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Font Management throws an error
notes, and files in one collaborative space, archived for easy recall at any time. Stop the creative spiral with escalated notifications at project trigger points. CreativeQ is built for managing the creative process. It is easily customized to fit your workflow, without the unwanted feature
on sessionRotate call. Actual Result: "Error","http-nio-8500-exec-3","01/07/16","21:14:23","cfadmin","Enable SessionManagement to use Session manipulation methods. The specific sequence of files included or processed is: C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\enter.cfm, line: 182
6881052 CF-4207423 File Management : VFS-RAM File with colon in name breaks DirectoryList() and DirectoryDelete() Problem Description: If you write a file to a ram:/// directory with a colon ":" in the name, you will no longer be able to read/delete from that directory. In our case, we
Plain Text Password in API Manager Installation Log File
6032660 CF-4204901 File Management : VFS-S3 Cannot Perform File Operations Between VFS (RAM) AND S3 Problem Description: Cannot perform file operation (Copy/move/others?) between the VFS (RAM drive) and S3. This is happening when the AWS key and secret are used within the source file path
Comment on Plain Text Password in API Manager Installation Log File by CFwatson U.
Bernhard Döbler How did you install ColdFusion? Do you use WAR-deployment?When you are looking at a "regularly" installed ColdFusion and save  the CFAdmin page once with set checkbox "Enable Whitespace Management" and once without the set checkbox you'll see one tiny difference in the file
2611668 CF-3602428 File Management TIMOTHY CUNNINGHAM fileGetMimeType can not get the mimetype of an item in ram:// Virtual File System Problem Description: fileGetMimeType can not get the mimetype of an item in ram:// Virtual File System Steps to Reproduce: store a text file in ram
2609184 CF-3915079 File Management Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: S3 bucket re-creation fails if bucket deleted via S3 Management Console - also directoryExists() returns YES If a CF-created bucket is deleted via the S3 Management Console, then CF is unable to re-create the bucket. Additionally
5120594 CF-4203583 File Management : VFS-S3 AWS S3 interaction - File Append error with CFFILE tag and function Problem Description: Amazon Web Services (AWS); Simple Storage Service (S3). Beginning in Update 6 (and still in Update 7), Calls to append to a text file with CFFILE action
Comment on Whitespace Management is missing CFAdmin > Server Settings > Settings by goochjj
Comment on Using Redis for Session Management Fails by CFwatson U.
5597311 CF-4204174 File Management : CFFile FileAppend() function support Problem: # charset optional # named param support  # addnewline attribute support Method: {code:java} FileAppend( file, data) FileAppend( file, data, charset ) FileAppend( file, data, charset,addNewLine ) {code} Result
's no way to specify a use-implicit-accessors flag in the data-management-config like there is in the remoting-config. [Jayesh]:As work around to this, Trying to add true in the "data-management-config.xml" file, throws the follwing error on server startup as given in the Error Screen section. Method
, Gateway Type : DataManagement, CFC Path : aaa.cfc, Configuration File : flex-data-management-gateway.cfg). edit flex-data-management-gateway.cfg - comment out #host=localhost. register gateway instance 1. ColdFusion standalone : can't start gateway instance service. 2. JRUN mode (LCDS2.61) : started
Comment on Plain Text Password in API Manager Installation Log File by CFwatson U.
Unable to parse API Manager config file. wsconfig on Linux
2613917 CF-3148665 File Management Aaron Neff fileUpload()/ error says "upoaded" instead of "uploaded" Typo in fileUpload()/ error message, if "filefield" is omitted and form contains no file field. Repro: ---> Steps: Try both the cffile action="upload" and the fileUpload. Error
Blizzard Crash / Memory Leak? Find and Replace Feature with File Encoding Issue
3122922 CF-4198748 File Management Peter Freitag Add getCanonicalPath function It would be useful to have a builtin getCanonicalPath function which would essentially just call the getCanonicalPath function. The canonical path is useful for performing security checks on file paths.
