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Portal Comment Comment on Oracle’s Java policy change by Peter Freitag
Peter Freitag Gary - Oracle is probably selling extended support for Java 8, so they will probably continue to provide security updates to Java 8 customers that purchase Oracle Java Extended Support. They have done that for Java 7 and 6 when they ended core support.
Portal Topic Creating second ColdFusion Instance Manually
Mark.rodriguez784 Creating second ColdFusion Instance Manually Manually Create Coldfusion instance
The post Creating second ColdFusion Instance Manually appeared first on ColdFusion. Discussion,Language,Support,administrator,discussion,Extended Support,language,support
Bradley Wood Subscribing as well. Thanks for the update and I assume this explains why there have been no plans announced to certify ColdFusion 11 for any JDK other than Oracle JDK8 even though CF11 has "extended support" until 4/30/2021. (CF11 core support ended in April of 2019)
Portal Topic Adobe ColdFusion Support Policies and Options FAQ
the support policies and different types of support options available. Which versions of ColdFusion are supported? Each release of ColdFusion includes five years of core support with an additional year of optional extended support. Please see the current schedule here for timelines. What is the difference
Portal Topic Amazon Corretto Support/ Java Going away
,ColdFusion 2016,Question,11,2016,cf2016 updates,coldfusion 2016,Extended Support,question
additional related information (like, “what’s ‘core support’ vs ‘extended support’?”) Introduction Especially as we enter 2018, and with a new ColdFusion release likely due out later this year (the prerelease is named Aether, and you can request to be considered for access to […]
The post Wonder when support
Portal Topic ColdFusion 11 “Core Support” ends on April 2019
on April 2019 appeared first on ColdFusion. Extended Support,ColdFusion,coldfusion 11,Core Support,support
2609112 CF-3928680 External U. So another wiz bang feature added, that in the long run is of no real value because it is not extended to support real use cases and already outdated.
You guys really need to get out of the habit of finding new features to add, dropping it in, and walking away
Tracker Issue Ability to extend implement native Java Classes
3553072 CF-4199852 Language : Java Integration Luis Majano Ability to extend implement native Java Classes We can implement interfaces via createDynamicProxy() (not very elegant), but we cannot extend native java classes. The majority of other JVM languages have supported this for many many years
2609147 CF-3921578 Jacob J. This issue is fixed at https://helpx.stage.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/the-cfml-programming-language/extending-coldfusion-pages-with-cfml-scripting/what-is-supported-in-cfscript.html
Portal Topic Closures in ColdFusion Tags
ashudeeps55469743 Closures in ColdFusion Tags A Closure is an inner function that has access to outer function’s variables. Closures were earlier supported only in cfscript , now we have extended the functionality to support Closures in ColdFusion Tags as well. So now one can easily invoke Closures
tag. The doc tags that should not be supported are ones that modify functionality like @returnType, @extends, @output, and @default.
2672610 CF-4184642 Saurav G. https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/the-cfml-programming-language/extending-coldfusion-pages-with-cfml-scripting/what-is-supported-in-cfscript.html
Removed the statement.
2609147 CF-3921578 Aaron N. Hi Adobe,
This isn't fixed. cfimport's description still contains "Import in cfscript is only equivalent of ." on this doc: https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/the-cfml-programming-language/extending-coldfusion-pages-with-cfml-scripting/what-is-supported
2598128 CF-3041709 ORM Support marc esher Bug 83442:(Watson Migration Closure)Persistent Components that extend a component with mappedSuperclass="true", but which have no properties of their own, do not result in database tables being created Problem:
Persistent Components that extend a component
2609678 CF-3809112 ORM Support Mingo Hagen Empty cfcomponent which extends a mappedSuperClass doesn't get persisted Problem Description: A cfcomponent with no properties but which has persistent="true" and extends a base class with mappedSuperClass="true" doesn't get persisted.
Steps to Reproduce
2598044 CF-3041809 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 83656:(Watson Migration Closure)Entities that extend from a mappedsuperclass does not get drop and recreated when the mappedsuperclass is modified Duplicate ID: CF-3042577
Entities that extend from a mappedsuperclass does not get drop
Tracker Issue Bug 75031:(Watson Migration Closure)This is an ER to request support for relative component paths
to the code that's calling create object, with the ability to go "UP" directories when searching. In addition, this would include support for relative paths in the "extends" attribute of the cfcomponent tag.
This functionality would provide much-needed portability for directories of components.
2596966 CF-3298269 ORM Support Andrew Scott Entity extends with join column appears to link wrong way Problem Description:
This is going to be perhaps a little hard to explain but lets try, I have 2 tables that extends another table, that seems to be broken, in other words the key and relationship
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] ER for: add invoke()'s argument array support to cfinvoke by External U.
