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2601401 CF-3038001 Language Elliott Sprehn Bug 76180:The cfcomponent and cffunctions in com Problem: The cfcomponent and cffunctions in com.adobe.System are not output="false" and will generate whitespace. Method: Result: ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
2597953 CF-3041905 Language : Tags Elliott Sprehn Bug 83860:structCopy() no longer works on the result of cfhttp Problem: structCopy() no longer works on the result of cfhttp. This is a regression from earlier versions of CF. Method: Result: The StructCopy ColdFusion function is not supported
2598570 CF-3041187 Language : CF Component Elliott Sprehn Bug 82479:(Watson Migration Closure)[ES] (new Object()) Problem: [ES] (new Object()).method() fails. You cannot use the new operator as an expression in parenthasis and then call a method.What's weird is that new Object().method() DOES work
2598036 CF-3041819 Language : CFSCRIPT Elliott Sprehn Bug 83688:Cannot call function pointer in attributes scope Problem: Cannot call function pointer in attributes scope. This is a regression that worked in previous versions of CF9 and CF8 and breaks existing code. Method: function test
2598163 CF-3041671 Language : CFSCRIPT Elliott Sprehn Bug 83377:(Watson Migration Closure)Cannot add argument metadata if no default value is given for the argument Problem: Cannot add argument metadata if no default value is given for the argument. Method: function foo(required string arg
2598387 CF-3041391 Language : CustomTag Elliott Sprehn Bug 82778:(Watson Migration Closure)Allow calling custom tags from cfscript with module(template="/tags/Foo Problem: Allow calling custom tags from cfscript with module(template="/tags/Foo.cfm",attr="1") {...} Method: Result
2598544 CF-3041216 Language : CFSCRIPT Elliott Sprehn Bug 82516:(Watson Migration Closure)[ES] Comparison operators cannot be used in string expressions in cfscript Problem: [ES] Comparison operators cannot be used in string expressions in cfscript. ex."#1 x = 10; y = 10; writeoutput("#1 + 2
2598569 CF-3041188 Language : CFSCRIPT Elliott Sprehn Bug 82480:(Watson Migration Closure)[ES] CFScript allows nesting braces incorrectly Problem: [ES] CFScript allows nesting braces incorrectly. For example you can do {{{ x = 1; }}} and CF ignores the nesting of braces. They don't seem to hurt
2601332 CF-3038078 Language Elliott Sprehn Bug 76334:(Watson Migration Closure)Inline Functions should be supported for callbacks and future extensions Problem: Inline Functions should be supported for callbacks and future extensions. variables.func = function(a,b) returntype="numeric" { return
2601926 CF-3037427 Language Elliott Sprehn Bug 75279:Allow string for component name after new operator Problem: Allow string for component name after new operator. ex. new "test-cfc.package.#variable#.Component"() This kills two birds with one stone allowing hyphens and other symbols create
2601989 CF-3037358 Language : CF Component Elliott Sprehn Bug 75178:(Watson Migration Closure)OnDuplicate() event should be provided in CFCs to control duplicate behavior Problem: OnDuplicate() event should be provided in CFCs to control duplicate behavior. I propose an OnDuplicate() event
2597948 CF-3041912 Language : CFSCRIPT Elliott Sprehn Bug 83871:(Watson Migration Closure)structCopy doesn't copy the arguments scope Problem: structCopy doesn't copy the arguments scope. This is a really nasty regression that breaks code that worked in CF8. This is a regression of bug 79029 filed
2597949 CF-3041909 Language : Functions Elliott Sprehn Bug 83868:(Watson Migration Closure)fileSeek should return the position per the docs, but it returns nothing Problem: fileSeek should return the position per the docs, but it returns nothing. Assigning the result of fileSeek to a variable
2597952 CF-3041906 Language : Tags Elliott Sprehn Bug 83861:-(Watson Migration Closure)Cannot set attributes on result of cfhttp Problem: Cannot set attributes on result of cfhttp. This is a regression from previous versions of CF. Method: Result: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: QUERYat
2598015 CF-3041842 Language : CFSCRIPT Elliott Sprehn Bug 83726:(Watson Migration Closure)Error message when using tag wrapper functions in expressions is confusing Problem: Error message when using tag wrapper functions in expressions is confusing. While I'm not sure why you'd write code like
2598037 CF-3041818 Language : CFSCRIPT Elliott Sprehn Bug 83682:(Watson Migration Closure)The evalution order of conditionals with implicit structs and arrays is wrong Problem: The evalution order of conditionals with implicit structs and arrays is wrong. The implicit struct and array values
2598040 CF-3041814 Language : CFSCRIPT Elliott Sprehn Bug 83671:Named arguments with implicit structs and arrays cannot use local variables Problem: Named arguments with implicit structs and arrays cannot use local variables.This is extremely critical since it breaks lots of code that uses the CFC
2598161 CF-3041673 Language : CFSCRIPT Elliott Sprehn Bug 83379:Cannot call methods in named arguments inside implicit structs or arrays Problem: Cannot call methods in named arguments inside implicit structs or arrays. ex. x = new query(); test( x={y="#x.getName()#"} ); test( x
