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Examples – sample code
Comment on Examples – sample code by Charlie Arehart
Comment on Examples – sample code by Charlie Arehart
2682155 CFB-4188240 Legorol S. I see that this bug is marked as fixed in CFB 2016 Update 4. I have just installed the update, and unfortunately it's still not fixed properly. Some progress has been made. For example, this code can now be formatted: However, these code examples still can
5793701 CF-4204474 Philipp C. added missing Example1.png and Example2.png files
2613554 CF-3231157 Adobe D. Fixed: Here are some more email ID's tested with their result using isValid() : "()[]:,;@\\\"!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{}| ~.a" YES " " YES admin@mailserver1: YES user@[IPv6:2001:db8:1ff::a0b:dbd0]: YES "very.(),:;[]\".VERY.\"very@\\ \"very\".unusual"@strange.example
Regular expressions – practical examples to get you started
2608636 CF-4040469 External U. Yes, that did work for the example code.
Comment on Another example of scoping issues with inconsistent bahviour by External U.
Bug 74212:EntityLoadByExample won't handle things if you load your example object with a foreign key object (add a group to a user for example)
Bug 74102:The code examples for cfmap are as follows:
[ANeff] Doc Bug for: ArrayClear missing syntax example and 'See also' heading
2609230 CF-3872385 External U. -- Attached Reproduction Files -- File chartExample.txt includes ColdFusion code to reproduce the issue. I've made dummy labels that are the same character length as our labels (although these labels are a single word, whereas ours are multiple words). File chartExample
Aaron Neff Hi Vijay, I believe the Admin API example needs changed? The topic is Null support in CF2018. But, the Admin API example is for retrieving corePoolSize, maxPoolSize and keepAliveTime. Thanks!, -Aaron
documentation of Cron examples
2975903 CF-4198463 Nikhil S. it is a documentation bug, as the examples given are wrong. 'm' for minutes has been long deprecated and the examples should use the correct mask which is 'n'
2608626 CF-4044095 Adobe D. If a pattern consists of a comma(,) then the pattern should be enclosed in quotes. Like for example in the above example, 1) validateparams="{pattern= '[!@,]' }" 2) validateparams="{pattern= '[!]{1,}' }" (Comment added from ex-user id:bukkittu)
2609847 CF-3758430 External U. Also confirmed.. The header appears at the same place in both of these examples, which means the 2nd example is incorrect b/c cfhtmltopdfitem ignores the unit="cm": header body header body Thanks!, -Aaron
2613629 CF-3198173 External U. You can NOT just use the example script in the blog entry to check. The problem is NOT in now, it is if just run the example in the blog entry, it will never in cfcatch.
Comment on NumberFormat not producing output as per examples by Ricardo R.
Comment on Example of FilePath() in documentation uses invalid parameter filePath when it should be file by Mukesh K.
2675973 CF-4010693 External U. totally agree - the examples are often poor
2675973 CF-4010693 External U. totally agree - the examples are often poor
2675973 CF-4010693 External U. totally agree - the examples are often poor
Comment on Another example of scoping issues with inconsistent bahviour by External U.
Comment on Another example of scoping issues with inconsistent bahviour by External U.
Comment on Documented example of mediaplayer isn't workable by External U.
Comment on NumberFormat not producing output as per examples by Ricardo R.
Saurav Ghosh You're welcome Aaron! Also we want to gather as much community-contributed examples as possible. Please chip in wherever you feel an example lacks something. Yes, Aaron. The list will contain the latest update. For example, after Update 2, since all updates are cumulative
3199706 CF-4198866 Justin C. I've emailed to some examples. I have also attached examples here. I can create a standalone example if needed. We're using ColdFusion 2016 Enterprise by the way.
2673657 CF-4119454 External U. No mention here either: And the code examples are rubbish. No mention of struct iteration functions here either
2609215 CF-3910529 External U. Confirmed what Adam Tuttle already mentioned: this is only partially fixed in CF11 Update 4 (build 11,0,04,293085(PreRelease)). The example in the description works, but his example does not. Since both examples worked in CF11 Final, this ticket should not be closed
Comment on SecureProfile should not install Example Datasources, Gateways, or Solr Collections by Piyush K.
2682488 CFB-4038802 External U. You are correct that this does seem hard to reproduce. I just created a test.cfc file with my example and it doesn't break. This issue is just another example of the number color coding issues that randomly break. I am attaching another example were this breaks.
Bug 78905:In the examples we're searching for the word ROAM
Bug 74144:On Page 55 (as numbered in the documentation) the cfbutton code example is missing the closing ">"
't format most code that include the 'var' keyword in cfset. Consider reopening CFB-4188240. I have installed the update, and have observed the following. Some progress has been made. For example, this code can now be formatted: However, these code examples still can't be formatted: Example 1
Bug 82935:(Watson Migration Closure)[documentation] CFGRID examples promote sql injection risksPlease consider updating the CFGRID examples (in all versions) to remove queries like the ones below that are wide open to sql injection
Bug 77251:The example given for EntitySave in centaurbeta2_dev
2608478 CF-4082131 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: implicit struct/array breaks implicit struct/array breaks (no issue in script; issue exists only in tag) The simplest index.cfm example is: (Throws "Variable ___IMPLICITARRYSTRUCTVAR0 is undefined
setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like...
