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2612097 CF-3558382 AJAX : Plumbing Donald Langhorne SerializeJson improper conversion of dates. Problem Description: SerializeJson() function apparently converts date strings into a specific format. I am finding that this behavior is not consistent, some things get converted, others do not. Steps
2613157 CF-3342688 Documentation Donald Langhorne Local Documentation is missing Problem Description: Local Documentation is completely missing. Steps to Reproduce: Install ColdFusion 10, leave 'Documentation' option checked, complete installation Actual Result: Local documentation is completely
2610930 CF-3665422 Database Donald Langhorne Looping over a query resultset in CFscript using for-in loop produces different result than traditional loop Problem Description: When you have a query that contains boolean values coming from a database, which are always 0/1 the values are "converted
2610925 CF-3667877 Language : Serialization Donald Langhorne Deserializing a a json string where some variables have values of null changes those values Problem Description: I discovered this when I tried to use a json string where some values were null. When I used deserializeJson() it changes