2598501 CF-3041265 Language : CF Component Elliott Sprehn Bug 82581:Component Cache setting breaks new operator and import statement Duplicate ID: CF-3040623 Problem: Component Cache setting breaks new operator and import statement. Wrong types are always returned. Method: [vmannebo 4
2598543 CF-3041217 Language : CFSCRIPT Elliott Sprehn Bug 82517:[ES] Nested implicit structs ignore numeric keys Problem: [ES] Nested implicit structs ignore numeric keys. {z={"1" = 2}} has z with no keys. Method: x = {z={"1" = 2}};two = x.z["1"]; // This should work, but the key "1" is missing
2600847 CF-3038592 Language Elliott Sprehn Bug 77286:(Watson Migration Closure)throw keyword should accept two arguments, type and message Problem: throw keyword should accept two arguments, type and message. throw "MissingFile"; throw "MissingFile", "The file #fileName# is missing"; throw type
2600943 CF-3038493 Language Elliott Sprehn Bug 77097:(Watson Migration Closure)CFC metadata properties should be exposed as a struct Problem: CFC metadata properties should be exposed as a struct. Properties must have unique names in a CFC, but they are not stored as a struct, so finding if a
2601243 CF-3038171 Language Elliott Sprehn Bug 76508:(Watson Migration Closure)Add objectCreate(path) as an alias for createObject("component",path) Problem: Add objectCreate(path) as an alias for createObject("component",path). Currently a new form of createObject() was added that has a single
2601400 CF-3038002 Language Elliott Sprehn Bug 76181:(Watson Migration Closure)Optional arguments still show up in the arguments scope, but as undefined values (they're null) Problem: Optional arguments still show up in the arguments scope, but as undefined values (they're null). This is VERY
2602007 CF-3037338 Documentation : General Elliott Sprehn Bug 75114:(Watson Migration Closure)The Java classes and interfaces implementing the CF core types should be documented Problem: The Java classes and interfaces implementing the CF core types should be documented. String -> java
Tracker Issue Bug 74975:
2602080 CF-3037251 CFIMAGE Elliott Sprehn Bug 74975: Problem: Method: Result: Pure Java JAI and ImageIO libraries exhibit much better performance than natively wrapped ones and are more reliable. On our server cfimage action="resize" and imageScaleToFit will peg the CPU to 100% and hang
2597951 CF-3041907 Language : CF Component Elliott Sprehn Bug 83864:-(Watson Migration Closure)Creating unqualified imported components without the "Component Cache" on is EXTREMELY SLOW Problem: Creating unqualified imported components without the "Component Cache" on is EXTREMELY SLOW. This is a
2598035 CF-3041820 Language : Tags Elliott Sprehn Bug 83689:Changes to functions in a CFC file do not appear in the cfdump output Problem: Changes to functions in a CFC file do not appear in the cfdump output. If you create a component, cfdump an instance, change that component and remove methods
2598162 CF-3041672 Language : CFSCRIPT Elliott Sprehn Bug 83378:(Watson Migration Closure)for( var i in arr ) where arr is a native array fails, though this worked in earlier versions of 9 Problem: for( var i in arr ) where arr is a native array fails, though this worked in earlier versions of 9
2598381 CF-3041399 Language : CFSCRIPT Elliott Sprehn Bug 82787:(Watson Migration Closure)Default cannot be used as an argument name in cfscript Problem: Default cannot be used as an argument name in cfscript. Since we can now use default for a function name, we should be able to use
2598382 CF-3041398 Language : CFSCRIPT Elliott Sprehn Bug 82786:(Watson Migration Closure)Cannot use metadata on arguments without specifying a default value Problem: Cannot use metadata on arguments without specifying a default value. Method: function test(type name attr="1") {} // does not work
2598571 CF-3041186 Language : CF Component Elliott Sprehn Bug 82478:[ES] Cannot delete functions created by properties Problem: [ES] Cannot delete functions created by properties. This also effects inheritance. If you extend a component with getter="true" and then add getter="false" you cannot
i in arrayNew(object.getArray()) )That should be a really simple fix and makes working with native java arrays easier too.(I'm raising this on behalf of Elliott Sprehn)-- Adam Method: Result: ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID
2598174 CF-3041660 Language : Tags Elliott Sprehn Bug 83359:(Watson Migration Closure)Tags used inside a cfthread allocate resources that are not freed until the thread ends Problem: Tags used inside a cfthread allocate resources that are not freed until the thread ends
2601399 CF-3038003 Language Elliott Sprehn Bug 76182:Lots of bugs in Tag Service cfcs in com Problem: Lots of bugs in Tag Service cfcs in com.adobe.coldfusion package. Every component: Missing var for loop index in almost every function. Nothing is thread safe. No type attribute used
-2163-4C37-9582-D9C14B236AE8}&topid={4FCEE99F-45FB-481C-93A4-66C20E701064}&tp=1 [quote] I has just referring back to an older thread, and decided to follow up on something Elliott mentioned. Elliott Sprehn said: Instead CF uses a Perl5 compatible library that comes with Apache Jakarta
2597954 CF-3041904 Language : CFSCRIPT Elliott Sprehn Bug 83859:-(Watson Migration Closure)http wrapper component breaks CSV parsing with tab separators by trimming all attributes Problem: http wrapper component breaks CSV parsing with tab separators by trimming all attributes. You cannot specify