Unable to view log files of remote server configured to server manager
2608911 CF-3965508 File Management : VFS-S3 ext-user [regression]:StoreGetMetaData() does not return owner details of bucket Problem:StoreGetMetaData() does not return owner details of bucket Method:execute test case : http://see-lv-a062/cfsuite/coldfusion/tags/file-management/AmazonS3Support
2608896 CF-3968971 Kailash B. Fix verified in build: 295738 Platform tested on: Win7x64 Test case used: //depot/qa/cf/regression/coretests/coldfusion/tags/file-management/cfzip/zip/bugs/CF-3968971.cfm
4790898 CF-4203313 File Management : CFFile fileWrite() not equivalent to as does not support a "mode" parameter Problem Description:As far as I can tell I can't set the permissions of a file I create in cfscript without first creating the file and then using fileSetAccessMode() Steps
Bug 82343:After a custom font has been registered in the CF Admin, if the font file is renamed, deleted, or moved, the Font Management page of the admin will report the error Variable FONTFAMILY is undefined
ServerManager.air installation file that ships with ColdFusion is corrupt
2608466 CF-4088050 File Management Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: ticket 3114274 was deleted ticket 3114274 was deleted The CF11 Update 5 doc says 3114274 was fixed, but I'm unable to view 3114274. Please restore the ticket. ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
2609282 CF-3862308 File Management : VFS-S3 ext-user Recursive creation of directory for S3 is not working. Problem:Recursive creation of directory for S3 is not working. Method:Run the attached code Result:Directory not created Expected:Recursively directory should be created
Tracker Issue Connectivity to S3
4050065 CF-4201428 File Management : CFDirectory Tony Barroqueiro Connectivity to S3 Problem Description:When trying to run the following command, some directories return just fine, others do not. As far as I know, nothing has changed on S3 in years. As a point of reference, the following
2613918 CF-3148661 File Management Aaron Neff fileUpload() exception says "this instance of the cffile tag" When file overwriting is not enabled in fileUpload(), then the exception mentions "cffile tag". Repro: if(structCount(FORM)) { fileUpload(expandPath('.')); } Steps
2608134 CF-4184113 File Management Henry Ho FileExists() returns incorrect value on files with some Unicode filename Problem Description: FileExists fail on files with some Unicode filename Steps to Reproduce: 1. create a file "F:\in?aat?.jpg" #fileExists("F:\in?aat?.jpg")# Actual Result
2609581 CF-3829498 File Management : VFS-S3 ext-user FileOpen/fileWrite functions fails when filename contains a % character Problem: FileOpen function fails when filename contains a % character Method:Run the test case attached Result:Throws an exception : "The cause of this exception was: org
3454833 CF-4199596 File Management Chris Hopkins FileOpen - Timeout parameter / a way of auto closing/timing out the connection It would be nice if when using FileOpen there was a parameter that defined a timeout (probably in milliseconds, but i am fine with seconds) that auto closed the file
2609715 CF-3795400 File Management : CFZip Jürgen Wittsiepe does not work as expected. Problem Description: does not work as expected. The files are unzipped to the entry path and not to the root level. My code worked fine with Coldfusion 9, but not with Coldfusion 11. Steps to Reproduce
2611031 CF-3649420 File Management : CFDirectory Andrew Scott direcortyList has no type in script As it stands there is no way, like the tag to just return either files, dirs or all. This is a huge oversight in the script implementation. Also this is the 3rd time I have mentioned it, this bug
Canceling API manager install leaves files behind
4191828 CF-4201953 Installation/Config : JEE Deployment Tomcat install of cfusion.war with security manager turned on Need to install ColdFusion 2016 JEE cfusion.war file with Apache/Tomcat security manager active ' start -security' requires setting permissions for the cfusion.war app
2682781 CFB-3725920 File Manager "Explore Files" option missing on context menu in navigator view Problem Description: ColdFusion Builder 2 has an option when you right click on a file or folder called "Explore Files". I used this option religiously as an easy way to jump to the code
2673665 CF-4119052 Immanuel N. The file is shipped along with JRE. This is not an issue with ColdFusion API Manager.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: API Manager file name casing by CFwatson U.
