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Bug 81840:Ambiguous Error Message when Distributed Caching via RMI is Enabled and Server is not Connected to a NetworkIf you’ve configured your ehcache
Distributed caching in ColdFusion (2018 release)
Comment on Distributed caching in ColdFusion (2018 release) by James Mohler
Comment on Configuration in Application.cfc to offload session to distributed cache by External U.
Comment on Configuration in Application.cfc to offload session to distributed cache by External U.
Comment on Configuration in Application.cfc to offload session to distributed cache by External U.
Comment on Configuration in Application.cfc to offload session to distributed cache by External U.
Comment on Configuration in Application.cfc to offload session to distributed cache by External U.
Comment on Configuration in Application.cfc to offload session to distributed cache by External U.
Comment on Configuration in Application.cfc to offload session to distributed cache by External U.
Comment on Configuration in Application.cfc to offload session to distributed cache by External U.
Comment on Distributed caching in ColdFusion (2018 release) by Saurav Ghosh
Comment on Distributed caching in ColdFusion (2018 release) by Charlie Arehart
Comment on Configuration in Application.cfc to offload session to distributed cache by External U.
Comment on Configuration in Application.cfc to offload session to distributed cache by External U.
Comment on Configuration in Application.cfc to offload session to distributed cache by External U.
Comment on Configuration in Application.cfc to offload session to distributed cache by External U.
6464530 CF-4205867 Caching : Distributed Caching ColdFusion Runtime's implementation of WeakHashMap generates infinite loop when there is a high number of concurrent requests to a cached resource Problem Description: Terracotta distributed cache is being used together with Ehcache. When, in a
Configuration in Application.cfc to offload session to distributed cache
Comment on Deadlock arising from CFC function requests involving distributed cache and cachePut, cacheGet and cacheRemove calls by A. B.
Comment on Deadlock arising from CFC function requests involving distributed cache and cachePut, cacheGet and cacheRemove calls by Piyush K.
2608730 CF-4015158 External U. +1000 - This is so important for the architecture of modern, highly available applications. Even if all Adobe supported was a simple key/value store with no automatic Java object serialization as the distributed cache, it would be extremely helpful.
Charlie Arehart But to be clear, the PMT is not an Enterprise-only feature, right? Can you clarify for folks what is new in 2018 that is Enterprise-only ? From what I've been able to find, it seems that the only thing is the distributed cache options (Redis and Memcached) for the caching features
Deadlock arising from CFC function requests involving distributed cache and cachePut, cacheGet and cacheRemove calls
2611574 CF-3608928 External U. A lot of developers still find it difficult to map the session to something other than the local server memory. Having CF automatically create appropriate db tables and handle the storage or -- better yet -- allow developers to set a destination in a distributed ehCache
distributed cache like Couchbase. ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3608928 External Customer Info: External Company: External Customer Name: LuisMajano External Customer Email: External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:
be documented, as someone may wonder first if their current Redis version may be too recent for CF, or too old. And this should be clarified as to whether it may be different for the two CF features which leverage Redis, either the CF2016 feature for holding CF sessions or the CF2018 feature for distributed
Comment on Deadlock arising from CFC function requests involving distributed cache and cachePut, cacheGet and cacheRemove calls by A. B.
4456191 CF-4202859 A. B. Hi Piyush K., Thank you for looking into this. Because of this issue, we months ago stopped using Ehcache Replicated Caching by means of RMI. We now use distributed caching by means of Terracotta. We also upgraded all our instances to the latest version of ColdFusion 2018
Charlie Arehart Folks, there are some problems with this post. First, it asserts that many of the new things are enterprise-only in cf2018 when in fact Rakshith confirmed for me that only one is: the distributed caching. You may want to confirm that yourselves and revise this and your original
2611574 CF-3608928 External U. Agreed. Railo allows for a pluggable cache architecture and session storage can be placed in any cache you want. Very handy to drop in distributed session storage in an external store of your choice. This would be a great additional to Adobe ColdFusion as well.
variable/cache space within a cluster.This would not necessarily have to be a JRUN cluster as needed for session replication, but just any type of arrangement of CF server instances. I'm currently building a solution for a client where I basically work with a distributed ehCache and cfcache to simulate a
duplicate of CF-4202859. As I could not recreate our original test environment, I decided to write new test code. I have kept it simple: no distributed (Terracotta) cache to start with. Just the Ehcache in ColdFusion. In the test, one request uses a while-true loop to continually do a cachePut, then a
5119969 CF-4203581 Caching : Distributed Caching "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/nio/channels/FileLock" during shutdown and restart Problem Description: Whenever we restart ColdFusion we get the following error message in coldfusion-error.log. Steps to Reproduce: 1) Restart ColdFusion (or
confirmation from someone rather than try to interpret the inconsistency. But then the same question stands for the Auto Lockdown tool, Distributed Caching (multiple engines), REPL, and REST Playground features. The Ent Buying Guide lists them, but not the general buying guide (first link above) nor the Std
5346364 CF-4204016 Caching : Distributed Caching ClassCastException in Ehcache / Hibernate Problem Description: We have 2 ColdFusion 2018 instances, one called StudiemeterStaging2018, the other StudiereaderStaging2018. On 2 January 2019 ColdFusion wrote the following error-messages to coldfusion
for distributed cache. That is, configure them to share the same cacheRegions. 6) In the Administrator of each ColdFusion instance, set the value of "Maximum Number of Simultaneous CFC Function Requests" to 50, say. 7) The instances should share an identical test application. The application will consist