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: add invoke()'s argument array support to cfinvoke by External U.
Portal Comment Comment on ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 5 and ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 12 released by TigheLory
to support-adobe-coldfusion/">this page licensing extended to Java 11 (as of January).
Can you please address my questions?
Tracker Issue Bug 83225:Extended entity not saved correctly by cascade
2598207 CF-3041619 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 83225:Extended entity not saved correctly by cascade Duplicate ID: CF-3040538
Extended entity not saved correctly by cascade
/** Car.cfc */component persistent="true"{property name="id" fieldtype="id" generator="native";property name
Tracker Issue Bug 72792:(Watson Migration Closure)[Flex][Security] Centaur should support swf verification similar to FMS
Bug 72792:(Watson Migration Closure)[Flex][Security] Centaur should support swf verification similar to FMS
2598110 CF-3041728 ORM Support marc esher Bug 83474:When using Hibernate to create the database tables (via dropcreate=true}, the generated tables have the columns in no predictable order if the entity extends a mappedSuperclass Problem:
When using Hibernate to create the database tables (via
2598458 CF-3041311 ORM Support Stephen Rittler Bug 82665:Insanely frustrating exception from Hibernate:Message Following superclasses referenced in extends not found: ,Detail org Problem:
Insanely frustrating exception from Hibernate:Message Following superclasses referenced in extends not found
2609565 CF-3830375 Tim P. This is still broken with CF2018 - it's extremely lame that if it's possible that an extended character is in the target... we're required to use the CFHeader work-around instead of using CFLocation - what's so complicated about respecting the selected character set (or
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Doc Bug for: doc says cfcontinue does not exist
2672610 CF-4184642 Documentation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Doc Bug for: doc says cfcontinue does not exist doc says cfcontinue does not exist
Steps to reproduce:
1) go to https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/the-cfml-programming-language/extending-coldfusion-pages-with-cfml-scripting/what-is-supported
Steps to Reproduce:
A line
Bug 78408:[JFERNANDES]EntityToQuery should support an optional parameter to define the lowest inheritance chain to be provided/build
Tracker Comment Comment on CFSCRIPT: UDF - Use of "Default" in first argument results in error. by Aaron N.
that 'hint' seems to work in your example, is b/c CF supports user-defined metadata attributes: https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/the-cfml-programming-language/extending-coldfusion-pages-with-cfml-scripting/defining-components-and-functions-in-cfscript.html (search for 'custom
Charlie Arehart That's a fair question, though of course that's a big "if" (whether the next release popularly called CF2020 somehow becomes CF2021). And unless Adobe tells us they will somehow "extend" core support for CF2016 beyond its current end date, the "option" would be to to upgrade to CF
2611811 CF-3589391 ORM Support Todd Sharp CFDump Duplicating Properties and Showing Incorrect Methods Problem Description: When dumping an ORM entity, if an entity overrides an inherited property from a base class the property is listed twice in cfdump. Also, incorrect methods are being shown
2597838 CF-3042349 ORM Support daniel schmid Bug 84520:(Watson Migration Closure)In fairly complex application I tried to mixing table per subclass and table per class hierarchy inheritance Problem:
In fairly complex application I tried to mixing table per subclass and table per class hierarchy
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: isValid() support for ISO 8601 by External U.
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: CF Admin's "Use internal cache to store queries" description should mention a restart is required
to store cached queries. By default, cached queries are stored in QUERY region supported by Ehcache."
However (since a CF restart is required for that setting change to take effect), the description should be extended to this:
"When checked, at server level internal cache is used to store cached queries
Tracker Issue Bug 85843:When you are manually doing a cfquery with the type of HQL, the cfqueryparam makes your hql case sensitve
2597637 CF-3043093 ORM Support Zach Stevenson Bug 85843:When you are manually doing a cfquery with the type of HQL, the cfqueryparam makes your hql case sensitve Problem:
When you are manually doing a cfquery with the type of HQL, the cfqueryparam makes your hql case sensitve. For example: In a
Tracker Issue Backward compatibility issue with CF11
2609879 CF-3753750 Language : Framework Support Andrew Scott Backward compatibility issue with CF11 It seems that something major has changed in ColdFusion 11, which means frameworks like ColdBox and ContentBox no longer work. It appears to be an issue where it is failing on this
component extends
Tracker Issue CF2018 : property named "name" in mappedsuperclass entity generate an error on second request
5023968 CF-4203425 ORM Support CF2018 : property named "name" in mappedsuperclass entity generate an error on second request Problem description:
I have an error when using a mappedsuperclass entity and a property named "name" within the mappedsuperclass entity.