2608273 CF-4143367 File Management Henry Ho [regression] : fileMove() does not throw exception when move is incomplete Problem Description: if the source file is locked, fileMove() would copy the file over to the destination anyway, then failed to remove the source file without throwing
2608904 CF-3967286 File Management : VFS-RAM ext-user When we set the InMemoryFileApplicationLimit through admin API the VFSApplicationLimitSize is not picked up on the first request. Problem: When we set the InMemoryFileApplicationLimit through admin API the VFSApplicationLimitSize is not picked
5368720 CF-4204028 File Management [ANeff] Bug for: FileWrite() cannot change FileObject's charset Issue: FileWrite() cannot change FileObject's charset This works: ---- {code:java} //cfprocessingdirective(pageencoding="utf8");//b/c auto-detection of page encoding randomly fails file
4678417 CF-4203252 File Management : CFFile Allow uploading all files of an Currently, you have two possibilities to upload files, fileUpload() and fileUploadAll() (resp. and ). The former allows you to upload a single file of a given form field, the latter uploads all files of a request
3165669 CF-4198841 File Management Sebastian Thomas [Linux] expandPath() encoding of filenames lost when using absolute path as argument Problem Description: expandpath() loses UTF-8 encoding when using absolute path (starting with `/`) as argument. Encoding is kept when beginning the path with a
2599848 CF-3039659 File Management : VFS-S3 Dave Ferguson Bug 79414:processing url for cffileupload does not set session vars Problem: processing url for cffileupload does not set session vars. Method: #serializeJSON(str)# Result: ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
SetupException: Error while registering/unregistering Service manager. 25417 at coldfusion.document.PDFgServiceManagerHelper.readNDecryptFromFile( 25418 at coldfusion.document.PDFgServiceManagerHelper.loadPrivateKey( 25419 at coldfusion
2611076 CF-3643414 File Management Joseph Maitino CFFILE ACTION="APPEND" BUG Problem Description: When using the CFFILE ACTION="APPEND" function and the OUTPUT string is a Binary/PDF variable, the file is completely overwritten. Steps to Reproduce: Actual Result: File
2774135 CF-4198267 File Management Maxime de Visscher expandPath() is affected by htacces rules Problem Description: On Linux/Ubuntu when you have a urlrewrite condition, it affect expandPath() Steps to Reproduce: add following line in your htaccess : RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^.*/(ai
[ANeff] Bug for: API Manager file name casing
2598377 CF-3041403 File Management : VFS-S3 Wim Dewijngaert Bug 82794:CFFILE ACTION="read" cannot open filenames containing accents Problem: CFFILE ACTION="read" cannot open filenames containing accents. This results in a "file not found" error, although the file IS there. Method: Result: File
://localhost:81/jelly to getjelly.cfm The image renders, as expected. can you share the rewrite URL, you are using and the relevant code in the session.fileManager.getFile method. Also, what do you mean by corrupted. Pls. elaborate.
2600036 CF-3039455 File Management : VFS-RAM Harry Klein Bug 79101:CFZIP doesn't accept source="VFS" Problem: CFZIP doesn't accept source="VFS" Method: Code: Result: java.lang.StackOverflowErrorat org.apache.commons.vfs.cache.SoftRefFilesCache.getFile(
2613919 CF-3148657 File Management Aaron Neff fileUpload() not ignoring empty string for filefield Since "filefield" is an optional parameter, an empty string should be ignored. Especially since "accept" is an optional parameter and ignores an empty string. Repro: result={}; if
Comment on Be able to load a car file when creating a new instance from the Instance Manager by External U.
Comment on ServerManager.air installation file that ships with ColdFusion is corrupt by Dattanand M.
4298167 CF-4202339 File Management : VFS-S3 cffile action="rename" causes S3 file to lose it's previous ACL value(s) Problem Description: After using fileMove() to copy a file to Amazon S3 and using setStoreACL() to add an ACL to it, then using cffile action="rename" to rename that file
3411380 CF-4199503 File Management : CFFile Priyank Shrivastava fileUpload needs the continueOnError property Currently if you want to upload a file in script syntax and check errors you have to try-catch the fileUpload() method. This causes a few problems, including but not limited
2608495 CF-4076853 File Management : VFS-S3 JEREMY EISENGA cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes Problem Description: I have a CF 10 Standard server that is retrieving a list of files and their file sizes and last modified dates correctly
2597672 CF-3043004 File Management : VFS-S3 MrSmith MrSmith Bug 85466:(Watson Migration Closure)HTML5 multiple file upload is not supported (input type="file" multiple="true") Problem: HTML5 multiple file upload is not supported (input type="file" multiple="true") Method: doesn't work. Only a
3051217 CF-4198575 File Management : CFFile Chip Beck CFFILE copy of Amazon S3 files fails when source file is 6 MB or larger When a simple copy is performed on a remote AWS S3 file 6 MB or larger, the following exception occurs: Multipart upload failed To reproduce, replace
2600027 CF-3039468 File Management : VFS-S3 Qingze Cheng Bug 79130:(Watson Migration Closure)use get file from ftp server ,when the file name have Chinese characters it throw error message: An error occurred during the FTP GETFILE operation Problem: use get file from ftp server ,when the file
Comment on ServerManager.air installation file that ships with ColdFusion is corrupt by A. B.
