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Comment on Example of FilePath() in documentation uses invalid parameter filePath when it should be file by Ed B.
2609842 CF-3759389 External U. Related thread:
2608535 CF-4070214 External U. The discrepancy cropped up between a Lucee and ColdFusion environment. ColdFusion's hash function is doing one extra iteration. I compared the results with Lucee, node.js, and two online SHA-256 hashers (one of which is here:
6855535 CF-4207294 Ben B. Here's another issue with a similar case: monthID is dumped as 1 instead of 2. This has broken our production
:Aaron Neff Note Added: The forum thread discussing this ticket is: Date Added :2016-01-27 11:23:39.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Aaron Neff Note Added: Entered Bug. Date Added :2016-01-27 08:25:55.0
2608150 CF-4181256 External U. Here is a gist for fun: (use the settings cog to change the engine around)
6896483 CF-4207473 Kevin K. Here's a CFFiddle of the issue in action:
2600331 CF-3039140 External U. This still doesn't work in the public beta. Same result: There was a problem Message: The specified directory attribute C:\JRun4\servers\cfusion\SERVER-INF\temp\cfusion-war-tmp\7ED3B5AB-B3AA-1848-67AA097F7C35060B
on the D drive. Your help is needed ASAP please. We are installing ColdFusion 2018 on the 2016 Market place AMI instance (ColdFusion 2018 U1 Windows Image 2016-5d547b51-a8b7-41d3-a5c6-e5078492d407-ami-0ed30b18bad78d53b.4 (ami-0a0db5bcbddfa668a). Steps to Reproduce: The Market AMI being used default
2614181 CF-3126318 External U. Related thread:
Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3037373 External Customer Info: External Company: External Customer Name: Ed Lamp External Customer Email: 47C4052B446D18E5992016B7 External Test Config: 01/25/2009
: External Customer Name: Ed Lamp External Customer Email: 47C4052B446D18E5992016B7 External Test Config: 11/28/2008
ORIGINAL: [a] {code} Runable version:
fe667/43406745-de7d-4db4-94b6-66f5a27ed738.cfm" rel="nofollow"> I have dropped down to using Java regular expressions before as you can cache
824-4ed1-be9f-83822503a08b}&repid={0BFC7390-D419-4D16-8BDC-3E7848BFFE1D}&tp=1 Method: Result: ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3038698 Deployment Phase: Release Candidate External Customer Info: External Company: External
2673490 CF-4126494 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Travis Walters Note Added: Bit of discussion on this thread for reference:{FE79E453-8058-49B6-A86B-DVAPR-27475619ED3D}&topid={39A3D1E
Name: Stephen Rittler External Customer Email: 6D9D2ED5439C69FB992016B6 External Test Config: 03/15/2010
in a CFML structure referenced as part of an expression" error is thrown. The Lucee implementation of CFDump doesn't throw an error. Here's a TryCF link: Steps to Reproduce: {code:java} {code} Actual Result: Error. Expected Result
Comment on Requests Queued Incorrectly Reporting in CFSTAT by Kailash B.
mime type in IIS and it will work fine Result: ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3036887 External Customer Info: External Company: External Customer Name: Ed Lamp External Customer Email: 47C4052B446D18E5992016B7 External Test
.datasources.mydatasource={ class:'' ,connectionString:'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/demo_db?characterEncoding=UTF-8&useUnicode=true' ,username:'demouser' ,password:"encrypted:5943217a74b3d570f7ed78738da72bb4972228f46c8f9b7e96f5e995d66d1e9a" }; } ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
and look for schema generator tool. Any Workarounds: Add jar file manually here: ColdFusionRaijin\cfusion\db\schemaTool.jar. Download link for jar file:{FE79E453-8058-49B6-A86B-27475619ED3D}&topid={04308C86
/07/setting-optional-parameters-in-sms.html Method: Result: ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3038897 External Customer Info
:2015-12-09 17:52:50.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Aaron Neff Note Added: The forum thread for this ticket is: Please follow-up in that thread, not here in this ticket. Date Added :2015-12-08 09:02:23.0 Added By: PreRelease User
this in case Mark, or anyone else, hasn't yet filed. Forum thread:{81302e9c-2163-4c37-9582-d9c14b236ae8}&topid={BA776413-96D6-4242-A4ED-00DFB897D48E} Method: Result: ----------------------------- Additional
: External Company: External Customer Name: Rod stichbury External Customer Email: 5CF31B13458A2ED8992015A8 External Test Config: 08/17/2010
ID: 3041781 External Customer Info: External Company: External Customer Name: Rod stichbury External Customer Email: 5CF31B13458A2ED8992015A8 External Test Config: 07/15/2010
Customer Email: 6D9D2ED5439C69FB992016B6 External Test Config: 07/13/2010
Company: External Customer Name: Stephen Rittler External Customer Email: 6D9D2ED5439C69FB992016B6 External Test Config: 06/17/2010
:// Please follow-up in that thread, not here in this ticket. Thanks!, -Aaron Date Added :2015-10-24 06:55:24.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Aaron Neff Note Added: Entered Bug. Date Added :2015-10-24 06:07:57.0
2682290 CFB-4130072 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Travis Walters Note Added: I have opened a discussion that Aaron requested here:{fe79e453-8058-49b6-a86b-DVAPR-27475619ed3d}&topid={B
ae6b998571df3c4a0ed8a78fc9/acf2016?theme=monokai function brad() { return {}; } tempVariable = brad(); writeOutput( isNull( ) );
'./puli/#sql-53_4b.frm' (errno: 150) "There are many property attributes possible that aren't covered in a thorough manner in the documentation, and trying to get these properties correctly defined for more complex real world applications leaves a developer working somewhat in the dark. Thanks for any
it for future use. If "cfsqltype" cannot be shortened to "type", I'm asking that this ER not be dismissed in whole - but *at least* drop requirement for the "cf_sql_" in the values. I'm just not seeing any need for "cf_sql_". Related thread:
Name"; // With JDBC URL (Other) this.datasources.myDatasource={ class:'' ,connectionString:'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/demo_db?characterEncoding=UTF-8&useUnicode=true' ,username:'demouser' ,password:"encrypted:5943217a74b3d570f7ed78738da72bb4972228f46c8f9b7e96f5e995d66d1e9a
is listed as