Bug 86823:(Watson Migration Closure)[ANeff] Bug for: cfsilent + implicit struct|array = vanishing variablescfsilent + implicit struct|array = vanishing variablesPlease see the three 'Bad' examples, for repro
Scripts for HTML datefield, rich textarea and grid (see example #1). This causes negative behavior, if the page contains additional forms. If a 2nd form has same name, then 0 grids are displayed (see example #2). If a 2nd form has different name, then 2 grids are displayed (see example #3).Tested in CF9.0.1 & CF9
.smtpServerSettings does not pass along the TLS and PORT number. this.smtpServerSettings = {server = "",username="",password="PA$$w0rd",usetls="true",port='587'}; The email that is generated is thus missing information and the emails are note sent. Actual Result: Note that the port
Bug 80369:(Watson Migration Closure)In the example, a new mail object is created named mailService
is an array of Java Method classes. Here's an example: exampleArray = []; methods = exampleArray.getClass().getMethods(); // If you want to see the raw result // writeDump(methods); arrayEach(methods, function(method) { writeOutput("#method.getName()#"); });  
Documented example of mediaplayer isn't workable
Bug 80090:[CFMESSAGEBOX] In the syntax example it says :- buttonType "yesno|yesnocancel"and is missing the "="
Bug 80086:[CFFILEUPLOAD] In the syntax example of the documentation there is a missing ">" from the opening tag
Bug 78949:When using bind with the following example attached, the grid will not render in IE
2608957 CF-3953329 External U. Hi Giancarlo and Adam, I noticed the same. Example: Example 1: link Output 1: link Microsoft Outlook, when user clicks the link, doesn't replace the + w/ spaces. Example 2: link Output 2: link Microsoft Outlook, when user clicks the link, does replace the %20 w
2610456 CF-3700856 External U. I think you need to change the name oft hat second argument: it's misleading. It might also be nice if you actually stated what the POP format actually *was*. Also: your code example for the formatting strings are *good* examples. your main code example
specify the query that drives the processing." The example I gave must not fully represent our live code. The patch did fix the example, but not in production. I'll continue to try and track down the cause and provide an updated example.
adamwakal AWS Chime CF Tutorial Chime Example The post AWS Chime CF Tutorial appeared first on ColdFusion. Discussion,Language,ColdFusion,discussion,language
James Mohler I like that some of the examples have semicolon and some don't. That was a good new feature too.
aliaspooryorik Seems to be some missing var scoping in the code example. Agree that it's very hard to read the code!
cinemaApe cfoauth is interesting.   cfdrive was looked at but, need additional examples of it trying to pull the images from where the photo albums are stored on google drive.
Matthew Clemente Thank you for this post! Found it really, really helpful - just what I needed for a project. Especially appreciate the detailed breakdown and examples.
2673491 CF-4126493 General Server Dave Ferguson server.xml file virtual directory instructions confusing The instructions in the server.xml file for adding a new virtual directory to built in web server is confusing. 1: There is an error in the example xml where the end tag for "
2610648 CF-3689049 AJAX : Plumbing Adam Cameron serializeJson() escaped fwd slashes See & This applies to CF as well. Repo: st = {"link" = "/example/example1"}; json1 = serialize
not tested this on a clean install, but on our server expericing the issue, I have two sites configured in IIS which runs the ColdFusion site and which uses the "redirection to a URL" feature to redirect to Once setup I attempt to navigate to a cfm page
4709544 CF-4203272 Documentation [ANeff] Doc Bug for: "Using closures" doc unrequired arguments Issue: "Using closures" doc has many code examples that use optional arguments w/o checking for their existence Suggestion: Make those arguments required Example Before: ----------- function hello
2673000 CF-4157679 External U. Do you have an example of what the code would look like?
2608416 CF-4100088 External U. And thanks, Piyush, for the example using Java methods directly.
2608667 CF-4028246 External U. At least now I know where to point when someone asks me to give an example of ineptitude.
2675973 CF-4010693 External U. If we have full script support in CF11 and beyond, and we want more developers to use script as a good practice, then script examples need to be in the wiki docs. Either we need to have examples of script for each tag/function, or we need a link under a script table
2609121 CF-3926812 External U. Hi Roberto, Could you please see if also duplicates the .eml files? Example: Thanks!, -Aaron
2609471 CF-3844976 External U. And your own example code doesn't work either.
Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... by S P.
Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... by S P.
Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... by External U.
2609694 CF-3800311 External U. The attached image, "badExample.png" is using @Anuj Nawani code exactly. The 'chart' is unusable.
2609970 CF-3740276 External U. Hi Rupesh, Thanks for your reply. Will it be documented on the struct and array pages? Example for Struct page ( Structure notation overrides short-circuiting. The following line
Comment on SecureProfile should not install Example Datasources, Gateways, or Solr Collections by External U.
Comment on SecureProfile should not install Example Datasources, Gateways, or Solr Collections by External U.
Comment on SecureProfile should not install Example Datasources, Gateways, or Solr Collections by External U.
2596808 CF-3694322 External U. Want to verify you have all the examples you need in my description and Adam's repo.
Comment on Another example of scoping issues with inconsistent bahviour by External U.
Comment on Another example of scoping issues with inconsistent bahviour by External U.
Comment on Another example of scoping issues with inconsistent bahviour by External U.
2611109 CF-3640436 External U. I tried passing scales="foo", scales="#a struct#" and it didn't work for me. Can you share an example?
Comment on Documented example of mediaplayer isn't workable by Adobe D.
2612402 CF-3515644 External U. Attached a simple test example, but here is the code to reproduce:
Comment on Use of deprecated functions in documentation example code by External U.
2613177 CF-3341256 External U. I've verified the example also works for lists: #elem# #i# Returns: a 1 b 2 Thanks!, -Aaron