displaying top 100 results
Tracker Issue Bug 76964:validateparams (not validateparam)
2601011 CF-3038416 Documentation : General Devin Holloway Bug 76964:validateparams (not validateparam) Problem:
validateparams (not validateparam)
CentuarBeta1DevelopersGuide.pdf pg.21
Under the section "Validate and validateparam attributes", the documentation discusses the "validateparam
Tracker Issue Bug 76092:One-to-* singularName for implicit methods
2601439 CF-3037961 ORM Support Devin Holloway Bug 76092:One-to-* singularName for implicit methods Problem:
One-to-* singularName for implicit methods.
Current, the singularName attribute allows you to control the add*() and remove*() implicit method names. This should also apply to the has
Tracker Issue Bug 75962:Setting both @unique and @uniquekey results in two unique constraints generated
2601528 CF-3037865 ORM Support Devin Holloway Bug 75962:Setting both @unique and @uniquekey results in two unique constraints generated Problem:
Setting both @unique and @uniquekey results in two unique constraints generated.
If you set the uniquekey attribute, then unique="true" should
Tracker Issue Bug 75802:Implement Hibernate's NamingStrategy
2601631 CF-3037758 ORM Support Devin Holloway Bug 75802:Implement Hibernate's NamingStrategy Problem:
Implement Hibernate's NamingStrategy. We need the ability to implement Hibernate's NamingStrategy in the ormSettings. One method would be to reference a CFC containing the methods that define how
2601781 CF-3037588 Language : CFSCRIPT Devin Holloway Bug 75551:cannot define an empty stuct in short-hand syntax as argument default Problem:
cannot define an empty stuct in short-hand syntax as argument default
remote array function fill(string entity, struct filter
Tracker Issue Bug 74841:(Watson Migration Closure)Stack overflow error when using SerializeJSON() on a cfc with circular references
2602130 CF-3037196 AJAX : Plumbing Devin Holloway Bug 74841:(Watson Migration Closure)Stack overflow error when using SerializeJSON() on a cfc with circular references Problem:
Stack overflow error when using SerializeJSON() on a cfc with circular references.
Create two cfc
Tracker Issue When using offline AIR support, the actionscript load(cls, object, ignoreLazyLoading) method is broken
2613621 CF-3199274 Flex/Flash Devin Holloway When using offline AIR support, the actionscript load(cls, object, ignoreLazyLoading) method is broken Problem Description:
I have a client-side class named "User". I try to load specific records from the generated SQLite table using the load() method
Tracker Issue Open up the source to cfair.swc
2610658 CF-3688479 Flex/Flash Devin Holloway Open up the source to cfair.swc Problem Description:
There's a few old bugs with the 'Offline AIR' support that have not been resolved: 3199275, 3199274, and 3199273. If the source was available, I could easily override or recompile with the new fixes
Tracker Issue When using offline AIR support, the client-side [Transient] metadata is already used for another purpose.
2613620 CF-3199275 Flex/Flash Devin Holloway When using offline AIR support, the client-side [Transient] metadata is already used for another purpose. Problem Description:
Flex uses the [Transient] meta-data on a property to omit sending that property to the server. ColdFusion AIR offline support
2613622 CF-3199273 Flex/Flash Devin Holloway When using offline AIR support, certain class property names need escaped Problem Description: When using offline AIR support, I have a client-side class with a property named "primary". The SQLite table for this class cannot be created because the SQL
2599911 CF-3039589 Documentation : General Devin Holloway Bug 79319:Whenever an Error is displayed on a ColdFusion page, it lists resources:Resources: •Check the ColdFusion documentation to verify that you are using the correct syntax Problem:
Whenever an Error is displayed on a ColdFusion page
2600143 CF-3039344 ORM Support Devin Holloway Bug 78899:Configure the "saveMappings" orm setting on the CFC level Problem:
Configure the "saveMappings" orm setting on the CFC level.Anytime you have to make modifications to the hbm.xml file for configurations not exposed in the CFC (advanced
Tracker Issue Bug 78067:(Watson Migration Closure)Bring back CFC-Beans
2600497 CF-3038965 Language : CF Component Devin Holloway Bug 78067:(Watson Migration Closure)Bring back CFC-Beans Problem:
Bring back CFC-Beans. These could be the single most performance enhancing features of CF9 and help to put the notion of, "CF's performance is too slow to use
Tracker Issue Bug 77334:(Watson Migration Closure)I’ve noticed that we must still list all poperties at the top of the CFC, or things break
2600812 CF-3038629 Language : CF Component Devin Holloway Bug 77334:(Watson Migration Closure)I’ve noticed that we must still list all poperties at the top of the CFC, or things break Problem:
I’ve noticed that we must still list all poperties at the top of the CFC, or things break. Can
2600926 CF-3038510 ORM Support Devin Holloway Bug 77148:Error using private/package scope for property setters Problem:
Error using private/package scope for property setters.