jdk-8u261-windows-x64.exe – sha256 – b548f152b59667ed8c9e37f4ed2af642884329af05608a14f7f7ddc133d7c8b3

and the download from the Adobe page does indeed have that sha256 checksum, I tried just now.


Second, let’s look at the download from Oracle. I used this page, where

2982780 CF-4198483 Language : Closures Adam Cameron Add higher-order functions for strings Here's a usecase that came up today: ``` postcode = "E18 1ED"; nato = postcode.listToArray("").map(function(c){ var nato
release had same build number, then the issue still exists.This was previously discussed in the forums here: that thread, I'd written:===========Was a bug. No longer a bug. GMC1 apparently was not adding the datasources into the .car
workaround to slow stub creation. Related post (item #10):{81302E9C-2163-4C37-9582-D9C14B236AE8}&topid={9CD6A3F8-E971-479C-A3B6-9FCCEF37845A}&tp=1&repid={8F87F3E4-A3AC-4735-AF69-729ED70155AE}&tp=1 Method
Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3043097 External Customer Info: External Company: External Customer Name: Rod stichbury External Customer Email: 5CF31B13458A2ED8992015A8 External Test Config: 01/16/2011
----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3041954 External Customer Info: External Company: External Customer Name: Stephen Rittler External Customer Email: 6D9D2ED5439C69FB992016B6 External Test Config: 08/27/2010
Bug ID: 3041311 Deployment Phase: Release Candidate External Customer Info: External Company: External Customer Name: Stephen Rittler External Customer Email: 6D9D2ED5439C69FB992016B6 External Test Config: 04/12/2010
-Cookie: SAML-Ticket=%3Csaml2%3AAssertion+Version%3D%222.0%22+ID%3D%22SAML-afb7ce33-11c0-40fa-8ed6 -acfb070f5b01%22+IssueInstant%3D%222018-03-19T13%3A19%3A14Z%22+xmlns%3Asaml2%3D%22urn%3Aoa sis%3Anames%3Atc%3ASAML%3A2.0%3Aassertion%22%3E%3Csaml2%3AIssuer%3ESBB-WSG-TEST%3C%2Fsaml2 %3AIssuer%3E%3CSignature
Parse() after having used XmlFormat() ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3043865 External Customer Info: External Company: External Customer Name: Jason Fill External Customer Email: 13ED3943409A5C5F992016B6 External Test Config: 06/16/2011
-4284-4489-b8e2-839e0567f308}&topid={2ed78bf6-7cd8-48fb-ab94-adbfdcd35c30}&repid={C47912FA-21F9-4612-8298-675861B46AA7}&tp=2 Thanks!, -Aaron Date Added :2015-11-25 10:47:42.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Aaron Neff Note Added: Copying my comment from
0114-690D-B4F0-6E11-CD0F3CDA72AC destination = ColdFusion messageId = 65D6531E-5559-ED6F-9435-04BB35AA7649 timestamp = 1383058847216 timeToLive = 0 body = [ ] hdr(DSRequestTimeout) = 30 hdr(DSId) = 2D3EFF72-EE1C-D8BF-F44D-256960FBA857 hdr(DSEndpoint) = my
(DSValidateEndpoint) = true hdr(DSEndpoint) = magtech-secure-long-polling-amf hdr(DSId) = 32ADC5E8-B31A-1F57-50F5-ED86869A7E69 errorReply: Flex Message (flex.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage) clientId = 331A3C73-901F-61DA-8F42-2798D21DDDB5 correlationId = EC9A7AA1-BBFE-5E9C-7438-8B4E527E2868 destination
to the following: Faulting application name: coldfusion.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5052ed25 Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.2.9200.16420, time stamp: 0x505ab405 Exception code: 0xc0000374 Fault offset: 0x00000000000ea485 Faulting process id: 0x1cec Faulting application start time: 0x01cdac
=N'COLUMN',@level2name=N'LastUpdate'GOHere's an example SQL query that works:insert into Product (categoryID, lastUpdate, insertDate, title, isActive, description, categoryOrder)values ('DF9912F3-775A-46E7-8C90-ED1979F13C3B','2010-01-01','2011-01-11','My title',1,'Hello kitty description',4);Here's some Cold
), and few are Fed agencies. Some are state govs, some are higher ed, many are large corporate entities. You just aren't going to hear about them because a) it's not in their interest to promote that they use CF (any more than most would promote that they use any particular technology). And b) consultants