Comment on Canceling API manager install leaves files behind by CFwatson U.
2599802 CF-3039708 File Management : VFS-RAM Dave Ferguson Bug 79498:(Watson Migration Closure)When disabling VFS via CF admin ram is not released back to server Problem: When disabling VFS via CF admin ram is not released back to server. Also, any files in VFS prior to disabling remain
2601398 CF-3038004 File Management : CFDirectory David McGuigan Bug 76183:(Watson Migration Closure)I was kind of surprised to find that cfdirectory doesn't support direct copying Problem: I was kind of surprised to find that cfdirectory doesn't support direct copying. Thought it's relatively
4539903 CF-4203062 File Management cfcollection does not fully remove when using the 'delete' action in ColdFusion 2016 Problem Description: The tag is not removing the physical folder structure for a collection after using the "delete" action. It reports that the collection was removed, however
3371511 CF-4199450 File Management : CFDirectory Cody W Cfdirectory create in cPanel public_html directory fails Problem Description: Can't create a new directory directly within the "public_html" directory of a cPanel site. Sandbox security is fine and I can create the directory if I run "mkdir
: Illegal reflective access by com.zerog.ia.installer.util.mrj.MRJUtilsHelper (file:/Volumes/Macintosh_HD2/mydirectory/Downloads/hotfix-005-315699.jar) to method WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of com
2609979 CF-3739708 File Management Amédée LEGAL Coldfusion 10 / Windows 2012 R2 server and large file upload into a network directory Problem Description: Upload small file (10Mo) or large file (100Mo) from Coldfusion 9 or 10 on Windows 2003 Server into a network directory is Ok () Upload small
2613532 CF-3290857 File Management Seb Duggan CFFILE upload not working with Windows virtual directory Problem Description: CFFile form upload fails when uploading a new file to an IIS virtual directory. Steps to Reproduce: Try uploading a file as follows, where the destination is a virtual
2599800 CF-3039710 File Management : VFS-RAM Dave Ferguson Bug 79500:(Watson Migration Closure)When trying to write to VFS when disabled a cryptic file not found error is thrown Problem: When trying to write to VFS when disabled a cryptic file not found error is thrown. should throw an error
2608439 CF-4093879 File Management Trevor Johnson cffile incorrectly identifies excel file as word document Problem Description: When using cffile with accept set to application/ and you upload an excel .xls file, it is reported as a word document. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Form
Be able to load a car file when creating a new instance from the Instance Manager
2599378 CF-3040271 File Management : VFS-S3 Cyril Hanquez Bug 80293:(Watson Migration Closure)It would be nice to have a way to upload/download a large file in mutliple parts: I mean splitting the file in smaller pieces and upload/download them in parallel (ie Problem: It would be nice to have a
2613610 CF-3203363 File Management : VFS-S3 Rupert Rawnsley directoryList function fails when filename contains a % character Problem Description: directoryList function fails when filename contains a % character Steps to Reproduce: Add a file called %test.txt to an S3 folder then call directory
2672617 CF-4184038 File Management : VFS-S3 ext-user cffile/S3 : file is not uploaded in the correct destination directory under certain circumstances. Problem: cffile/S3 : file is not uploaded in the correct destination directory under certain circumstances. This is a spillover from bug#3985340
Comment on Be able to load a car file when creating a new instance from the Instance Manager by Nimit S.
Comment on Bug 76827:(Watson Migration Closure)Much like 76826 allows you to manage, reduce, compress and minify JavaScript files, CFSTYLESHEET does the same for CSS files by External U.
Comment on Bug 76827:(Watson Migration Closure)Much like 76826 allows you to manage, reduce, compress and minify JavaScript files, CFSTYLESHEET does the same for CSS files by External U.
Comment on Bug 76827:(Watson Migration Closure)Much like 76826 allows you to manage, reduce, compress and minify JavaScript files, CFSTYLESHEET does the same for CSS files by External U.
Comment on Bug 76827:(Watson Migration Closure)Much like 76826 allows you to manage, reduce, compress and minify JavaScript files, CFSTYLESHEET does the same for CSS files by External U.