quoted from Rupesh Kumar
Actually when we need to get the data from the object for storing it in DB, we call the getter
2601420 CF-3037981 Language : CF Component Devin Holloway Bug 76132:Configure access type of implicit getters/setters Problem:
Configure access type of implicit getters/setters.
Currently, implicit getters/setters can be public or none at all. There's no way to restrict them to the private
Tracker Issue Bug 76101:If you create a one-to-one ORM relationship, an implicit has*() method is created
2601433 CF-3037967 ORM Support Devin Holloway Bug 76101:If you create a one-to-one ORM relationship, an implicit has*() method is created Problem:
If you create a one-to-one ORM relationship, an implicit has*() method is created. This is good, but the documentation only talks about implicit method
2601438 CF-3037962 ORM Support Devin Holloway Bug 76093:No support for default values for timestamp and version fieldtypes Problem:
No support for default values for timestamp and version fieldtypes. You can currenly specify some default database values such as strings and numbers, but you can
2600302 CF-3039174 Language : CF Component Devin Holloway Bug 78589:Strict persistent CFC with integer id needs unsavedvalue Problem:
Strict persistent CFC with integer id needs unsavedvalue.
I keep running into this gotcha. If you create a strict CFC with a typical integer id:
* @fieldtype
2600503 CF-3038958 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting Devin Holloway Bug 78059:(Watson Migration Closure)Proxy ActionScript Classes Problem:
Proxy ActionScript Classes
The current list of supported services
cfchart, cfdocument, cfimage, cfmail, cfpdf, and cfpop.
There are, of course, serveral more
2600700 CF-3038752 Language : Tags Devin Holloway Bug 77630:(Watson Migration Closure)attributeColleciton with undefined arguments Problem:
attributeColleciton with undefined arguments.
Passing the arguments scope to a tag's attributeCollection shouldn't pass undefined arguments
Tracker Issue Bug 76791:(Watson Migration Closure)Include support for grouping of properties under one reference
2601128 CF-3038294 ORM Support Devin Holloway Bug 76791:(Watson Migration Closure)Include support for grouping of properties under one reference Problem:
Include support for grouping of properties under one reference.
This is not a request for support in CFC entities but rather, for this work
2601200 CF-3038219 Language : CFSCRIPT Devin Holloway Bug 76618:Bug specifying an Array-of-CFC datatype for a cfproperty in cfscript Problem:
Bug specifying an Array-of-CFC datatype for a cfproperty in cfscript.
A syntax error occurs when specifying an array of cfc's as the datatype of a cfscript
2601434 CF-3037966 ORM Support Devin Holloway Bug 76100:Validate attribute for cfproperty and CFC types Problem:
Validate attribute for cfproperty and CFC types.
cfargument allows basic datatypes as well as cfc datatypes in the "type" attribute. However, a cfproperty only allows the basic
2601529 CF-3037864 ORM Support Devin Holloway Bug 75961:(Watson Migration Closure)Primary key generation on linked tables Problem:
Primary key generation on linked tables.
If you define a many-to-many relationship with a linked table, the linked table does get created but with no PK. Generally
2601703 CF-3037669 ORM Support Devin Holloway Bug 75675:Allow "many-to-one" and "one-to-many" relationships using a link table to be defined in the CFC rather than having to define that in the hibernate xml Problem:
Allow "many-to-one" and "one-to-many" relationships using a link table
2598089 CF-3041754 Language : Exception Handling Devin Holloway Bug 83525:(Watson Migration Closure)I’m using CF as a backend to a Flex application Problem:
I’m using CF as a backend to a Flex application. Originally, when Flex was requesting data from CF, I could throw an exception if certain
2601780 CF-3037589 ORM Support Devin Holloway Bug 75552:Cannot use ORM with LCDS Data Management because there's no way to specify a use-implicit-accessors flag in the data-management-config like there is in the remoting-config Problem:
Cannot use ORM with LCDS Data Management because there