data type rather than String. In earlier example I tried finding an array element (the 2nd element) where it not possible
Wil Genovese I have looked for the license in the Adobe version of Java after I installed it. I can't find anything that says it's licensed by/through Adobe.
I believe you are correct on Java version 1.8.0_202. But Adobe has that version on their site for download. We'll see what happens after
Tracker Issue REST registration and class not found errors
2612201 CF-3542825 REST Services Raymond Camden REST registration and class not found errors Trying to register a REST app and I'm getting:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: art
at coldfusion.xml.rpc.BaseSkeletonClassLoader.find
Portal Comment Comment on ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 9 and ColdFusion 11 Update 17 released by Vamseekrishna Nanneboina
to replace the same with newer versions of the dll files. We are following up with data direct on this.
#3 - This can be handled without an installer bits refresh, so this will be fixed if it has not already been fixed.
Tracker Issue cfinput type="datefield" No longer works properly. Default dates do not load and dates cannot be selected.
3052397 CF-4198582 CFForm : HTML K VN cfinput type="datefield" No longer works properly. Default dates do not load and dates cannot be selected. Problem Description: Using cfinput type="datefield" You can't select a date and an error is returned. Default values are ignored and replaced with yyyy
2599356 CF-3040296 External U. OK, can you pls find time now? Cheers.
the value of an already-set header will append more and more same-named headers, rather than replacing existing ones, so there's actually no way to CHANGE a header once one has added it.Whatever can be set needs to be able to be changed (and removed, although apparently there's a shortcoming
Portal Comment Comment on Server 2016 and CF 2016 by Charlie Arehart
Charlie Arehart John, as you may know, Adobe no longer offer CF2016 on their public site. If you are a licensed owner of CF2016 with a login to the licensing portal, you can find it there.
Or one can find it on the community-supported CFML engine repo, called cfmlrepo.com.
Or you can use
Tracker Issue [code profiler] some CF built-in function are not being captured in tag/function and code flow tab
code profiler on server
# Execute below one sample code snippet for find().
# stop profiling and view result
We can find so many examples for CF built-in in [https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/cfml-reference/coldfusion-functions/functions-by-category.html]
find("quick","The quick
Tracker Comment Comment on Leading and trailing spaces in QueryOfQuery WHERE conditions not removed by External U.
2673102 CF-4150733 External U. At https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/316626 you can find additional info how MSSQL compare strings.
Tracker Comment Comment on Finding and Fixing Errors Reported by Coldfusion Report Builder by Vamseekrishna N.
Comment on Finding and Fixing Errors Reported by Coldfusion Report Builder by Vamseekrishna N.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfmap.js and cfwebsocketchannel.js have typo: handler misspelled hanlder by Rupesh K.
2609060 CF-3940374 Rupesh K. As I understand, these are local variables and should not impact an application in any way. Though we will correct it, curious to find out if this is impacting your application in any way?
2613408 CF-3321666 External U. I agree, reFind should return the pos and len of all matches. At the very least we should be able to set the scope of the search to all.
Tracker Comment Comment on CFMAIL failing and not returning error by External U.
2596956 CF-3313431 External U. We are experiencing this exact problem and do not have a solution. This puts us at risk, as we need to find another service to perform these mail operations without having a solution to the CFMAIL issue.
2682687 CFB-3756008 Adobe D. Amit, can you please investigate and try to find a repro for this issue.
(Comment added from ex-user id:dsarkar)
Tracker Comment Comment on New function request: valueArray() to complement valueList() by External U.
List() returning an array. Ex: cfinvokeargument() isn't supported as a script replacement for . Ex: cfdocument supports any HTML in a header/footer, but cfhtmltopdf supports only like 5 HTML tags. Ex: and trace() behave inconsistently (ticket CF-3811003). Ex: Referencing an unset query cell behaves inconsistently
.(In accordance to fix for bug no:3194042)
Replace fire_now to firenow as attribute value for OnMisFire.
Portal Comment Comment on CFBuilder, FTP and Compare Files by Delxino
Delxino I agree completely. This basic FTP, compare, synchronize feature is sorely needed in ColdFusion Builder. I find myself switching back and forth between CFBuilder 2018 and Dreamweaver just to accomplish a basic FTP compare & upload. I would love to see this feature added to the next version.
Tracker Comment Comment on Finding and Fixing Errors Reported by Coldfusion Report Builder by Subir J.
Comment on Finding and Fixing Errors Reported by Coldfusion Report Builder by Subir J.
Portal Topic ColdFusion 2016 standard and Oracle adventures
Grae Desmond ColdFusion 2016 standard and Oracle adventures So i was upgrading from ColdFusion 11 to ColdFusion 2016 yesterday. Everything goes fairly smoothly and then i find that none of my data sources are connecting. I’m getting a licensing error connecting to my Oracle databases. Seems
Portal Topic Axis-2 and Axis-1 compatibility issues in ColdFusion
CFsup Axis-2 and Axis-1 compatibility issues in ColdFusion Note: Due to the recent migration of ColdFusion blogs, some blogs were inadvertently lost during the process. We are recovering the blogs, and as we find out more, we shall republish the blogs here. This blog is one such. Problem With Cold