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Tracker Issue EULA file
EULA file
Tracker Issue EULA doesn't cover container/Docker scenarios
EULA doesn't cover container/Docker scenarios
Tracker Issue 2018 EULA not on Adobe website
2018 EULA not on Adobe website
Tracker Issue EULA for .Net and Solr Installers
EULA for .Net and Solr Installers
Comment on EULA doesn't cover container/Docker scenarios by Bradley W.
Comment on EULA doesn't cover container/Docker scenarios by Vamseekrishna N.
Comment on EULA doesn't cover container/Docker scenarios by Doug C.
Finding the EULA (End User Licensing Agreement) for your installed CF version
Tracker Comment Comment on 2018 EULA not on Adobe website by Vamseekrishna N.
Comment on 2018 EULA not on Adobe website by Vamseekrishna N.
Tracker Comment Comment on 2018 EULA not on Adobe website by Bradley W.
Comment on 2018 EULA not on Adobe website by Bradley W.
Portal Topic Old company using my license
iNozz3l Old company using my license license issue moving company's still in use on old VM
The post Old company using my license appeared first on ColdFusion. EULA,Licensing,Question,2016,eula,licensing,question
Shawn Kallner Please make the new EULA available so we can examine differences.
Portal Comment Comment on What are the editions of Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) and how are they priced? by Charlie Arehart
Charlie Arehart Thanks, Anit and Saurav. And to be clear, lest anyone wonder, the "doc" that was "updated" was not the PDF that Anit (and the post now point to), but just the blog post here, removing the references to "per cpu". The EULA was not changed at all since 2018 came out, right?
Portal Comment Comment on Java 11 License with ColdFusion 2018 on Virtual Server in a Cluster by Charlie Arehart
="nofollow">cfinstal@adobe.com, they will get you to the right person (yep, that's one letter L).
In the meantime, I will say that I am not aware that even CF can be licensed "for a specific number of virtual cores but not all the physical cores in a cluster", at least not as I read the EULA. Perhaps there are custom licensing agreements
mean by "non-prod". If you eula-end-user-licensing-agreement-for-your-installed-cf-version/">read the CF EULA, you will see it distinguishes things. With the Developer edition (no license), which I mentioned above is always free--and meant
Portal Comment Comment on What are the editions of Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) and how are they priced? by Charlie Arehart
Charlie Arehart Thanks for the recent bunch of posts, Saurav. But for this one, isn't Enterprise priced per 8 CPUs?
That's what it says in the EULA:
Tracker Issue CF2018 Docker Error
5926707 CF-4204706 Containers: CF Docker Image CF2018 Docker Error Problem: When we try to run the below command, for CF2018 image, there is an error for web.xml file.
Method: docker run --rm -it -e acceptEULA=YES -v D:\dockerroot\wwwroot:/app eaps-docker-coldfusion.bintray.io/cf/coldfusion:2018
Optional ENV Variables:
print in the EULA, like the limited the number of websites you can host, and set a reasonable number companies infrastructure you can host on a license making it more friendly for service providers. There shouldn’t be all the strings attached to a license’s use case.
Finally it needs to remove the fine print in the EULA, like the limited the number of websites you can host, and set a reasonable number companies infrastructure you can host on a license making it more friendly for service providers. There shouldn’t be all the strings attached to a license’s use case.
Portal Comment Comment on Old company using my license by Charlie Arehart
" page) to cause it to take effect. As for whether you legitimately using that license, that depends on whether you bought it (legitimately) and are using it in accordance with the terms of the EULA (end user licensing agreement, found in a text file in the root of your CF folder
of the folder, and terminate (and remove) the container:
docker run –rm -e acceptEULA=YES eaps-docker-coldfusion.bintray.io/cf/coldfusion:2018.0.0 ls ../wwwroot/cf_scripts/scripts/ajax/ckeditor/skins/moono
Of course, if you have never pulled down that the image with that 2018.0.0 tag, then you
, and it still has the same problem if I DO specify a volume):
docker run --rm -e acceptEULA=YES eaps-docker-coldfusion.bintray.io/cf/coldfusion:latest-2018 cli
I will get first an error (if I don't specify a volume for the /app folder), then (either way) it tries to start the interactive mode, then I get
Tracker Issue errors on docker image help page
" section (this time, about the add-ons image). it mistakenly lists the env vars for CF images. as being those for the add-ons image, which is of course incorrect. They should be shown as:
7) Also, while we're on this set of env vars (for the add-ons), note