Step to reproduce:
I have an ORM
2598129 CF-3041708 ORM Support marc esher Bug 83441:(Watson Migration Closure)MappedSuperclass does not honor the entire hierarchy; instead, it only honors the immediate parent Problem:
MappedSuperclass does not honor the entire hierarchy; instead, it only honors the immediate parent
2598002 CF-3041859 ORM Support SUMIT VERMA Bug 83765:if the persistent entity doesn't have any property, theproperties of mapped super class are not returned in the getmetaData()method and the struct key "functions" doens't exists in the top levelstruct Duplicate ID: CF-3041709
Bug 79404:(Watson Migration Closure)We'd like to implement the mapped superclass approach but it seems that this is currently not supported (see https://www
Tracker Issue Bug 81013:Say I have a User CFC
2599141 CF-3040538 ORM Support Brian Kotek Bug 81013:Say I have a User CFC Problem:
Say I have a User CFC. User has a one-to-many to UserRole. UserRolehas two subtypes, Customer and Referrer, that extend UserRole viasingle table inheritance. UserRole defines the discriminatorColumn,and Customer
Tracker Issue Bug 76773:I would like to see if we can have some sort of ActiveRecord style ORM search helpers as per Rails/Grails etc
2601133 CF-3038289 ORM Support Neil Middleton Bug 76773:I would like to see if we can have some sort of ActiveRecord style ORM search helpers as per Rails/Grails etc Duplicate ID: CF-3037605
I would like to see if we can have some sort of ActiveRecord style ORM search helpers as per
2609891 CF-3750731 Paul N. Thanks Adam for explaining the scenario. I am thinking of a solution. It is not final. But just a thought. We can support multiple custom serializers.
In the Application.cfc, we can take a new setting like,
this.customSerializers = {cs1 = "MySerializer", cs2
Tracker Issue Enabling Roles attribute for CFCOMPONENT
2673584 CF-4126377 Security Sathish Kumar Enabling Roles attribute for CFCOMPONENT Duplicate ID: CF-4126370
Hi Guys,
The roles attribute for coldfusion functions is good at security application functionalities from unauthorised users. It would be great if we can possibly extend this feature
Tracker Issue Enabling Roles attribute for CFCOMPONENT
2673587 CF-4126372 Security Sathish Kumar Enabling Roles attribute for CFCOMPONENT Duplicate ID: CF-4126370
Hi Guys,
The roles attribute for coldfusion functions is good at security application functionalities from unauthorised users. It would be great if we can possibly extend this feature
Tracker Issue Enabling Roles attribute for CFCOMPONENT
2673588 CF-4126370 Security Sathish Kumar Enabling Roles attribute for CFCOMPONENT Hi Guys,
The roles attribute for coldfusion functions is good at security application functionalities from unauthorised users. It would be great if we can possibly extend this feature to the CFCOMPONENT tag as well
inside the runtime.
Clojure allows for metadata on certain types of values but that's built into the core of how values are handled and there is a cost associated with that: every value (with a few exceptions) has to be an object and have a pointer to metadata (so supporting metadata in general can
Tracker Issue JDBC driver fails on updating entities with NULL bit fields in MSQL: specified SQL type is not supported by this driver.
JDBC driver fails on updating entities with NULL bit fields in MSQL: specified SQL type is not supported by this driver.
2596975 CF-3283249 Language Walter Seethaler Import ed interface is not resolved correctly on returnTypes Problem Description: An example is attached as a zip. Just extract it to an empty webroot.
import api.IExample;
IExample function init
2598003 CF-3041858 ORM Support SUMIT VERMA Bug 83764:If I create a one-to-one relationship in the mappedsuperclass component, CF is not able to generate DDL for table creation Duplicate ID: CF-3041709
If I create a one-to-one relationship in the mappedsuperclass component, CF is not able
2598698 CF-3041042 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 82269:(Watson Migration Closure)When an entity maps an one-to-many relationship to a subclass, and the subclass uses joinColumn & discriminatorValueExpect: FK to entity in subclass table onlyActual: FK in subclass table AS WELL AS i Problem:
- datasources - whereas other remote resources play an increasingly large part in application performance. There is no way for ColdFusion administrator extensions to extend the Settings engine and take advantage of CAR files etc, nor for Server Administrators to abstract resource details from Programmers (and
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: cfimap movemail creates new connection for each move by S V.
is at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6851. A simple excerpt form RFC about moving mails.
This document defines an IMAP [RFC3501] extension to facilitate moving messages from one mailbox to another. This is accomplished by defining a new MOVE command and extending the UID command to allow UID MOVE. A move
Portal Comment Comment on 25 Years of Adobe ColdFusion by Charlie Arehart
buy a car from a dealer where all the staff drive a car from that maker? Will they eat in a restaurant only if all the staff eat their meals there? Even if some car dealers or restaurants require such loyalty, must all?
Finally, regarding your concern about the latin extended font, I could point out