Comment on Bug 76827:(Watson Migration Closure)Much like 76826 allows you to manage, reduce, compress and minify JavaScript files, CFSTYLESHEET does the same for CSS files by External U.
Comment on Bug 76827:(Watson Migration Closure)Much like 76826 allows you to manage, reduce, compress and minify JavaScript files, CFSTYLESHEET does the same for CSS files by External U.
5685677 CF-4204290 File Management : CFFile ContinueOnError attribute does not work with CFFILE action=upload or FileUpload() Problem Description: The documentation lists "ContinueOnError" as a supported attribute when using action=upload. However, it doesn't work in CF11 or CF2016. https
2602781 CF-3036480 File Management : VFS-S3 Jason Fisher Bug 73373:Using CFFILE with the action="uploadAll" and sending 3 files through the form Problem: Using CFFILE with the action="uploadAll" and sending 3 files through the form. The files are all uploaded correctly and the return variable
2597496 CF-3043717 File Management : VFS-S3 Julian Halliwell Bug 86808:Can we have CFFILE action="rename" implemented as a script function, ie FileRename()? I think it's the only file action left without a script equivalent Problem: Can we have CFFILE action="rename" implemented as a script
2673490 CF-4126494 File Management Travis Walters CFFILE NameConflict When Action is Copy, Move, and Rename I was originally going to request an 'overwrite' parameter for when the action of cffile was equal to copy, move, or rename but then I remembered how there is an nameconflict parameter
2609405 CF-3849970 File Management : VFS-S3 Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: If S3 filename contains %, directoryList displays %25 Duplicate ID: CF-3829498 If S3 filename contains %, directoryList displays %25 In 3203363, Adobe said this would be fixed in the next update. But I found no ticket
Tracker Issue CFFTP Has Issues
2613484 CF-3307999 File Management Oliver Etessami CFFTP Has Issues Problem Description: We have created an appication for a client that connects to their account and transmits orders and tracking information using CFFTP. After upgrading to ColdFusion 10 this feed stopped working. I
2613531 CF-3291872 File Management Adam Cameron getProfileString() is not UTF-8-aware Problem Description: getProfileString() is not UTF-8-aware Steps to Reproduce: #getProfileString(expandPath("./russian.ini"), "keys", "key1")# # russian.ini [keys] key1=???????? MSF
2613651 CF-3195198 File Management Aaron Neff for the parent directory 3) see exception: ----------- java.lang.NullPointerException said:The system has attempted to use an undefined value, which usually indicates a programming error, either in your code or some system code. Null Pointers
2597845 CF-3042269 File Management : VFS-S3 Henry Ho Bug 84405:(Watson Migration Closure)Amazon Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) should be supported as well Problem: Amazon Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) should be supported as well. Method: Result
2598337 CF-3041447 File Management : VFS-S3 Aaron Neff Bug 82867:[ANeff] cffileupload's "url" default to CGI Problem: [ANeff] cffileupload's "url" default to CGI.SCRIPT_NAME (same default as
2599444 CF-3040185 File Management : VFS-S3 Steve Onnis Bug 80087:[CFFILEUPLOAD] The window is not big enough to properly contain the tof the UI component Problem: [CFFILEUPLOAD] The window is not big enough to properly contain the tof the UI component. You can see the hard corners where the show
2599799 CF-3039711 File Management : VFS-RAM Dave Ferguson Bug 79501:(Watson Migration Closure)Enabling VFS overwrites any previous size setting and sets the size to 100mb Problem: Enabling VFS overwrites any previous size setting and sets the size to 100mb. Method: 1: Enable VFS and set size
2599801 CF-3039709 File Management : VFS-RAM Dave Ferguson Bug 79499:(Watson Migration Closure)Enabling VFS and setting size via CF admin is a 2 step process Problem: Enabling VFS and setting size via CF admin is a 2 step process. Should be single step. Method: Result
2600106 CF-3039382 File Management : VFS-S3 Adam Cameron Bug 78959:Summary: VFS needs tools to check disk usage:* how much is used* how much is freeIt's close to unusable without these Problem: Summary: VFS needs tools to check disk usage:* how much is used* how much is freeIt's close to unusable
2600137 CF-3039351 File Management : VFS-RAM zac spitzer Bug 78909:(Watson Migration Closure)Use existing scopes rather than the ram:// for VFSram:// should be server://as there should be application:// request:// and session:// Problem: Use existing scopes rather than the ram:// for VFSram